987 resultados para Zuazo, Secundino (1887-1970)


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Introducción a las memorias inéditas de Secundino Zuazo : 1919-1940


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Die negativen Vorurteile betreffend Ineffizienz der Verwaltung und Behördenfaulheit stehen in krassem Gegensatz zum Einfluss, den die Verwaltung in der Regelung des alltäglichen Lebens einnimmt. Die Rolle der Verwaltung nahm parallel zur Entwicklung des modernen Staats laufend an Bedeutung zu. Dabei verschob sich zunehmend der Gestaltungsraum von den politischen zu den administrativen Institutionen. Die Verwaltungswissenschaft setzt sich mit diesem Wandel auseinander. Daraus folgen verschiedene Fragestellungen: Gibt es ein genug, ein zu viel oder zu wenig an Staat? An wessen Interessen sollte sich die Verwaltung orientieren, wenn sie ihre Aufgaben gut erfüllen wollte: Dem Souverän oder der Exekutive? Dem Monarchen, dem Volk oder der stärksten Partei? Oder soll sie sich auf das Gemeinwohl ausrichten – so undefiniert dieser traditionsreiche Begriff ist und auch ausschliessende, z.B. völkische, Prinzipien zu umfassen vermag? Oder gelten für die Verwaltung eher abstrakte Maximen wie Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Effektivität oder Effizienz? Die bekanntesten Schlagworte der Verwaltungswissenschaft dürften „Bürokratie“ und „New Public Management“ sein. Beide Begriffe sind stark politisiert und auch in ihrer Bedeutung umstritten, wobei letztere auch nicht der Verwendung im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs entspricht. Dies ist aus bedauerlich, weil es die gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung betreffend dieses wichtigen Faktors staatlicher Organisation verhindert. Für die verwaltungswissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung bedeutet dies vor allem eines: Sich der divergierenden Bedeutungen von Begrifflichkeiten bewusst zu sein. Hier stösst man allerdings auf ein wesentliches Problem: Während die Bedeutung in der öffentlichen Diskussion notorisch unscharf ist, kennt auch der wissenschaftliche Diskurs keine klare Definition der Verwaltung, der Verwaltungswissenschaft oder verschiedener verwaltungswissenschaftlicher Konzepte. Die Schwierigkeit, die Verwaltung und ihre Bereiche zu definieren, kann als Versagen der Wissenschaft verstanden werden (Ellwein, 1966: 15; von Stein, 1965: 2384) oder auch daran liegen, dass das Unterfangen prinzipiell unmöglich ist (Forsthoff, 1973: 1). Auf jeden Fall zeigt die komparative Verwaltungswissenschaft, dass Begriffe und Konzepte aus fremdsprachigen Publikationen und deren Kontext übernommen wurden. Besonders deutlich wird dies darin, dass in der Management-Literatur oder der Policy-Forschung die ursprünglich englischen Begriffe im deutschen Sprachgebrauch ebenfalls verwendet werden. Aber die Bedeutungen der ursprünglichen Ideen haben sich während des Transfers in den neuen wissenschaftlichen und politischen Zusammenhang geändert. Daraus folgt eine zweite Problemdimension, die bereits von Woodrow Wilson (1941 [1887]) im Gründungsdokument der US-Verwaltungswissenschaft aufgeworfen wurde: Für welchen Bereich kann die Verwaltungswissenschaft eine Gültigkeit beanspruchen? Wilson argumentiert, dass die Verwaltung als eine Technik zu betrachten sei. Als solche sei sie unabhängig vom politischen Kontext gültig, weswegen er vorschlug, die USA sollten sich in der Suche nach der besten Staatsverwaltung am preussisch-deutschen Modell zu orientieren. Analoge Gedankengänge können auch in der deutschen Verwaltungswissenschaft festgestellt werden, wenn sich die Forschenden auf ausländische Inspirationen beziehen. Die Forschenden suchen dabei Antworten, die unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft auf die eigenen politischen, ökonomischen oder sozialen Problemstellungen gemünzt sind. Diese Probleme – genauso wie die Lösungsansätze – können globale sein, orientieren sich in der Regel jedoch an den eigenen nationalen Institutionen. Denn nur von diesen können sich die Forschenden erhoffen, dass ihre Lösungsvorschläge in die Praxis umgesetzt werden. Basierend auf dieser Argumentation schliesst die aktuelle komparative Verwaltungswissenschaft auf nationale Traditionen der Verwaltungswissenschaften, die den spezifischen Staatsverständnissen entsprechen (Raadschelders und Rutgers, 1996; Rutgers, 2001b; Stillman, 2001). Dabei werden zwei wesentliche Faktoren ausgeblendet: Erstens wandelte sich das Staatsverständnis im Verlauf der Zeit. Zweitens sind und waren die Verwaltungsforschenden trotz ihrer Ausrichtung an einer nationalen Institution nicht in einem nationalen Diskurs isoliert. In den modernen und zeitgenössischen verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Publikationen wird die internationale Einbettung sowohl in den referierten Werken als auch in den Moden der behandelten Themen und angewandten Methoden evident. Diese Einsicht gilt aber nicht erst ab der Globalisierung in den 1990er Jahren, sondern lässt sich bereits in der Zeit vor der deutschen Staatenbildung aufzeigen. Gerade die Kameralisten reisten häufig zwischen den europäischen Fürstenhäusern umher und sorgten dadurch nicht nur für eine weite Verbreitung ihrer Ansätze, sondern kamen selbstverständlich auch mit fremden Ideen in Kontakt (Wakefield, 2009). Und die Entwicklung in der deutschen Verwaltungswissenschaft nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg kann ohne eine tiefere Betrachtung der Entwicklungen in den USA nicht verstanden werden. Aus diesem Grund wird hier ein Versuch unternommen, die Entwicklung der deutschen Verwaltungswissenschaft von der Gründung Deutschlands 1871 bis in die 1970er Jahre auf den Einfluss US-amerikanischer Ideen hin zu untersuchen. Dazu werden zuerst in der Sektion I der Untersuchungsgegenstand und die theoretischen Grundlagen eingeführt, anhand derer der Import von Ideen aus den USA durch die deutsche Verwaltungswissenschaft untersucht wird. Sektion II zeigt anhand von Primärquellen die Entwicklung der deutschen Verwaltungswissenschaft. Die Struktur folgt dabei den Phasen sozialer und politischer Umbrüche: Gründung des deutschen Reiches (Kapitel II.1), Zwischenkriegsperiode (Kapitel II.2), Nachkriegszeit (Kapitel II.3) sowie die 1960er und 1970er Jahre (II.4). In Sektion III wird der Ideentransfer analysiert und danach in IV die Konklusionen betreffend die deutsche Tradition der Verwaltungswissenschaft präsentiert.


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Children’s theatre exists along with other theatrical forms in the cultural life of the Sultanate of Oman. Despite the fact that Omani Children’s Theatre started its life at the beginning of the 1970s, many challenges and obstacles continue to face its ongoing development. A significant landmark in this development was the first Omani Children's Theatre Festival which took place in 2007, thirty-five years after the first Omani children’s play was produced in 1972. This festival represents a new era in the history of Omani theatre in general and the history of children’s theatre in particular. This study investigates how Children’s Theatre in the Sultanate of Oman can become a viable and valued form of art for the future. It outlines the historical background and the present situation of Omani children’s theatre and, through discussions with interviewees, defines the obstacles it presently faces and suggests ways to overcome them. The study provides a clear vision for a strong children’s theatre culture in Oman and outlines recommendations for achieving this vision. Presently, there is little written documentation about children’s theatre in Oman. This study provides the first comprehensive historical overview.


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Mathematical models of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission originated in the early twentieth century to provide insights into how to most effectively combat malaria. The foundations of the Ross–Macdonald theory were established by 1970. Since then, there has been a growing interest in reducing the public health burden of mosquito-borne pathogens and an expanding use of models to guide their control. To assess how theory has changed to confront evolving public health challenges, we compiled a bibliography of 325 publications from 1970 through 2010 that included at least one mathematical model of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission and then used a 79-part questionnaire to classify each of 388 associated models according to its biological assumptions. As a composite measure to interpret the multidimensional results of our survey, we assigned a numerical value to each model that measured its similarity to 15 core assumptions of the Ross–Macdonald model. Although the analysis illustrated a growing acknowledgement of geographical, ecological and epidemiological complexities in modelling transmission, most models during the past 40 years closely resemble the Ross–Macdonald model. Modern theory would benefit from an expansion around the concepts of heterogeneous mosquito biting, poorly mixed mosquito-host encounters, spatial heterogeneity and temporal variation in the transmission process.


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Objective To describe the trend of overall mortality and major causes of death in Shandong population from 1970 to 2005,and to quantitatively estimate the influential factors. Methods Trends of overall mortality and major causes of death were described using indicators such as mortality rates and age-adjusted death rates by comparing three large-scale mortality surveys in Shandong province. Difference decomposing method was applied to estimate the contribution of demographic and non-demographic factors for the change of mortality. Results The total mortality had had a slight change since 1970s,but had increased since 1990s.However,both the mortality rates of age-adjusted and age-specific decreased significantly. The mortality of Group Ⅰ diseases including infectious diseases as well maternal and perinatal diseases decreased drastically. By contrast, the mortality of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs)including cardiovascular diseases(CVDs),cancer and injuries increased. The sustentation of recent overall mortality was caused by the interaction of demographic and non-demographic factors which worked oppositely. Non-demographic factors were responsible for the decrease of Group Ⅰ disease and the increase of injuries. With respect to the increase of NCDs as a whole. Demographic factors might take the full responsibility and the non-demographic factors were the opposite force to reduce the mortality. Nevertheless, for the increase of some leading NCD diseases as CVDs and cancer, the increase was mainly due to non-demographic rather than demographic factors. Conclusion Through the interaction of the aggravation of ageing population and the enhancement of non-demographic effect, the overall mortality in Shandong would maintain a balance or slightly rise in the coming years. Group Ⅰ diseases in Shandong had been effectively under control. Strategies focusing on disease control and prevention should be transferred to chronic diseases, especially leading NCDs, such as CVDs and cancer.


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Between 1935 and 1970 the state-funded Irish Folklore Commission (Coimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann) assembled one of the great folklore collections of the world under the direction of Séamus Ó Duilearga (James Hamilton Delargy). The aim of this study is to recount and assess the work and achievement of this commission. The cultural, linguistic, political and ideological factors that had a bearing on the establishment and making permanent of the Commission and that impinged on many aspects of its work are here elucidated. The genesis of the Commission is traced and the vision and mission of Séamus Ó Duilearga are outlined. The negotiations that preceded the setting up of the Commission in 1935 as well as protracted efforts from 1940 to 1970 to place it on a permanent foundation are recounted and examined at length. All the various collecting programmes and other activities of the Commission are described in detail and many aspects of its work are assessed. This study also deals with the working methods and conditions of employment of the Commission s field and Head Office staff as well as with Séamus Ó Duilearga s direction of the Commission. In executing this work extensive use has been made of primary sources in archives and libraries in Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and North America. This is the first major study of this world-famous institute, which has been praised in passing in numerous publications, but here for the first time its work and achievement are detailed comprehensively and subjected to scholarly scrutiny. This study should be of interest not only to students of Irish oral tradition but to folklorists everywhere. The history of the Irish Folklore Commission is a part of a wider history, that of the history of folkloristics in Europe and North America in particular. Moreover, this work has relevance for many areas of the developing world today, where conditions are not dissimilar to those that pertained in Ireland in the 1930's when this great salvage operation was funded by the young, independent Irish state. It is also hoped that this work will be of practical assistance to scholars and the general public when utilising these collections, and that furthermore it will stimulate research into the assembling of other national collections of folklore as well as into the history of folkloristics in other countries, subjects which in recent years are beginning to attract more and more scholarly attention.


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The focus of this thesis is the marine environmental history of the eastern part and the estuary of the Kymi river from 1945 to 1970. There is no previous research on this area from an environmentally historical perspective, nor have many of the sources here discussed been previously used. Therefore the thesis expands academic understanding of local environmental processes and protection in and around the city of Kotka and the Kymi river. The thesis falls within the methodological field of socio-political history, as the research focus is centered on the local process of establishing the nature of environmental problems and solving them. The principal assumption has been that the city of Kotka, due to its ongoing expansion, was slow to respond to environmental hazards. The Kymi river was among the most degraded bodies of water during this period. Kotka on the other hand was a major center of wood processing industry and one of Finlands major industrial ports. In the past the river and its estuary had provided ample resources for fishers. It is this contradictory use of the environment that allows one to discuss the local struggle for the correct use of the environment. Primary sources include local and city archives, environmental studies, and legal documents linked with the above. The archives of the city of Kotka and of various private associations form the core sources. Environmental studies from the research period have been dealt with as sources to the local political power struggle. Alongside with current environmental research they also provide insight into the state of the environment. Another goals has been to accumulate environmental research for a future multidisciplinary study in this area. As a final conclusion it can be said that environmental degradation was widely understood as a problem only in the 1960s. The influential role of the city of Kotka however determined the pace with which these problems were then solved.


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Tutkimuksessani olen keskittynyt tarkastelemaan säveltäjä Jukka Ruohomäen (s.1947) 1970-luvun sävellystuotantoa ja teosten tyylipiirteitä sekä Ruohomäen toimintaa elektroakustisen musiikin parissa. Ruohomäen 1970-luvun teokset kuuluvat elektroakustisen nauhamusiikin lajiin. Aiempaa tutkimusta hänen musiikistaan ei ole tehty. Tutkimuksen kohteen tarkastelua varten työssä luodaan kuva elektroakustisen musiikin historian, kulttuurin ja analyysin kehitykseen sekä elektroakustisen musiikin terminologiaan ja työtapoihin. Elektroakustisen musiikin historiallista kehitystä seurataan 1800-luvulta 1960- ja 1970-lukujen taitteeseen asti, jotta voidaan ymmärtää, mihin kulttuurihistorialliseen kontekstiin Ruohomäen ensimmäisen sävellyskauden (1970–1978) tuotanto on syntynyt. Historiallisesta näkökulmasta tutkimus on kartoittavaa perustutkimusta. Elektroakustisen musiikin analyysimenetelmiä esittelevässä osassa esitellään ne keskeiset menetelmät, joita tässä työssä käytetään Ruohomäen tuotannon analysointiin. Analyysin pääpaino on teosten äänimateriaalien ja rakenteen tarkastelussa. Tähän tarkasteluun valittuja analyysimenetelmiä ovat Simon Emmersonin elektroakustisten teosten jaottelu äänimateriaalien narratiivisuuden ja syntaktisten piirteiden suhteen, Denis Smalleyn spektromorfologia ja Robert Coganin musiikin kuvaamiseen esittelemä sonogrammikuvaaja. Ruohomäen 1970-luvun teosten esittelyn lisäksi tarkemman analyysin kohteeksi on valittu sävellys Pisces (1975–76). Teosesittelyjen pohjalta muodostetaan kuva Ruohomäen ensimmäisen sävellyskauden vaikutteista ja sävellystyylin muuttumisesta. Ruohomäki painottaa sävellysprosessissa kuuntelun merkitystä ja hänen teoksensa syntyvät pikemminkin vuorovaikutuksessa äänimateriaalin ja sävellysteknologian kanssa kuin tarkan etukäteissuunnitelman ohjaamina. Varhaisten teosten populaarimusiikkivaikutteista Ruohomäen musiikki kehittyi 1970-luvulla kohti puhtaampaa konkreettisen musiikin traditiota. Minimalistiset ja stokastisen musiikin ideat ovat kuultavissa kaikissa ensimmäisen sävellyskauden teoksissa. Analyysi teoksesta Pisces tarkentaa kuvaa Ruohomäen sävellysten tyylipiirteistä. Teosanalyysissä luodaan pohjaa myös Ruohomäen kahden sävellyskauden vertailuun. Jatkotutkimuksen kannalta mielenkiintoiseksi kysymykseksi nousee Ruohomäen kahden sävellyskauden vertailu sekä sävellysteknologian kehityksen ja elektroakustisen musiikin estetiikan suhteen tarkastelu tämän vertailun avulla.


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The number of Finnish pupils attending special education has increased for more than a decade (Tilastokeskus 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005a, 2006b, 2007b, 2008b, 2008e, 2009b; Virtanen ja Ratilainen 1996). In the year 2007 nearly third of Finnish comprehensive school pupils took part in special needs education. According to the latest statistics, in the autumn of 2008 approximately 47 000 pupils have been admitted or transferred to special education and approximately 126 000 pupils received part-time special education during the 2007 - 2008 academic year. (Tilastokeskus 2008b, 2009b.) The Finnish special education system is currently under review. The Reform, both in legislation and in practice, began nationwide in the year 2008 (e.g. Special education strategy document, November 2007 and the development project Kelpo). The aim of the study was the statistical description of the Finnish special education system and on the other hand to gain a deeper understanding about the Finnish special education system and its quantitative increase, by analysis based on the nationwide statistical information. Earlier studies have shown that the growth in special education is affected by multiple independent variables and cannot be solely explained by the pupil characteristics. The statistical overview and analysis have been carried out in two parts. In the first part, the description and analysis were based on statistical time series from the academic year 1979 -1980 until 2008. While, in the second, more detailed description and analysis, based on comparable time series from 1995 to 2008 and from 2001-2002 to 2007-2008, is presented. Historical perspective was one part of this study. There was an attempt to find reasons explaining the observed growth in the special needs education from late 1960s to 2008. The majority of the research was based on the nationwide statistics information. In addition to this, materials including educational legislation literature, different kind of records of special education and preceding studies were also used to support the research. The main results of the study, are two statistical descriptions and time series analysis of the quantitative increase of the special needs education. Further, a summary of the plausible factors behind the special education system change and its quantitative increase, is presented. The conclusions coming from the study can be summarised as follows: the comparable statistical time series analysis suggests that the growth in special education after the year 1999 could be a consequence of the changes in the structure of special education and that new group of pupils have been directed to special needs education. Keywords: Special education, comprehensive school, description, statistics, change


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Childhood and education in Munich; assimilated bourgeois Jewish family; father was a lawyer and titular professor; writer Ludwig Thoma assistant of his father; vacations in Marienbad; military service; university studies in Munich with Lujo Brentano; apprenticeship as lawyer; political interest and joining of SPD; contacts with later Bavarian president Kurt Eisner; as soldier in World War I; diplomatic mission in Tirol during last days of World War I; refused to take part in Bavarian revolution of November 1918, but close contacts with Eisner government; exact account of two Bavarian soviet republics in 1919 and their protagonists (Gustav Landauer, Erich Muehsam, Eugen Levine); Bavarian politics and justice 1919-1933; description of Paul Nikolaus Cossmann and his reactionary journal "Sueddeutsche Monatshefte"; advocate of Eisner's secretary Felix Fechenbach in political trial against accusations by Cossmann; expulsion of East European Jews by Bavarian government 1923; Hitler coup attempt 1923; election campaign March 1933; Nazi takeover of power in Bavaria; dismissal as lawyer; decision to emigrate.


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Contains printed copies of the 1860 constitution and by-laws, copies of proceedings and annual reports, 1859-1877, of the Board of Delegates; report on Jews in Roumania, an 1874 annual report of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, manuscript minute books and minutes of meetings, 1859-1876, resolutions, executive, financial, ritual slaughtering and other special committee reports, newspaper clippings and correspondence with synagogues and organizations in the U.S. who constitute the membership of the Board of Delegates, with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations with whom they later merged, the Union's Board of Delegates of Civil and Religious Rights, and with individuals and organizations in foreign countries including the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the Anglo-Jewish Association, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Committee for the Roumanian Jews (Berlin), the Koenigsberg Committee, and the London Roumanian Committee.


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Contains correspondence, addresses and speeches, newspaper clippings, and published material relating primarily to Ehrmann's activity in the national and Boston chapter of the American Jewish Committee (1935-1970). Of special interest is material on the relation of the Committee to the American Jewish Conference (1943-1948), the relationship of American Jewry to the State of Israel, and the attitude of the Committee to the establishment of Israel. Also contains genealogical material, in German and in English, between Ehrmann and his relatives in Poland immediately prior World War II, and in Italy immediately after the war. Also contains letters and reports sent by Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld Ehrmann (b. 1895) by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the United Jewish Appeal, dealing primarily with fund-raising matters.


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The collection holds primarily the trans-atlantic correspondence of Irma Sondhelm and various family members, 1894-1943. Also included is a fashion pamphlet, 'Die gutgekleidete Dame : Ein Modenbrevier, Luxemburg, 1930.


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PROFESSION, PERSON AND WORLDVIEW AT A TURNING POINT A Study of University Libraries and Library Staff in the Information Age 1970 - 2005 The incongruity between commonly held ideas of libraries and librarians and the changes that have occurred in libraries since 2000 provided the impulse for this work. The object is to find out if the changes of the last few decades have penetrated to a deeper level, that is, if they have caused changes in the values and world views of library staff and management. The study focuses on Finnish university libraries and the people who work in them. The theoretical framework is provided by the concepts of world view (values, the concept of time, man and self, the experience of the supernatural and the holy, community and leadership). The viewpoint, framework and methods of the study place it in the area of Comparative Religion by applying the world view framework. The time frame is the information age, which has deeply affected Finnish society and scholarly communication from 1970 to 2005. The source material of the study comprises 30 life stories; somewhat more than half of the stories come from the University of Helsinki, and the rest from the other eight universities. Written sources include library journals, planning documents and historical accounts of libraries. The experiences and research diaries of the research worker are also used as source material. The world view questions are discussed on different levels: 1) recognition of the differences and similarities in the values of the library sphere and the university sphere, 2) examination of the world view elements, community and leadership based on the life stories, and 3) the three phases of the effects of information technology on the university libraries and those who work in them. In comparing the values of the library sphere and the university sphere, the appreciation of creative work and culture as well as the founding principles of science and research are jointly held values. The main difference between the values in the university and library spheres concerns competition and service. Competition is part of the university as an institution of research work. The core value of the library sphere is service, which creates the essential ethos of library work. The ethical principles of the library sphere also include the values of democracy and equality as well as the value of intellectual freedom. There is also a difference between an essential value in the university sphere, the value of autonomy and academic freedom on the one hand, and the global value of the library sphere - organizing operations in a practical and efficient way on the other hand. Implementing this value can also create tension between the research community and the library. Based on the life stories, similarities can be found in the values of the library staff members. The value of service seems to be of primary importance for all who are committed to library work and who find it interesting and rewarding. The service role of the library staff can be extended from information services provider to include the roles of teacher, listener and even therapist, all needed in a competitive research community. The values of democracy and equality also emerge fairly strongly. The information age development has progressed in three phases in the libraries from the 1960s onward. In the third phase beginning in the mid 1990s, the increased usage of electronic resources has set fundamental changes in motion. The changes have affected basic values and the concept of time as well as the hierarchies and valuations within the library community. In addition to and as a replacement for the library possessing a local identity and operational model, a networked, global library is emerging. The changes have brought tension both to the library communities and to the relationship between the university community and the library. Future orientation can be said to be the key concept for change; it affects where the ideals and models for operations are taken from. Future orientation manifests itself as changes in metaphors, changes in the model of a good librarian and as communal valuations. Tension between the libraries and research communities can arise if the research community pictures the library primarily as a traditional library building with a local identity, whereas the 21st century library staff and directors are affected by future orientation and membership in a networked library sphere, working proactively to develop their libraries.