876 resultados para Soziale Integration


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Eine Haupterkenntnis von Forschung über biologische Landwirtschaft im Kontext der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit ist, dass nachhaltigere Bewirtschaftung nicht nur von besseren Anbaumethoden, sondern viel mehr davon abhängt, wie diese Methoden verbessert und an spezifische ökologische und sozio-ökonomische Kontexte in einem kontinuierlichen Koproduktionsprozess von Wissen angepasst werden. Diese Untersuchung hat die Ergründung von Faktoren zum ziel, die die Wissenskoproduktion im Bioreisanbau ermöglichen oder hemmen. Anhand einer Multilevelanalyse wird darauf fokussiert, wie der sozio-ökonomische, kulturelle und ökologische Kontext konstituiert ist (Makro-Ebene) wie wichtige Interessegruppen zusammenarbeiten und soziale Lernprozesse fördern (Meso-Ebene) und zu welchem Grad diese Prozesse zur Verbesserung und Integration von biologischen Anbauweisen in die Lebensunterhaltungsstrategien der Bauern (Mikro-Ebene) beitragen. Erforschung von Fallbeispielen in Südkorea und Kambodscha zeigt, dass Schlüsselakteure wie "farmer promoters", "farmer researchers" und Gruppen deren Mitglieder diverse Motivation für eine kontinuierliche Partizipation in den Gruppen haben, entscheidende ermöglichende Faktoren darstellen. In beiden Fallstudien gibt es praxisnahe Ausbildungsgänge für Schlüsselpersonen, jedoch werden diese noch ungenügend in das Wissenssystem Biolandbau integriert und deren Positionen institutionalisiert.


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In an international perspective cooperation between social services and school has a long tradition. In the German speaking countries we can recognize a historical distance or gap between school and “social pedagogy”, but despite this tradition new forms of cooperation are arising since the last few years. This tendency is part of the development of European societies into “knowledge-based societies” where knowledge and cultural capital are becoming ever stricter criteria for participation in society. This puts particular pressure on those adolescents who threaten to fail in the positional competition for educational qualifications. And it tends to the reproduction and reinforcing of social inequalities due to inequalities in education. For that reason in the article the development of school related social services in different European countries is investigated and it is shown that the increasing pressure to qualification and selection in school creates various problems of integration. Social dimensions of education are pointed out delivering starting points for the cooperation of social services in school and opening opportunities for productive forms of coping with differences between family background, informal social environment and educational milieu in school. Particular attention is paid to differences in socio cultural habits, in socio economical opportunities and in collective practices of interaction. A central focus in the contribution is the orientation towards a participative civil society climate relevant for the interaction between teachers and pupils and between professionals and addressees of social services as well. It is a task of future research in school related social services to analyse their institutional structure and their practices of professional interaction and to find out by European and international comparison in which way social services can contribute to the establishing of a participative civil society climate in school.


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Ein Grund der Krise der Migrationsforschung liegt daran, dass ihre vorherrschende Blickrichtung vom Staat aus auf Migration gerichtet ist. Während der Staat naturalisiert wird, erscheint Migration als die störende Bewegung. Exakt diese Kritik ist in der Losung „We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us!“ des Immigrant Rights Movement aus den USA enthalten. Nur eine Umkehrung der Perspektive kann aus der Sackgasse führen, in welche Konzepte wie „Integration“ geführt haben, indem Fragen neu gestellt werden können: Was passiert, wenn Effekte von Staat und Staatlichkeit in die Bewegung der Migration eingeschrieben werden? Prototyp dieser Einschreibung ist die Grenze, die sich aber nicht auf deren geopolitische Manifestation beschränkt, sondern verschiedenste Grenzkontrollpraktiken (Datenbanken, Migrationsprogramme und -verträge zwischen Staaten, Rückübernahmeabkommen von abgewiesenen Asylsuchenden) umfasst, die oftmals deterritorialisiert und relokalisert sind. Ausgehend von der Kritik des Methodologischen Nationalismus skizziert der Beitrag, wie ein Ansatz der Migrationsforschung aussehen könnte, der von der Bewegung aus denkt, wie es etwa in der Idee der Autonomie der Migration angedacht ist. Am Beispiel des laufenden Projektes „How Does Border Occur?“, das unter anderem die sogenannt freiwilligen Rückkehrprogramme für tunesische Migrantinnen untersucht, stellt der Beitrag schliesslich zur Diskussion, wie ein solches Forschungsprogramm konkret aussehen könnte.


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Migration in ihren unterschiedlichsten Facetten hat die Gesellschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den Arbeits- und Lebenswelten in vielfältiger Weise beeinflusst und verändert. Auch in der Sozialen Arbeit gehören die Begegnungen mit Menschen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte längst zum Alltag beruflicher Praxis. Für die Soziale Arbeit ergeben sich aus der Migration vielfältige Aufgaben, Herausforderungen und Chancen. Diese Aufgaben, Herausforderungen und Chancen wurden im Rahmen der Tagung Soziale Arbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft, welche am 20. und 21. Januar 2012 an der Katholischen Hochschule NRW in Aachen stattfand, diskutiert. Die einzelnen Beiträge dieser Tagung liegen mit dem vorliegenden Band nun als Buch vor. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The measurement of ICT (information and communication technology) integration is emerging as an area of research interest with such systems as Education Queensland including it in their recently released list of research priorities. Studies to trial differing integration measurement instruments have taken place within Australia in the last few years, particularly Western Australia (Trinidad, Clarkson, & Newhouse, 2004; Trinidad, Newhouse & Clarkson, 2005), Tasmania (Fitzallen 2005) and Queensland (Finger, Proctor, & Watson, 2005). This paper will add to these investigations by describing an alternate and original methodological approach which was trialled in a small-scale pilot study conducted jointly by Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC) and the Centre of Learning Innovation, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in late 2005. The methodology described is based on tasks which, through a process of profiling, can be seen to be artefacts which embody the internal and external factors enabling and constraining ICT integration.


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This paper compares perceptions of integrated marketing communication (IMC) to establish whether consumers perceive integration in the same way as the literature. It begins by reviewing the literature to identify shared assumptions about integration and factors thought to contribute to the integration of marketing communication and, in an experiment, compares these with the perceptions of consumers. Many of the shared assumptions in the literature have been supported by the findings of this study. Integration has been demonstrated to be both a strategy and a tactic. The strategic side is part of a management process and is unable to be observed by consumers from the marketing communication output. Consumers can, however, identify the tactics and are able to recall a number of integration factors such as logo, corporate colours and image. Consumers in the total message integration groups perceived the messages they received as more integrated than those in partial integration or no integration groups.


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Within an action research framework, this paper describes the conceptual basis for developing a crossdisciplinary pedagogical model of higher education/industry engagement for the built environment design disciplines including architecture, interior design, industrial design and landscape architecture. Aiming to holistically acknowledge and capitalize on the work environment as a place of authentic learning, problems arising in practice are understood as the impetus, focus and ‘space’ for a process of inquiry and discovery that, in the spirit of Boyer’s ‘Scholarship of Integration’, provides for generic as well as discipline-specific learning.


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Views on the nature and relevance of science education have changed significantly over recent decades. This has serious implications for the way in which science is taught in secondary schools, particularly with respect to teaching emerging topics such as biotechnology, which have a socio-scientific dimension and also require novel laboratory skills. It is apparent in current literature that there is a lack of adequate teacher professional development opportunities in biotechnology education and that a significant need exists for researchers to develop a carefully crafted and well supported professional development design which will positively impact on the way in which teachers engage with contemporary science. This study used a retrospective case study methodology to document the recent evolution of modern biotechnology education as part of the changing nature of science education; examine the adoption and implementation processes for biotechnology education by three secondary schools; and to propose an evidence based biotechnology professional development model for science educators. Data were gathered from documents, one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions. Analysis of these data has led to the proposal of a biotechnology professional development model which considers all of the key components of science professional development that are outlined in the literature, as well as the additional components which were articulated by the educators studied. This research is timely and pertinent to the needs of contemporary science education because of its recognition of the need for a professional development model in biotechnology education that recognizes and addresses the content knowledge, practical skills, pedagogical knowledge and curriculum management components.