929 resultados para Systematization of Experience
Infektiivinen endokardiitti yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa vuosina 1980-2004 hoidetuilla aikuispotilailla Tausta: Infektiivinen endokardiitti on edelleen vakava sairaus. Huolimatta siitä, että taudin diagnostiikka ja hoito ovat kehittyneet, siihen liittyy edelleen merkittävää sairastuvuutta ja kuolleisuutta. Endokardiitin taudinkuvassa on viime vuosina tapahtunut muutoksia monissa maissa. Tavoitteet: Tutkia endokardiitin kliinista kuvaa ja ennustetta suomalaisessa yliopistosairaalassa vuosina 1980-2004 endokardiitin vuoksi hoidetuilla aikuispotilailla. Aineisto: Osatyössä I endokardiitin todennäköisyyttä analysoitiin 222:lla vuosina 1980-1995 endokardiittiepäilyn vuoksi hoidetulla potilaalla käyttäen apuna sekä Duken että von Reyn diagnostisia kriteereitä. Osatyössä II tutkittiin endokardiittiin liittyviä neurologisia komplikaatioita 218 varmassa tai mahdollisessa endokardiittiepisodissa. Osatyössä III tutkittiin seerumin C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) käyttökelpoisuutta hoitovasteen arvioinnissa 134:ssä varmaksi luokitellussa endokardiittiepisodissa. Osatyössä IV tutkittiin yleisbakteeri-PCRmenetelmän käyttökelpoisuutta etiologisessa diagnostiikassa 56:lla endokardiittiepäilyn vuoksi leikatulla potilaalla. Osatöissä V ja VI analysoitiin kaikki vuosina 1980-2004 hoidetut 303 endokardiittipotilasta lyhytaikais- ja 1-vuotisennusteen suhteen sekä tutkittiin endokardiitin taudinkuvassa tapahtuneita muutoksia sairaalassamme. Tulokset: Duken kriteerit osoittautuivat von Reyn kriteereitä herkemmiksi endokardiitin diagnostiikassa: 243 tutkitusta episodista 114 luokiteltiin varmoiksi endokardiiteiksi Duken kriteereillä, kun vastaavasti ainoastaan 64 luoteltiin varmoiksi von Reyn kriteereillä (p<0.001). Lisäksi peräti 115 episodissa endokardiitin diagnoosi hylättiin von Reyn kriteereillä, kun diagnoosi hylättiin Duken kriteereillä ainoastaan 37 episodissa (p<0.001). Neurologinen komplikaatio ilmeni ennen mikrobilääkehoidon aloittamista 76 %:ssa episodeja ollen ensimmäinen oire 47 %:ssa. Kuolema oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä neurologisiin komplikaatioihin. Hoitovastetta seurattaessa seerumin CRP:n lasku oli merkitsevästi nopeampaa komplikaatioitta toipuvilla potilailla kuin niillä, joille kehittyi komplikaatioita tai jotka menehtyivät tautiinsa. PCR-tutkimus poistetusta läpästä antoi ainoana menetelmänä etiologisen diagnoosin neljässä tapauksessa (2 stafylokokkilajia, 1 Streptococcus bovis,1 Bartonella quintana), joissa kaikissa mikrobilääkehoito oli ollut käytössä ennen näytteiden ottamista. Koko aineistossa kahden läpän infektio tai neurologisten komplikaatioiden, perifeeristen embolioiden tai sydämen vajaatoiminnan kehittyminen ennustivat sekä sairaalakuolleisuutta että 1-vuotiskuolleisuutta, kun taas ≥65 vuoden ikä ja sydämen ultraäänitutkimuksessa todettu vegetaatio tai Duken luokittelun mukainen pääkriteeri ennustivat kuolemaa vuoden sisällä. Korkea CRP-taso sairaalaan tullessa ennusti sekä sairaalakuolleisuutta että 1-vuotiskuolleisuutta. Huumeiden käyttäjien endokardiitit lisääntyivät tutkimusaikana merkitsevästi (p<0.001). Päätelmät: Tässä työssä vahvistetaan Duken kriteerien käyttökelpoisuus endokardiitin diagnostiikassa. Lisäksi vahvistui käsitys, että nopea diagnoosi ja mikrobilääkehoidon aloittaminen ovat parhaat keinot ehkäistä neurologisia komplikaatioita ja parantaa endokardiittipotilaiden ennustetta. CRP:n normalisoituminen on endokardiittipotilailla hyvän ennusteen merkki. Suoraan läppäkudoksesta tehty PCR-tutkimus on hyödyllinen, kun taudin aiheuttaja on kasvuominaisuuksiltaan vaativa tai potilas on saanut mikrobilääkehoitoa ennen viljelynäytteiden ottamista. Muutamat aiemmissa tutkimuksissa todetut huonon ennusteen merkit ennustavat huonoa ennustetta myös tämän tutkimuksen potilailla. Uutena löydöksenä ilmeni, että korkea CRP-arvo sairaalaan tullessa merkitsee sekä huonoa lyhyt- että pitkäaikaisennustetta. Huumeiden käyttäjien endokardiittien ilmaantuminen on tärkein epidemiologinen muutos 25 vuoden tutkimusaikana.
Objectives To review the epidemiology of native septic arthritis to establish local guidelines for empirical antibiotic therapy as part of an antibiotic stewardship programme. Methods We conducted a 10 year retrospective study based on positive synovial fluid cultures and discharge diagnosis of septic arthritis in adult patients. Microbiology results and medical records were reviewed. Results Between 1999 and 2008, we identified 233 episodes of septic arthritis. The predominant causative pathogens were methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and streptococci (respectively, 44.6% and 14.2% of cases). Only 11 cases (4.7%) of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) arthritis were diagnosed, among which 5 (45.5%) occurred in known carriers. For large-joint infections, amoxicillin/clavulanate or cefuroxime would have been appropriate in 84.5% of cases. MRSA and Mycobacterium tuberculosis would have been the most frequent pathogens that would not have been covered. In contrast, amoxicillin/clavulanate would have been appropriate for only 75.3% of small-joint infections (82.6% if diabetics are excluded). MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa would have been the main pathogens not covered. Piperacillin/tazobactam would have been appropriate in 93.8% of cases (P < 0.01 versus amoxicillin/clavulanate). This statistically significant advantage is lost after exclusion of diabetics (P = 0.19). Conclusions Amoxicillin/clavulanate or cefuroxime would be adequate for empirical coverage of large-joint septic arthritis in our area. A broad-spectrum antibiotic would be significantly superior for small-joint infections in diabetics. Systematic coverage of MRSA is not justified, but should be considered for known carriers. These recommendations are applicable to our local setting. They might also apply to hospitals sharing the same epidemiology.
RESUME Les follicules des vibrisses des rongeurs sont représentés sous la forme d'une carte topographique dans le cortex à tonneaux. Lorsque un groupe de vibrisses est coupé pendant plusieurs jours chez un rongeur adulte, en laissant les autres vibrisses intactes, le champ réceptif des neurones du cortex à tonneaux est modifié, ce qui démontre que les cartes corticales sont plastiques. Dans notre étude, une expérience sensorielle a été induite chez une souris adulte se comportant librement en stimulant chroniquement une de ses vibrisses pendant 24h. Par une analyse des potentiels de champ locaux, nous démontrons que les caractéristiques spatiotemporelles du flux d'excitation évoqué par la vibrisse principale (VP) dans la colonne corticale correspondante à la vibrisse stimulée n'est pas altéré. Par contre, l'enregistrement des potentiels d'actions d'un total de 1041 neurones à travers le cortex à tonneaux révèlent plusieurs modifications de l'activité neuronale. L'activité spontanée ainsi que la réponse évoquée par la VP sont déprimées dans la colonne corticale stimulée (nombre moyen de potentiels d'action évoqués par la VP diminue de 25 % et 36% dans la couche IV et les couches II&III). La réponse des neurones à la vibrisse stimulée diminue également dans les colonnes corticales adjacentes, «non-stimulées». La dépression de l'activité spontanée et de la réponse à la VP est localisée à la colonne corticale stimulée. Dans le tonneau stimulé, la première partie de la réponse à la VP n'est pas affaiblie, démontrant que la dépression de la réponse n'est pas due à un phénomène de plasticité sous-corticale ou thalamocorticale. La stimulation chronique d'une vibrisse entraîne une augmentation du nombre de synapses GABAergiques dans la couche IV du tonneau correspondant (Knott et al, 2002). Dès lors, nos résultats suggèrent qu'une augmentation de l'inhibition dans le tonneau stimulé serait à l'origine de la diminution des potentiels d'action évoqués par la vibrisse stimulée et en conséquence de l'amplitude du flux d'excitation vers les couches II&III puis vers les colonnes corticales adjacentes. Toutes les réponses des neurones du tonneau stimulé ne sont pas déprimées. Les réponses des neurones à la vibrisse voisine caudale à VP diminuent dans la couche IV (42%) et dans les couches II&III (52%) mais pas les réponses aux 7 autres vibrisses voisines. Les entrées synaptiques en provenance de la vibrisse caudale pourraient avoir été spécifiquement déprimées en raison d'une décorrélation prolongée entre l'activité évoquée dans les chemins sensoriels relatifs à la vibrisse stimulée et à la vibrisse caudale, spécificité qui découlerait du fait que, parmi les vibrisses voisines à la VP, la vibrisse caudale génère les réponses les plus fortes dans la colonne corticale. Quatre jours après l'arrêt de la stimulation, l'activité neuronale n'est plus déprimée; au contraire, nous observons une potentiation des réponses à la VP dans la couche IV de la colonne corticale stimulée. De plus, nous montrons que l'expression des protéines GLT-1 et GLAST, deux transporteurs astrocytaires du glutamate, est augmentée de ~2.5 fois dans la colonne corticale stimulée, indiquant l'existence d'une «plasticité gliale» et suggérant que les cellules gliales participent activement à l'adaptation du cerveau à l'expérience. ABSTRACT In the barrel cortex, mystacial whisker follicles are represented in the form of a topographie map. The selective removal of a set of whiskers while sparing others for several days in an adult rodent alters receptive field of barrel cortex neurons, demonstrating experience-dependent plasticity of cortical maps. Here sensory experience was altered by chronic stimulation of a whisker for a 24h period in a freely behaving adult mouse. By means of an evoked local field potential analysis, we show that chronic stimulation does not alter the flow of excitation evoked by the principal whisker (PW) in the stimulated barrel column. However, the recording of neuronal firing from a total of 1041 single units throughout the barrel cortex reveals several changes in neuronal activity. Immediately after chronic stimulation, spontaneous activity as well as PW-responses are depressed in the stimulated barrel column (mean number of spikes per PW-deflection decreases by 25% and 36% in layer IV and layers II&III, respectively). Neuronal responses towards the chronically stimulated whisker are also significantly depressed in layers II&III of the adjacent "non-stimulated" barrel' columns. The depression of both spontaneous activity and PW-responses are restricted to the stimulated ban-el column. The earliest time epoch of the PW-response in the stimulated barrel is not depressed, demonstrating that the decrease of cortical responses is not due to subcortical or thalamocortical plasticity. The depression of PW-response in the stimulated barrel correlates with an increase in the number of GABAergic synapses in layer IV (Knott et al., 2002). Therefore, our results suggest that an increase in inhibition within the stimulated barrel may reduce its excitatory output and accordingly the flow of excitation towards layers and the subsequent horizontal spread into adjacent barrel columns. Not all responses of neurons in the stimulated barrel are depressed. Neuronal responses towards the caudal in-row whisker decrease by 42% in layer IV and 52% in layers MM but responses to the other 7 immediate surround whiskers (SWs) are not affected. The synaptic inputs from the SW that elicit the strongest responses in the stimulated barrel may have been specifically depressed following a prolonged period of diminished coherence between neuronal activity evoked in the pathways from the chronically stimulated whisker and from its surrounding in-row whisker. Four days after the cessation of the stimulation, depression of neuronal activity is no longer present; on the contrary, we observe a small but significant potentiation of PW-responses in layer IV of the stimulated barrel column. Moreover we show that the expression of astrocytic glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST proteins were both upregulated by ~2.5 fold in the stimulated barrel column, which indicates that glial cells exhibit experience-dependent functional changes and could actively take part in the adaptation of the cerebral cortex to experience.
Since January 2008-de facto 2012-medical physics experts (MPEs) are, by law, to be involved in the optimisation process of radiological diagnostic procedures in Switzerland. Computed tomography, fluoroscopy and nuclear medicine imaging units have been assessed for patient exposure and image quality. Large spreads in clinical practice have been observed. For example, the number of scans per abdominal CT examination went from 1 to 9. Fluoroscopy units showed, for the same device settings, dose rate variations up to a factor of 3 to 7. Quantitative image quality for positron emission tomography (PET)/CT examinations varied significantly depending on the local image reconstruction algorithms. Future work will be focused on promoting team cooperation between MPEs, radiologists and radiographers and on implementing task-oriented objective image quality indicators.
Diplomityö on tehty STTF:lle (Software Technology Transfer Finland), joka pyrkii kansainvälisille markkinoille Experience Pro -tuotekonseptillaan. Kansainvälistyminen on haasteellinen prosessi pk-yritykselle, ja haastetta haluttiin lähestyä strategisella suunnittelulla. Työn tavoitteena oli teoriatiedon ja löydettyjen kansainvälistymisesimerkkien avulla tuottaa STTF:lle kansainvälistymissuunnitelma strategiaan pohjautuen.Kaksi merkittävintä strategista valintaa STTF:n kansainvälistymisessä olivat kohdemaiden ja operaatiomuodon valinnat. Päätökset tehtiin strategisten analyysien perusteella. Analyysien avulla määritettiin myös yrityksen kilpailuedut. Löydettyjä vahvuuksia pyrittiin hyödyntämään myöhemmin kansainvälistymisen osastrategioita rakennettaessa. Tavoitteiden asettaminen ja markkinointi-mix:n kehittäminen olivat keskeisimmät osat markkinoinnin osastrategiassa. Jakelukanavan merkitystä korostettiin STTF:n kansainvälistymisessä ja yhteistyölle pyrittiin luomaan hyvät edellytykset. Strategia konkretisoitiin luomalla operatiiviset suunnitelmat markkinoinnin tukimateriaalien tuottamiseksi ja yhteistyökumppanien etsimiseksi. Markkinatutkimuksen perusteella potentiaaliset kohdemaat Experience Pro -konseptille olivat Australia, Hollanti, Irlanti, Iso-Britannia, Norja, Ruotsi, Saksa ja Tanska. STTF:llä on muutama sopiva vaihtoehtoinen operaatiomuoto valittavanaan riippuen kohdemaasta. Suomen maine vakaana, korkean teknologian maana voidaan nähdä maaetuna STTF:lle ja muita vahvuuksia ovat STTF:n teknologinen osaaminen, tuotteeseen liittyvät palvelut ja henkilökohtaiset kontaktit. SWOT-analyysi paljasti STTF:n heikkouksia voitettaviksi.Tulevaisuudessa STTF voi jatkaa kansainvälistymistään suunnitelman mukaisesti. Tavoitteiden saavuttaminen vaatii sitoutumista, aktiivista yhteistyökumppanien etsimistä ja jatkuvaa prosessien kehittämistä vastaamaan kansainvälisten markkinoiden vaatimuksia.
Background: To evaluate the safety of immediate sequential bilateral cataract extraction (ISBCE) with respect to indications, visual outcomes, complications, benefits and disadvantages. Methods: This is a retrospective review of all ISBCEs performed at Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland, between April 2000 and September 2013. The case notes of 500 eyes of 250 patients were reviewed. Of these 500 eyes, 472 (94.4%) had a straight forward phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation; 21 (4.2%) had a planned extracapsular cataract extraction; 4 (0.8%) had an intracapsular cataract extraction and 3 (0.6%) had a combined phacoemulsification with trabeculectomy. Results: Over 66% of eyes achieved improved visual acuity (at least 3 Snellen lines) following ISBCE. Median preoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.5 LogMAR; the interquartile range was [0.4, 1] LogMAR. At one week control the median BCVA was 0.3 LogMAR, IQR [0.1, 0.5] LogMAR. At one month the median BCVA was 0.15 LogMAR, IQR [0.05, 0.3] (p < 0.01). There were no sight-threatening intraoperative or postoperative complications observed. Conclusions: ISBCE is an effective and safe option with high degree of patient satisfaction. The relative benefits of ISBCE should be balanced against the theoretically enhanced risks.
Innovation remains one of the key drivers of sustainable and successful business. The variety of innovation approaches such as open models, intersectional thinking and co-creation tackles the challenge of viable novel offerings across the world. These approaches have certain similarities and their elements constitute design thinking. Recent market and society trends such as technological advances and globalization have intensify companies’ interaction with customers. Emotional engagement, pleasing communication and delight have gained equal to functionality importance. The complex of these components constitutes consumer experience. Academic research conceptualizes these changes by introducing customer-centered innovation, which replaces product-oriented approaches. However, both methods omit experience concept and provide fragmented explanation of experience innovation. Experience is an essential process of offering perception, which drives customer decisions. Therefore, an agenda of experience innovation development can systemize and explain the mechanisms of experience innovation. The purpose of this study is to create and explain the stage process framework of experience innovation by the means of design thinking approach. The research proceeds in accordance with the following sub-objectives: 1. Conceptualization of consumer experience through customer value. 2. Creation of experience innovation framework by the means of design thinking. This study is conducted by the means of conceptual research methods. The main theoretical contribution of the study is creation of the integrated framework of consumer experience innovation. The elaboration of design thinking agenda and methods applied to experience design builds the guidelines of experience innovation development. This research synthesizes the conceptual elements of the framework that resolves inconsistencies and duplications of theories. This essential clarification simplifies application of the experience innovation agenda, which can be useful for the wide range of specialists, from marketing to strategists, and from managers to entrepreneurs, willing to offer compelling experience to customers. The study highlights the crucial role of consumer experience in maintaining customer loyalty and designs the roadmap of innovating experience through the communication with customers.
Community service participation can have a positive impact on development, especially for youth. Although researchers have found positive outcomes, there has been a notable decline in youth participation over the past few years (Statistics Canada, 2000). Given the positive outcomes and current decline, it has been argued that youth should be encouraged to get involved in service activities. In the present study, quantitative and qualitative data were collected to determine factors that would help youth to initiate and sustain service, along with examining the quality of their experience. Eighty-two university undergraduate students (23 men), ranging in age from 17-20 years completed a 60-minute self-report questionnaire. Initiating and sustaining factors, motivational systems (similar to approach and avoidance dimensions), activity dimensions {Structure, Supportive Social Environment), quality of experience {Positive, Stress-Challenge), and future intention to participate in community service were measured. Eight participants also completed a 20-minute telephone interview to complement and expand on the quantitative data collected. Some initiating and sustaining factors were specific to individuals higher on the avoidance dimension, while others were relevant to those higher on the approach dimension. Several factors also were important to individuals regardless of their motivational system orientation. Positive quality of experience was related positively to experiencing a supportive social environment. In addition, women rated their community service as more positive than did men. A predicted interaction between the avoidance dimension and Structure in predicting positive quality of experience was not supported; however, positive quality of experience was predicted by the interaction of the approach dimension and Structure. A tested interaction between the avoidance dimension and Supportive Social Environment in predicting positive quality of experience was not supported. Similarly, a predicted interaction between the approach dimension and Supportive Social Environment in predicting positive experience quality was not supported. However, Supportive Social Environment was positively related to positive quality of experience. No support was found for a mediational role for positive quality of experience or stress-challenge quality of experience in exploring the relation between motivational orientation and fiiture intention to engage in service activities. The results of this study suggest that participating in a service environment that is supportive and provides the opportunity for social interactions with others would promote positive quality of experience and help youth sustain involvement. Thus, to help youth have positive experiences and to remain active in service, it is important for service agencies to promote these types of environments. In addition, some initiating and sustaining factors were specific to youth higher on the avoidance dimension and some were relevant to youth higher on the approach dimension. Therefore, service agencies may need to consider using different recruitment and retention strategies, depending on the type of youth they wish to recruit.
In this thesis I sought to capture something of the integrity of John Dewey's larger vision. While recognizing this to be a difficult challenge, I needed to clear some of the debris of an overly narrow reading of Dewey's works by students of education. The tendency of reducing Dewey's larger philosophical vision down to neat theoretical snap shots in order to prop up their particular social scientific research, was in my estimation slowly damaging the larger integrity of Dewey's vast body of work. It was, in short, killing off the desire to read big works, because doing so was not necessary to satisfying the specialized interests of social scientific research. In this thesis then I made a plea for returning the Humanities to the center of higher education. It is there that students learn how to read and to think—skills required to take on someone of Dewey's stature. I set out in this thesis to do just that. I took Dewey's notion of experience as the main thread connecting all of his philosophy, and focused on two large areas of inquiry, science and its relation to philosophy, and aesthetic experience. By exploring in depth Dewey's understanding of human experience as it pertains to day-to-day living, my call was for a heightened mode of artful conduct within our living contexts. By calling on the necessity of appreciating the more qualitative dimensions of lived experience, I was hoping that students engaged in the Social Sciences might begin to bolster their research interests with more breadth and depth of reading and critical insight. I expressed this as being important to the survival and intelligent flourishing of democratic conduct.