985 resultados para Social competences


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One of the most decisive factors in the quality of education and academic performance of students is quality, preparation and dedication of the teachers. The exquisite system of selecting candidates for teacher training programs is one of the fundamentals of success of the Finnish Education System. The responsibility of choosing the best students to convert them into teachers is a challenge that involves a significant reform of university admission. Achieving this goal involves the choice of strategies and educational tools in accordance to the complexity of the demands presented by the teaching profession in the digital age. This study describes, analyzes and compares the admission tests in the University of Spain (PAU) and Finland (VAKAVA), for those who wish to become professional educators, in order to understand the possible influence of these tests to select the most suitable candidates to develop into future teaching professionals. The results showed that in Spain, the entrance test to universities is developed in a general way for all the students that aspire to any field of knowledge, while in Finland, the test is specific and particular for students aspiring to the field of education. The results of this study can guide and encourage the necessary changes that have to be done in the admission tests to Spanish university in general and to teacher education faculties in particular.


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Conventional wisdom has it that the EU is unable to promote viable social integration, which contrasts with its commitments to improving working and living conditions and to social values and goals such as solidarity, social protection and social inclusion. This
article challenges two diff erent standpoints: on the one hand, competitive neoliberalism demands that the EU focuses on economic integration through legally binding internal market and competition rules even if Member States can only maintain a limited commitment to social inclusion, while authors defending the social models unique to the continent of Europe demand that the EU rescinds some of its established legal principles in order to make breathing space for Member States to maintain market correcting social policies. Both positions convene that there should be no genuine social policy at EU level.
This article uses scenarios of widely discussed rulings by the Court of Justice to illustrate that legally enforceable economic integration would prevent most Member States from achieving sustainable health services, labour relations and free university education on the basis of national closure. Since the EU has limited legislative competences to create EU level institutions to balance inequalities, it derives a Constitution of Social Governance from the EU’s values, proposing that the Court of Justice develops its urisprudence into an instrument for challenging European disunion induced by new EU economic governance


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This chapter considers the EU’s socio-economic constitution under the lens of humaneness. It argues that the EU’s unique socio-economic constitution demands equilibrium of socio-economic integration instead of widening the gap between economic integration at EU levels and social integration at national levels. While the EU lacks the legislative competences to achieve this equilibrium, the constitutional principle still prevails. Indeed, the EU competences reflect its own values as well as the socio-economic constitutions of its constituent Member States. These frequently do not allow for total state-governance of social spheres such as working life, education, care or other social services. Instead, societal actors are given scope to (co-)govern these spheres at national levels. Accordingly, the apparent tension between the EU’s socio-economic values and principles and its limited competences in the social policy field can be resolved through a dynamic interpretation of the EU Treaties towards a “constitution of social governance”. This interpretation reads the Treaties as authorising governance by societal actors. The chapter connects the idea of humanness to the ideals of social governance at EU level and proposes two options for practical application of the concept. These are rules for trans-national labour markets based on European collective labour agreements and a European higher education sector developed by agreements between universities.


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his chapter considers the EU’s socio-economic constitution under the lens of humaneness. It argues that the EU’s unique socio-economic constitution demands equilibrium of socio-economic integration instead of widening the gap between economic integration at EU levels and social integration at national levels. While the EU lacks the legislative competences to achieve this equilibrium, the constitutional principle still prevails. Indeed, the EU competences reflect its own values as well as the socio-economic constitutions of its constituent Member States. These frequently do not allow for total state-governance of social spheres such as working life, education, care or other social services. Instead, societal actors are given scope to (co-)govern these spheres at national levels. Accordingly, the apparent tension between the EU’s socio-economic values and principles and its limited competences in the social policy field can be resolved through a dynamic interpretation of the EU Treaties towards a “constitution of social governance”. This interpretation reads the Treaties as authorising governance by societal actors. The chapter connects the idea of humanness to the ideals of social governance at EU level and proposes two options for practical application of the concept. These are rules for trans-national labour markets based on European collective labour agreements and a European higher education sector developed by agreements between universities.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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The Theory analyzes what should know and what competes, formally, to the Professional of Social Service to act in the School Education. He/she investigates, starting from studies on the theme, and close to Council Federal and Regional of Social Service, and of the Brazilian Association of Studies and Researches in Social Service, that you know and competences are necessary for the social worker performance in that specific area. Through a research of nature empiric, bibliographical and documental, the analysis focus outlines the glance and the understanding of the professionals' category that represent the defense organs, fiscalization and formation of the profession. The importance of the scientific study is justified for the social worker necessary contribution acting in the School Education, whose political and pedagogic context presents multiple demands, you know and relationships, and when it is lived a social and education picture at the present time with order words in formation, as inclusion, empowerment, competence, that they demand other specialists in the school scenery to work with the varied expressions of the social subject. Since the years 1930 the social worker acts in the area of the Education, with an originating from knowledge the human and social areas that you/he/she makes possible him/it to contribute, undisciplinement, close to the pedagogic team of the School Education. The clarity of the you know and of the necessary competences to intervene in that field of specific work makes possible the legitimation of the identity, of the social worker professionalization and the formalization of his/her practice. The Theory ends that the profissionality and the social worker professionalism is built and it is recognized in the area of the Education starting from the knowledge of the you know and pertinent competences to intervene in that context, beginning that knowledge on the part of the category of the Social Service and of the formation organs and representation of the profession so that the school community - administration and pedagogic coordination, teachers and students - he understands and recognize the social worker necessary intervention in that field. The formalization of those you know and competences are built starting from actions and thought mobilizations and operation in the group of the category, and not for isolated actions and individualized. It is revealed, in the opinion of the ones that represent Regional Council of Social Service, a wide vision of the social worker in that space exercising, among other, functions that don't compete to the professional's profile or restricted to actions and techniques historically exercised in their work fields. A new profile of the professional of the Social Service that it acts in the School Education is possible when his/her action is visualized centered not just in the work with the family, but, doing of the school a proposition space and execution of programs, projects, studies and social researches. He intends, an action politics and of popularization on them know and the social worker competences in the School Education


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The study does a analysis about the social participation of teenagers in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/RN city, in the perspective of Protagonism Juvenile, that presuppose the teenager condition like main actor and subject of the right and obligations. In front of this, the aim this search is to discuss and analyse the juvenile protagonism and theirpolitic , pedagogics and soscial means, to go off on to the participation of teenagers like social subject in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/Rn city. The way to the teoric reflexion this study privileged the approach historic-member, being assisted by quality methodology, to making useful an interview semistructured with teenagers, families and co-ordinators of the Programs. The social participation of the teenagers, in these programs, reaffirm itself like a proposal politic-pedagogical that contribute to the development of competences of the teenagers and improvement of habilities in the treatment of the questions about heathy sexual and reprodutive,valorizing the condition of the social subjects, in the perspective of the protagonism juvenile. The relevance this study to be detached by the contribution in the building and implementation of the programs politic-pedagogical, that affirm to the teenagers the condition of the right and obligations


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Analisa a Política de Educação Ambiental no Município de Belém, possibilitando através de nossas experiências na área do Meio Ambiente, materializadas a partir da inserção em projetos de extensão e de pesquisa, potencializados pela Universidade Federal do Pará. À luz destas experiências, analisamos teoricamente a Educação Ambiental, e fundamentamos nossas argumentações, na necessidade desta ser concebida como Política Social. A indagação e discussão sobre esta questão, emergiu como tema central de nosso estudo, que perpassa sobretudo pelo Serviço Social, profissão que nas últimas décadas do século XX, e no novo milênio, vem confirmando suas ações na defesa intransigente da democracia, da justiça, da liberdade e dos direitos humanos. A partir deste pressuposto, apresentamos a Educação Ambiental como uma nova demanda ocupacional para o Assistente Social, nesse sentido analisamos a intervenção deste profissional no Município de Belém-PA, no tocante a Educação Ambiental. Para tanto, potencializamos nossa pesquisa em três órgãos do Governo Municipal: FUNBOSQUE, FUNVERDE e SEHAB. Este trabalho tem por objetivo último, propiciar argumentos teóricos para avançar no debate da categoria, vislumbrando novas competências teórico-práticas e éticopolíticas acerca da Educação Ambiental.


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Study on the Organizational Communication and the information from the perspective of the corporate social responsibility (CSR). Presumes that the CSR to be incorporated into a process of business management involves a transformation in the ways of communication and information management. The objective is to think about the essential function of the communication and information as strategic competences of socially responsible companies, in the knowledge generation, in the value creation and in the incorporation of awareness of ethical conduct and company’s corporate, as reflector of its organizational culture, reflected to its stakeholders.


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The motivation functions as the most important and decisive factor in choosing the profession Therefore it has an especially remarkable role in the further professional activity of a social-educational worker to raise one's qualification and progress as a specialist. The issue of the professional motivation for choosing social-educational work-studies is becoming increasingly important in post-soviet countries, where the institution of social worker is new and the social exclusion is so widely expressed. The issue of the professional aptitude of students is also important in various professional fields, however in social-educational professions it's importance is exceptional. The profession of social-educational work is based on competences that are constantly expanding and becoming more and more complex.


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Against the background of the emerging multicultural migration society, acquisition of intercultural competences is getting vitally important for youngsters to actively and effectively engage with intercultural dialogue in a co-existent life context. Contingencies for such intercultural dialogue and to foster intercultural competences of youngsters are opened in virtual space when youth with different ethnic, social and cultural background go online. However, differences in Internet use and competences acquisition as “digital inequality” also exist among youth with different socio-cultural background. This article reports on a quantitative survey of 300 Turkish migrant youth in Germany as empirical sample about how Internet use generally fosters their intercultural competences, what differences exist among them and which indicators can explain the differences. Preliminary findings show that the contingencies of Internet in fostering intercultural competences are still not much employed and realised by Turkish migrant youth. Four online groups connected with bonding, bridging, both (bonding and bridging) and none socio-cultural networks are found out based on the cluster analysis with SPSS. These different networks, from the perspective of social cultural capital, can explain the differences concerning development of intercultural competences among them. It is indicated in this research that many Turkish migrant youth still lack recognition and capabilities to construct their intercultural social networks or relations through using Internet and further to employ the relations as intercultural social capital or social support in their life context. This therefore poses a critical implication for youth work to help migrant youth construct and reconstruct their socio-cultural networks through using Internet so as to extend social support for competences acquisition.


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Palestinians living in the West Bank, a territory occupied by the State of Israel according to International Law, face deprived access to land and a limited ability to move freely which pertains to the presence of Israeli settlements and other infrastructure (closures, restricted or forbidden roads, etc.). This confinement has significant impacts on their economic and social livelihoods, and it is even worsening with the on-going construction of a 709 km long Barrier which mainly runs inside the West Bank. With regard to this situation, there is a clear need to strengthen the capacity of civil society and its representatives to apply sound research processes as a basis for improved advocacy for Palestinian human rights. Monitoring processes and tools are needed to assess the impacts of the Palestinians’ confinement, particularly in relation to the Barrier’s construction. Reliable data has also to be collected, managed, and above all, shared. These challenges have been addressed within the Academic Cooperation Palestine Project (ACPP) that brings together academic partners from the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) West Bank (WB), and Switzerland as well as other international academic institutions and Palestinian governmental and non-governmental agencies. ACPP started in early 2011 and is designed as a large cooperation networking platform involving researchers, students, public servants and experts from the oPt WB. A large set of actions have already been developed during the first year of the project, including courses, training, and research actions. First relevant results and impacts of the different actions are presented in this paper. Taken as a whole, the project produces valuable results for all partners: useful advocacy material for the Palestinian partners, and a unique “real-scale laboratory” where investigations are jointly conducted to develop novel confinement and change indicators.


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The present "post modern" socio-cultural modalities and the restrictions of the economic globalization lead us to reflect about the configuration of the transformations in the Vocational Guidance, committed to the concepts of "freedom", "epistemological knowledge", "competences of the subject and new roles of the school. This first exploratory incursion if the research has the purpose of retrieving the concept of freedom from the existential philosophers Heidegger and Sartre and of introducing the subject of "competences" from the social theory of Habermas. The aim is to establish new bonds between the Vocational Guidance and the above-mentioned philosophical lineaments: the freedom of the subjects and the possibility of development of those "competences" that allow to establish social, ethical and epistemological interrelations in the sphere of the Vocational Guidance, that promote a greater solidarity facing the "era of emptiness" of the post-modernity supported by Lipovestky.


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The present "post modern" socio-cultural modalities and the restrictions of the economic globalization lead us to reflect about the configuration of the transformations in the Vocational Guidance, committed to the concepts of "freedom", "epistemological knowledge", "competences of the subject and new roles of the school. This first exploratory incursion if the research has the purpose of retrieving the concept of freedom from the existential philosophers Heidegger and Sartre and of introducing the subject of "competences" from the social theory of Habermas. The aim is to establish new bonds between the Vocational Guidance and the above-mentioned philosophical lineaments: the freedom of the subjects and the possibility of development of those "competences" that allow to establish social, ethical and epistemological interrelations in the sphere of the Vocational Guidance, that promote a greater solidarity facing the "era of emptiness" of the post-modernity supported by Lipovestky.


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The present "post modern" socio-cultural modalities and the restrictions of the economic globalization lead us to reflect about the configuration of the transformations in the Vocational Guidance, committed to the concepts of "freedom", "epistemological knowledge", "competences of the subject and new roles of the school. This first exploratory incursion if the research has the purpose of retrieving the concept of freedom from the existential philosophers Heidegger and Sartre and of introducing the subject of "competences" from the social theory of Habermas. The aim is to establish new bonds between the Vocational Guidance and the above-mentioned philosophical lineaments: the freedom of the subjects and the possibility of development of those "competences" that allow to establish social, ethical and epistemological interrelations in the sphere of the Vocational Guidance, that promote a greater solidarity facing the "era of emptiness" of the post-modernity supported by Lipovestky.