999 resultados para Santa Rita da Barreira - PA
Pie de imp. consta en col
First edition, September 1916. cf. verso of t.-p.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"May 1996."
The purpose of this study is to investigate the cultural identities of Santa Rita de Cassia constructed from the representations contained in the speech of Santa Cruz urban area residents, which is located in a harsh part of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. These residents make the story of the Saint full of meaning for themselves, in their daily lives, as well as to the society. This is observed in the narration of Rita de Cassias story which has been told in the city over the past one hundred and eighty years, the number of women's names and commercial establishments named Santa Rita. In 2010, with the inauguration of the Alto de Santa Rita a space for worshiping the saint , the amount of visitors increased in the city, due to the construction and inauguration of a colossal monument representing the image of Rita de Cassia. Then, new social, cultural, religious and political aspects became part of the local reality of the city of Santa Cruz, what made residents have something in common to talk about. According to the interdisciplinary approach of Applied Linguistics, our theoretical background is based on the socio-historical language concept, which understands language as discursive practice. Still theoretically speaking, this study establishes an interface with cultural studies, taking into account the concept of cultural identity in post-modernity society. Discourse analysis proved plural, with a multiplicity of cultural identities ranging from very obedient daughter to wife who suffered because of the husband, from very religious woman to the widow who entered the convent, on to the Saint of the miracles and healings interceding in the lives of the ones who seek for help. It was also observed in the above mentioned investigative path that these identities can be constructed and reconstructed if immersed in a different set of social practices historically determined
This article studies the house of seclusion established for devout Indian and mestizo laywomen in the town of Pasig in 1740, and the dispute over tribute obligations that affected retreated or pious women. Founded outside of the Royal Patronato, this house of seclusion was extraordinarily attractive as a place for voluntary retreat and as an educational center. The dispute over tribute payments brought to light misgivings and conflicts of interest between the parties involved, while revealing the fundamental problem: the traditionally undefined juridical status of this type of establishment on the Islands. The solution given to the problem (tribute exemption) was to be extended to other similar centers in the Philippines. This article, realized with the use of unpublished documentation from the General Archives of the Indies, contributes therefore to our knowledge of the world of women in the Philippine archipelago; an ambit of great complexity that, as of yet, has been insufficiently studied.
Tesis (Mdico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2014
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Geocincias, Ps-Graduao em Geologia, 2016.
O cncer de colo de tero e de mama so considerados graves problemas de sade pblica no s no Brasil, mas em todo o mundo. O cncer de mama representa a principal causa de morte por cncer em mulheres no Brasil, e em nvel mundial cede o lugar apenas para o cncer de pulmo. J o cncer de colo de tero configura-se como o terceiro tipo de cncer mais comum e a quarta causa de morte por cncer em mulheres em todo o mundo. O presente trabalho aborda a implementao da ao programtica referente preveno do cncer de colo de tero e de mama na unidade de sade Santa Rita do municpio de Marau, por meio da adoo do Protocolo do Ministrio da Sade. Conforme o protocolo do Ministrio da Sade foi realizado coleta de citopatolgico nas usurias entre 25 e 65 anos e solicitado mamografias nas usurias entre 50 e 69 anos. Durante o perodo de interveno, do dia nove de agosto a nove de novembro, foram avaliadas, entre outras aes, a cobertura da ateno, orientao e identificao de fatores de riscos, avaliao da qualidade das amostras de citopatolgicos e preveno de DSTs. Aps trs meses de interveno atingimos 13,5% (140) de cobertura para a deteco precoce do cncer de colo de tero e 17,2% para a cobertura do cncer de mama sendo a meta inicial estipulada 12,5% (57) das mulheres, nas idades preconizadas conforme Protocolo do Ministrio da Sade, para ambas as coberturas. Todas as mulheres atendidas nas consultas de sade da mulher foram orientadas quanto preveno de DSTs, fatores de riscos e sinais de alerta para cncer de colo de tero e de mama. Todas as amostras coletadas nos exames citopatolgicos foram satisfatrias. Os registros das consultas foram atualizados, dessa forma ser possvel o monitoramento dos resultados dos exames e periodicidade da realizao dos mesmos. Atingimos nossa meta quanto cobertura da preveno do cncer de colo de tero e de mama, trazendo grande beneficio para todas as usurias. Durante a interveno a equipe do ESF Santa Rita identificou como maiores dificuldades a adequao dos horrios para disponibilizar consultas de sade da mulher, o grande numero de absentesmo nas consultas agendadas no inicio da interveno e o atraso das mamografias devido a reforma no setor de mamografia do Hospital Cristo Redentor.O projeto vai continuar mesmo aps o fim da interveno, o acesso vai continuar sendo facilitado, a adeso das mulheres estimulada e os registros mantidos. Alm desses pontos positivos para a populao, a interveno tambm proporcionou importante crescimento para o servio e para toda a equipe da ESF Santa Rita.