752 resultados para Ventola, Eija: Academic writing
Based on the critical research paradigm and using a mix of methodologies, this study examined student perceptions of the process approach used to teach writing. A class of 19 ESL students in an academic writing class at a small university paliicipated in the study. As collaborators in the study, they assessed their personality types using the PET Type Check (Crantoll & Knoop, 1995) and tlleir learning styles using Kolb'sLearning Styles Inventory (1976). Interviews, classroom observations, and journals provided a data base for case studies llilQ teacher reflection. Results indicated that students perceived the prewriting step of brainstonning and peer review as most useful. Student perceptions of the tasks and course and implications for theory and practice are examined.
a mixed-method investigation of undergraduate and graduate international students' proficiencies in both information literacy and academic writing to see if a relationship exists between them
Six downloadable guides produced by Dyslexia Services covering: academic writing; dissertations; memory, revision and exam techniques; note taking and note making; organisation and time management; reading and research skills
University of Southampton, Dyslexia Services have developed a range of academic study skills resources available to download. This resource supports dissertation writing skills.
This guide will give you advice on picking your subject, question and methodology for an extended essay. It will also give you hints and tips on how to research for and structure the essay.
Purpose – Academic writing is often considered to be a weakness in contemporary students, while good reporting and writing skills are highly valued by graduate employers. A number of universities have introduced writing centres aimed at addressing this problem; however, the evaluation of such centres is usually qualitative. The paper seeks to consider the efficacy of a writing centre by looking at the impact of attendance on two “real world” quantitative outcomes – achievement and progression. Design/methodology/approach – Data mining was used to obtain records of 806 first-year students, of whom 45 had attended the writing centre and 761 had not. Findings – A highly significant association between writing centre attendance and achievement was found. Progression to year two was also significantly associated with writing centre attendance. Originality/value – Further, quantitative evaluation of writing centres is advocated using random allocation to a comparison condition to control for potential confounds such as motivation.
The prominent position given to academic writing across contemporary academia is reflected in the substantive literature and debate devoted to the subject over the past 30 years. However, the massification of higher education, manifested by a shift from elite to mass education, has brought the issue into the public arena, with much debate focusing on the need for ‘modern-day' students to be taught how to write academically (Bjork et al., 2003; Ganobcsik-Williams, 2006). Indeed, Russell (2003) argued that academic writing has become a global ‘problem' in Higher Education because it sits between two contradictory pressures (p.V). On one end of the university ‘experience' increasing numbers of students, many from non-traditional backgrounds, enter higher education bringing with them a range of communication abilities. At the other end, many graduates leave university to work in specialised industries where employers expect them to have high level writing skills (Ashton, 2007; Russell, 2003; Torrence et al., 1999). By drawing attention to the issues around peer mentoring within an academic writing setting in three different higher education Institutions, this paper makes an important contribution to current debates. Based upon a critical analysis of the emergent findings of an empirical study into the role of peer writing mentors in promoting student transition to higher education, the paper adopts an academic literacies approach to discuss the role of writing mentoring in promoting transition and retention by developing students' academic writing. Attention is drawn to the manner in which student expectations of writing mentoring actually align with mentoring practices - particularly in terms of the writing process and critical thinking. Other issues such as the approachability of writing mentors, the practicalities of accessing writing mentoring and the wider learning environment are also discussed.
A critical discussion of the issues around academic writing
Tem por proposta subversar a escrita linear acadêmica ao (re)fazê-la, vislumbrando as potências e transgressões da literatura menor em seus agenciamentos coletivos, políticos, em seus gaguejos e balbucios, em suas possibilidades de subversão. Fabular a escrita acadêmica e o currículo como ato político e coletivo, como reinvenção da própria língua. Trata da metamorfose de Francis Tracart em sua busca por traçar conceitos,conversações, percepções e afecções. A metodologia se dá por intermédio da pesquisa com os cotidianos e com a cartografia, buscando atentar-se a vozes, entrelinhas, efeitos, tensões, teórico-práticas e saberesfazeres dos sujeitos praticantes dos cotidianos da escola em que se realiza a pesquisa em pé de igualdade com os autores dos livros que permearam o processo de realização do trabalho de pesquisa. Os sujeitos cotidianos, tais como bibliotecária, professoras e alunos de 5º e 6º Ano, orientador, professores e alunos de Pós- Graduação, que participaram do processo de pesquisa, bem como os autores dos livros lidos, se fazem presentes nas vozes, nas falas, nos afectos e nas conversações com leituras, literaturas, currículos, cotidianos, redes de afecções, elementos éticos, estéticos e políticos, espaçostempos, com linhas de fuga, linhas molares e linhas moleculares, com os presentes politemporais,devires, conceitos, metamorfoses, com possíveis e improváveis leituras, fugas e reinvenções do leitor.
El artículo explora la presencia de elementos culturales y retóricos procedentes de la lengua nativa (L1) de un autor en sus escritos en segunda lengua (L2). Se resumen y comentan varias investigaciones de la Retórica Contrastiva, los Nuevos Estudios de Literacidad y la Traductología, que analizan las estrategias usadas por autores y traductores para ocultar o mostrar aspectos de su L1 en sus escritos en L2. También se analizan dos casos de escritura académica (de un latino que escribe en inglés y un quechua que lo hace en español), que aportan ejemplos de extralimitaciones en la corrección y de ocultación de rasgos culturales relevantes. Esos datos y las teorías permiten reflexionar sobre la gestión de la retórica y la cultura en los textos de los plurilingües, tanto desde una óptica de la construcción de la identidad como de la corrección de textos en clase.
This paper is a study of the concept of priority and its use together with the notion of hierarchy in academic writing and theoretical models of translation. Hierarchies and priorities can be implicit or explicit, prescribed, suggested or described. The paper starts, chronologically, wtih Nida and Levý’s hierarchical accounts of translation and follows their legacy in scholars as different as Newmark and Gutt. The concept of priorities is hinted at also in didactic models (Nord) as well as in norm-theoretical and accounts of translation (Toury and Chesterman) within Descriptive Translation Studies. All of these authors are analyzed and commented. The paper calls for a more systematic and straightforward account of translational priorities, and proposes a few conceptual tools that stem from this research model, including the concepts of ambition and richness of a translation. Finally, the paper concludes with an adaptation of Lakoff and Johnson’s view of prototypicality and its potential usefulness in research into and the understanding of translation.
Ensikielen jälkeen opittavan kielen tutkimusta ja suomi toisena kielenä alaa sen osana ovat koko niiden olemassaolon ajan hallinneet samat peruskysymykset: millaista oppiminen on eri vaiheissa ja eri ympäristöissä, sekä mikä oppimisessa on yleistä ja toisaalta mikä riippuu opittavasta kielestä ja oppijoiden kielitaustasta. Sähköisten oppijankielen tutkimusaineistojen eli korpusten lisääntymisen myötä tutkijat voivat aiempaa helpommin tutkia näitä ilmiöitä määrällisesti ja tarkastella oppijankielen sisäistä vaihtelua ja sen suhdetta tyypilliseen ensikieliseen kielenkäyttöön kielen eri osa-alueilla käyttöpohjaisesti eli todelliseen kielenkäyttöön pohjautuen. Tekninen kehitys on tuonut mukanaan aineisto- eli korpusvetoisuuden kaltaisia uusia tapoja lähestyä tutkimusaineistoa, jolloin tyypillisiä tutkimuskysymyksiä ”Miksi?” ja ”Miten?” edeltää kysymys: ”Mikä?”. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan edistyneiden suomenoppijoiden kirjoitettua akateemista kieltä ja suhteutetaan suomen oppimiselle ominaisia seikkoja käyttöpohjaisen mallin perusolettamuksiin. Aineisto on suomea toisena kielenä käyttävien opiskelijoiden tenttivastauksia, ja se on osa Edistyneiden suomenoppijoiden korpusta. Tutkimus on osin metodologinen, sillä väitöskirjassa esitellään ja siinä sovelletaan uutta korpusvetoista avainrakenneanalyysi-menetelmää, jonka avulla aineistoa lähestytään ilman hypoteeseja siitä, mitkä kielen ilmiöt ovat ominaisia edistyneelle oppijansuomelle. Tutkimus kuuluu kieliopin tutkimuksen piiriin, ja se nojaa kognitiivisen konstruktiokieliopin ajatukseen abstraktiudeltaan vaihtelevista konstruktioista kielijärjestelmän perusyksiköinä. Tulokset puoltavat menetelmän sovellettavuutta kielen oppimisen tutkimukseen, sillä sen avulla kyettiin tunnistamaan konstruktioita, jotka erottavat edistyneitä oppijoita ensikielisistä kirjoittajista (esim. modaaliset verbiketjut), eri ensikieliä puhuvia suomenoppijoita (esim. konjunktiot) sekä konstruktioita, joiden käyttö muuttuu ajan kuluessa (esim. preteriti ja preesens). Monet havaitut erot ovat akateemisen kirjoittamisen erityispiirteitä, mikä tukee ajatusta kielen käyttö- ja kontekstikohtaisesta oppimisesta. Tuloksia voidaan yhtäältä soveltaa akateemisen kielitaidon opetuksessa. Toisaalta menetelmää voidaan käyttää kielenoppimisen tutkimuksen ohella uusien näkökulmien kartoittamiseksi erilaisten tai eri-ikäisten tekstien tyypillisten ominaisuuksien ja erojen tutkimuksessa.
Although much research has explored computer mediated communication for its application in second language instruction, there still exists a need for empirical results from research to guide practitioners who wish to introduce web-based activities into their instruction. This study was undertaken to explore collaborative online task-based activities for the instruction of ESL academic writing. Nine ESL students in their midtwenties, enrolled at a community college in Ontario, engaged in two separate online prewriting activities in both a synchronous and an asynchronous environment. The students were interviewed in order to explore their perceptions of how the activities affected the generation and organization of ideas for academic essays. These interviews were triangulated with examples of the students' online writing, nonparticipatory observations of the students' interactions, and a discussion with the course instructor. The results of the study reveal that a small majority of students felt that brainstorming in writing with their peers in an asynchronous online discussion created a grammatical and lexical framework that supported idea generation and organization. The students did not feel that the synchronous chat activity was as successful. Although they felt that this activity also contributed to the generation of ideas, synchronous chat introduced a level of difficulty in communication that hindered the students' engagement in the task and failed to assist them with the organization of their ideas. The students also noted positive aspects of the web-based activities that were not related to prewriting tasks, for example, improved typing and word processing skills. Directions for future research could explore whether online prewriting activities can assist students in the creation of essays that are syntactically or lexically complex.
Cette recherche constitue une première étape dans l’élaboration d’un dictionnaire de collocations du lexique scientifique transdisciplinaire (LST), conçu pour aider des étudiants ou des chercheurs dans la rédaction de discours scientifiques ou universitaires, quel que soit leur domaine d’études. Elle a permis de concevoir deux modèles originaux d’articles de dictionnaire donnant accès aux collocations de termes nominaux et verbaux caractéristiques du LST. Les modèles d’articles sont ensuite appliqués à la description d’un échantillon de termes nominaux : analyse, caractéristique, figure, hypothèse, rapport et résultat; et verbaux : décrire et étudier. Les articles conçus dans ce mémoire offrent un accès convivial aux collocations du LST en situation de rédaction. Ils ont l’avantage de proposer une organisation cohérente de ce lexique sur les plans syntaxique et sémantique. En outre, ils permettent de présenter les termes du LST dans des contextes variés, ce qui peut contribuer au développement de la compétence lexicale.
Aquest llibre ha de permetre desenvolupar els criteris que ens permeten d'establir la metodologia de treball que s'ha de seguir en la redacció de Projectes. Tant des del punt de vista d'organització i de gestió, (pràctica i tècnica) i ha de garantir un correcte coneixement de tots i cadascun dels conceptes que intervenen i que permeten d'assolir el producte final: un document redactat pel projectista que recull l'objectiu pel qual ens ha estat encarregat i apte per fer-ne una realitat