875 resultados para Transgene Mäuse, Endocannabinoid-System, CRH, Depression, Angst, Tiermodell, Stress, HPA Achse


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Behavioral stress can either block or facilitate memory and affect the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). However, the relevance of the stress experience-dependent long-term depression (SLTD) to spatial memory task is unknown. Here we have investigated the effects of acute and sub-acute elevated platform (EP) and foot shock (FS) stress on LTD induction in CA1 region of the hippocampus of anesthetized rats and spatial memory in Morris water maze. We found that LTD was facilitated by acute EP stress, but not by sub-acute EP stress that may be due to the fast adaptation of the animals to this naturalistic mild stress. However, FS stress, an inadaptable strong stress, facilitated LTD induction both in acute and sub-acute treatment. In addition, with the same stress protocols, acute EP stress impaired spatial memory but the sub-acute EP stressed animals performed the spatial memory task as well as the controls, may due to the same reason of adaptation. However, acute FS stress slightly impaired learning but sub-acute FS even enhanced memory retrieval. Our results showed that SLTD was disassociated with the effect of stress on memory task but might be related to stress experience-dependent form of aberrant memory. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are reactive molecules containing oxygen, that form as byproducts of aerobic metabolism, including immune system processes. Too much ROS may cause oxidative stress. In this study, we examined whether it can also limit the production of immune system compounds. To assess the relationship between antioxidant status and immunity we evaluated the effect of dietary supplementation with organic selenium, given at various levels for 10 days, on the antioxidant and immune system of the pacu fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Fish fed a diet containing 0.6 mg Se-yeast kg(-1) showed significant improvement in antioxidant status, as well as in hematological and immunological profiles. Specifically, they had the highest counts for catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST), red blood cells, and thrombocytes; the highest leukocyte count (particularly for monocytes); and the highest serum lysozyme activity. There was also a positive correlation between GPx and lysozyme in this group of fish. These findings indicate that short-term supplementation with 0.6 mg Se-yeast kg(-1) reestablished the antioxidative status, allowing the production of innate components which can boost immunity without the risk of oxidative stress. This study shows a relationship between oxidative stress and immunity, and, from a practical perspective, shows that improving immunity and health in pacu through the administration of selenium could improve their growth performance.


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Evidences have suggested that the endocannabinoid system is overactive in obesity, resulting in enhanced endocannabinoid levels in both circulation and visceral adipose tissue. The blockade of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) has been proposed for the treatment of obesity. Besides loss of body weight, CB1 antagonism improves insulin sensitivity, in which the glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) plays a key role. The aim of this study was to investigate the modulation of GLUT4-encoded gene (Slc2a4 gene) expression by CB1 receptor. For this, 3T3-L1 adipocytes were incubated in the presence of a highly selective CB1 receptor agonist (1 mu M arachidonyl-2'-chloroethylamide) and/or a CB1 receptor antagonist/inverse agonist (0.1, 0.5, or 1 mu M AM251, 1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-4-methyl-N-1-piperidinyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide). After acute (2 and 4 h) and chronic (24 h) treatments, cells were harvested to evaluate: i) Slc2a4, Cnr1 (CB1 receptor-encoded gene), and Srebf1 type a (SREBP-1a type-encoded gene) mRNAs (real-time PCR); ii) GLUT4 protein (western blotting); and iii) binding activity of nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1 specifically in the promoter of Slc2a4 gene (electrophoretic mobility shift assay). Results revealed that both acute and chronic CB1 receptor antagonism greatly increased (similar to 2.5-fold) Slc2a4 mRNA and protein content. Additionally, CB1-induced upregulation of Slc2a4 was accompanied by decreased binding activity of NF-kappa B at 2 and 24 h, and by increased binding activity of the SREBP-1 at 24 h. In conclusion, these findings reveal that the blockade of CB1 receptor markedly increases Slc2a4/GLUT4 expression in adipocytes, a feature that involves NF-kappa B and SREBP-1 transcriptional regulation. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2012) 49, 97-106


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ABSTRACT: Recent progress in neuroscience revealed diverse regions of the CNS which moderate autonomic and affective responses. The ventro-medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) plays a key role in these regulations. There is evidence that vmPFC activity is associated with cardiovascular changes during a motor task that are mediated by parasympathetic activity. Moreover, vmPFC activity makes important contributions to regulations of affective and stressful situations.This review selectively summarizes literature in which vmPFC activation was studied in healthy subjects as well as in patients with affective disorders. The reviewed literature suggests that vmPFC activity plays a pivotal role in biopsychosocial processes of disease. Activity in the vmPFC might link affective disorders, stressful environmental conditions, and immune function.


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Background: Diabetes and diabetes-related complications are major causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Depressive symptoms and perceived stress have been identified as possible risk factors for beta cell dysfunction and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to assess associations between depression symptoms and perceived stress with beta cell function between African and Haitian Americans with and without type 2 diabetes. Participants and Methods: Informed consent and data were available for 462 participants (231 African Americans and 231 Haitian Americans) for this cross-sectional study. A demographic questionnaire developed by the Primary Investigator was used to collect information regarding age, gender, smoking, and ethnicity. Diabetes status was determined by self-report and confirmed by fasting blood glucose. Anthropometrics (weight, and height and waist circumference) and vital signs (blood pressure) were taken. Blood samples were drawn after 8 10 hours over-night fasting to measure lipid panel, fasting plasma glucose and serum insulin concentrations. The homeostatic model assessment, version 2 (HOMA2) computer model was used to calculate beta cell function. Depression was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and stress levels were assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Results: Moderate to severe depressive symptoms were more likely for persons with diabetes (p = 0.030). There were no differences in perceived stress between ethnicity and diabetes status (p = 0.283). General linear models for participants with and without type 2 diabetes using beta cell function as the dependent variable showed no association with depressive symptoms and perceived stress; however, Haitian Americans had significantly lower beta cell function than African Americans both with and without diabetes and adjusting for age, gender, waist circumference and smoking. Further research is needed to compare these risk factors in other race/ethnic groups.


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Desmosomen sind hoch organisierte adhäsive interzelluläre Verbindungen, die benachbarte Zellen durch Verankerung mit den Intermediärfilamenten des Zytoskeletts miteinander verknüpfen und so Zellen und Geweben Stabilität verleihen. Die Adhäsionsmoleküle der Desmosomen sind die desmosomalen Cadherine. Diese transmembranen Glykoproteine gehen im Interzellulärraum Verbindungen mit den desmosomalen Cadherinen der Nachbarzelle ein und sind im zytoplasmatischen Bereich Anheftungspunkte für weitere an der Desmosomenbildung beteiligte Proteine. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Rolle von Desmoglein 2 (Dsg 2), einem in allen Epithelien exprimierten desmosomalen Cadherin. Da der konstitutive knock out von Dsg 2 embryonal letal ist, wurde im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit eine transgene Maus generiert, in der die Reduktion von Dsg 2 temporär regulierbar war (konditionaler knock down). Dazu wurde der Mechanismus der RNA Interferenz genutzt, wodurch Sequenz-spezifische, post-transkriptionelle Regulation von Genen möglich ist. Unter Verwendung eines über Cre/lox-induzierbaren Vektors wurden transgene Mäuse generiert, welche nach Induktion Dsg 2 shRNA exprimieren, die in der Zelle in siRNA umgewandelt wird und zum Abbau der Dsg 2 mRNA führt. Durch Verpaarung der generierten Dsg 2 knock down Maus mit der über Tamoxifen induzierbaren Cre Deleter knock in Mauslinie Rosa26CreERT2 konnte deutliche Reduktion der Dsg 2 Proteinmenge in Leber, Darm und Herz erreicht werden. In Immunfärbungen der Leber wurde zudem eine reduzierte Desmosomenbildung durch Expression der Dsg 2 shRNA detektiert. Die für diese Versuche generierte und getestete Rosa26CreERT2 Mauslinie ermöglichte jedoch nicht in allen Zellen eines Gewebes die komplette Aktivierung der Cre Rekombinase und damit die Expression der shRNA. Dadurch entstanden mosaikartige Wildtyp/knock down-Gewebe, in denen noch ausreichend Desmosomen gebildet wurden, um die Gewebestabilität und -struktur zu erhalten. Für eine funktionale Untersuchung von Dsg 2 in Zusammenhang mit der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankung Colitis ulcerosa wurden die Dsg 2 knock down Mäuse mit Darm-spezifischen, induzierbaren Cre Deleter Mäusen (VillinCreERT2) verpaart. Nach Aktivierung der Cre Rekombinase mittels Tamoxifen wurde in bitransgenen Tieren über Gabe von Azoxymethan (AOM) und Dextransodiumsulfat (DSS) Colitis ulcerosa induziert. Diese entzündliche Erkrankung des Darms ist mit der Induktion von Darmtumoren assoziiert. Bereits nach einmaliger Induktion mit AOM/DSS wurde in der ersten endoskopischen Untersuchung eine starke Entzündung des Darmgewebes und die Ausbildung von flächig wachsenden Tumoren in den Dsg 2 knock down Tieren hervorgerufen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass durch knock down von Dsg 2, und die damit verbundene verminderte Desmosomenbildung und Zelladhäsion, Infiltration von Bakterien durch die epitheliale Barriere des Darms möglich war, und so die Entzündungsreaktion in der Darmmukosa verstärkte. In Zusammenhang mit Verlust der epithelialen Festigkeit durch verringerte Zellkontakte kam es zur Hyperproliferation der Darmmukosa, die sich in Ausbildung von flächigen Tumoren äußerte. In weiteren Experimenten müssen nun die Tumore und das entzündete Gewebe der Colitis-induzierten Mäuse mittels Immunfluoreszenz untersucht werden, um Veränderungen in der Desmosomenformation in situ detektieren zu können. Des Weiteren sind Verpaarungen der Dsg 2 knock down Maus mit anderen Cre Rekombinase exprimierenden Mauslinien möglich, um den Einfluss von Dsg 2 auch in anderen Geweben, beispielsweise im Herzen, zu untersuchen. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit zeigt also erstmalig den ursächlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Dsg 2 und dem Auftreten von Colitis-assoziierten Tumoren in einem konditionalen RNAi-vermittelten knock down Tiermodell. Die Etablierung dieser Maus ist somit das erste konditionale Mausmodell, welches die bei vielen Krebspatienten gefundenen flachzellig wachsenden Tumore in vivo rekapituliert. Vorausschauend kann man sagen, dass mit Hilfe des im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit entwickelten Tiermodells wichtige Erkenntnisses über die Pathologie von Darmtumoren erbracht werden können, die unser Verständnis der Colitis-induzierten Tumorentstehung verbessern.


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Im ersten Teil dieser Doktorarbeit beabsichtigte meine Arbeit, die funktionelle Beteiligung des CB1 Rezeptors, einer Hauptkomponente des neuronalen Endocannabinoid-Systems (ECS), an der Ausbildung von verschiedenen Verhaltensphänotypen mit Hilfe von konditionalen Mausmutanten, denen der CB1 Rezeptor auf verschiedenen neuronalen Unterpopulationen fehlt, aufzuschlüsseln und zu untersuchen. Verschiedene Verhaltensmodelle wurden hierzu getestet. Dabei lag der Fokus dieser Arbeit auf der CB1f/f;D1-Cre Mauslinie, welche der CB1 Rezeptor auf den D1 Rezeptor exprimierenden Neuronen des Striatums fehlt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass der Verlust des CB1 Rezeptors auf diesen Neuronen keinen Einfluss auf basale neurologische Funktionen, Gewicht, Bewegung, Exploration, Sozialverhalten, Angst und Stressbewältigung der Tiere hat, jedoch eine Beteiligung an der Entwicklung von Suchtverhalten gegeben ist. Bei Betrachtung des Kokain-induzierten Suchtverhaltens zeigten die konditionalen Mausmutanten eine reduzierte Suchtanfälligkeit sowohl im Vergleich zu Tieren mit einem totalen CB1 Rezeptor Verlust in allen Körperzellen, als auch zu genetisch unveränderten Kontrollmäusen beider Linien.rnDes Weiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie eine große, aber gegensätzliche Beteiligung des ECS bei der Regulation von Exploration in Abhängigkeit des Verlustes des CB1 Rezeptors auf GABAergen Neuronen des Vorderhirns und kortikalen glutamatergen Neuronen, jedoch nicht auf striatalen Neuronen alleine. Zusätzlich war ich in der Lage, die Wichtigkeit des genetischen Hintergrunds von Mauslinien nicht nur auf die Ausbildung von spezifischen Verhaltensphänotypen, sondern auch auf die Genexpression zu zeigen.rnIn dem zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit, in dem ich mich auf die Funktion von Gliazellen konzentrierte, wurden ebenfalls Mausmutanten in verschiedenen Verhaltensmodellen getestet. Ein genetisches Auslöschen des NG2 Glykoproteins in Gliazellen sorgt in den Knock-out Mäusen für ein schlechteres Hörvermögen und ein reduziertes Depressionsverhalten im Vergleich zu ihren Wildtyp-Kontrollmäusen. Interessanterweise zeigten diese Tiere auch eine reduzierte Empfänglichkeit bei chemisch induzierten epileptischen Krämpfen, was eine Rolle des NG2 Glykoproteins bei der Kontrolle der glutamatergen Homöostase vorschlägt, die wahrscheinlich durch Strukturänderungen der Neuron-Glia-Synapse verursacht wird. rn


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The rapid economic development and social changes in Malaysia recently have led to many psychosocial problems in young people, such as drug addiction, child sexual abuse and mental illness. The Malaysian government is beginning to focus more attention on its social welfare and human service needs in order to alleviate these psychosocial problems. Although counselling is accepted and widespread in Malaysia, the practice of family therapy is not as accepted as it is still a widely held belief that family problems need to be kept within the family. However, changes are imminent and thus the theoretical basis of family therapy needs to be culturally relevant. Bowen‟s Family Systems Theory (BFST) is already one of the major theories taught to tertiary counselling students in Malaysian universities. The main tenet of Bowen‟s theory is that the family as a system may be unstable unless each member of the family is well differentiated. High differentiation levels in the family allow a person to both leave the family‟s boundaries in search of uniqueness and to continually return to the family fold in order to establish a more mature sense of belonging. The difficulty, however, is that while Bowen has claimed that his theory is universal nearly all of the research confirming the theory has been conducted in the United States of America. The only known study outside America, however, did show that Bowen‟s theory applied to a Filipino population but, one of the theory‟s propositions that differentiation is intergenerational was not supported in this non-American sample. The American sample that was compared to the Malay sample was taken from Skowron and Friedlander‟s (1998) study. One hundred and twenty-seven faculty staff in an American university completed the Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI) to measure level of differentiation of self. This thesis therefore, set out to determine whether Bowen‟s theory applied to another non-American sample, the Malaysian community. The research also investigated if the intergenerational effect was present in the Malaysian sample as well as explored the role of socio-economic status on Bowen‟s theory of differentiation and gender effect. Three hundred and seventy-four families completed four measures to examine these research questions: the Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI), the Family Inventory of Life Event (FILE), the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The results of the study showed that differentiation of self is a valid construct for the Malay population. However, all four subscales of the Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI); emotional reactivity (ER), emotional cut-off (EC), fusion with other (FO) and I position (IP), showed significant differences compared to the American sample from Skowron and Friedlander‟s (1998) study. The Malay sample scored higher in emotional reaction (ER), fusion with other (FO), but lower on emotional cut-off (EC) and I position (IP) than the American sample. The intergenerational effect was found in the Malay population as the parent‟s level of differentiation correlated with their children‟s level of differentiation. It was found that stress as measured by the Family Inventory of Life Event (FILE) and as measured by the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were not correlated with the level of differentiation of self in parents. However, gender had a significant effect in predicting the level of differentiation among parents in Malay population with females scores higher on emotional reactivity (ER) and fusion with other (FO) than males. An additional finding was that resilience can be predicted from the level of differentiation of self in children in the Malay sample. There was also a positive correlation between the level of differentiation of self in parents and resilience in their children. Findings from this study indicate that the concept of differentiation of self is applicable to a Malay sample; however, the implementation of the theory should be applied with cultural sensitivity.


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Although the endocannabinoid system (ECS) has been implicated in brain development and various psychiatric disorders, precise mechanisms of the ECS on mood and anxiety disorders remain unclear. Here, we have investigated developmental and disease-related expression pattern of the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and the cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) genes in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) of humans. Using mice selectively bred for high and low fear, we further investigated potential association between fear memory and the cannabinoid receptor expression in the brain. The CB1, not the CB2, mRNA levels in the PFC gradually decrease during postnatal development ranging in age from birth to 50 years (r 2 > 0.6 & adj. p < 0.05). The CB1 levels in the PFC of major depression patients were higher when compared to the age-matched controls (adj. p < 0.05). In mice, the CB1, not the CB2, levels in the PFC were positively correlated with freezing behavior in classical fear conditioning (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the CB1 in the PFC may play a significant role in regulating mood and anxiety symptoms. Our study demonstrates the advantage of utilizing data from postmortem brain tissue and a mouse model of fear to enhance our understanding of the role of the cannabinoid receptors in mood and anxiety disorders


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We have recently shown that the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1), a non-selective cation channel in the peripheral and central nervous system, is localized at postsynaptic sites of the excitatory perforant path synapses in the hippocampal dentate molecular layer (ML). In the present work, we have studied the distribution of TRPV1 at inhibitory synapses in the ML. With this aim, a preembedding immunogold method for high resolution electron microscopy was applied to mouse hippocampus. About 30% of the inhibitory synapses in the ML are TRPV1 immunopositive, which is mostly localized perisynaptically (similar to 60% of total immunoparticles) at postsynaptic dendritic membranes receiving symmetric synapses in the inner 1/3 of the layer. This TRPV1 pattern distribution is not observed in the ML of TRPV1 knock-out mice. These findings extend the knowledge of the subcellular localization of TRPV1 to inhibitory synapses of the dentate molecular layer where the channel, in addition to excitatory synapses, is present.


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The herb Cannabis sativa (C. sativa) has been used in China and on the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years as a medicine. However, since it was brought to the UK and then the rest of the western world in the late 19th century, its use has been a source of controversy. Indeed, its psychotropic side effects are well reported but only relatively recently has scientific endeavour begun to find valuable uses for either the whole plant or its individual components. Here, we discuss evidence describing the endocannabinoid system, its endogenous and exogenous ligands and their varied effects on feeding cycles and meal patterns. Furthermore we also critically consider the mounting evidence which suggests non‐tetrahydrocannabinol phytocannabinoids play a vital role in C. sativa‐induced feeding pattern changes. Indeed, given the wide range of phytocannabinoids present in C. sativa and their equally wide range of intra‐, inter‐ and extra‐cellular mechanisms of action, we demonstrate that non‐Δ9tetrahydrocannabinol phytocannabinoids retain an important and, as yet, untapped clinical potential.


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The midbrain dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) has an important role in orchestrating anxiety-and panic-related responses. Given the cellular and behavioral evidence suggesting opposite functions for cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1) and transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 channel (TRPV1), we hypothesized that they could differentially influence panic-like reactions induced by electrical stimulation of the dPAG. Drugs were injected locally and the expression of CB1 and TRPV1 in this structure was assessed by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. The CB1-selective agonist, ACEA (0.01, 0.05 and 0.5 pmol) increased the threshold for the induction of panic-like responses solely at the intermediary dose, an effect prevented by the CB1-selective antagonist, AM251 (75 pmol). Panicolytic-like effects of ACEA at the higher dose were unmasked by pre-treatment with the TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine (0.1 nmol). Similarly to ACEA, capsazepine (1 and 10 nmol) raised the threshold for triggering panic-like reactions, an effect mimicked by another TRPV1 antagonist, SB366791 (1 nmol). Remarkably, the effects of both capsazepine and SB366791 were prevented by AM251 (75 pmol). These pharmacological data suggest that a common endogenous agonist may have opposite functions at a given synapse. Supporting this view, we observed that several neurons in the dPAG co-expressed CB1 and TRPV1. Thus, the present work provides evidence that an endogenous substance, possibly anandamide, may exert both panicolytic and panicogenic effects via its actions at CB1 receptors and TRPV1 channels, respectively. This tripartite set-point system might be exploited for the pharmacotherapy of panic attacks and anxiety-related disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 37, 478-486; doi:10.1038/npp.2011.207; published online 21 September 2011


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Die Alzheimer Krankheit ist eine der häufigsten neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen, deren Ursache, abgesehen von einem geringen Prozentsatz vererbter Formen, bisher nicht bekannt ist. Ein wichtiges Ziel der Grundlagenforschung liegt derzeit in der Modulation der APP-spaltenden Enzyme. Durch die Modulation dieser Enzyme könnten weniger schädigende Amyloid β-Peptide entstehen. Die Aktivität des ECS ist in vielen neurodegenerativen Krankheiten verändert. Protektive Eigenschaften der Cannabinoidrezeptoren wurden bei der Alzheimer Krankheit beschrieben. Deshalb sollte in dieser Arbeit der Einfluss des ECS auf die Pathogenese der Alzheimer Erkrankung untersucht werden. In Zellkultursystemen wurde der Einfluss von Cannabinoiden auf die Prozessierung des Amyloid-Vorläuferproteins analysiert. Durch Inkubation der Zellen mit CB1-Rezeptor Agonisten konnte die APP-Prozessierung zugunsten von sAPPα moduliert werden. Gleichzeitig führte die Inkubation mit Cannabinoiden zur reduzierten Amyloid β Menge im Medium der Zellen. In dieser Arbeit konnte die APP-Prozessierung durch die Aktivierung des CB1-Rezeptors zugunsten des nicht-amyloiden Wegs moduliert werden.rnIn einem Tiermodell wurde der Einfluss des CB1-Rezeptors in APP23 transgenen Mäusen untersucht. Der Knockout des CB1-Rezeptors führte in APP23 transgenen Tieren zu weitreichenden biochemischen Veränderungen. APP23/CB1-/--Tiere zeigten eine erhöhte Mortalität und ein sehr geringes Durchschnittsgewicht. Im Vergleich zu APP23/CB1+/+-Tieren führte der CB1-Rezeptor Knockout zur Reduktion der APP-Expression und dessen Prozessierungsprodukten. In den histologischen Untersuchungen wurde eine reduzierte Anzahl an amyloiden Plaques, sowie eine reduzierte Neuroinflammation ermittelt. Biochemische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass der CB1-Rezeptor einen möglichen regulatorischen Einfluss auf die Expression und Prozessierung von APP ausübt. Die Tiere mit der geringsten Plaque-Menge (APP23/CB1-/-) und einer reduzierten Prozessierung von sAPPα- und den CTFs zeigten die schlechteste Lernleistung im Morris Water-Maze. Deshalb müssen andere Faktoren (z.B. die Degradation der Myelinschicht) für die schlechte Lernleistung verantwortlich sein. Mit einem zweiten Tiermodell könnte in CB1-Knockout Mäusen durch den viral-vermittelten Gentransfer eine mögliche Toxizität von Aβ Peptiden untersucht werden. Die in dieser Arbeit ermittelten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der CB1-Rezeptor an der Regulation der APP-Prozessierung beteiligt ist und zu proteinbiochemischen Veränderungen im Zell- und Tiermodell führt.