105 resultados para Triterpenes.
Two new caffeoyl triterpenes and some phenolic constituents from Durio zibethinus Murr (bombacaceae)
The aim of this study was to explore soil microbial activities related to C and N cycling and the occurrence and concentrations of two important groups of plant secondary compounds, terpenes and phenolic compounds, under silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as well as to study the effects of volatile monoterpenes and tannins on soil microbial activities. The study site, located in Kivalo, northern Finland, included ca. 70-year-old adjacent stands dominated by silver birch, Norway spruce and Scots pine. Originally the soil was very probably similar in all three stands. All forest floor layers (litter (L), fermentation layer (F) and humified layer (H)) under birch and spruce showed higher rates of CO2 production, greater net mineralisation of nitrogen and higher amounts of carbon and nitrogen in microbial biomass than did the forest floor layers under pine. Concentrations of mono-, sesqui-, di- and triterpenes were higher under both conifers than under birch, while the concentration of total water-soluble phenolic compounds as well as the concentration of condensed tannins tended to be higher or at least as high under spruce as under birch or pine. In general, differences between tree species in soil microbial activities and in concentrations of secondary compounds were smaller in the H layer than in the upper layers. The rate of CO2 production and the amount of carbon in the microbial biomass correlated highly positively with the concentration of total water-soluble phenolic compounds and positively with the concentration of condensed tannins. Exposure of soil to volatile monoterpenes and tannins extracted and fractionated from spruce and pine needles affected carbon and nitrogen transformations in soil, but the effects were dependent on the compound and its molecular structure. Monoterpenes decreased net mineralisation of nitrogen and probably had a toxic effect on part of the microbial population in soil, while another part of the microbes seemed to be able to use monoterpenes as a carbon source. With tannins, low-molecular-weight compounds (also compounds other than tannins) increased soil CO2 production and nitrogen immobilisation by soil microbes while the higher-molecular-weight condensed tannins had inhibitory effects. In conclusion, plant secondary compounds may have a great potential in regulation of C and N transformations in forest soils, but the real magnitude of their significance in soil processes is impossible to estimate.
Jokisokeus eli onkosersiaasi on ihmisen loismatotauti, jota aiheuttaa Onchocerca volvulus -rihmamato. Tautia esiintyy trooppisilla alueilla Afrikassa ja Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Tartunnan saaneita on noin 37 miljoonaa. Jokisokeus ilmenee iho- ja silmäoireina. Oireet johtuvat loisen nuorimmista muodoista eli mikrofilarioista. Jokisokeutta vastaan on käyty jakamalla lähinnä mikrofilarioihin tehoavaa ivermektiiniä. Tarvetta olisi lääkkeelle, joka tappaisi aikuiset madot tai steriloisi naaraat. Rokote olisi vielä parempi vaihtoehto. Antibiootit on uusi hoitokeino, sillä O. volvuluksella on elintärkeänä symbionttina Wolbachia-bakteeri. Doksisykliini tappaa vähintään 60 prosenttia aikuisista madoista ja steriloi naaraita, mutta kuuri kestää viikkoja. Yksi lupaava yhdiste on emodepsidi, jolla on loismatolääkkeille uusi vaikutusmekanismi. Rihmamatolääkkeiksi on testattu lukuisia yhdisteitä. Jotkut niistä inhiboivat entsyymejä, joilla madot kiertävät ihmisen immuunipuolustusta. Toiset häiritsevät neljä kertaa tapahtuvaa nahanvaihtoa. Hyvä lääkkeiden vaikutuskohde on loiselle välttämätön mutta puuttuu nisäkkäiltä. Betuliini on triterpeeni, jota on runsaasti koivun tuohessa. Betuliini ja monet sen johdannaiset ovat farmakologisesti aktiivisia yhdisteitä, joita tutkitaan etenkin syöpä- ja HIV-lääkkeiksi. Helsingin yliopiston lääkekemian ryhmä on syntetisoinut ja tutkinut lukuisia johdoksia. Jotkin niistä ovat lupaavia esimerkiksi Leishmania-alkueläimiin, Chlamydia pneumoniae -bakteeriin ja alfaviruksiin. Siksi yhdisteitä kannattaisi tutkia muihinkin taudinaiheuttajiin, kuten rihmamatoihin. Sekä Wolbachialla että C. pneumoniaella on sama lipidisynteesireitti, joka on kummallekin elintärkeä. Betuliinista syntetisoitiin johdoksia, joissa betuliinin alkoholeja on hapetettu karbonyyleiksi ja joihin on liitetty typpiheterorengas. Sekä Leishmania donovani että L. braziliensis -tutkimuksissa tehokkain oli formyylibetuliinin heterosykli. Vaikka valmistettuja yhdisteitä ei ole tutkittu rihmamatotesteissä, jatkossa voisi syntetisoida johdannaisia, joissa karbonyylien tilalla on typpirakenteita, koska C. pneumoniaehen hyvin tehonneessa yhdisteessä betuliinin OH-ryhmien tilalla on oksiimi.
Seven parguerane diterpenes: 15-bromo-2,7,19-triacetoxyparguer-9(11)-en-16-ol (1), 15-bromo-2,7,16,19-tetraacetoxyparguer-9(11)-ene (2), 15-bromo-2,19-diacetoxyparguer-9(11)-en-7,16-diol (3), 15-bromo-2,16,19-triacetoxyparguer-9(11)-en-7-ol (4), 15bromo-2,16-diacetoxyparguer-9(11)-en-7-ol (5), 15-bromoparguer-9(11)-en-16-ol (6), 15-bromoparguer-7-en-16-ol (7), two polyether triterpenes: thyrsiferol (8) and thyrsiferyl 23-acetate (9), and one C15-acetogenin, neolaurallene (10), were isolated from a sample of marine red alga Laurencia saitoi collected off the coast of Yantai. Their structures were established by detailed NMR spectroscopic analysis and comparison with literature data.
In our continuing study of triterpene derivatives as potent anti-HIV agents, different C-3 conformationally restricted betulinic acid (BA, 1) derivatives were designed and synthesized in order to explore the conformational space of the C-3 pharmacophore. 3-O-Monomethylsuccinyl-betulinic acid (MSB) analogues were also designed to better understand the contribution of the C-3' dimethyl group of bevirimat (2), the first-in-class HIV maturation inhibitor, which is currently in phase IIb clinical trials. In addition, another triterpene skeleton, moronic acid (MA, 3), was also employed to study the influence of the backbone and the C-3 modification toward the anti-HIV activity of this compound class. This study enabled us to better understand the structure-activity relationships (SAR) of triterpene-derived anti-HIV agents and led to the design and synthesis of compound 12 (EC(50): 0.0006 microM), which displayed slightly better activity than 2 as a HIV-1 maturation inhibitor.
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a significant source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. One major virulence factor released by ETEC is the heat-labile enterotoxin LT, which is structurally and functionally similar to cholera toxin. LT consists of five B subunits carrying a single catalytically active A subunit. LTB binds the monosialoganglioside G(M1), the toxin's host receptor, but interactions with A-type blood sugars and E. coli lipopolysaccharide have also been identified within the past decade. Here, we review the regulation, assembly, and binding properties of the LT B-subunit pentamer and discuss the possible roles of its numerous molecular interactions.
O trabalho aqui apresentado teve como principal propósito o estudo do potencial da suberina como fonte de produtos de química fina e como precursor de novos materiais macromoleculares de origem renovável. O interesse na suberina reside, não só na sua ubiquidade e nas suas propriedades únicas em termos de composição química e hidrofobicidade, mas também no facto de ser um dos principais componentes macromoleculares dos subprodutos da indústria corticeira de Quercus suber L. no Sul da Europa, e da indústria de pasta de papel do Norte da Europa, que utiliza a Betula pendula Roth como matéria-prima. A primeira parte do presente trabalho consistiu no estudo detalhado da composição química da cortiça de Quercus suber L. e respectivos resíduos industriais bem como da casca de Betula pendula Roth recorrendo a diferentes técnicas de caracterização, nomeadamente GC-MS, IV, RMN de 1H e de 13C, DSC, termomicroscopia, TGA e difracção de raios-X. Os resultados mostraram que os produtos de despolimerização da suberina representam tipicamente uma fracção substancial de todas as amostras. Para além da suberina, foram também identificados nas diversas amostras quantidades variáveis de compostos triterpénicos, lenhina, polissacarídeos e matéria inorgânica. Os principais resultados da análise por GC-MS mostraram que todas as amostras de suberina despolimerizada são fontes abundantes de ω-hidroxiácidos e de ácidos dicarboxílicos, bem como dos correspondentes derivados epóxidados. No entanto, as quantidades relativas de cada componente identificado foram significativamente diferentes entre amostras. Por exemplo, em amostras de suberina da casca de Quercus suber L. isoladas por metanólise alcalina o composto maioritário encontrado foi o ácido 22-hidroxidocosanóico, enquanto que a suberina também proveniente da cortiça, mas isolada por hidrólise alcalina era composta maioritariamente pelo ácido 9,10-dihidroxioctadecanóico. Já no caso da amostra de suberina despolimerizada proveniente da casca externa da bétula o composto identificado como mais abundante foi o ácido 9,10-epoxi-18-hidroxioctadecanóico. A caracterização das diversas amostras de suberina despolimerizada por FTIR e RMN de 1H e de 13C foram concordantes com os resultados de GC-MS, evidenciando a sua natureza predominantemente lipofílica. Foi ainda determinada a razão entre os grupos CO2H/OH e CO2CH3/OH por RMN de 1H das amostras convenientemente derivatizadas com isocianato de tricloroacetilo, verificando-se que a suberina despolimerizada possuía quantidades não-estequiométricas destes grupos funcionais. A investigação do comportamento térmico das amostras de suberina despolimerizada, por DSC e termomicroscopia, bem como a análise por difracção de raios-X, permitiu concluir que algumas amostras de suberina despolimerizada possuíam importantes domínios cristalinos e pontos de fusão bem definidos, tipicamente próximos de 70 oC, enquanto outras amostras eram essencialmente amorfa. Factores como a fonte de suberina ou as condições de despolimerização estiveram na origem destas diferenças. iv Neste trabalho estudaram-se também os extractáveis lipofílicos da cortiça e dos seus resíduos industriais, em particular os do pó industrial de cortiça e dos condensados negros, mostrando que os extractáveis lipofílicos são uma fonte abundante de compostos triterpénicos, em particular de ácido betulínico e de friedelina. Foram ainda identificadas fracções abundantes de ω-hidroxiácidos e de ácidos dicarboxílicos no condensado negro. A segunda parte deste trabalho abordou a síntese e a caracterização de novos poliésteres alifáticos derivados de suberina. Estes materiais foram sintetizados utilizando, quer misturas de suberina despolimerizada, quer monómeros modelo estruturalmente análogos aos existentes na suberina. Recorreu-se para o efeito a duas aproximações distintas de polimerização por passos, a policondensação e a politransesterificação. Procurou-se em simultâneo maximizar a eficiência da polimerização em termos de peso molecular e de extensão da reacção e utilizar condições de reacção de química “verdes”. Neste sentido, utilizou-se a policondensação em emulsão utilizando um tensioactivo como catalisador e a policondensação em massa utilizando a lipase B de Candida antarctica. Adicionalmente foram também testado os catalisadores trifluorometanosulfonato de bismuto(III) no caso da policondensação, e ainda os catalisadores clássicos óxido de antimónio(III) e o carbonato de potássio no caso da politransesterificação. Os poliésteres resultantes foram caracterizados através de várias técnicas, tais como IV, RMN (de 1H e de 13C), DSC, DMA, TGA, difracção de raios-X e medidas dos ângulos de contacto. Verificou-se que os catalisadores trifluorometanosulfonato de bismuto (III), óxido de antimónio(III) e carbonato de potássio conduziram aos rendimentos de isolamento dos polímeros resultantes mais elevados. No caso dos poliésteres derivados da suberina os resultados em termos de rendimentos e pesos moleculares sofreram um incremento substancial quando a estequiometria da reacção de polimerização foi adequadamente balanceada (r=1) com a adição de uma quantidade extra de um comonómero. Verificou-se a predominância de diferentes estruturas consoante a amostra de suberina utilizada e as condições de síntese adoptada, predominando as cadeias lineares ou então quantidades substanciais de estruturas reticuladas. Globalmente, este primeiro estudo sistemático da utilização de suberina como um precursor de novos poliésteres alifáticos confirmou o elevado potencial deste recurso abundante e renovável como precursor para preparar materiais macromoleculares.
Catharanthus roseus is the sole biological source of the medicinal compounds vinblastine and vincristine. These chemotherapeutic compounds are produced in the aerial organs of the plant, however they accumulate in small amounts constituting only about 0.0002% of the fresh weight of the leaf. Their limited biological supply and high economical value makes its biosynthesis important to study. Vinblastine and vincristine are dimeric monoterpene indole alkaloids, which consists of two monomers vindoline and catharanthine. The monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIA's) contain a monoterpene moiety which is derived from the iridoid secologanin and an indole moiety tryptamine derived from the amino acid tryptophan. The biosynthesis of the monoterpene indole alkaloids has been localized to at least three cell types namely, the epidermis, the laticifer and the internal phloem assisted parenchyma. Carborundum abrasion (CA) technique was developed to selectively harvest epidermis enriched plant material. This technique can be used to harvest metabolites, protein or RNA. Sequencing of an expressed sequence tagged (EST) library from epidermis enriched mRNA demonstrated that this cell type is active in synthesizing a variety of secondary metabolites namely, flavonoids, lipids, triterpenes and monoterpene indole alkaloids. Virtually all of the known genes involved in monterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis were sequenced from this library.This EST library is a source for many candidate genes involved in MIA biosynthesis. A contig derived from 12 EST's had high similarity (E'^') to a salicylic acid methyltransferase. Cloning and functional characterization of this gene revealed that it was the carboxyl methyltransferase imethyltransferase (LAMT). In planta characterization of LAMT revealed that it has a 10- fold enrichment in the leaf epidermis as compared to the whole leaf specific activity. Characterization of the recombinant enzyme revealed that vLAMT has a narrow substate specificity as it only accepts loganic acid (100%) and secologanic acid (10%) as substrates. rLAMT has a high Km value for its substrate loganic acid (14.76 mM) and shows strong product inhibition for loganin (Kj 215 |iM). The strong product inhibition and low affinity for its substrate may suggest why the iridoid moiety is the limiting factor in monoterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis. Metabolite profiling of C. roseus organs shows that secologanin accumulates within these organs and constitutues 0.07- 0.45% of the fresh weight; however loganin does not accumulate within these organs suggesting that the product inhibition of loganin with LAMT is not physiologically relevant. The limiting factor to iridoid and MIA biosynthesis seems to be related to the spatial separation of secologanin and the MIA pathway, although secologanin is synthesized in the epidermis, only 2-5% of the total secologanin is found in the epidermis while the remaining secologanin is found within the leaf body inaccessable to alkaloid biosynthesis. These studies emphasize the biochemical specialization of the epidermis for the production of secondary metabolites. The epidermal cells synthesize metabolites that are sequestered within the plant and metabolites that are secreted to the leaf surface. The secreted metabolites comprise the epidermome, a layer separating the plant from its environment.
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is the deadliest virus among crustaceans ever discovered having several unique and novel features. Recent developments in genomics and proteomics could elucidate the molecular process involved in the WSSV infection and the host pathogen interaction to some extent. Until now no fool proof treatment or prophylactic measure has been made available to control WSSV out breaks in culture system. Even though there are technologies like application of immunostimulants, vaccines, RNAi and several antiviral natural products none of them has been taken to the level of clinical trials. However, there are several management options such as application of bioremediation technologies to maintain the required environmental quality, maintenance of zero water exchange systems coupled with application of probiotics and vaccines which on adoption shall pave way for successful crops amidst the rapid spread of the virus. In this context the present work was undertaken to develop a drug from mangrove plants for protecting shrimp from WSSV.Mangroves belong to those ecosystems that are presently under the threat of destruction, diversion and blatant attack in the name of so called ‘developmental activities’. Mangrove plants have unique ecological features as it serves as an ecotone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem and hence possess diversity of metabolites with diverse activities. This prompted them being used as remedial measures for several ailments for ages. Among the mangrove plants Ceriops tagal, belonging to the family Rhizophororaceae was in attention for many years for isolating new metabolites such as triterpenes, phenolic compounds, etc. Even though there were attempts to study various plant extracts to develop anti-viral preparations their activity against WSSV was not investigated as yet.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Ethnopharmacological relevance: The species Qualea grandiflora and Qualea multiflora, which belong to the Vochysiaceae family, are common in the Brazilian savannah (Cerrado biome), and the local inhabitants use these species to treat external ulcers and gastric diseases and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Studies have demonstrated that these plants contain compounds that exhibit pharmacological activities; however, the risks associated with their consumption are not known.Material and methods: In the present study, the mutagenicity of polar and apolar extracts from Qualea grandiflora and Qualea multiflora were assessed by employing the Ames assay with and without metabolic activation. Additionally, phytochemical analyses (HPLC-ESI-IT-MS, HPLC-UV-PDA and GC-IT-MS) were performed to identify the chemical constituents present in these species, including the evaluation of physico-chemical properties, such as polarity or apolarity of the organic compounds, which are related to each fraction obtained. These studies provide important information regarding the biochemical behaviour of these compounds.Results: All extracts exhibited mutagenicity, inducing frameshift mutations and base substitutions in DNA. Phytochemical analysis identified terpenes, ellagic acid derivatives and phytosteroids.Conclusions: The mutagenicity observed might be due to the presence of pentacyclic triterpenes and polyphenols, which are able to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and result in the potential to cause DNA damage. The genetic risk identified in this present work shows that special attention should be considered for the use of compounds obtained from these plant species in medicinal treatments. Further studies must be conducted to identify safe therapeutic doses. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Melcanpodium divaricatian is a member of the Asteraccae and in Brazil is known as false-calendula, its flowers being used in anti-inflammatory preparations, substituting the true calendula or marigold (Calendula officinalis L.). The flower extract was investigated for mutagenic and antimutagenic effect in the Sahnonella/microsome assay. The tested extract was not mutagenic in the strains TA100, TA98, TA97a and TA102 and decreased the mutagenicity of aflatoxin B1, benzo(a)pyrene and daunomycin. Chlorophyll and triterpenes were detected in the extract, and they might have contributed to the observed effect. Our data suggest that these medicinal plants possess cancer chemopreventive properties. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The anti-allergic active fractionation of hexane extracts of the leaves and stems of Anchietia salutaris,ar. martiana (family Violaceae) nas performed by monitoring their activities with an in vitro bioassay system measuring the inhibitory effects on induced histamine release from guinea pig lung cells. Three known pentacyclic triterpenes (friedelin, alpha-amyrin, beta-amyrin) were isolated, but these compounds were inactive. Aliphatic hydrocarbons and methyl esters of fatty acids (palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic acids) were detected in active fractions. All compounds isolated were detected for the first time in this medicinal plant.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)