971 resultados para Selaginellaceae, embryology, embryo development


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Multiple ovulation (superovulation) and embryo transfer has been used extensively in cattle. In the past decade, superstimulatory treatment protocols that synchronise follicle growth and ovulation, allowing for improved donor management and fixed-time AI (FTAI), have been developed for zebu (Bos indicus) and European (Bos taurus) breeds of cattle. There is evidence that additional stimulus with LH (through the administration of exogenous LH or equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG)) on the last day of the superstimulatory treatment protocol, called the 'P-36 protocol' for FTAI, can increase embryo yield compared with conventional protocols that are based on the detection of oestrus. However, inconsistent results with the use of hormones that stimulate LH receptors (LHR) have prompted further studies on the roles of LH and its receptors in ovulatory capacity (acquisition of LHR in granulosa cells), oocyte competence and embryo quality in superstimulated cattle. Recent experiments have shown that superstimulation with FSH increases mRNA expression of LHR and angiotensin AT(2) receptors in granulosa cells of follicles >8 mm in diameter. In addition, FSH decreases mRNA expression of growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) and bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) in oocytes, but increases the expression of both in cumulus cells, without diminishing the capacity of cumulus-oocyte complexes to generate blastocysts. Although these results indicate that superstimulation with FSH is not detrimental to oocyte competence, supplementary studies are warranted to investigate the effects of superstimulation on embryo quality and viability. In addition, experiments comparing the cellular and/or molecular effects of adding eCG to the P-36 treatment protocol are being conducted to elucidate the effects of superstimulatory protocols on the yield of viable embryos.


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Contents Fibroblast growth factor (FGF10) acts at the cumulus oocyte complex, increasing the expression of cumulus cell expansion-related genes and oocyte competency genes. We tested the hypothesis that addition of FGF10 to the maturation medium improves oocyte maturation, decreases the percentage of apoptotic oocytes and increases development to the blastocyst stage while increasing the relative abundance of developmentally important genes (COX2, CDX2 and PLAC8). In all experiments, oocytes were matured for 22h in TCM-199 supplemented with 0, 2.5, 10 or 50ng/ml FGF10. In Experiment 1, after maturation, oocytes were stained with Hoechst to evaluate meiosis progression (metaphase I, intermediary phases and extrusion of the first polar body) and submitted to the TUNEL assay to evaluate apoptosis. In Experiment 2, oocytes were fertilized and cultured to the blastocyst stage. Blastocysts were frozen for analysis of COX2, CDX2 and PLAC8 relative abundance. In Experiment 1, 2.5ng/ml FGF10 increased (p<0.05) the percentage of oocytes with extrusion of the first polar body (35%) compared to 0, 10 and 50ng/ml FGF10 (21, 14 and 12%, respectively) and FGF10 decreased the percentage of oocytes that were TUNEL positive in all doses studied. In Experiment 2, there was no difference in the percentage of oocytes becoming blastocysts between treatments and control. Real-time RT-PCR showed a tendency of 50ng/ml FGF10 to increase the relative abundance of COX2 and PLAC8 and of 10ng/ml FGF10 to increase CDX2. In conclusion, the addition of FGF10 to the oocyte maturation medium improves oocyte maturation in vitro, decreases the percentage of apoptotic oocytes and tends to increase the relative abundance of developmentally important genes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effect of melatonin during in vitro maturation (IVM) on DNA damage of cumulus cells (CCs) from bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) and embryo development was evaluated. COCs from abattoir ovaries were cultured in maturation medium (MM) with 0.5 mu g/ml FSH and 5.0 mu g/ml LH (FSH-LH); 10(-9) M melatonin (MEL) or FSH-LH + MEL (FSH-LH-MEL). After 24 h of in vitro maturation, the CCs surrounding the oocyte were subjected to DNA analysis by Comet assay. After in vitro fertilization and in vitro embryo culture, the embryo development rates were evaluated on day 2 post insemination (cleavage) and days 7-8 (blastocyst). The percentage of CCs with no DNA damage was significantly superior in MEL group (37.6 +/- 2.4) than in FSH-LH-MEL (28.0 +/- 2.4) and FSH-LH (17.8 +/- 2.41) groups. Cleavage and blastocysts rates were similar among groups. Melatonin during IVM protects the CCs from DNA damage but this effect did not influence embryo development in vitro. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract The creation of atlases, or digital models where information from different subjects can be combined, is a field of increasing interest in biomedical imaging. When a single image does not contain enough information to appropriately describe the organism under study, it is then necessary to acquire images of several individuals, each of them containing complementary data with respect to the rest of the components in the cohort. This approach allows creating digital prototypes, ranging from anatomical atlases of human patients and organs, obtained for instance from Magnetic Resonance Imaging, to gene expression cartographies of embryo development, typically achieved from Light Microscopy. Within such context, in this PhD Thesis we propose, develop and validate new dedicated image processing methodologies that, based on image registration techniques, bring information from multiple individuals into alignment within a single digital atlas model. We also elaborate a dedicated software visualization platform to explore the resulting wealth of multi-dimensional data and novel analysis algo-rithms to automatically mine the generated resource in search of bio¬logical insights. In particular, this work focuses on gene expression data from developing zebrafish embryos imaged at the cellular resolution level with Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy. Disposing of quantitative measurements relating multiple gene expressions to cell position and their evolution in time is a fundamental prerequisite to understand embryogenesis multi-scale processes. However, the number of gene expressions that can be simultaneously stained in one acquisition is limited due to optical and labeling constraints. These limitations motivate the implementation of atlasing strategies that can recreate a virtual gene expression multiplex. The developed computational tools have been tested in two different scenarios. The first one is the early zebrafish embryogenesis where the resulting atlas constitutes a link between the phenotype and the genotype at the cellular level. The second one is the late zebrafish brain where the resulting atlas allows studies relating gene expression to brain regionalization and neurogenesis. The proposed computational frameworks have been adapted to the requirements of both scenarios, such as the integration of partial views of the embryo into a whole embryo model with cellular resolution or the registration of anatom¬ical traits with deformable transformation models non-dependent on any specific labeling. The software implementation of the atlas generation tool (Match-IT) and the visualization platform (Atlas-IT) together with the gene expression atlas resources developed in this Thesis are to be made freely available to the scientific community. Lastly, a novel proof-of-concept experiment integrates for the first time 3D gene expression atlas resources with cell lineages extracted from live embryos, opening up the door to correlate genetic and cellular spatio-temporal dynamics. La creación de atlas, o modelos digitales, donde la información de distintos sujetos puede ser combinada, es un campo de creciente interés en imagen biomédica. Cuando una sola imagen no contiene suficientes datos como para describir apropiadamente el organismo objeto de estudio, se hace necesario adquirir imágenes de varios individuos, cada una de las cuales contiene información complementaria respecto al resto de componentes del grupo. De este modo, es posible crear prototipos digitales, que pueden ir desde atlas anatómicos de órganos y pacientes humanos, adquiridos por ejemplo mediante Resonancia Magnética, hasta cartografías de la expresión genética del desarrollo de embrionario, típicamente adquiridas mediante Microscopía Optica. Dentro de este contexto, en esta Tesis Doctoral se introducen, desarrollan y validan nuevos métodos de procesado de imagen que, basándose en técnicas de registro de imagen, son capaces de alinear imágenes y datos provenientes de múltiples individuos en un solo atlas digital. Además, se ha elaborado una plataforma de visualization específicamente diseñada para explorar la gran cantidad de datos, caracterizados por su multi-dimensionalidad, que resulta de estos métodos. Asimismo, se han propuesto novedosos algoritmos de análisis y minería de datos que permiten inspeccionar automáticamente los atlas generados en busca de conclusiones biológicas significativas. En particular, este trabajo se centra en datos de expresión genética del desarrollo embrionario del pez cebra, adquiridos mediante Microscopía dos fotones con resolución celular. Disponer de medidas cuantitativas que relacionen estas expresiones genéticas con las posiciones celulares y su evolución en el tiempo es un prerrequisito fundamental para comprender los procesos multi-escala característicos de la morfogénesis. Sin embargo, el número de expresiones genéticos que pueden ser simultáneamente etiquetados en una sola adquisición es reducido debido a limitaciones tanto ópticas como del etiquetado. Estas limitaciones requieren la implementación de estrategias de creación de atlas que puedan recrear un multiplexado virtual de expresiones genéticas. Las herramientas computacionales desarrolladas han sido validadas en dos escenarios distintos. El primer escenario es el desarrollo embrionario temprano del pez cebra, donde el atlas resultante permite constituir un vínculo, a nivel celular, entre el fenotipo y el genotipo de este organismo modelo. El segundo escenario corresponde a estadios tardíos del desarrollo del cerebro del pez cebra, donde el atlas resultante permite relacionar expresiones genéticas con la regionalización del cerebro y la formación de neuronas. La plataforma computacional desarrollada ha sido adaptada a los requisitos y retos planteados en ambos escenarios, como la integración, a resolución celular, de vistas parciales dentro de un modelo consistente en un embrión completo, o el alineamiento entre estructuras de referencia anatómica equivalentes, logrado mediante el uso de modelos de transformación deformables que no requieren ningún marcador específico. Está previsto poner a disposición de la comunidad científica tanto la herramienta de generación de atlas (Match-IT), como su plataforma de visualización (Atlas-IT), así como las bases de datos de expresión genética creadas a partir de estas herramientas. Por último, dentro de la presente Tesis Doctoral, se ha incluido una prueba conceptual innovadora que permite integrar los mencionados atlas de expresión genética tridimensionales dentro del linaje celular extraído de una adquisición in vivo de un embrión. Esta prueba conceptual abre la puerta a la posibilidad de correlar, por primera vez, las dinámicas espacio-temporales de genes y células.


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Digital atlases of animal development provide a quantitative description of morphogenesis, opening the path toward processes modeling. Prototypic atlases offer a data integration framework where to gather information from cohorts of individuals with phenotypic variability. Relevant information for further theoretical reconstruction includes measurements in time and space for cell behaviors and gene expression. The latter as well as data integration in a prototypic model, rely on image processing strategies. Developing the tools to integrate and analyze biological multidimensional data are highly relevant for assessing chemical toxicity or performing drugs preclinical testing. This article surveys some of the most prominent efforts to assemble these prototypes, categorizes them according to salient criteria and discusses the key questions in the field and the future challenges toward the reconstruction of multiscale dynamics in model organisms.


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Human preimplantation embryos exhibit high levels of apoptotic cells and high rates of developmental arrest during the first week in vitro. The relation between the two is unclear and difficult to determine by conventional experimental approaches, partly because of limited numbers of embryos. We apply a mixture of experiment and mathematical modeling to show that observed levels of cell death can be reconciled with the high levels of embryo arrest seen in the human only if the developmental competence of embryos is already established at the zygote stage, and environmental factors merely modulate this. This suggests that research on improving in vitro fertilization success rates should move from its current concentration on optimizing culture media to focus more on the generation of a healthy zygote and on understanding the mechanisms that cause chromosomal and other abnormalities during early cleavage stages.


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HLA-G is a nonclassical class I major histocompatibility complex molecule with a restricted pattern of expression that includes the placental extravillus cytotrophoblast cells in direct contact with maternal tissues. Circumstantial evidence suggests that HLA-G may play a role in protection of the semiallogeneic human fetus. We examined whether HLA-G is expressed during the critical period of preimplantation human development and whether expression of this molecule could be correlated with the cleavage rate of embryos. Using reverse transcription PCR on surplus human embryos and unfertilized oocytes from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization we detected HLA-G heavy chain mRNA in 40% of 148 of blastocysts tested. The presence of HLA-G mRNA was also detected in unfertilized oocytes and in early embryos, but not in control cumulus oophorus cells. beta 2-Microglobulin mRNA was also found in those embryos expressing HLA-G. In concordance with our mRNA data, a similar proportion of embryos stained positive for HLA-G utilizing a specific monoclonal antibody. Interestingly, expression of HLA-G mRNA was associated with an increased cleavage rate, as compared to embryos lacking HLA-G transcript. Thus, HLA-G could be a functional homologue of the mouse Qa-2 antigen, which has been implicated in differences in the rate of preimplantation embryo development. To our knowledge, the presence of HLA-G mRNA and protein in human preimplantation embryos and oocytes has not been reported previously. The correlation of HLA-G mRNA expression with cleavage rate suggests that this molecule may play an important role in human pre-embryo development.


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Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like protein 1 (AHCYL1) is a novel intracellular protein with similar to 50% protein identity to adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase (AHCY), an important enzyme for metabolizing S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine, the by-product of S-adenosyl-L-homomethionine-dependent methylation. AHCYL1 binds to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, suggesting that AHCYL1 is involved in intracellular calcium release. We identified two zebrafish AHCYL1 orthologs(zAHCYL1A and -B) by bioinformatics and reverse transcription-PCR. Unlike the ubiquitously present AHCY genes, AHCYL1 genes were only detected in segmented animals, and AHCYL1 proteins were highly conserved among species. Phylogenic analysis suggested that the AHCYL1 gene diverged early from AHCY and evolved independently. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed that zAHCYL1A and -B mRNA expression was regulated differently from the other AHCY-like protein zAHCYL2 and zAHCY during zebrafish embryogenesis. Injection of morpholino antisense oligonucleotides against zAHCYL1A and -B into zebrafish embryos inhibited zAHCYL1A and -B mRNA translation specifically and induced ventralized morphologies. Conversely, human and zebrafish AHCYL1A mRNA injection into zebrafish embryos induced dorsalized morphologies that were similar to those obtained by depleting intracellular calcium with thapsigargin. Human AHCY mRNA injection showed little effect on the embryos. These data suggest that AHCYL1 has a different function from AHCY and plays an important role in embryogenesis by modulating inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor function for the intracellular calcium release.


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Glucose concentration during cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) maturation influences several functions, including progression of oocyte meiosis, oocyte developmental competence, and cumulus mucification. Glucosamine (GlcN) is an alternative hexose substrate, specifically metabolized through the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway, which provides the intermediates for extracellular matrix formation during cumulus cell mucification. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of GlcN on meiotic progression and oocyte developmental competence following in vitro maturation (IVM). The presence of GlcN during bovine IVM did not affect the completion of nuclear maturation and early cleavage, but severely perturbed blastocyst development. This effect was subsequently shown to be dose-dependent and was also observed for porcine oocytes matured in vitro. Hexosamine biosynthesis upregulation using GlcN supplementation is well known to increase O-linked glycosylation of many intracellular signaling molecules, the best-characterized being the phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway. We observed extensive O-linked glycosylation in bovine cumulus cells, but not oocytes, following IVM in either the presence or the absence of GlcN. Inhibition of O-linked glycosylation significantly reversed the effect of GlcN-induced reduction in developmental competence, but inhibition of PI3K signaling had no effect. Our data are the first to link hexosamine biosynthesis, involved in cumulus cell mucification, to oocyte developmental competence during in vitro maturation.