985 resultados para Valproic Acid


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Objective: To review the outcome of acute liver failure (ALF) and the effect of liver transplantation in children in Australia. Methodology: A retrospective review was conducted of all paediatric patients referred with acute liver failure between 1985 and 2000 to the Queensland Liver Transplant Service, a paediatric liver transplant centre based at the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane, that is one of three paediatric transplant centres in Australia. Results: Twenty-six patients were referred with ALF. Four patients did not require transplantation and recovered with medical therapy while two were excluded because of irreversible neurological changes and died. Of the 20 patients considered for transplant, three refused for social and/or religious reasons, with 17 patients listed for transplantation. One patient recovered spontaneously and one died before receiving a transplant. There were 15 transplants of which 40% (6/15) were < 2 years old. Sixty-seven per cent (10/15) survived > 1 month after transplantation. Forty per cent (6/15) survived more than 6 months after transplant. There were only four long term survivors after transplant for ALF (27%). Overall, 27% (6/22) of patients referred with ALF survived. Of the 16 patients that died, 44% (7/16) were from neurological causes. Most of these were from cerebral oedema but two patients transplanted for valproate hepatotoxicity died from neurological disease despite good graft function. Conclusions: Irreversible neurological disease remains a major cause of death in children with ALF. We recommend better patient selection and early referral and transfer to a transplant centre before onset of irreversible neurological disease to optimize outcome of children transplanted for ALF.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDIs) have attracted considerable attention as potential drug molecules in tumour biology. In order to optimise chemotherapy, it is important to understand the mechanisms of regulation of histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes and modifications brought by various HDIs. In the present study, we have employed Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FT-IRMS) to evaluate modifications in cellular macromolecules subsequent to treatment with various HDIs. In addition to CH3 (methyl) stretching bands at 2872 and 2960 cm1, which arises due to acetylation, we also found major changes in bands at 2851 and 2922 cm1, which originates from stretching vibrations of CH2 (methylene) groups, in valproic acid treated cells. We further demonstrate that the changes in CH2 stretching are concentration-dependent and also induced by several other HDIs. Recently, HDIs have been shown to induce propionylation besides acetylation [1]. Since propionylation involves CH2 groups, we hypothesized that CH2 vibrational frequency changes seen in HDI treated cells could arise due to propionylation. As verification, pre-treatment of cells with propionyl CoA synthetase inhibitor resulted in loss of CH2 vibrational changes in histones, purified from valproic acid treated cells. This was further proved by western blot using propionyl-lysine specific antibody. Thus we demonstrate for the first time that propionylation could be monitored by studying CH2 stretching using IR spectroscopy and further provide a platform for monitoring HDI induced multiple changes in cells. (C) 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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Migraina gure gizartean prebalentzia handia duen gaixotasun neurologiko bat da. Berrikuspen bibliografiko honek gaixotasun honi tratamendu prebentibo eraginkor bat topatzea du helburu. Lehenik eta behin tratamendu prebentiboa jasotzeko bete beharreko baldintzak aztertuko dira, era beran tratamenduaren hasieran lagungarriak izan daitezkeen zenbait gomendio emanez. Azken urteotan ikertuak izan diren lau farmako familia dira nagusienak: betablokeanteak, antiepilekektikoak, antidrepesiboak eta kaltzioaren kanal blokeatzaileak. Hala ere farmako talde hauetako medikamentu guztiak ez dira lehen mailako aukerako farmakoak izango. Betablokeanteen artean propanolol eta metoprolol nagusitzen dira migrainen tratamendu profilaktikotzat erabiltzeko orduan. Antiepilektikoen artean topiramato eta azido valproikoa gailentzen dira. Eta azkenik lehen mailako farmakotzat flunarazina, kaltzio kanal blokeatzailea nabarmentzen da. Bigarren mailako farkamoak amitryptilina eta venlafaxina antidepresiboak, bisoprolol eta timolol betablokeatzaileak izan daitezke. Azkenik, hirugarren mailako aukerako farmakoak migrainen profilaxiarako candasartan, lisinopril, toxina botilunikoa, ferverfew, magnesioa, koentzina Q10 eta rivoflavin proposatzen dira. Hala ere, tratamendu farmakologikoaz gain, terapia naturalen eraginkortasuna aztertu nahi da berrikuspen honetan. Emaitza positiboak agertu dira zenbait tratamendu ez farmakologikoetan, haien artean: biofeedback, akupuntura eta dietaren maneiua. Azkenik erizainak pazientearen heziketan izan dezakeen garrantzia aztertuko da. Alde batetik gaixotasuna eta tratamenduari erlazionatutako heziketa emanez, eta bestetik migrainan eragina izan dezaketen zenbait bizi ohituren aldaketa sustatuz.


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Transient overexpression of defined combinations of master regulator genes can effectively induce cellular reprogramming: the acquisition of an alternative predicted phenotype from a differentiated cell lineage. This can be of particular importance in cardiac regenerative medicine wherein the heart lacks the capacity to heal itself, but simultaneously contains a large pool of fibroblasts. In this study we determined the cardio-inducing capacity of ten transcription factors to actuate cellular reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts into cardiomyocyte-like cells. Overexpression of transcription factors MYOCD and SRF alone or in conjunction with Mesp1 and SMARCD3 enhanced the basal but necessary cardio-inducing effect of the previously reported GATA4, TBX5, and MEF2C. In particular, combinations of five or seven transcription factors enhanced the activation of cardiac reporter vectors, and induced an upregulation of cardiac-specific genes. Global gene expression analysis also demonstrated a significantly greater cardio-inducing effect when the transcription factors MYOCD and SRF were used. Detection of cross-striated cells was highly dependent on the cell culture conditions and was enhanced by the addition of valproic acid and JAK inhibitor. Although we detected Ca(2+) transient oscillations in the reprogrammed cells, we did not detect significant changes in resting membrane potential or spontaneously contracting cells. This study further elucidates the cardio-inducing effect of the transcriptional networks involved in cardiac cellular reprogramming, contributing to the ongoing rational design of a robust protocol required for cardiac regenerative therapies.


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Bone is constantly being molded and shaped by the action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. A proper equilibrium between both cell types metabolic activities is required to ensure an adequate skeletal tissue structure, and it involves resorption of old bone and formation of new bone tissue. It is reported that treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) can elicit alterations in skeletal structure, in particular in bone mineral density. Nevertheless, the knowledge regarding the effects of AEDs on bone cells are still scarce. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of five different AEDs on human osteoclastic, osteoblastic and co-cultured cells. Osteoclastic cell cultures were established from precursor cells isolated from human peripheral blood and were characterized for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, number of TRAP+ multinucleated cells, presence of cells with actin rings and expressing vitronectin and calcitonin receptors and apoptosis rate. Also, the involvement of several signaling pathways on the cellular response was addressed. Osteoblastic cell cultures were obtained from femur heads of patients (25-45 years old) undergoing orthopaedic surgery procedures and were then studied for cellular proliferation/viability, ALP activity, histochemical staining of ALP and apoptosis rate. Also the expression of osteoblast-related genes and the involvement of some osteoblastogenesis-related signalling pathways on cellular response were addressed. For co-cultured cells, osteoblastic cells were firstly seeded and cultured. After that, PBMC were added to the osteoblastic cells and co-cultures were evaluated using the same osteoclast and osteoblast parameters mentioned above for the corresponding isolated cell. Cell-cultures were maintained in the absence (control) or in the presence of different AEDs (carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate and valproic acid). All the tested drugs were able to affect osteoclastic and osteoblastic cells development, although with different profiles on their osteoclastogenic and osteoblastogenic modulation properties. Globally, the tendency was to inhibit the process. Furthermore, the signaling pathways involved in the process also seemed to be differently affected by the AEDs, suggesting that the different drugs may affect osteoclastogenesis and/or osteoblastogenesis through different mechanisms. In conclusion, the present study showed that the different AEDs had the ability to directly and indirectly modulate bone cells differentiation, shedding new light towards a better understanding of how these drugs can affect bone tissue.


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L’arthrose ou ostéoarthrose (OA) est l’affection rhumatologique la plus fréquente au monde. Elle est caractérisée principalement par une perte du cartilage articulaire et l’inflammation de la membrane synoviale. L’interleukine (IL)-1ß, une cytokine pro-inflammatoire, joue un rôle très important dans la pathogenèse de l’OA. Elle exerce son action en induisant l’expression des enzymes cyclo-oxygénase 2 (COX-2), prostaglandine E synthétase microsomale 1 (mPGES-1) et l’oxyde nitrique synthétase inductible (iNOS) ainsi que la production de la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2) et de l’oxyde nitrique (NO). Ces derniers (PGE2 et NO) contribuent à la synovite et la destruction du cartilage articulaire par leurs effets pro-inflammatoires, pro-cataboliques, anti-anaboliques, pro-angiogéniques et pro-apoptotiques. Les modifications épigénétiques, telles que la méthylation de l’ADN, et l’acétylation et la méthylation des histones, jouent un rôle crucial dans la régulation de l’expression des gènes. Parmi ces modifications, l’acétylation des histones est la plus documentée. Ce processus est contrôlé par deux types d’enzymes : les histones acétyltransférases (HAT) qui favorisent la transcription et les histones déacétylases (HDAC) qui l’inhibent. L’objectif de ce travail est d’examiner le rôle des enzymes HDAC dans la régulation de l’expression de la COX-2, mPGES-1 et iNOS. Nous avons montré qu’au niveau des chondrocytes, les inhibiteurs des HDAC (iHDAC), trichostatine A (TSA) et butyrate de sodium (NaBu), suppriment l’expression de la COX-2 et iNOS au niveau de l’ARNm et protéique, ainsi que la production de la PGE2 et du NO, induites par l’IL-1ß. L’effet inhibiteur à lieu sans affecter l’activité de liaison à l’ADN du facteur de transcription NF-κB (nuclear factor κ B). La TSA et le NaBu inhibent également la dégradation induite par l’IL-1ß des protéoglycanes au niveau du cartilage. Nous avons également montré, qu’au niveau des fibroblastes synoviaux, les iHDAC, TSA, NaBu et acide valproïque (VA), suppriment l’expression de la mPGES-1 ainsi que la production de la PGE2 induites par l’IL-1ß. En utilisant diverses approches expérimentales, nous avons montré que HDAC4 est impliquée dans l’induction de l’expression de la mPGES-1 par l’IL-1ß. HDAC4 exerce son action, via son activité déacétylase, en augmentant l’activité transcriptionnelle de Egr-1 (early growth factor 1), facteur de transcription principal de l’expression de la mPGES-1. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que les inhibiteurs des HDAC pourraient être utilisés dans le traitement de l’OA.


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El Acido Valproico (AV) es un antiepiléptico de primera línea bien efectivo en una gama amplia de crisis. Hay varias condiciones bajo las cuales una preparación parenteral es necesaria, ya sea porque el paciente es incapaz de tomar la medicación oral o porque se requiere una carga rápida, por ejemplo en el estatus epiléptico (EE).1 Al lado de las benzodiazepinas de corta acción, sólo la fenitoina y el fenobarbital están en uso como una preparación intravenosa (I.V.). Desgraciadamente, éstos tienen una ventana terapéutica estrecha y un amplio rango de complicaciones y efectos colaterales que limitan su administración. Hay una opción terapéutica actualmente disponible en nuestro país, como lo es el Acido Valproico en la presentación de ampolla para administración intravenosa y en el momento no se cuenta con ningún reporte en Colombia ni Latinoamérica donde se describa el uso del AV I.V. para EE. Los reportes internacionales muestran una efectividad del AV I.V. desde 63 hasta 85%2-3, con pocos efectos adversos y resultados prometedores. Por consiguiente, pensamos que es importante reportar nuestra experiencia con el uso del AV I.V. en el tratamiento del EE, como una opción terapéutica y con lo cual se derivaran estudios aleatorizados, ramdomizados y controlados.


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Autism comprises a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders that affects the brain maturation and produces sensorial, motor, language and social interaction deficits in early childhood. Several studies have shown a major involvement of genetic factors leading to a predisposition to autism, which are possibly affected by environmental modulators during embryonic and post-natal life. Recent studies in animal models indicate that alterations in epigenetic control during development can generate neuronal maturation disturbances and produce a hyper-excitable circuit, resulting in typical symptoms of autism. In the animal model of autism induced by valproic acid (VPA) during rat pregnancy, behavioral, electrophysiological and cellular alterations have been reported which can also be observed in patients with autism. However, only a few studies have correlated behavioral alterations with the supposed neuronal hyper-excitability in this model. The aim of this project was to generate an animal model of autism by pre-natal exposure to VPA and evaluate the early post-natal development and pre-puberal (PND30) behavior in the offspring. Furthermore, we quantified the parvalbumin-positive neuronal distribution in the medial prefrontal cortex and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of VPA animals. Our results show that VPA treatment induced developmental alterations, which were observed in behavioral changes as compared to vehicle-treated controls. VPA animals showed clear behavioral abnormalities such as hyperlocomotion, prolonged stereotipies and reduced social interaction with an unfamiliar mate. Cellular quantification revealed a decrease in the number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex and in the prelimbic cortex of the mPFC, suggesting an excitatory/inhibitory unbalance in this animal model of autism. Moreover, we also observed that the neuronal reduction occurred mainly in the cortical layers II/III and V/VI. We did not detect any change in the density of Purkinje neurons in the Crus I region of the cerebellar cortex. Together, our results strengthens the face validity of the VPA model in rats and shed light on specific changes in the inhibitory circuitry of the prefrontal cortex in this autism model. Further studies should address the challenges to clarify particular electrophysiological correlates of the cellular alterations in order to better understand the behavioral dysfunctions


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This article contains the conclusions of the November 17-18, 2006 meeting of the Brazilian Study Group of Restless Legs Syndrome (GBE-SPI) about diagnosis and management of restless legs syndrome (RLS). RLS is characterized by abnormal sensations mostly but not exclusively in the legs which worsen in the evening and are improved by motion of the affected body part. Its diagnosis is solely based on clinical findings. Therapeutic agents with efficacy supported by Class I studies are dopamine agonists, levodopa and gabapentine. Class II studies support the use of slow release valproic acid, clonazepan and oxycodone. The GBE-SPI recommendations for management of SPI are sleep hygiene, withdrawal of medications capable of worsening the condition, treatment of comorbidities and pharmacological agents. The first choice agents are dopaminergic drugs, second choice are gabapentine or oxycodone, and the third choice are clonazepan or slow release valproic acid.


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Although somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a promising tool, its potential use is hampered by the high mortality rates during the development to term of cloned offspring. Abnormal epigenetic reprogramming of donor nuclei after SCNT is thought to be the main cause of this low efficiency. We hypothesized that chromatin-modifying agents (CMAs) targeting chromatin acetylation and DNA methylation could alter the chromatin configuration and turn them more amenable to reprogramming. Thus, bovine fibroblasts were treated with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (AZA) plus trichostatin (TSA) or hydralazine (HH) plus valproic acid (VPA) whereas, in another trial, cloned bovine zygotes were treated with TSA. The treatment of fibroblasts with either AZA + TSA or HH + VPA increased histone acetylation, but did not affect the level of DNA methylation. However, treatment with HH + VPA decreased cellular viability and proliferation. The use of these cells as nuclear donors showed no positive effect on pre- and postimplantation development. Regarding the treatment of cloned zygotes with TSA, treated one-cell embryos showed an increase in the acetylation patterns, but not in the level of DNA methylation. Moreover, this treatment revealed no positive effect on pre- and postimplantation development. This work provides evidence the treatment of either nuclear donor cells or cloned zygotes with CMAs has no positive effect on pre- and postimplantation development of cloned cattle.


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Schizophrenia has been defined as a neurodevelopmental disease that causes changes in the process of thoughts, perceptions. and emotions, usually leading to a mental deterioration and affective blunting. Studies have shown altered cell respiration and oxidative stress response in schizophrenia; however, most of the knowledge has been acquired from postmortem brain analyses or from nonneural cells. Here we describe that neural cells, derived from induced pluripotent stem cells generated from skin fibroblasts of a schizophrenic patient, presented a twofold increase in extramitochondrial oxygen consumption as well as elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), when compared to controls. This difference in ROS levels was reverted by the mood stabilizer valproic acid. Our model shows evidence that metabolic changes occurring during neurogenesis are associated with schizophrenia, contributing to a better understanding of the development of the disease and highlighting potential targets for treatment and drug screening.


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Das metastasierende maligne Melanom ist durch eine geringe p53-Mutations-Rate und eine hohe Resistenz gegenüber Chemotherapie mit alkylierenden Agenzien wie Fotemustin (FM) und Temozolomid (TMZ) gekennzeichnet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle von p53 in der Resistenz von malignen Melanomzellen gegenüber FM untersucht und Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber TMZ und FM aufgezeigt.rnAusgangspunkt war die Beobachtung, dass p53 Wildtyp (p53wt) Melanomzellen resistenter gegenüber FM sind als p53 mutierte (p53mt) Zellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass eine FM-Behandlung in p53wt Zellen eine Stabilisierung von p53 und eine Induktion des p53-Zielproteins p21 bewirkte. Mithilfe einer p53wt Zelllinie, welche einen p53 Knockdown trägt, konnte gezeigt werden, dass p53 für die geringe Apoptose-Rate nach FM-Behandlung verantwortlich ist. Eine Untersuchung der Interstrang-Crosslink (ICL)-Reparaturkapazität zeigte, dass p53mt Zellen im Gegensatz zu p53wt Zellen nicht in der Lage sind, FM-induzierte ICL zu reparieren. Dies ging mit einer im Vergleich zu p53wt Zellen starken DNA-Schadensantwort einher. Die Gene für die Proteine DDB2 und XPC wurden als durch FM regulierte DNA-Reparatur-Gene identifiziert, deren Induktion p53-abhängig und lang anhaltend (bis zu 144 h) erfolgt. Da XPC Knockdown-Zellen sensitiver als ihre Kontrollzellen gegenüber FM reagierten, konnte die biologische Relevanz von XPC bei der ICL-Reparatur bestätigt werden. Anhand von Xenograft-Tumoren wurde gezeigt, dass FM auch in situ eine Induktion von DDB2 und XPC auslöst. Die Beobachtung, dass DNA-Reparatur-Gene nach FM-Behandlung hochreguliert werden, liefert eine Erklärung für das schlechte Ansprechen von Melanomen auf eine Therapie mit ICL-induzierenden Chemotherapeutika.rnDes Weiteren befasste sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber den Chemotherapeutika TMZ und FM. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde Valproinsäure (VPA), ein in der Epilepsie-Therapie verwendetes Medikament und Histondesacetylase (HDAC)-Hemmer, bezüglich der chemosensitivierenden Wirkung untersucht. Zunächst konnte der in der Literatur häufig beschriebene stabilisierende Effekt von VPA auf „wildtypisches“ p53-Protein und destabilisierende Effekt auf mutiertes p53-Protein bestätigt werden. Zwei der vier untersuchten Zelllinien konnten mithilfe von VPA gegenüber TMZ sensitiviert werden, während nur eine der vier untersuchten Zelllinien gegenüber FM sensitiviert werden konnte. VPA begünstigt die Induktion von Apoptose, während der Effekt auf die Induktion von Nekrose nur gering ausfiel. Eine Wirkung von VPA auf die Aktivität des Resistenz-vermittelnden Enzyms O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) wurde nicht beobachtet. Zudem wurde ausgeschlossen, dass die Sensitivierung gegenüber TMZ und FM, welche S-Phase abhängige Gentoxine sind, auf einer VPA-induzierten Erhöhung der Proliferation beruht. Mithilfe einer Zelllinie, welche stabil dominant-negatives FADD (Fas-associated death domain) exprimiert, konnten keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung des extrinsischen Apoptose-Signalwegs an der VPA-vermittelten Sensitivierung gewonnen werden. Gleichzeitig wurde gezeigt, dass VPA keine Induktion der niedrig exprimierten Procaspase-8 verursachte. Mithilfe eines PCR-Arrays wurden transaktivierende und –reprimierende Effekte von VPA auf die Genexpression gezeigt, wobei das proapoptotische Protein BAX (Breakpoint cluster-2-associated x protein) als ein in der Sensitivierung involviertes Kandidatengen identifiziert wurde. Obwohl eine vollständige Aufklärung der dem Sensitivierungseffekt von VPA zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen nicht erbracht werden konnte, zeigen die in dieser Arbeit erlangten Beobachtungen einen vielversprechenden Weg zur Überwindung der Resistenz von Melanomzellen gegenüber DNA-alkylierenden Zytostatika auf.rn


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Background DNA polymerase γ (POLG) is the only known mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymerase. It mediates mtDNA replication and base excision repair. Mutations in the POLG gene lead to reduction of functional mtDNA (mtDNA depletion and/or deletions) and are therefore predicted to result in defective oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Many mutations map to the polymerase and exonuclease domains of the enzyme and produce a broad clinical spectrum. The most frequent mutation p.A467T is localised in the linker region between these domains. In compound heterozygote patients the p.A467T mutation has been described to be associated amongst others with fatal childhood encephalopathy. These patients have a poorer survival rate compared to homozygotes. Methods mtDNA content in various tissues (fibroblasts, muscle and liver) was quantified using quantitative PCR (qPCR). OXPHOS activities in the same tissues were assessed using spectrophotometric methods and catalytic stain of BN-PAGE. Results We characterise a novel splice site mutation in POLG found in trans with the p.A467T mutation in a 3.5 years old boy with valproic acid induced acute liver failure (Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome). These mutations result in a tissue specific depletion of the mtDNA which correlates with the OXPHOS-activities. Conclusions mtDNA depletion can be expressed in a high tissue-specific manner and confirms the need to analyse primary tissue. Furthermore, POLG analysis optimises clinical management in the early stages of disease and reinforces the need for its evaluation before starting valproic acid treatment.


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PURPOSE Women with epilepsy apparently have a higher incidence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) than do women without epilepsy. Whether the underlying disease or the antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment is responsible for this increased risk is unknown, although clinical reports implicate valproic acid (VPA) as a potential cause. The steroidogenic enzymes 3beta HSDII (3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) and P450c17 (17alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase) are essential for C19 steroid biosynthesis, which is enhanced during adrenarche and in PCOS. METHODS To determine whether the AEDs VPA, carbamazepine (CBZ), topiramate (TPM), or lamotrigine (LYG) directly affect the activities of human 3beta HSDII and P450c17, we added them to yeast expressing human P450c17 or 3beta HSDII and assayed enzymatic activities in the microsomal fraction. RESULTS Concentrations of VPA < or = 10 mM had no effect on activities of P450c17; however, VPA inhibited 3beta HSDII activity starting at 0.3 mM (reference serum unbound concentration, 0.035-0.1 mM) with an IC50 of 10.1 mM. CBZ, TPM, and LTG did not influence 3beta HSDII or P450c17 activities at typical reference serum unbound concentrations, but did inhibit 3beta HSDII and P450c17 at concentrations >10-fold higher. CONCLUSIONS None of the tested AEDs influenced 3beta HSDII or P450c17 activities at concentrations normally used in AED therapy. However, VPA started to inhibit 3beta HSDII activity at concentrations 3 times above the typical reference serum unbound concentration. Because inhibition of 3beta HSDII activity will shift steroidogenesis toward C19 steroid production when P450c17 activities are unchanged, very high doses of VPA may promote C19 steroid biosynthesis, thus resembling PCOS. CBZ, TPM, and LTG influenced 3beta HSDII and P450c17 only at toxic concentrations.


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Free drug measurement and pharmacodymanic markers provide the opportunity for a better understanding of drug efficacy and toxicity. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful analytical technique that could facilitate the measurement of free drug and these markers. Currently, there are very few published methods for the determination of free drug concentrations by HPLC-MS. The development of atmospheric pressure ionisation sources, together with on-line microdialysis or on-line equilibrium dialysis and column switching techniques have reduced sample run times and increased assay efficiency. The availability of such methods will aid in drug development and the clinical use of certain drugs, including anti-convulsants, anti-arrhythmics, immunosuppressants, local anaesthetics, anti-fungals and protease inhibitors. The history of free drug measurement and an overview of the current HPLC-MS applications for these drugs are discussed. Immunosuppressant drugs are used as an example for the application of HPLC-MS in the measurement of drug pharmacodynamics. Potential biomarkers of immunosuppression that could be measured by HPLC-MS include purine nucleoside/nucleotides, drug-protein complexes and phosphorylated peptides. At the proteomic level, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight (TOF) MS is a powerful tool for identifying proteins involved in the response to inflammatory mediators. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.