952 resultados para Year 9


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Os aspectos morfodinâmicos relacionados à erosão ou acresção da linha de costa são alguns dos assuntos analisados na gestão das zonas costeiras que vêem sendo tratada em todo mundo no sentido de monitorar e proteger essas zonas. Esta tese objetiva analisar o comportamento da morfodinâmica costeira de Salinópolis, relacionando-o ao uso da orla oceânica. A área de estudo foi compartimentada em três setores: Oeste (praias da Corvina e do Maçarico), Central (praia do Farol Velho) e Leste (praia do Atalaia). A metodologia consistiu na: (a) aquisição e tratamento de imagens multitemporais (1988-2001-2013) do satélite Landsat 5 TM, 7 ETM e 8 OLI; (b) aplicação de entrevistas/questionários com banhistas, (c) aquisição de dados de campo durante as estações chuvosa (26, 27, 28/04/2013) e menos chuvosa (04, 05, 06/10/2013); e (d) análise laboratorial para o tratamento dos dados adquiridos em campo (topografia das praias estudadas, amostragem de sedimentos superficiais das mesmas e com o uso de armadilhas, e medições oceanográficas de ondas, marés, correntes e turbidez). Foram feitas as representações gráficas dos perfis topográficos das praias, calculados os parâmetros estatísticos granulométricos de Folk & Ward (1957), as taxas do transporte sedimentar nas praias e os parâmetros morfométricos de Short & Hesp (1982), estes últimos foram calculados com o intuito de relacioná-los aos estados morfodinâmicos de praias propostos por Wright & Short (1984) e Masselink & Short (1993). Para a classificação da costa oceânica de Salinópolis em termos de uso e ocupação foi utilizado o decreto nº 5.300 de 7 de dezembro de 2004. A partir das pesquisas sobre a urbanização na costa e das obras situadas nos ambientes costeiros foi utilizada uma matriz proposta por Farinaccio & Tessler (2010) que lista uma série de impactos ambientais, e o quadro de geoindicadores do comportamento da linha de costa proposto por Bush et al. (1999), para a identificação de locais com vulnerabilidade à erosão ou acresção. Para as condições oceanográficas em cada praia e periculosidade ao banho nas mesmas, foram integralizados os dados de ondas, de correntes, de morfodinâmica praial e questionários aplicados com banhistas. Atualmente, a orla oceânica de Salinópolis possui diferentes características quanto à utilização e conservação, abrangendo desde a tipologia de orlas naturais (Classe A) até orlas com urbanização consolidada (Classe C). A primeira ocorre nos extremos da área de estudo e, a segunda, na região da sede municipal. Quatro tipos de praias foram identificados segundo a exposição marítima e o grau das condições oceanográficas: tipo 1 (Maçarico), tipo 2 (Corvina), tipo 3 (Farol Velho) e tipo 4 (Atalaia). O trecho de costa com maiores impactos ambientais e com elevada erosão costeira localiza-se na praia do Farol Velho. O grau de periculosidade ao banho foi de 4 (praia do Maçarico) a 7 (praia do Atalaia) – médio a alto grau de risco. As praias de Salinópolis apresentam declives suaves (< 1,5°), grandes variações na linha de costa entre as estações do ano (9,6 a 88, 4 m) e volume sedimentar variável dependendo do grau de exposição das praias ao oceano aberto. Predominou o estado morfodinâmico dissipativo (Ω>5,5) para estas praias, mas com ocorrência do estado de banco e calha longitudinais (4,7<Ω<5,5) no setor oeste. As macromarés na área de estudo apresentaram altura máxima de 5,3 m (Setor Central, durante a estação menos chuvosa) e mínima de 4 m no mesmo setor, durante a estação chuvosa. As correntes longitudinais foram mais intensas no setor leste (>0,45 m/s) durante as duas estaçoes do ano. As alturas de ondas foram também maiores no setor leste (máximo de 1,05 m durante a maré enchente na estação menos chuvosa) e os períodos de ondas foram mais curtos (<4,5 s) no setor oeste. A média granulométrica obtida dos sedimentos coletados na face praial apresentou escala mais freqüente entre 2,6 a 2,8 phi, indicando a predominância de areia fina. O grau de seleção predominante dos sedimentos foi de 0,2 a 0,5 phi (muito bem selecionados e bem selecionados), e da assimetria foi de positiva (0,10 a 0,30) e de aproximadamente simétrica (-0,10 a 0,10). O grau de curtose variou desde muito platicúrtica (<0,67) a muito leptocúrtica (1,50 a 3,00). Foram observados eventos de acresção sedimentar da estação chuvosa a menos chuvosa. De 22/07/1988 a 28/08/2013 (25 anos) também houve predomínio de acresção, onde o avanço médio linear da linha de costa foi de 190,26 m. O recuo médio linear obtido para toda área de estudo foi de -42,25 m. Áreas com maior erosão são pontuais: divisas das praias da Corvina e Maçarico, e Farol Velho e Atalaia. Os traps portáteis indicaram uma maior quantidade de sedimentos transportados longitudinalmente na estação menos chuvosa (Mín. 280 g/m3: enchente, setor oeste; Máx. 1098 g/m3: vazante, setor leste). Nos traps de espraiamento, o balanço entre a quantidade de sedimentos entrando e saindo nas praias foi menor no setor central (Mín. 80 g/m3: vazante, estação menos chuvosa; Máx. 690 g/m3: enchente, estação menos chuvosa). A circulação costeira sedimentar é proveniente, principalmente, do efeito das marés, com direção governada pela enchente e vazante dos rios que atravessam a costa. Os dados indicam o transporte longitudinal de sedimentos da ilha de Atalaia e rio Sampaio para o setor oeste e as margens das faixas praiais.


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Introduction. A 4 year retrospective follow up of 996 patients who pre-sented with no DR and 500 with background DR at baseline digital DR screening in 2006. Purpose. To evaluate the safety of increasing screening intervals in patients with no diabetic retinopathy (DR) or with background DR.Methods. A 4 year retrospective follow up of 996 patients who presented with no DR and 500 with background DR at baseline digital DR screening in 2006.results. Background DR Group: Of the 500 subjects that had back-ground DR in 2006, 231 were referred for DR, with an average DR routine referral rate of 12% (46 subjects) per year. nodrgrouP. Of the 996 patients who had no DR at baseline, 51 were referred over the 4 years for sight threatening DR (STDR), of these 45 patients have definite STDR confirmed by ophthalmological examination. 78% of these had type 2 diabetes and mean age at referral was 60 years (25-87). Mean diabetes duration was 10.7 years (3-32), with a mean HbA1c of 7.8% (5.7-11.3%). Eight patients (0.9%) were referred in the first year, 9 (0.9%) in the second year, 19 (1.9%) in the third year and 15 (1.5%) in the fourth year. 86% of referrals were for maculopathy, and all had observable retinopathy and none required ophthalmology clinic assessment or laser treatment.If biannual screening was adopted for patients with no DR at baseline, allowing for patients who subsequently develop background DR and would then revert to annual screening, a total of 7 (0.7%) patients would not have been appropriately referred for STDR and would have waited a further year for identification. None of the 51 referrals across the 4 years required laser treatment apart from just one patient who developed PDR in year 4 (2010) and had background since 2007.conclusIons. It could be recommended that it is safe to screen pa-tients with no DR biannually due to the low risk of developing STDR. However, patients who present with background DR should continue to be screened annually as there is a significant proportion developing STDR and would not be identified at an appropriate screening interval.


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With the expansion and increased availability of Higher Education the progression to study for an undergraduate degree has been viewed as a simple stepping stone with examination success a straight - forward border pass. Changes in the funding of degree courses has established a series of more challenging boundaries to entry which demand a rigorous assessment of the benefits of Higher Education. The Widening Participation Unit at The University of Worcester has sought to ease this border crossing for pupils whose parents have not been to university. Their experience from previous projects was that school pupils more easily relate to undergraduate students whose experience of Higher Education is recent and relevant. With this in mind they commissioned the Drama and Performance Department to create a Theatre in Education programme that introduced an awareness of post sixteen options and future choices to challenge Higher Education stereotypes. As a result of this collaboration Why Bother? was created, directed by myself and devised and researched with four students who were studying drama. Their own experiences were used to inform the character development and dealt with worrying as a mature student about integration into full – time education, loss of income after working, the pressures of emotional commitments to partners and being away from home. The programme toured to two thousand year 9 – 11 pupils in Worcestershire and Herefordshire schools in January and May 2011. Devising and touring Why Bother provided students with an opportunity to work as a professional paid TIE team that it is not possible for them to do as part of their undergraduate degree course. My initial research looks at the effectiveness and limitations of this project based on pupil questionnaires and the experiences of the team which are explored within the broader context of TIE and its potential for affecting attitudinal change. This has given rise to a number of questions that need consideration in the development of a new TIE programme aimed at raising the awareness of sixth form students who are about to make the decision whether to apply to university or not. Collaboration with university students in exploring the value of an education that they have subscribed to raises issues of bias and whether their powers of persuasion actually prevent pupils from making their own individual decision. The ethics of promoting a “free” university education seem much less complex than the decision required now which involves balancing the real value against the high financial cost suggested in the working title of Is it Worth it? This paper will present my first attempts to develop research methods and methodologies that will enable me to evaluate the success of this and future TIE.


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Muitos são os investigadores e estudiosos que, em todas as partes do mundo, se têm debruçado sobre a relação Escola–Família–Comunidade, tentando perceber os preditores que justificam, por exemplo, a indisciplina ou o (in)sucesso na sala de aula. Movidos pela curiosidade de 25 anos a trabalhar no sistema educativo, quisemos perceber o papel da mulher no que à educação formal dos filhos diz respeito. Empiricamente sabíamos que normalmente à mãe cabe mais esta tarefa de ser a Encarregada de Educação dos seus descendentes e quisemos perceber porquê. Que características concorrem para que a ela seja entregue esta “missão”? Igualmente quisemos saber se esta “missão” era solitária ou se o seu cônjuge coopera e de que forma. De uma parte teórica baseada na literatura existente através da qual procurámos perceber o(s) papel(éis) da mulher anterior e posteriormente ao 25 de abril de 1974 e da lenta integração legal dos Encarregados de Educação nas escolas, partimos para um trabalho de investigação assente nos alunos do AENelas e respetivos Encarregados de Educação. Colaboraram connosco 44 Encarregados de Educação de alunos do 9.º ano que, através das suas respostas, permitiram perceber que os novos tempos são, teoricamente, de partilha, porém, na prática, é ao elemento feminino da família que compete a assunção do cargo de Encarregado de Educação. Os respondentes inclinam-se (nas suas respostas) para a disponibilidade de tempo, contudo, coincidência ou não, a maioria trabalha e a minoria, quer de Encarregados quer de Encarregadas de Educação, tem habilitações literárias inferiores ao seu cônjuge ou companheira(o). Há aspetos incontornáveis que não deixam dúvidas: a função de EE é “vitalícia” e marcadamente “feminina”.


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The study objective was to examine differentials in time trends and predictors of deaths assigned to symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions in comparison with other ill-defined conditions (ill-defined cardiovascular diseases, cancer and injury) in a population-based cohort study. Of 1,606 baseline participants aged 60 years and over, 524 died during 9-year follow-up and were included in this study. Deaths coded to "symptoms" declined by 77% in the period from 1997-1999 to 2003-2005. Deaths coded to other ill-defined conditions remained unchanged. The calendar period 2003-2005 (RR = 0.25; 95%CI: 0.09-0.70) and in-hospital deaths (RR = 0.16; 95%CI: 0.08-0.34) were independently associated with "symptoms", but not with other ill-defined conditions. Baseline socio-demographic characteristics and chronic diseases were not predictors of these outcomes. International and national agencies have focused on the reduction of deaths assigned to "symptoms" to improve the registration of vital statistics, while other ill-defined conditions have received little attention. Our data provide evidence supporting the need to redress this situation.


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Carbon isotope composition (delta C-13), oxygen isotope composition (delta O-18), and nitrogen concentration (N-mass) of branchlet tissue at two canopy positions were assessed for glasshouse seedlings and 9-year-old hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. ex D. Don) trees from 22 open-pollinated families grown in 5 blocks of a progeny test at a water-limited and nitrogen-deficient site in southeastern Queensland, Australia. Significant variations in canopy delta C-13, delta O-18, and N-mass existed among the 9-year-old hoop pine families, with a heritability estimate of 0.72 for branchlet delta C-13 from the upper inner canopy position. There was significant variation in canopy delta C-13 of glasshouse seedlings between canopy positions and among the families, with a heritability estimate of 0.66. The canopy delta C-13 was positively related to canopy N-mass only for the upper outer crown in the field (R = 0.62, p < 0.001). Phenotypic correlations existed between tree height and canopy delta C-13 (R = 0.37-0.41, p < 0.001). Strong correlations were found between family canopy delta C-13 at this site and those at a wetter site and between field canopy delta C-13 and glasshouse seedling delta C-13. The mechanisms of the variation in canopy delta C-13 are discussed in relation to canopy photosynthetic capacity as reflected in the N-mass and stomatal conductance as indexed by canopy delta O-18.


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An extensive and severe actinomycetoma by Nocardia asteroides, a rare etiologic agent of this infection in Brazil, observed during a 9 year follow-up is reported. Unsuitable social and financial conditions led to amputation as the only possible solution for this case, no signs of infection relapse having been observed in three years after his surgery.


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This indicator is part of the London Health Observatory's Health Inequaliies Basket of Indicators.


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If adequately designed and high quality material and good construction practices are used, portland cement concrete is very durable. This is demonstrated by the oldest pavement in Iowa (second oldest in the U.S.) paved in 1904, which performed well for 70 years without resurfacing. The design thickness is an important factor in both the performance and cost of pavement. The objective of this paper is to provide a 30-year performance evaluation of a pavement constructed to determine the required design thickness for low volume secondary roadways. In 1951 Greene County and the Iowa Highway Research Board of the Iowa Department of Transportation initiated a four-mile (6.4 km) demonstration project to evaluate thicknesses ranging from 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) to 6" (15.2 cm). The project, consisting of 10 research sections, was formed pavement placed on a gravel roadbed with very little preparation except for redistribution of the loose aggregate. Eight sections were non-reinforced except for centerline tie bars and no contraction joints were used. Mesh reinforcing and contraction joints spaced at 29' 7" (9.02 m) intervals were used in two 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick sections. The only air entrained section was non-reinforced. The pavement performed well over its 30-year life carrying a light volume of traffic and did not require major maintenance. There was substantial cracking with average slab length varying directly with thickness. The 4-1/2" (11.4 cm) thick non-air entrained, mesh-reinforced pavement with contraction joints has performed the best.


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El objeto de esta serie es familiarizar a los niños de ocho y nueve años con el vocabulario de la ciencia, entendida ésta como los procesos de la vida, de los seres humanos y de los demás animales, y de las plantas.El uso correcto del vocabulario científico es esencial para alcanzar altos logros en las pruebas nacionales de evaluación en el Reino Unido; para conseguir este objetivo se utilizan tanto las actividades de la ciencia como su contexto en la vida cotidiana.


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Background: the incidence of perioperative cardiac arrest and mortality in children is higher than in adults. This survey evaluated the incidence, causes, and outcome of perioperative cardiac arrests in a pediatric surgical population in a tertiary teaching hospital between 1996 and 2004.Methods: the incidence of cardiac arrest during anesthesia was identified from an anesthesia database. During the study period, 15 253 anesthetics were performed in children. Data collected included patient demographics, surgical procedures (elective, urgent, or emergency), ASA physical status classification, anesthesia provider information, type of surgery, surgical areas, and outcome. All cardiac arrests were reviewed and grouped by the cause of arrest and death into one of four groups: totally anesthesia-related, partially anesthesia-related, totally surgery-related, or totally child disease or condition-related.Results: There were 35 cardiac arrests (22.9 : 10 000) and 15 deaths (9.8 : 10 000). Major risk factors for cardiac arrest were neonates and children under 1 year of age (P < 0.05) with ASA III or poorer physical status (P < 0.05), in emergency surgery (P < 0.05), and general anesthesia (P < 0.05). Child disease/condition was the major cause of cardiac arrest or death (P < 0.05). There were seven cardiac arrests because of anesthesia (4.58 : 10 000) - four totally (2.62 : 10 000) and three partially related to anesthesia (1.96 : 10 000). There were no anesthesia attributable deaths reported. The main causes of anesthesia attributable cardiac arrest were respiratory events (71.5%) and medication-related events (28.5%).Conclusions: Perioperative cardiac arrests were relatively higher in neonates and infants than in older children with severe underlying disease and during emergency surgery. The fact that all anesthesia attributable cardiac arrests were related to airway management and medication administration is important in prevention strategies.