966 resultados para Transactional Leadership


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This study advances prior theoretical research by investigating the influence of cultural forces in our understanding of leadership. The research provides new insights by linking transformational and transactional leadership to the Malaysian cultural environment. Using a quantitative approach by administering the multifactor leadership questionnaire MLQ-5x-short, 138 usable responses were analysed. Findings indicate that cultural foundations contribute significantly to transformational leadership behaviours to facilitate the creation of a harmonious leader–subordinate relationship. Furthermore, this study contributes to an understanding of how specific leaders' behaviours are affected by cultural forces, and reveals leadership attributes that are contingent upon dynamic environmental conditions. The study extends beyond the obvious, and reveals subtle yet important culture-specific differences. The Malaysian managers, regardless of gender, show a preference for leading within the transformational leadership framework. This has led us to infer that cultural forces do indeed play an important role in determining leadership styles.


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In addition to extending the empirical investigation of the relationship between transformational leadership and follower affective commitment to the Chinese hospitality industry, this study makes a theoretical contribution by investigating the influence of individually held cultural values on this relationship. Building on previous research which has examined whether collectivism moderates the transformational leadership/affective commitment relationship, this study investigates the moderating effects of two additional cultural value orientations, namely power distance and uncertainty avoidance. Hierarchical regression analysis was utilized to analyse survey data from 398 employees of four Chinese hotels in Zhejiang Province. In addition to finding a positive relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment, data analysis revealed that followers low in power distance exhibited higher levels of affective commitment when working under a transformational leader than those high in power distance. In addition, followers high in uncertainty avoidance and collectivism exhibited greater commitment when working under a transformational leader than those low in uncertainty avoidance and collectivism. These findings clearly indicate the importance of within-country cultural differences to the effectiveness of leaders in the workplace. © 2014 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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This study examines the mediating effects of cognitive trust and affective trust on the relationship between supervisors' participative leadership behavior and subordinate work outcomes, using data obtained from 247 dyads in a manufacturing organization located in mainland China. Structural equation modeling revealed that while affective trust fully mediated the relationships between participative leadership of supervisor and subordinate job performance and organizational citizenship behavior, cognitive trust had non-significant effects. These findings underscore the importance of interpersonal interactions between the supervisor and subordinate for engendering subordinate work outcomes. They also lend support to the exchange (relationship)-based explanation as to how trust enhances the response of subordinates to the participative leadership behavior of their immediate supervisor, given that affective trust involves a process of social exchange between both parties over an extended period of time. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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This study examines the mediating effects of cognitive and affective trust on the relationship between follower perceptions of transformational leadership behavior and their work outcomes. Using data obtained from 318 supervisor-subordinate dyads from a manufacturing organization located in mainland China, structural equation modeling results revealed that affective trust fully mediated the relationships between transformational leadership and the work outcomes of followers, including their affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), and job performance. In contrast, cognitive trust negatively mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and follower job performance, and had insignificant effects on their affective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. These findings highlight the importance of affective trust as a mechanism which translates transformational leadership into positive work outcomes for the organization. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Introduction. Patient safety culture is the integration of interrelated practices that once developed is supported by both the culture and leadership of the organization (Sagan, 1993). The purpose of this study is to describe and examine the relationship between surgical residents’ perception of their leadership and the resulting organizational safety culture within their clinical setting. This assessment is important to understanding the extent that leadership style affects the perception of the safety culture.^ Methods. A secondary dataset was used which included data from 68 surgical residents from two survey instruments, Organizational Description Questionnaire (ODQ) and Patient Safety Climate In Healthcare Organizations (PSCHO) Survey. Multiple regressions followed by hierarchical regressions with the introduction of the Post Graduate Year (PGY) variable examined the association between the leadership styles, Transactional and Transformational and the organizational safety culture variables, Overall Emphasis on Safety, Senior management engagement, Organizational resources for safety. Independent t-tests were conducted to assess whether males and females differ among the organizational safety culture variables and either leadership style.^ Results. The surgical residents perceived their organizational leadership to have greater emphasis placed on transformational leadership culture style relative to transactional leadership culture style. The only significant association found was between Transformational leadership and Organizational resources for safety. PGY had no significant effect on the leadership or the safety culture perceived. No significant difference was found between females and males in regards to the safety culture or the leadership style.^ Discussion. These results have implications as they support the premise for the study which is surgical residents perceive their existing leadership and organizational culture to be more transformational in nature than transactional. Significance was found between the leadership perceived and one of the safety culture variables, Organizational resources for safety. The foundation for this association lies in the fact that surgical residents are the personnel which are a part of the organizational resources. Although PGY differentiation did not seem to play a difference in the leadership perceived this could be attributed to the small sample size. No gender difference were found which supports the assumption that within such a highly specialized group such as surgical residents there is no gender differences since the highly specialized field draws a certain type of person with distinct characteristics. In future research these survey tools can be used to gauge the survey audiences’ perception and safety interventions can be developed based on the results. ^


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This dissertation focuses on the leadership styles of managers, the impact these leadership styles have on the job satisfaction of staff nurses, and the proclivity of nurses to consider unionization. The aims of the dissertation include conducting a literature review on topics of leadership style, job satisfaction, and unionization; identifying and elucidating pertinent constructs with respect to shared interrelationships and how they could be measured; and developing a means of assessing if and to what extent transformational and transactional leadership styles affect nurse proclivity to unionize.^ The instrumentation selected includes the Multifactor Leadership Survey, Job Satisfaction Survey, and a newly created Union Preference Survey. Each survey instrument was evaluated as to its appropriateness to administer at a non-consultant level within a health care facility. Options other than self-administering the survey instruments include online access for participants, which provides confidentiality and encourages more responses. ^ The next part of the dissertation is a plan for health care facilities to use the survey tool by administering it themselves. The plan provides a general description of the survey tool, administering the instrument, rating the instrument, and leadership development. Integration of the three surveys is presented in a non-statistical format by coordinating the results of the three survey instrument responses. Recommendations are presented on how to improve leadership development warranted for improvement.^ The conclusions reached are that nurses’ preference for unions is influenced by the leadership style of direct report managers, as rated by staff nurses, and the nurses’ job satisfaction, which is in turn in part dependent on their managers’ leadership style. Thus, changes in leadership style can have a profound impact on nurse job satisfaction and on nurses’ preference for unionization.^


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Comprendre ce qui amène un leader à émettre des comportements de leadership transformationnel fascine les chercheurs et praticiens depuis plusieurs années (Bommer, Rubin, & Baldwin, 2004; Bono & Judge, 2004; Shamir & Howell, 1999 ; Stogdill, 1948; Yukl, 1999). Or, jusqu’à présent, ces facteurs sont encore bien peu étudiés et compris comparativement aux conséquences de ce style de leadership. Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse répond à différents enjeux soulevés par les auteurs à ce sujet (Dinh & Lord, 2012; Zaccaro, 2007) en cherchant à préciser le rôle joué par différents antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel. Cet objectif sera poursuivi par l’adoption d’une perspective interactionniste qui intègre des antécédents de personnalité et de contexte ainsi par l’évaluation de la personnalité à l’aide d’une modélisation de la personnalité orientée vers le critère à prédire (variable composite). La présente thèse est composée de trois articles poursuivant les objectifs suivant : 1) Effectuer une synthèse de la littérature empirique portant sur les antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel; 2) Vérifier les liens empiriques entre la personnalité mesurée à l’aide de variables composites, plus précisément le modèle des Great Eight de Bartram (2005), et le leadership transformationnel; 3) Tester empiriquement l’effet d’interaction entre les variables de personnalité et les variables contextuelles pour prédire le leadership transformationnel. Le premier article vise d’abord à circonscrire et organiser les connaissances empiriques actuelles provenant d’une quarantaine d’articles concernant les antécédents du leadership transformationnel. L’article s’organise en trois thèmes principaux : les antécédents individuels de personnalité, les antécédents contextuels et l’étude des interactions entre le volet individuel et contextuel. Plusieurs constats et pistes de recherches sont discutés et mettent la table pour les deux articles subséquents. Ainsi, le second article s’intéresse au potentiel explicatif d’un modèle de personnalité orienté vers le critère pour prédire le leadership. Plus spécifiquement, le modèle des Great Eight proposé par Bartram (2005) est mis en relation avec les comportements de leadership transformationnel et de récompense contingente. Les résultats, obtenus auprès de 113 gestionnaires et de leurs 799 subordonnés, donnent peu d’appui à la valeur ajoutée du modèle utilisé, mais indiquent que certaines tendances de personnalité sont associées au leadership. Des analyses supplémentaires permettent de nuancer la compréhension des effets observés dans la documentation scientifique et offrent quelques pistes de groupements de traits pouvant prédire les différents comportements de leadership. Le troisième article s’inspire de la théorie de l’activation des traits (Tett & Burnett, 2003) pour vérifier l’effet combiné de la personnalité du gestionnaire et du contexte dans lequel il évolue en vue de prédire le leadership transformationnel. Les résultats (ngestionnaires = 89; nsubordonnés = 643) n’offrent qu’un appui modéré au rationnel sous-jacent du modèle de l’activation des traits. Toutefois, il en ressort que l’aspect relationnel du gestionnaire (opérationnalisé par le composite de personnalité « soutien et coopération ») est associé à l’émergence du leadership transformationnel uniquement lorsque les facteurs contextuels (considération organisationnelle, latitude décisionnelle) sont perçus positivement par le gestionnaire. L’étude permet donc d’éclaircir une part de la variabilité observée dans les études antérieures concernant la tendance relationnelle du gestionnaire, en soulignant sa sensibilité à des facteurs contextuels positifs.


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Comprendre ce qui amène un leader à émettre des comportements de leadership transformationnel fascine les chercheurs et praticiens depuis plusieurs années (Bommer, Rubin, & Baldwin, 2004; Bono & Judge, 2004; Shamir & Howell, 1999 ; Stogdill, 1948; Yukl, 1999). Or, jusqu’à présent, ces facteurs sont encore bien peu étudiés et compris comparativement aux conséquences de ce style de leadership. Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse répond à différents enjeux soulevés par les auteurs à ce sujet (Dinh & Lord, 2012; Zaccaro, 2007) en cherchant à préciser le rôle joué par différents antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel. Cet objectif sera poursuivi par l’adoption d’une perspective interactionniste qui intègre des antécédents de personnalité et de contexte ainsi par l’évaluation de la personnalité à l’aide d’une modélisation de la personnalité orientée vers le critère à prédire (variable composite). La présente thèse est composée de trois articles poursuivant les objectifs suivant : 1) Effectuer une synthèse de la littérature empirique portant sur les antécédents individuels et contextuels du leadership transformationnel; 2) Vérifier les liens empiriques entre la personnalité mesurée à l’aide de variables composites, plus précisément le modèle des Great Eight de Bartram (2005), et le leadership transformationnel; 3) Tester empiriquement l’effet d’interaction entre les variables de personnalité et les variables contextuelles pour prédire le leadership transformationnel. Le premier article vise d’abord à circonscrire et organiser les connaissances empiriques actuelles provenant d’une quarantaine d’articles concernant les antécédents du leadership transformationnel. L’article s’organise en trois thèmes principaux : les antécédents individuels de personnalité, les antécédents contextuels et l’étude des interactions entre le volet individuel et contextuel. Plusieurs constats et pistes de recherches sont discutés et mettent la table pour les deux articles subséquents. Ainsi, le second article s’intéresse au potentiel explicatif d’un modèle de personnalité orienté vers le critère pour prédire le leadership. Plus spécifiquement, le modèle des Great Eight proposé par Bartram (2005) est mis en relation avec les comportements de leadership transformationnel et de récompense contingente. Les résultats, obtenus auprès de 113 gestionnaires et de leurs 799 subordonnés, donnent peu d’appui à la valeur ajoutée du modèle utilisé, mais indiquent que certaines tendances de personnalité sont associées au leadership. Des analyses supplémentaires permettent de nuancer la compréhension des effets observés dans la documentation scientifique et offrent quelques pistes de groupements de traits pouvant prédire les différents comportements de leadership. Le troisième article s’inspire de la théorie de l’activation des traits (Tett & Burnett, 2003) pour vérifier l’effet combiné de la personnalité du gestionnaire et du contexte dans lequel il évolue en vue de prédire le leadership transformationnel. Les résultats (ngestionnaires = 89; nsubordonnés = 643) n’offrent qu’un appui modéré au rationnel sous-jacent du modèle de l’activation des traits. Toutefois, il en ressort que l’aspect relationnel du gestionnaire (opérationnalisé par le composite de personnalité « soutien et coopération ») est associé à l’émergence du leadership transformationnel uniquement lorsque les facteurs contextuels (considération organisationnelle, latitude décisionnelle) sont perçus positivement par le gestionnaire. L’étude permet donc d’éclaircir une part de la variabilité observée dans les études antérieures concernant la tendance relationnelle du gestionnaire, en soulignant sa sensibilité à des facteurs contextuels positifs.


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This article reports a longitudinal study that examined mergers between three large multi-site public-sector organizations. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis are used to examine the effect of leadership and change management strategies on acceptance of cultural change by individuals. Findings indicate that in many cases the change that occurs as a result of a merger is imposed on the leaders themselves, and it is often the pace of change that inhibits the successful re-engineering of the culture. In this respect, the success or otherwise of any merger hinges on individual perceptions about the manner in which the process is handled and the direction in which the culture is moved. Communication and a transparent change process are important, as this will often determine not only how a leader will be regarded, but who will be regarded as a leader. Leaders need to be competent and trained in the process of transforming organizations to ensure that individuals within the organization accept the changes prompted by a merger.


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This study explores the theoretical and empirical distinction between developmental leadership and supportive leadership, which are currently encompassed in a single sub dimension of transformational leadership, individualized consideration. Items were selected to assess these constructs, and hypotheses regarding the differential effects of developmental and supportive leadership were proposed. Confirmatory factor analyses provided support for the proposed distinction between developmental and supportive leadership, although these leadership factors were very strongly associated. Structural equation modelling and multi-level modelling results indicated that both developmental leadership and supportive leadership displayed unique relationships with theoretically selected outcome measures. Developmental leadership displayed significantly stronger relationships with job satisfaction, career certainty, affective commitment to the organization and role breadth self-efficacy than did supportive leadership. Results provide initial evidence in support of the discriminant validity of these two types of leadership. Discussion focuses on the need to further examine the construct of developmental leadership.


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This investigation explores the effects of organizational identification on employees’ Implicit Leadership Theories (ILTs) and the perception of leader behaviors. The study involved a cross-sectional survey of 439 employees from seven companies based in South Wales. Respondents completed two questionnaires that measured their organizational identification, ILTs, recognition of ILTs in their manager, manager’s leadership behaviors (transactional and transformational), and psychological reactions (job satisfaction, well-being, and turnover intentions). The level of organizational identification did not affect the prototype of an ideal work-based leader. However, high organizational identification was associated with more positive ratings on the actual manager, the extent to which their manager displayed transactional and transformational behaviors, and with more positive psychological reactions to work. Employees high in organizational identification based their judgments of their leader’s transactional and transformational behaviors on the extent to which they recognized their leader as possessing leadership traits. However, those low on organizational identification allowed their prototype of their ideal leader to bias their judgment of their actual leader’s behavior. Finally, there was partial support for the augmenting hypothesis (that tranformational leadership would predict additional variance in psychological outcomes above that predicted by transactional leadership) for those high in organizational identification but not for those low in organizational identification.


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Terms such as moral and ethical leadership are used widely in theory, yet little systematic research has related a sociomoral dimension to leadership in organizations. This study investigated whether managers' moral reasoning (n=132) was associated with the transformational and transactional leadership behaviors they exhibited as perceived by their subordinates (n=407). Managers completed the Defining Issues Test (J. R. Rest, 1990), whereas their subordinates completed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (B. M. Bass & B. J. Avolio, 1995). Analysis of covariance indicated that managers scoring in the highest group of the moral-reasoning distribution exhibited more transformational leadership behaviors than leaders scoring in the lowest group. As expected, there was no relationship between moral-reasoning group and transactional leadership behaviors. Implications for leadership development are discussed.


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This study investigates the effects of brand-specific leadership on employees' brand-aligned service recovery performance (SRP). In order to do so, we empirically test a conceptual model of relationships between brand-specific transformational leadership (TFL) and transactional leadership (TRL), trust in leader and in corporate brand, brand identification, and SRP from employees' perspectives. It is the first study to incorporate trust in corporate brand into the framework. Results from a study of 246 customer-contact employees show that brand-specific TFL has a positive impact on all variables studied, while brand-specific TRL is ineffective in fostering brand-building behaviours. More specifically, brand-specific TFL's effects on employee SRP are mediated by trust in the leader, trust in the corporate brand, and brand identification. Implications and future research directions are discussed. © 2013 Copyright Taylor & Francis.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between school principals' self-reported spirituality and their transformational leadership behaviors. The relationship between spirituality and transactional leadership behaviors was also explored. The study used Bass and Avolio's (1984) Full Range Leadership Model as the theoretical framework conceptualizing transformational leadership. Data were collected using online surveys. Overall, six principals and sixty-nine teachers participated in the study. Principal surveys contained three parts: the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ Form-5X Short), the modified Spirituality Well-Being Scale (SWBS) and demographic information. Teacher surveys included two parts: the MLQ-5X and demographic information. The MLQ-5X was used to identify the degree of principals' transformational and transactional leadership behaviors. The modified SWBS (Existential Well Being) was used to determine principals' degree of spirituality. The correlation coefficients for the transformational leadership styles of inspirational motivation and idealized behavioral influence were significantly related to principals' spirituality. In addition, a multiple regression analysis including the five measures of transformational leadership as predictors suggested that spirituality is positively related to an individual's transformational leadership behaviors. A multiple regression analysis utilizing a linear combination of all transformational leadership and transactional measures was predictive of spirituality. Finally, it appears that the inspirational motivation measure of transformational leadership accounts for a significant amount of unique variance independent of the other seven transformational and transactional leadership measures in predicting spirituality. Based on the findings from this study, the researcher proposed a modification of Bass and Avolio's (1985) Full Range Leadership Model. An additional dimension, spirituality, was added to the continuum of leadership styles. The findings from this study imply that principals' self-reported levels of spirituality was related to their being perceived as displaying transformational leadership behaviors. Principals who identified themselves as "spiritual", were more likely to be characterized by the transformational leadership style of inspirational motivation.


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The role of the principal in school settings and the principal's perceived effect on student achievement have frequently been considered vital factors in school reform. The relationships between emotional intelligence, leadership style and school culture have been widely studied. The literature reveals agreement among scholars regarding the principal's vital role in developing and fostering a positive school culture. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between elementary school principals' emotional intelligence, leadership style and school culture. ^ The researcher implemented a non-experimental ex post facto research design to investigate four specific research hypotheses. Utilizing the Qualtrics Survey Software, 57 elementary school principals within a large urban school district in southeast Florida completed the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), and 850 of their faculty members completed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ Form 5X). Faculty responses to the school district's School Climate Survey retrieved from the district's web site were used as the measure of school culture. ^ Linear regression analyses revealed significant positive associations between emotional intelligence and the following leadership measures: Idealized Influence-Attributes (β = .23, p = < .05), Idealized Influence-Behaviors (β = .34, p = < .01), Inspirational Motivation (β = .39, p = < .01) and Contingent Reward (β = .33, p = < .01). Hierarchical regression analyses revealed positive associations between school culture and both transformational and transactional leadership measures, and negative associations between school culture and passive-avoidant leadership measures. Significant positive associations were found between school culture and the principals' emotional intelligence over and above leadership style. Hierarchical linear regressions to test the statistical hypothesis developed to account for alternative explanations revealed significant associations between leadership style and school culture over and above school grade. ^ These results suggest that emotional intelligence merits consideration in the development of leadership theory. Practical implications include suggestions that principals employ both transformational and transactional leadership strategies, and focus on developing their level of emotional intelligence. The associations between emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, Contingent Reward and school culture found in this study validate the role of the principal as the leader of school reform.^