853 resultados para Systematic Risk
Construction projects are risky. A build-operate-transfer (BOT) project is recognised as one of the most risky project schemes. This scheme has been employed rather frequently in the past few decades, in both developed and developing countries. However, because of its risky nature, there have been failures as well as successes. Risk analysis in an appropriate way is desirable in implementing BOT projects. There are various tools and techniques applicable to risk analysis. The application of these risk analysis tools and techniques (RATTs) to BOT projects depends on an understanding of the contents and contexts of BOT projects, together with a thorough understanding of RATTs. This paper studies key points in their applications through reviews of relevant literatures and discusses the application of RATTs to BOT projects. The application to BOT projects is considered from the viewpoints of the major project participants, i.e. government, lenders and project companies. Discussion is also made with regard to political risks, which are very important in BOT projects. A flow chart has been introduced to select an appropriate tool for risk management in BOT projects. This study contributes to the establishment of a framework for systematic risk management in BOT projects.
For some time there has been a puzzle surrounding the seasonal behaviour of stock returns. This paper demonstrates that there is an asymmetric relationship between systematic risk and return across the different months of the year for both large and small firms. In the case of both large and small firms systematic risk appears to be priced in only two months of the year, January and April. During the other months no persistent relationship between systematic risk and return appears to exist. The paper also shows that when systematic risk is priced, the size of the systematic risk premium is higher for large firms than for small firms and varies significantly across the months of the year.
For some time there has been a puzzle surrounding the seasonal behaviour of stock returns. This paper demonstrates that there is an asymmetric relationship between risk and return across the different months of the year. The paper finds that systematic risk is only priced during the months of January, April and July. Variance risk and firm size are priced during several months of the year including January. An analysis of the relative behaviour of size based securities reveals that firm capitalization makes a valuable contribution to the magnitude of risk premiums.
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Mestrado em Contabilidade
This paper studies the effects of monetary policy on mutual fund risk taking using a sample of Portuguese fixed-income mutual funds in the 2000-2012 period. Firstly I estimate time-varying measures of risk exposure (betas) for the individual funds, for the benchmark portfolio, as well as for a representative equally-weighted portfolio, through 24-month rolling regressions of a two-factor model with two systematic risk factors: interest rate risk (TERM) and default risk (DEF). Next, in the second phase, using the estimated betas, I try to understand what portion of the risk exposure is in excess of the benchmark (active risk) and how it relates to monetary policy proxies (one-month rate, Taylor residual, real rate and first principal component of a cross-section of government yields and rates). Using this methodology, I provide empirical evidence that Portuguese fixed-income mutual funds respond to accommodative monetary policy by significantly increasing exposure, in excess of their benchmarks, to default risk rate and slightly to interest risk rate as well. I also find that the increase in funds’ risk exposure to gain a boost in return (search-for-yield) is more pronounced following the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, indicating that the current historic low interest rates may incentivize excessive risk taking. My results suggest that monetary policy affects the risk appetite of non-bank financial intermediaries.
For some years, researchers could not find a clear effect of capital adequacy on the risk profile of banks, as shareholders could increase the riskiness of the assets (qualitative effect), crowding-out the effect of reduced leverage (volume effect). Some shareholders might have the will to increase the riskiness of the assets, but they may lack the power to do so. Considering only ”powerful” shareholders, definitive conclusions were drawn but with constant ownership profile. In this paper I investigate whether there is a significant change in the type of shareholders in response to regulatory capital shocks and, if so, will the banking system be in the hands of more “desired” shareholders. I find that ownership profile responds to a regulatory shock, changing the risk appetite of the ruling power at the bank. I find more banks and the government in the ownership of undercapitalised banks and much less institutional shareholders and free float. I claim that these new shareholders may not the desired ones, given the objective of the regulatory change, as they are associated with a preference for more leverage. One possible explanation for this crowding-out effect is that regulators are trying to contain idiosyncratic risk (more linked to the riskiness of the assets) with a rule that contains systematic risk (capital adequacy). This has a distorting effect on ownership. Another insight can be drawn from the tests: supervisors should be aware of significant ownership movements that cause the crowding-out.
Many firms around the world are managed and partially owned by entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs hold under diversified portfolios and, therefore, bear idiosyncratic risk in addition to systematic risk. To compensate the additional risk borne, they extract private benefits. In this paper, we analyse how an entrepreneur's overconfidence affects the market performance of the firm, through the channel of private benefits. We show that two dimensions of overconfidence, namely overestimation of future cash-flows and underestimation of idiosyncratic risk (called miscalibration), have opposite effects on the private benefits extracted by the entrepreneur. As a consequence, firms managed and partially owned by overconfident entrepreneurs can deliver overperformance or underperformance, depending on the prevalence of overestimation or miscalibration of the beliefs of the entrepreneur.
We present a model of shadow banking in which financial intermediaries originate and trade loans, assemble these loans into diversified portfolios, and then finance these portfolios externally with riskless debt. In this model: i) outside investor wealth drives the demand for riskless debt and indirectly for securitization, ii) intermediary assets and leverage move together as in Adrian and Shin (2010), and iii) intermediaries increase their exposure to systematic risk as they reduce their idiosyncratic risk through diversification, as in Acharya, Schnabl, and Suarez (2010). Under rational expectations, the shadow banking system is stable and improves welfare. When investors and intermediaries neglect tail risks, however, the expansion of risky lending and the concentration of risks in the intermediaries create financial fragility and fluctuations in liquidity over time.
Diplomityön tavoitteena on luoda kokonaisvaltainen kuva sähkökaupassa esiintyvistä riskeistä ja niiden analysointi- sekä hallintamenetelmistä. Toinen päätavoitteista on lisätä ymmärrystä markkinoiden erikoispiirteistä, kuten siirtokapasiteettirajoituksista, kysynnän hintajouston puutteesta ja markkinoiden keskittyneisyydestä, sekä arvioida niiden merkitystä sähkökaupan riskienhallinnan näkökulmasta. Markkinoiden erikoispiirteet ja sähkön tuotantoon ja kulutukseen vaikuttavat fundamentaaliset tekijät aiheuttavat suuria muutoksia pörssisähkön hintatasossa. Sähkön volatiliteetti yhdessä useiden muiden riskitekijöiden kanssa aiheuttaa sähkökaupantoimijoille todellisen tarpeen riskienhallinnalle. Sähkökauppa tarjoaa haasteellisen toimintaympäristön riskienhallinnan näkökulmasta. Sähkökaupassa esiintyvien riskien täydellinen hallitseminen on miltei mahdoton tehtävä, mutta sähkökaupan toimintaympäristön tunteminen ja järjestelmällisesti toteutettu riskienhallinta luovat hyvät edellytykset menestyksekkäälle toiminnalle sähkökaupassa. Diplomityössä käsitellään sähkökaupassa esiintyviä riskejä ja niidensyntyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Näiden asioiden ymmärtäminen luo pohjan sähkökaupan onnistuneelle riskienhallinnalle. Työssä käydään myös läpi yleisimmät sähkökaupassa käytetyt riskianalyysin menetelmät. Diplomityössä esitellään sähköpörssin tarjoamat johdannaistuotteet ja havainnollistetaan niiden käyttöä osana sähkökaupan riskienhallintaa. Työn lopussa käsitellään profiiliriskin muodostumista jasen vaikutuksia sähkön hankintakustannuksiin.
This study examines the relationship between dividend yield and stock return over bullish and bearish Finnish stock market by testing for alpha and beta shifts across bull and bear markets. In addition, this study examines if various factors, such as a standard deviation of dividends, firm size and profitability have an effect on the size, of the firms’ dividends and systematic risk of the stocks. We divide stocks into five portfolios on the basis of their past average dividend yields and investigate if the highest yielding portfolios outperform the lowest yielding portfolios during the different market conditions. As a result, high yielding stocks were most stable during the examination period and offered downside protection on bear markets. However, a strategy of forming portfolios with past dividend yields led to negative alphas even in bull markets. Standard deviation of dividends, firm size and profitability were found to have no effect on the size of dividends and systematic risk of the stocks.
Investing in mutual funds has become more popular than ever and the amount of money invested in mutual funds registered in Finland has hit its all-time high. Mutual funds provide a relatively low-cost method for private investors to invest in stock market and achieve diversified portfolios. In finance there is always a tradeoff between risk and return, where higher expected returns can usually be achieved only by taking higher risks. Diversifying the portfolio gets rid some of the risk but systematic risk cannot be diversified away. These risks can be managed by hedging the investments with derivatives. The use of derivatives should improve the performance of the portfolios using them compared to the funds that don’t. However, previous studies have shown that the risk exposure and return performance of derivative users does not considerably differ from nonusers. The purpose of this study is to examine how the use of derivatives affects the performance of equity funds. The funds studied were 155 equity funds registered in Finland in 2013. Empirical research was done by studying the derivative use of the funds during a 6-year period between 2008–2013. The performance of the funds was studied quantitatively by using several different performance measures used in mutual fund industry; Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Jensen's alpha, Sortino Ratio, M2 and Omega Ratio. The effect of derivative use on funds' performance was studied by using a dummy variable and comparing performance measures of derivative-users and nonusers. The differences in performance measures between the two groups were analyzed with statistical tests. The hypothesis was that funds' derivative use should improve their performance relative to the funds that don't use them. The results of this study are in line with previous studies that state that the use of derivatives does not improve mutual funds' performance. When performance was measured with Jensen's alpha, funds that did not use derivatives performed better than the ones that used them. When measured with other performance measures, the results didn’t differ between two groups.
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia rahoituksellisen velkaantuneisuuden vaikutusta yritysten B/P-lukuihin ja keskimääräisiin tuottoihin Suomen osakemarkkinoilla vuosina 1996–2012. Tutkielman perustana oleva ilmiö on B/P-anomalia, jonka mukaan korkean B/P:n osakkeet eli arvo-osakkeet menestyvät osakemarkkinoilla paremmin kuin matalan B/P:n osakkeet eli kasvuosakkeet. Useiden tutkijoiden mielestä arvoanomalioiden syynä on korkeampi systemaattinen riski, jonka yksi komponenteista on rahoituksellinen velkaantuneisuus. Näiden tutkimusten perusteella korkean B/P:n yrityksillä pitäisi olla korkeampi systemaattinen riski ja siten todennäköisesti myös korkeampi rahoituksellinen velkaantuneisuus. Aineistona tutkimuksessa toimi Helsingin pörssin yritykset vuosilta 1996–2012 pois lukien rahoitus- ja vakuutusalan yritykset sekä kiinteistösijoitusyhtiöt. Tulosten perusteella B/P:n sekä rahoituksellisen velkaantuneisuuden välillä oli positiivinen, monotoninen ja tilastollisesti merkitsevä suhde, kun aineiston yritykset olivat jaettu kolmeen portfolioon niiden B/P-lukujen perusteella, mutta yhteyttä ei ollut löydettävissä kuuden portfolion tapauksessa. B/P-anomaliasta oli viitteitä, kun portfolioina käytettiin kolmea B/P-luvun pohjalta muodostettua portfoliota, mutta erot eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Rahoituksellisen velkaantuneisuuden sekä keskimääräisten vuosituottojen väliltä ei ollut löydettävissä tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä tästä aineistosta.
Im Zuge der Novellierung der Gasnetzzugangsverordnung sowie des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes entwickelte sich die Einspeisung von Biomethan in das Erdgasnetz als alternative Investitionsmöglichkeit der Erneuerbare-Energien-Branche. Als problematisch erweist sich dabei die Identifikation und Strukturierung einzelner Risikofaktoren zu einem Risikobereich, sowie die anschließende Quantifizierung dieser Risikofaktoren innerhalb eines Risikoportfolios. Darüber hinaus besteht die Schwierigkeit, diese Risikofaktoren in einem cashflowbasierten und den Ansprüchen der Investoren gewachsenem Risikomodell abzubilden. Zusätzlich müssen dabei Wechselwirkungen zwischen einzelnen Risikofaktoren berücksichtigt werden. Aus diesem Grund verfolgt die Dissertation das Ziel, die Risikosituation eines Biomethanprojektes anhand aggregierter und isolierter Risikosimulationen zu analysieren. Im Rahmen einer Diskussion werden Strategien und Instrumente zur Risikosteuerung angesprochen sowie die Implementierungsfähigkeit des Risikomodells in das Risikomanagementsystem von Investoren. Die Risikomaße zur Beschreibung der Risikoauswirkung betrachten die Shortfälle einer Verteilung. Dabei beziehen sich diese auf die geplanten Ausschüttungen sowie interne Verzinsungsansprüche der Investoren und die von Kreditinstituten geforderte minimale Schuldendienstdeckungsrate. Im Hinblick auf die Risikotragfähigkeit werden liquiditätsorientierte Kennzahlen hinzugezogen. Investoren interessieren sich vor dem Hintergrund einer gezielten Risikosteuerung hauptsächlich für den gefahrvollsten Risikobereich und innerhalb dessen für den Risikofaktor, der die größten Risikoauswirkungen hervorruft. Zudem spielt der Zeitpunkt maximaler Risikoauswirkung eine große Rolle. Als Kernaussage dieser Arbeit wird festgestellt, dass in den meisten Fällen die Aussagefähigkeit aggregierter Risikosimulationen durch Überlagerungseffekte negativ beeinträchtigt wird. Erst durch isoliert durchgeführte Risikoanalysen können diese Effekte eliminiert werden. Besonders auffällig gestalten sich dabei die Ergebnisse der isoliert durchgeführten Risikoanalyse des Risikobereichs »Politik«. So verursacht dieser im Vergleich zu den übrigen Risikobereichen, wie »Infrastruktur«, »Rohstoffe«, »Absatzmarkt« und »Finanzmarkt«, die geringsten Wahrscheinlichkeiten avisierte Planwerte der Investoren zu unterschreiten. Kommt es jedoch zu einer solchen Planwert-Unterschreitung, nehmen die damit verbundenen Risikoauswirkungen eine überraschende Position im Risikoranking der Investoren ein. Hinsichtlich der Aussagefähigkeit des Risikomodells wird deutlich, dass spezifische Risikosichtweisen der Investoren ausschlaggebend dafür sind, welche Strategien und Instrumente zur Risikosenkung umgesetzt werden. Darüber hinaus wird festgestellt, dass die Grenzen des Risikomodells in der Validität der Expertenmeinungen und dem Auffinden einer Optimallösung zu suchen sind.
La valoración de una empresa como sistema dinámico es bastante compleja, los diferentes modelos o métodos de valoración son una aproximación teórica y por consiguiente simplificadora de la realidad. Dichos modelos, se aproximan mediante supuestos o premisas estadísticas que nos permiten hacer dicha simplificación, ejemplos de estos, son el comportamiento del inversionista o la eficiencia del mercado. Bajo el marco de un mercado emergente, este proceso presenta de indistinta forma retos paracualquier método de valoración, dado a que el mercado no obedece a los paradigmas tradicionales. Lo anterior hace referencia a que la valoración es aún más compleja, dado que los inversionistas se enfrentan a mayores riesgos y obstáculos. Así mismo, a medida que las economías se globalizan y el capital es más móvil, la valoración tomaráaún más importancia en el contexto citado. Este trabajo de gradopretende recopilar y analizar los diferentes métodos de valoración, además de identificar y aplicar aquellos que se reconocen como “buenas prácticas”. Este proceso se llevó a cabo para una de las empresas más importantes de Colombia, donde fundamentalmente se consideró el contexto de mercado emergente y específicamente el sector petrolero, como criterios para la aplicación del tradicional DCF y el práctico R&V.