969 resultados para attori, concorrenza, COOP, Akka, benchmark


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Measurements of particle concentrations and distributions in terms of number, surface area, and mass were performed simultaneously at eight sampling points within a symmetric street canyon of an Italian city. The aim was to obtain a useful benchmark for validation of wind tunnel experiments and numerical schemes: to this purpose, the influence of wind directions and speeds was considered. Particle number concentrations (PNCs) were higher on the leeward side than the windward side of the street canyon due to the wind vortex effect. Different vertical PNC profiles were observed between the two canyon sides depending on the wind direction and speed at roof level. A decrease in particle concentrations was observed with increasing rooftop wind speed, except for the coarse fraction indicating a possible particle resuspension due to the traffic and wind motion. This study confirms that particle concentration fields in urban street canyons are strongly influenced by traffic emissions and meteorological parameters, especially wind direction and speed.


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Researchers developing climate-based forecasts, workshops, software tools and information to aid grazier decisions undertook an evaluation study to enhance planning and benchmark impact. One hundred graziers in Western Queensland were randomly selected from 7 shires and surveyed by mail and telephone (43 respondents) to explore levels of knowledge and use of climate information, practices and information needs. We found 36% of respondents apply the Southern Oscillation Index to property decisions but 92% were unaware El Niño Southern Oscillation’s predictive signal in the region is greater for pasture growth than rainfall, suggesting they may not recognise the potential of pasture growth forecasts. Almost 75% of graziers consider they are conservative or risk averse in their attitude to managing their enterprise. Mail respondents (n= 20) if given a 68%, on average, probability of exceeding median rainfall forecast may change a decision; almost two-thirds vary stocking rate based on forage available, last year’s pasture growth or the Southern Oscillation Index; the balance maintain a constant stocking rate strategy; 90% have access to a computer; 75% to the internet and 95% have a fax. This paper presents findings of the study and draws comparisons with a similar study of 174 irrigators in the Northern Murray-Darling Basin (Aust. J. Exp. Ag. 44, 247-257). New insights and information gained are helping the team better understand client needs and plan, design and extend tools and information tailored to grazier knowledge, practice, information needs and preferences. Results have also provided a benchmark against which to measure project impact and have influenced the team to make important changes to their project planning, activities and methods for transferring technology tailored to grazier preferences.


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Women at the boundary. Kyöpeli ( ghost, devil, elf, fairy, enchantress, witch ), Nainen ( woman ), Naara(s) ( female animal, derogatory term for a woman ), Neitsyt ( young, [virgin] woman ), Morsian ( bride ), Akka ( old woman, wife, grandmother ) and Ämmä ( [old] woman, wife, grandmother ) in Finnish place names This study examines a total of about 4,000 Finnish place names which include a specific that refers to a woman: Kyöpeli, Nainen, Naara(s), Neitsyt, Morsian, Akka or Ämmä. The study has two main objectives. First, to interpret the place names in the data, that is, to examine the words included in the data and establish their background and to differentiate names of different ages. In establishing the background of a name, the type of place (e.g. lake, hill or marsh) and its location, as well as the semantics of the feminine specific, are taken into account. The connotations of words referring to a woman are also studied. Words that refer to a woman are often affective and susceptible to changes in meaning, which is reflected in the history of place names. The second main objective is to recognise and highlight mythological place names. Mythology is pivotal for the interpretation of many place names with a feminine specific. The criteria for mythological names have not been explicitly discussed in Finnish onomastics until now, and I seek to determine such criteria in this study with the help of the data. Mythological place names often refer to large and significant natural localities, which are in many cases important boundaries for the community. Names for smaller localities may also be mythological if they refer to a place with a key location or a special topography (e.g. steep or rocky places). I also discuss the stories involved with specific places in the data, such as stories about supernatural beings. Each of the name groups discussed in the study has its own profile. For example, Naara(s) names are so old that naara is no longer understood to refer to a woman. These names have thus often been misinterpreted in onomastics. Names beginning with Morsian, on the other hand, appear to be of fairly recent origin and may be attributed to an international cautionary tale. Names beginning with Nais, Neitsyt, Akka and Ämmä highlight the duality of the data. They include both old names for important natural localities or boundaries and more recent names for modest dwellings, small cultivated areas and useless marshy ponds. This distribution of place names may reflect a cultural shift that changed the status of women in the community.


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A new two-stage state feedback control design approach has been developed to monitor the voltage supplied to magnetorheological (MR) dampers for semi-active vibration control of the benchmark highway bridge. The first stage contains a primary controller, which provides the force required to obtain a desired closed-loop response of the system. In the second stage, an optimal dynamic inversion (ODI) approach has been developed to obtain the amount of voltage to be supplied to each of the MR dampers such that it provides the required force prescribed by the primary controller. ODI is formulated by optimization with dynamic inversion, such that an optimal voltage is supplied to each damper in a set. The proposed control design has been simulated for both phase-I and phase-II study of the recently developed benchmark highway bridge problem. The efficiency of the proposed controller is analyzed in terms of the performance indices defined in the benchmark problem definition. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach generally reduces peak response quantities over those obtained from the sample semi-active controller, although some response quantities have been seen to be increasing. Overall, the proposed control approach is quite competitive as compared with the sample semi-active control approach.


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We discuss constrained and semi--constrained versions of the next--to--minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (NMSSM) in which a singlet Higgs superfield is added to the two doublet superfields that are present in the minimal extension (MSSM). This leads to a richer Higgs and neutralino spectrum and allows for many interesting phenomena that are not present in the MSSM. In particular, light Higgs particles are still allowed by current constraints and could appear as decay products of the heavier Higgs states, rendering their search rather difficult at the LHC. We propose benchmark scenarios which address the new phenomenological features, consistent with present constraints from colliders and with the dark matter relic density, and with (semi--)universal soft terms at the GUT scale. We present the corresponding spectra for the Higgs particles, their couplings to gauge bosons and fermions and their most important decay branching ratios. A brief survey of the search strategies for these states at the LHC is given.


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Fuzzy logic control (FLC) systems have been applied as an effective control system in various fields, including vibration control of structures. The advantage of this approach is its inherent robustness and ability to handle non‐linearities and uncertainties in structural behavior and loading. The study evaluates the three‐dimensional benchmark control problem for a seismically excited highway bridge using an ANFIS driven hydraulic actuators. An ANN based training strategy that considers both velocity and acceleration feedback together with a fuzzy logic rule base is developed. Present study needs only 4 accelerometers and 4 fuzzy rule bases to determine the control force, instead of 8 accelerometers and 4 displacement transducers used in the benchmark study problem. The results obtained are better than that obtained from the benchmark control algorithm.


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Structures with governing equations having identical inertial terms but somewhat differing stiffness terms can be termed flexurally analogous. An example of such a structure includes an axially loaded non-uniform beam and an unloaded uniform beam, for which an exact solution exists. We find that there exist shared eigenpairs (frequency and mode shapes) for a particular mode between such structures. Non-uniform beams with uniform axial loads, gravity loaded beams and rotating beams are considered and shared eigenpairs with uniform beams are found. In general, the derived flexural stiffness functions (FSF's) for the non-uniform beams required for the existence of shared eigenpair have internal singularities, but some of the singularities can be removed by an appropriate selection of integration constants using the theory of limits. The derived functions yield an insight into the relationship between the axial load and flexural stiffness of axially loaded beam structures. The derived functions can serve as benchmark solutions for numerical methods. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[ES] El incremento del consumo de ropa provoca que año a año aumente el volumen de ropa desechada, y con éste, la conciencia sobre la necesidad de reutilizar dicho recurso. Berohi S. Coop. es una de las empresas dedicadas a la recuperación y reciclaje del textil usado, con origen en Bizkaia. La concepción inicial y desarrollo del proyecto empresarial Berohi S. Coop. constituyen el eje central del caso.


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LABURPENA: Lan honetan Burdinola S.Coop.-ko pertsonen kudeaketa aztertuko da, giza baliabideen zuzendaritzaren ikuspuntutik, alegia. Horrela, organizazioetan giza baliabideek zenbaterainoko garrantzia daukaten erakutsi nahi da. Izan ere, alor horretan ezarritako helburu nahiz estrategiek erakundeko helburu orokorrak lortzea errazten dute. Hasteko lanean murgiltzeko balio duen sarrera labur bat, helburuak eta erabilitako metodologiaren zehaztapena egingo da. Ondoren, Burdinola kooperatiba aurkeztuko da eta segidan giza baliabideen ikuspuntutik kanpo zein barne analisia burutuko dira, azkenean AMIA matrize batean ideiak islatuz. Ildo beretik, giza baliabideen helburuak eta estrategiak diseinatuko dira, estrategien ikuskaritza eta ebaluazioa dakartenak loturik. Amaitzeko ondorio nagusienak planteatuko dira, erreferentzi bibliografiko eta eranskinez gain.


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[ES]Este estudio trata de responder a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: ¿Es la innovación una variable estratégica en el sector de la automoción?, ¿Qué tipo de innovación es la más apropiada para este sector?


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[EU] Gradu Amaierako Lan honetan SAKANA kooperatiba da aztertzeko erabili dudan enpresa. 1975. Urtean sortu zen fundizio enpresa industrial bat da. Enpresa hau Lakuntzan dago kokatuta (Nafarroa) eta gaur egun 290 langile ditu. SAKANAK krisi ekonomikoarekin batera etorri zen eskariaren jaitsiera sufritu zuen. Hala ere, gaur egungo egoera ona da, lehiakide batzuen porrota ikusita, krisiari aurre egitea lortu duen enpresa bat izan da. Egungo egoera honen erantzulerik nagusiena 2007. urtean egin zuten aldaketa estrategikoa da. Aldaketa hau integrazio bertikalean oinarritu zen. SAKANAK pieza eolikoak funditzeaz gain, mekanizazioa eta margotzea gehitu zituen bere balio katera. Aldaketa honek kooperatiba honen etorkizunerako norabide bat markatu zuen. Estrategia aldaketa horren kudeaketari dagozkion atal nagusiei egingo zaie aipamena lan honetan, hau da, estrategia horren ezarpena aztertuz eta balorazioa eginez.


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This paper aims to solve the fault tolerant control problem of a wind turbine benchmark. A hierarchical controller with model predictive pre-compensators, a global model predictive controller and a supervisory controller is proposed. In the model predictive pre-compensator, an extended Kalman Filter is designed to estimate the system states and various fault parameters. Based on the estimation, a group of model predictive controllers are designed to compensate the fault effects for each component of the wind turbine. The global MPC is used to schedule the operation of the components and exploit potential system-level redundancies. Extensive simulations of various fault conditions show that the proposed controller has small transients when faults occur and uses smoother and smaller generator torque and pitch angle inputs than the default controller. This paper shows that MPC can be a good candidate for fault tolerant controllers, especially the one with an adaptive internal model combined with a parameter estimation and update mechanism, such as an extended Kalman Filter. © 2012 IFAC.