907 resultados para Visual Odometry,Transformer,Deep learning


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Questa tesi si occupa dell’estensione di un framework software finalizzato all'individuazione e al tracciamento di persone in una scena ripresa da telecamera stereoscopica. In primo luogo è rimossa la necessità di una calibrazione manuale offline del sistema sfruttando algoritmi che consentono di individuare, a partire da un fotogramma acquisito dalla camera, il piano su cui i soggetti tracciati si muovono. Inoltre, è introdotto un modulo software basato su deep learning con lo scopo di migliorare la precisione del tracciamento. Questo componente, che è in grado di individuare le teste presenti in un fotogramma, consente ridurre i dati analizzati al solo intorno della posizione effettiva di una persona, escludendo oggetti che l’algoritmo di tracciamento sarebbe portato a individuare come persone.


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The mismatch between human capacity and the acquisition of Big Data such as Earth imagery undermines commitments to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Aichi targets. Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to Big Data issues are urgently needed as these could prove to be faster, more accurate, and cheaper. Reducing costs of managing protected areas in remote deep waters and in the High Seas is of great importance, and this is a realm where autonomous technology will be transformative.


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Analisi delle fasi per la realizzazione di uno strumento di supporto gli agricoltori, dalla creazione di un dataset, all'addestramento e test di una rete neurale artificiale, con obiettivo la localizzazione del prodotto agricolo all'interno delle immagini.


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The present paper introduces a technology-enhanced teaching method that promotes deep learning. Four stages that correspond to four different student cohorts were used for its development and to analyse its effectiveness. The effectiveness of the method has been assessed in terms of examination results as well as results obtained from class response system software statistics. The evidence gathered indicates that the method developed is very effective and its implementation is straightforward. Furthermore, its success in achieving results seems to be independent of the skills and/or experience of the lecturer.


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Most approaches to stereo visual odometry reconstruct the motion based on the tracking of point features along a sequence of images. However, in low-textured scenes it is often difficult to encounter a large set of point features, or it may happen that they are not well distributed over the image, so that the behavior of these algorithms deteriorates. This paper proposes a probabilistic approach to stereo visual odometry based on the combination of both point and line segment that works robustly in a wide variety of scenarios. The camera motion is recovered through non-linear minimization of the projection errors of both point and line segment features. In order to effectively combine both types of features, their associated errors are weighted according to their covariance matrices, computed from the propagation of Gaussian distribution errors in the sensor measurements. The method, of course, is computationally more expensive that using only one type of feature, but still can run in real-time on a standard computer and provides interesting advantages, including a straightforward integration into any probabilistic framework commonly employed in mobile robotics.


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Recommender system is a specific type of intelligent systems, which exploits historical user ratings on items and/or auxiliary information to make recommendations on items to the users. It plays a critical role in a wide range of online shopping, e-commercial services and social networking applications. Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most popular approaches used for recommender systems, but it suffers from complete cold start (CCS) problem where no rating record are available and incomplete cold start (ICS) problem where only a small number of rating records are available for some new items or users in the system. In this paper, we propose two recommendation models to solve the CCS and ICS problems for new items, which are based on a framework of tightly coupled CF approach and deep learning neural network. A specific deep neural network SADE is used to extract the content features of the items. The state of the art CF model, timeSVD++, which models and utilizes temporal dynamics of user preferences and item features, is modified to take the content features into prediction of ratings for cold start items. Extensive experiments on a large Netflix rating dataset of movies are performed, which show that our proposed recommendation models largely outperform the baseline models for rating prediction of cold start items. The two proposed recommendation models are also evaluated and compared on ICS items, and a flexible scheme of model retraining and switching is proposed to deal with the transition of items from cold start to non-cold start status. The experiment results on Netflix movie recommendation show the tight coupling of CF approach and deep learning neural network is feasible and very effective for cold start item recommendation. The design is general and can be applied to many other recommender systems for online shopping and social networking applications. The solution of cold start item problem can largely improve user experience and trust of recommender systems, and effectively promote cold start items.


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Recommender systems (RS) are used by many social networking applications and online e-commercial services. Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most popular approaches used for RS. However traditional CF approach suffers from sparsity and cold start problems. In this paper, we propose a hybrid recommendation model to address the cold start problem, which explores the item content features learned from a deep learning neural network and applies them to the timeSVD++ CF model. Extensive experiments are run on a large Netflix rating dataset for movies. Experiment results show that the proposed hybrid recommendation model provides a good prediction for cold start items, and performs better than four existing recommendation models for rating of non-cold start items.


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The authors present a proposal to develop intelligent assisted living environments for home based healthcare. These environments unite the chronical patient clinical history sematic representation with the ability of monitoring the living conditions and events recurring to a fully managed Semantic Web of Things (SWoT). Several levels of acquired knowledge and the case based reasoning that is possible by knowledge representation of the health-disease history and acquisition of the scientific evidence will deliver, through various voice based natural interfaces, the adequate support systems for disease auto management but prominently by activating the less differentiated caregiver for any specific need. With these capabilities at hand, home based healthcare providing becomes a viable possibility reducing the institutionalization needs. The resulting integrated healthcare framework will provide significant savings while improving the generality of health and satisfaction indicators.


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The job of a historian is to understand what happened in the past, resorting in many cases to written documents as a firsthand source of information. Text, however, does not amount to the only source of knowledge. Pictorial representations, in fact, have also accompanied the main events of the historical timeline. In particular, the opportunity of visually representing circumstances has bloomed since the invention of photography, with the possibility of capturing in real-time the occurrence of a specific events. Thanks to the widespread use of digital technologies (e.g. smartphones and digital cameras), networking capabilities and consequent availability of multimedia content, the academic and industrial research communities have developed artificial intelligence (AI) paradigms with the aim of inferring, transferring and creating new layers of information from images, videos, etc. Now, while AI communities are devoting much of their attention to analyze digital images, from an historical research standpoint more interesting results may be obtained analyzing analog images representing the pre-digital era. Within the aforementioned scenario, the aim of this work is to analyze a collection of analog documentary photographs, building upon state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. In particular, the analysis carried out in this thesis aims at producing two following results: (a) produce the date of an image, and, (b) recognizing its background socio-cultural context,as defined by a group of historical-sociological researchers. Given these premises, the contribution of this work amounts to: (i) the introduction of an historical dataset including images of “Family Album” among all the twentieth century, (ii) the introduction of a new classification task regarding the identification of the socio-cultural context of an image, (iii) the exploitation of different deep learning architectures to perform the image dating and the image socio-cultural context classification.


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Negli ultimi due anni, per via della pandemia generata dal virus Covid19, la vita in ogni angolo del nostro pianeta è drasticamente cambiata. Ad oggi, nel mondo, sono oltre duecentoventi milioni le persone che hanno contratto questo virus e sono quasi cinque milioni le persone decedute. In alcuni periodi si è arrivati ad avere anche un milione di nuovi contagiati al giorno e mediamente, negli ultimi sei mesi, questo dato è stato di più di mezzo milione al giorno. Gli ospedali, soprattutto nei paesi meno sviluppati, hanno subito un grande stress e molte volte hanno avuto una carenza di risorse per fronteggiare questa grave pandemia. Per questo motivo ogni ricerca in questo campo diventa estremamente importante, soprattutto quelle che, con l'ausilio dell'intelligenza artificiale, riescono a dare supporto ai medici. Queste tecnologie una volta sviluppate e approvate possono essere diffuse a costi molto bassi e accessibili a tutti. In questo elaborato sono stati sperimentati e valutati due diversi approcci alla diagnosi del Covid-19 a partire dalle radiografie toraciche dei pazienti: il primo metodo si basa sul transfer learning di una rete convoluzionale inizialmente pensata per la classificazione di immagini. Il secondo approccio utilizza i Vision Transformer (ViT), un'architettura ampiamente diffusa nel campo del Natural Language Processing adattata ai task di Visione Artificiale. La prima soluzione ha ottenuto un’accuratezza di 0.85 mentre la seconda di 0.92, questi risultati, soprattutto il secondo, sono molto incoraggianti soprattutto vista la minima quantità di dati di training necessaria.


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Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring can be used to detect the presence of damage as well as determine its location in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. Information on the time difference of the signal generated by the damage event arriving at different sensors is essential in performing localization. This makes the time of arrival (ToA) an important piece of information to retrieve from the AE signal. Generally, this is determined using statistical methods such as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) which is particularly prone to errors in the presence of noise. And given that the structures of interest are surrounded with harsh environments, a way to accurately estimate the arrival time in such noisy scenarios is of particular interest. In this work, two new methods are presented to estimate the arrival times of AE signals which are based on Machine Learning. Inspired by great results in the field, two models are presented which are Deep Learning models - a subset of machine learning. They are based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Capsule Neural Network (CapsNet). The primary advantage of such models is that they do not require the user to pre-define selected features but only require raw data to be given and the models establish non-linear relationships between the inputs and outputs. The performance of the models is evaluated using AE signals generated by a custom ray-tracing algorithm by propagating them on an aluminium plate and compared to AIC. It was found that the relative error in estimation on the test set was < 5% for the models compared to around 45% of AIC. The testing process was further continued by preparing an experimental setup and acquiring real AE signals to test on. Similar performances were observed where the two models not only outperform AIC by more than a magnitude in their average errors but also they were shown to be a lot more robust as compared to AIC which fails in the presence of noise.


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Collecting and analysing data is an important element in any field of human activity and research. Even in sports, collecting and analyzing statistical data is attracting a growing interest. Some exemplar use cases are: improvement of technical/tactical aspects for team coaches, definition of game strategies based on the opposite team play or evaluation of the performance of players. Other advantages are related to taking more precise and impartial judgment in referee decisions: a wrong decision can change the outcomes of important matches. Finally, it can be useful to provide better representations and graphic effects that make the game more engaging for the audience during the match. Nowadays it is possible to delegate this type of task to automatic software systems that can use cameras or even hardware sensors to collect images or data and process them. One of the most efficient methods to collect data is to process the video images of the sporting event through mixed techniques concerning machine learning applied to computer vision. As in other domains in which computer vision can be applied, the main tasks in sports are related to object detection, player tracking, and to the pose estimation of athletes. The goal of the present thesis is to apply different models of CNNs to analyze volleyball matches. Starting from video frames of a volleyball match, we reproduce a bird's eye view of the playing court where all the players are projected, reporting also for each player the type of action she/he is performing.


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Although the debate of what data science is has a long history and has not reached a complete consensus yet, Data Science can be summarized as the process of learning from data. Guided by the above vision, this thesis presents two independent data science projects developed in the scope of multidisciplinary applied research. The first part analyzes fluorescence microscopy images typically produced in life science experiments, where the objective is to count how many marked neuronal cells are present in each image. Aiming to automate the task for supporting research in the area, we propose a neural network architecture tuned specifically for this use case, cell ResUnet (c-ResUnet), and discuss the impact of alternative training strategies in overcoming particular challenges of our data. The approach provides good results in terms of both detection and counting, showing performance comparable to the interpretation of human operators. As a meaningful addition, we release the pre-trained model and the Fluorescent Neuronal Cells dataset collecting pixel-level annotations of where neuronal cells are located. In this way, we hope to help future research in the area and foster innovative methodologies for tackling similar problems. The second part deals with the problem of distributed data management in the context of LHC experiments, with a focus on supporting ATLAS operations concerning data transfer failures. In particular, we analyze error messages produced by failed transfers and propose a Machine Learning pipeline that leverages the word2vec language model and K-means clustering. This provides groups of similar errors that are presented to human operators as suggestions of potential issues to investigate. The approach is demonstrated on one full day of data, showing promising ability in understanding the message content and providing meaningful groupings, in line with previously reported incidents by human operators.