975 resultados para Spouses of clergy


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Spouses of older people with hearing impairment frequently urge their hearing impaired partners to seek help for their hearing difficulties. Only a minority of individuals with hearing impairment are self-motivated, with the majority of clients, especially older clients, presenting at audiology clinics under the persuasion or influence of their spouse or significant other. This highlights the important role that spouses play in initiating aural rehabilitation and indicates that spouses of older people with hearing impairment may become so frustrated with their partners' hearing loss that they are often the primary reason why the hearing impaired person presents for audiological services. To date, however, the number of studies addressing the effect of hearing loss on significant others is limited. Those studies that have investigated the effect of hearing impairment on families are commonly focused on the person with the impairment and most commonly, the significant other has merely been used as a proxy to describe the perceived problems of his or her spouse. Further, there has been no systematic indepth investigation of the needs of spouses of older people with hearing impairment, including the effect of retirement and the increase in time spent together, with the majority of studies focusing primarily on younger spouses of workers affected by noise-induced hearing loss. The cumulative effect of experiencing many years of hearing difficulties with a partner may also influence the extent to which older spouses are affected by hearing impairment. The primary purpose of this article is therefore to critically review the existing literature on the effects of hearing impairment on spouses. It will also provide a rationale for the importance of this topic as a clinical issue and suggest some future directions for research in this area.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of anxiety and depression scores of couples who underwent Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) on pregnancy outcomes. Method: This study was conducted as a prospective and comparative study with 217 couples. The study data was collected by using a semi-structured questionnaire and the Turkish version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The questionnaire, STAI and BDI were applied to couples who initiated ART treatment. Couples’ state anxiety scores were re-evaluated after embryo transfer (ET). Results: A significant relationship was found between the depression score of women and pregnancy outcome (p < 0.05). It was determined that anxiety scores for both men and women were higher before the ART procedure, but their anxiety scores decreased after ET (p < 0.05). Spouses of women with a negative pregnancy outcome had higher trait and state anxiety mean scores (p > 0.05) and lower depression scores (p <0.05) than spouses of women with a positive pregnancy outcome. Conclusion: Study results indicated that the anxiety and depression scores of couples who had achieved a positive pregnancy result were lower than for couples with a negative result. The results of this study will contribute to the health professionals especially to the nurses who spend the most time with couples in providing consulting services and supporting psychological status of couples during ART process in Turkey.


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One of the greatest challenges facing the Roman Catholic Church (the Church) across the world continues to be found in addressing complaints of child sexual abuse (csa) by clergy. The list of Catholic clergy in Australia who have been criminally processed for sexual offences against children is disturbingly long. As disturbing as this list is, more disturbing are the accounts of clergy who have not been criminally prosecuted, but protected within the cloister of the Church. It is increasingly recognised that the significant difficulty with child sexual abuse in Catholic Churches, in particular, has not been the presence of perpetrators but the response of Church leadership to allegations of csa by clergy. Those who have faced criminal charges have often done so due to the resilience of victim/survivors and not because of the support of Church structures or culture. The Church has been slow to come to terms with the realities of the perpetration of csa by its clergy and even slower to recognise the need to prioritise victims in any effective, just response. The church has been slowest of all recognising that there are significant cultural and discursive challenges to confront in addressing the management of csa by clergy. There is, however, progressive recognition of the role that discursive constructs of forgiveness have played in perpetuating the crises and ultimately in perpetuating abuse. The institutional praxis of forgiveness can be demonstrated not only in the Church, but in lessons learned from use of forgiveness as an institutional response to mass violations of human rights. This paper explores the juncture between criminality, church culture and forgiveness in responding to csa by clergy.


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Given the marked changes in length of hospital stay and the number of CAB procedures being performed, it is essential that health professionals are aware of the potential impact these changes could have on the spouses of patients who have undergone CAB surgery. Results from numerous quantitative studies suggest that spouses of patients undergoing CAB surgery experience both physical and emotional stress before and after their partners surgery. While such studies have contributed to our understanding, they fail to capture the qualitative experience of what it is like to be a spouse of a partner who has undergone CAB surgery, specifically in the context of changes in the length of hospital stay. The objective of this study was to describe the experience of spouses of patients who had recently undergone CAB surgery. This study utilised a qualitative methodology and was guided by Husserl's phenomenological approach. Data was obtained from four participants by in depth open ended interviews. This study has implications for all health professionals involved in the care of patients and their families undergoing CAB surgery. If health professionals are to provide holistic care, they need to understand more fully the qualitative experience of spouses of critically ill patients. The purpose of this study was to describe the experience of spouses whose partner's had suffered an acute myocardial infarction (MI). The study was guided by a phenomenological approach. This qualitative type of study is new to nursing inquiry, therefore this investigation creates links with understanding the notion of psychosocial nursing processes with the leading cause of death in Australia. Literature concerning the spouses of myocardial infarction patients has predominantly employed quantitative methods, as such results have centred on structured data collection, and categorised outcomes. Such methods have failed to capture the insight of what it is like to be a spouse of a patient who has had an MI. In-depth interviews were conducted with three participants (2 females and 1 male) about their experiences. The major findings of the study were categorised under the headings of uncertainty, emotional turmoil, support information and lifestyle change. Conclusions suggest that spouses are neglected by health professionals and they require as much psychosocial support as their partner in terms of cardiac discharge planning. Spouses need to be granted special consideration, as they progress through a grieving and readjustment process in coming to terms with: (1) the need to support and care for their partner, (2) changes in their roles and (3) adjustments to their current lifestyles.


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El autor señala el papel singular y de primera magnitud que asumió el clero en los tres primeros decenios de la configuración política y organización de Argentina. El artículo presenta el cuadro cultural del Virreinato en los tiempos de la Revolución, los centros de estudio de la filosofía y de la teología en el Virreinato a los que recurrían el clero secular y religioso y el lugar que les cupo a las órdenes religiosas en esa tarea. Se hace referencia al rol que asumió el clero ilustrado, tanto religioso como secular, en la justificación doctrinaria tanto teológica como política y la fundamentación de la Revolución, y la influencia del clero popular en la realización de dicho proyecto, a la cabeza de los movimientos; ambos integrados predominantemente por criollos. Se han elegido ocho teólogos, nativos todos, cinco con grado de doctor en teología y los restantes tres con estudios superiores en filosofía, la mayoría jóvenes.


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Esta tese tem por objetivo apontar como a psicologia se torna uma ferramenta importante na formação do clero, especificamente, seu ensino no seminário de formação religiosa católica do Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1930 a 1950. Os religiosos católicos fizeram parte de muitos acontecimentos não só da história da Igreja, mas também da própria história do Brasil. Comandaram a educação nos primórdios da colonização, mantendo influência na organização educacional mesmo com a proclamação da República como estado laico. Falar da formação do homem/sacerdote decorre do entendimento de que os religiosos católicos foram um dos principais grupos disseminadores do saber psicológico em nossa pátria. O período de nosso recorte é marcado por transformações na política, na economia e na educação nacional que afetaram a todos, inclusive ao clero. Entre as mudanças no seminário de São Bento, encontramos a introdução da disciplina psicologia no currículo de formação dos monges, bem como a presença de uma crescente literatura psicológica introduzida principalmente através de comentadores religiosos, demonstrando que as relações entre Igreja e ciência assumem novo patamar no período estudado


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Transforming Post-Catholic Ireland is the first major book to explore the dynamic religious landscape of contemporary Ireland, north and south, and to analyse the island’s religious transition. It confirms that the Catholic Church’s long-standing ‘monopoly’ has well and truly disintegrated, replaced by a mixed, post-Catholic religious ‘market’ featuring new and growing expressions of Protestantism, as well as other religions. It describes how people of faith are developing ‘extra-institutional’ expressions of religion, keeping their faith alive outside or in addition to the institutional Catholic Church.

Drawing on island-wide surveys of clergy and laypeople, as well as more than 100 interviews, this book describes how people of faith are engaging with key issues such as increased diversity, reconciliation to overcome the island’s sectarian past, and ecumenism. It argues that extra-institutional religion is especially well-suited to address these and other issues due to its freedom and flexibility when compared to traditional religious institutions. It describes how those who practice extra-institutional religion have experienced personal transformation, and analyses the extent that they have contributed to wider religious, social, and political change. On an island where religion has caused much pain, from clerical sexual abuse scandals, to sectarian violence, to a frosty reception for some immigrants, those who practice their faith outside traditional religious institutions may hold the key to transforming post-Catholic Ireland into a more reconciled society.


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Le vieillissement de la population entraîne une hausse des maladies chroniques telle que la maladie d’Alzheimer dans nos sociétés occidentales. L’enjeu du vieillissement se répercute aussi dans les réformes de nos politiques sociales, et plus généralement dans la gestion des services publics. Dans ce contexte, le régime de santé publique québécois connaît diverses modifications concernant la prestation de soins de première ligne. De nouveaux acteurs acquièrent des rôles et des responsabilités définissant des enjeux particuliers. Nous étudierons l’un de ces enjeux. Ce mémoire vise à spécifier les processus sociaux à la base de l’isolement des aidants familiaux de personnes atteintes par la maladie d’Alzheimer. La stigmatisation des aidants et les microprocessus afférents sont les principaux mécanismes analysés. Les données sont extraites d’entrevues semi-structurées réalisées avec une cohorte d’aidants familiaux (N=60) suivie longitudinalement depuis le début de leur trajectoire de soins. Une démarche qualitative soutient ce projet. Nous avons analysé un échantillon de douze participants au moyen d’une approche séquentielle. Trois processus typiques ont été identifiés : le stigma de forme en ruptures (séparation sociale), le stigma de forme transitoire (stigma transitoire) et le stigma de forme anomique (anomie sociale). Les résultats suggèrent que les réseaux sociaux des aidants sont soumis à un ensemble de conditions favorisant la structuration du stigma social, la principale condition étant un enjeu de pouvoir concernant le contrôle de la personne malade. Les aidants conjoints de personnes atteintes sont plus enclins à la stigmatisation en début de trajectoire.


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Introduction: Les aidants des personnes âgées (PA) atteintes de la démence de type Alzheimer (DTA) sont confrontés à de nombreux défis lors du soin de leurs proches, y compris ceux liés à l’alimentation. Cependant, ces défis restent méconnus et les stratégies créées pour les gérer sont encore peu efficaces. Objectifs: Identifier les difficultés rencontrées par les aidants pendant la gestion de l’alimentation des PA atteintes de la DTA ayant participé à une intervention nutritionnelle (l’étude NIS) et dégager leurs opinions concernant cette intervention. Sujets: Trente-trois aidants des PA avec DTA du groupe intervention de l’étude NIS ont été ciblés. Méthodes: L’approche qualitative a été employée lors des entrevues individuelles auprès de ces aidants. Les entrevues ont été transcrites et le verbatim fut soumis à une analyse thématique. Résultats: Vingt-quatre aidants ont été interviewés. Quelque 58,4 % avaient 70 ans et plus et 58,3 % étaient des conjoint (es) des patients affectés. Quatre catégories de thèmes furent dégagées menant à l’identification des défis alimentaires suivants: les changements des habitudes alimentaires (altération des préférences); les perturbations du comportement alimentaire (ex. l’oubli de repas); la dépendance à la préparation des repas. L’utilité des conseils, la gentillesse et la compétence du personnel NIS, la documentation écrite offerte et la durée du suivi ont été appréciées par les aidants. Conclusion: Une meilleure compréhension de l'expérience de soin vécu par l’aidant est essentielle au développement des interventions nutritionnelles adaptées aux besoins des aidants et des PA atteintes de la DTA.


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La recherche des facteurs de longévité gagne en intérêt dans le contexte actuel du vieillissement de la population. De la littérature portant sur la longévité et la mortalité aux grands âges, un constat émerge : bien que les déterminants associés à la survie humaine soient multiples, l'environnement familial aurait un rôle déterminant sur la mortalité et sur l'atteinte des âges avancés. Dès lors, l'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer les déterminants de la survie exceptionnelle et d'examiner le rôle des aspects familiaux, en début de vie et à l'âge adulte, dans les différentiels de durée de vie. Plus spécifiquement, elle vise à : (1) examiner la similarité des âges au décès entre frères, soeurs et conjoints afin d'apprécier l'ampleur de la composante familiale de la longévité; (2) explorer, d'un point de vue intrafamilial, les conséquences à long terme sur la survie des variables non partagées issues de la petite enfance tels l'âge maternel à la reproduction, le rang de naissance et la saison de naissance; et (3) s'interroger sur le rôle protecteur ou délétère de l’environnement et du milieu familial d'origine dans l’enfance sur l'atteinte des grands âges et dans quelle mesure le statut socioéconomique parvient à médiatiser la relation. Cette analyse s'appuie sur le jumelage des recensements canadiens et des actes de décès de l’état civil québécois et emploie des données québécoises du 20e siècle issues de deux échantillons distincts : un échantillon aléatoire représentatif de la population provenant du recensement canadien de 1901 ainsi qu’un échantillon de frères et soeurs de centenaires québécois appartenant à la même cohorte. Les résultats, présentés sous forme d'articles scientifiques, ont montré, en outre, que les frères et soeurs de centenaires vivent plus longtemps que les individus appartenant aux mêmes cohortes de naissance, reflétant la contribution d'une robustesse commune, mais également celle de l'environnement partagé durant la petite enfance. Ces analyses ont également témoigné d'un avantage de survie des conjoints des centenaires, soulignant l'importance d'un même environnement à l'âge adulte (1er article). De plus, nos travaux ont mis de l'avant la contribution aux inégalités de longévité des variables biodémographiques issues de l'environnement non partagé telles que l'âge maternel à la reproduction, le rang de naissance et la saison de naissance, qui agissent et interagissent entre elles pour créer des vulnérabilités et influer sur l'atteinte des âges exceptionnels (2e article). Enfin, une approche longitudinale a permis de souligner la contribution du milieu social d'origine sur la longévité, alors que les individus issus d’un milieu socioéconomique défavorisé pour l'époque (milieu urbain, père ouvrier) vivent moins longtemps que ceux ayant vécu dans un environnement socioéconomique favorable (milieu rural, fermier), résultat d'une potentielle accumulation des avantages liée à la reproduction du statut social ou d'une programmation précoce des trajectoires de santé. L’influence est toutefois moindre pour les femmes et pour les frères de centenaires et s'exprime, dans ce cas, en partie par l'effet de la profession à l'âge adulte (3e article).


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Introducción: Ingresar a la UCI no es una experiencia exclusiva del paciente; implica e involucra directamente a la familia, en aspectos generadores de estrés, estrategias de afrontamiento, temores, actitudes y expectativas, la participación de la familia en el cuidado y el rol del psicólogo. Objetivo: Revisar de los antecedentes teóricos y empíricos sobre la experiencia de la familia en UCI. Metodología: Se revisaron 62 artículos indexados en bases de datos. Resultados: la UCI es algo desconocido tanto para el paciente como para la familia, por esto este entorno acentúa la aparición de síntomas ansiosos, depresivos y en algunos casos estrés post traumático. La muerte es uno de los principales temores que debe enfrentar la familia. Con el propósito de ajustarse a las demandas de la UCI, los familiares exhiben estrategias de afrontamiento enfocadas principalmente en la comunicación, el soporte espiritual y religioso y la toma de decisiones. El cuidado centrado en la familia permite una mejor comunicación, relación con el paciente y personal médico. El papel del psicólogo es poco explorado en el espacio de la UCI, pero este puede promover estrategias de prevención y de rehabilitación en el paciente y su grupo familiar. Discusión: es importante tener en cuenta que la muerte en UCI es una posibilidad, algunos síntomas como ansiedad, depresión pueden aparecer y mantenerse en el tiempo, centrar el cuidado en la familia permite tomar las decisiones basados en el diagnóstico y pronóstico y promueve expectativas realistas. Conclusiones: temores, expectativas, actitudes, estrategias de afrontamiento, factores generadores de estrés permiten explicar y comprender la experiencia de la familia del paciente en UCI.


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Despite a longstanding belief that education importantly affects the process of immigrant assimilation, little is known about the relative importance of different mechanisms linking these two processes. This paper explores this issue through an examination of the effects of human capital on one dimension of assimilation, immigrant intermarriage. I argue that there are three primary mechanisms through which human capital affects the probability of intermarriage. First, human capital may make immigrants better able to adapt to the native culture thereby making it easier to share a household with a native. Second, it may raise the likelihood that immigrants leave ethnic enclaves, thereby decreasing the opportunity to meet potential spouses of the same ethnicity. Finally, assortative matching on education in the marriage market suggests that immigrants may be willing to trade similarities in ethnicity for similarities in education when evaluating potential spouses. Using a simple spouse-search model, I first derive an identification strategy for differentiating the cultural adaptability effect from the assortative matching effect, and then I obtain empirical estimates of their relative importance while controlling for the enclave effect. Using U.S. Census data, I find that assortative matching on education is the most important avenue through which human capital affects the probability of intermarriage. Further support for the model is provided by deriving and testing some of its additional implications.


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Partnering with the Texas Medical Association Alliance "to improve the health of all Texans," the Harris County Medical Society (HCMS) Alliance was organized in 1919 as the HCMS Woman’s Auxiliary. Current membership consists of the spouses of physicians, as well as physicians, in Harris County. http://hcmsa.org/ accessed 11/20/2012 This booklet lists the members of the Auxiliary, officers, programs for September, 1926 – May, 1927, and the organization’s constitution and by-laws. Booklet is 7 1/8 x 4 ½ inches and contains 18 pages.


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Introdução: A Doença de Huntington (DH) é uma patologia neuro degenerativa hereditária de transmissão autossómica dominante que afeta o movimento e conduz a um défice progressivo das capacidades cognitivas e comportamentais. Cuidar um doente de Huntington é um processo complexo e exigente com um grande impacto na saúde, bem-estar e qualidade de vida do cuidador informal. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da DH na Qualidade de Vida do Cuidador Informal, e verificar em que medida as variáveis sociodemográficas, contextuais e clínicas se relacionam com essa Qualidade de Vida. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, não experimental, transversal numa lógica de análise descritivo-correlacional com 50 Cuidadores Informais de nacionalidade espanhola, membros da “Asociación de Corea de Huntington Española” - ACHE. Utilizamos a versão espanhola do questionário: Huntington’s Disease Quality of Life Battery for Carers (HDQoLC) como instrumento de colheita de dados especifico para a avaliação da QDV dos Cuidadores de Doentes de Huntington . Resultados: Os participantes são na sua maioria do sexo feminino (68%), com uma media de idades de 50,04 anos, casados (72%) com elevado grau de literacia (52%) e no ativo (72%). São essencialmente cônjuges da pessoa dependente (52%) ou filhos(as) (28%). Os resultados sugerem que os CI possuem uma QDV moderada (53%) na qual os “aspetos práticos do cuidar”, ou seja, o papel de cuidador, tem grande impacto na QDV (43%) a “satisfação com a vida e os “sentimentos sobre a vida com DH” parecem atenuar esta sobrecarga. Os dados obtidos revelam que as variáveis que influenciaram significativamente a Qualidade de Vida total são: as habilitações literárias e o número de horas de cuidados diários. No entanto podemos afirmar que a idade, tempo como CI e os motivos que levaram a assumir o papel de cuidador, tem uma relação expressiva com a dimensão “aspetos práticos do cuidar” da QDV. Conclusões: Os resultados reforçam a multidimensionalidade e variabilidade da qualidade de vida dos cuidadores informais de Doentes de Huntington e evidenciam a necessidade dos profissionais de saúde apostarem em programas de intervenção na comunidade, de forma a implementar estratégias de apoio que minimizem as dificuldades sentidas, aumentem a capacidade para a prestação de cuidados e que promovam a qualidade de vida dos que cuidam. Palavras-chave:; Doença de Huntington; Cuidadores Informais; Qualidade de Vida.