156 resultados para Salen
An amperometric dipyrone sensor based on a polymeric nickel-salen (salen = N,N'-ethylenebis(salicydeneiminato)) film coated platinum electrode was developed. The sensor was constructed by electropolymerization of nickel-salen complex at a platinum electrode in acetonitrile/tetrabuthylamonium perchlorate by cyclic voltammetry. After cycling the modified electrode in a 0.50 mol L-1 KCl solution, the estimated surface concentration was found to be equal to 1.29 x 10(-9) mol cm(-2). This is a typical behavior of an electrode surface immobilized with a redox couple that can usually be considered as a reversible single-electron reduction/oxidation of the nickel(II)/nickel(III) couple. A plot of the anodic current versus the dipyrone concentration for chronoamperometry (potential fixed = +0.50 V) at the sensor was linear in the 4.7 x 10(-6) to 1.1 x 10(-4) mol L-1 concentration range and the concentration limit was 1.2 x 10(-6) mol L-1. The proposed electrode is useful for the quality control and routine analysis of dipyrone in pharmaceutical formulations.
An amperometric oxygen sensor based on a polymeric nickel-salen (salen = N,N '-ethylenebis(salicydeneiminato)) film coated platinum electrode was developed. The sensor was constructed by electropolymerization of nickel-salen complex at a platinum electrode in acetonitrile/tetrabuthylamonium perchlorate by cyclic voltammetry. The voltammetric behavior of the modified electrode was investigated in 0.5 mol L-1 KCl solution in the absence and presende of molecular oxygen. A significant increased of cathodic peak current (at -0.20 vs. SCE) of the modified electrode with addition of oxygen to the solution was observed. This result shows that the nickel-salen film on the surface of the electrode promotes the reduction of oxygen. The reaction can be brought about electrochemically where in the nickel(II) complex is first reduced to a nickel(I) complex at the electrode surface. The nickel(I) complex then undergoes a catalytic oxidation by the oxygen molecular in solution back to the nickel(II) complex, which can then be electrochemically re-reduced to produce an enhancement of the cathodic current. The plot of the cathodic current versus the dissolved oxygen concentration for chronoamperometry (potential fixed = -0.20 V) at the sensor was linear in the concentration range of 3.95 to 9.20 mg L-1 with concentration limit of 0.17 mg L-1 O-2. The modified electrode proposed is useful for the quality control and routine analysis of dissolved oxygen in commercial water and environmental water samples. The results obtained for the levels of dissolved oxygen are in agreement with the results obtained with an O-2 commercial sensor. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The preparation and electrochemical characterization of a carbon paste electrode modified with the N,N-ethylene-bis(salicyllideneiminato)oxovanadium (IV) complex ([VO(salen)]) as well as its application for ranitidine determination are described. The electrochemical behavior of the modified electrode for the electroreduction of ranitidine was investigated using cyclic voltammetry, and analytical curves were obtained for ranitidine using linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) under optimized conditions. The best voltammetric response was obtained for an electrode composition of 20% (m/m) [VO(salen)] in the paste, 0.10 mol L- 1 of KCl solution (pH 5.5 adjusted with HCl) as supporting electrolyte and scan rate of 25 mV s- 1. A sensitive linear voltammetric response for ranitidine was obtained in the concentration range from 9.9 × 10- 5 to 1.0 × 10- 3 mol L- 1, with a detection limit of 6.6 × 10- 5 mol L- 1 using linear sweep voltammetry. These results demonstrated the viability of this modified electrode as a sensor for determination, quality control and routine analysis of ranitidine in pharmaceutical formulations. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Der erste Teil der hier vorgestellten Arbeit verfolgt die Synthese potentieller Modellverbindungen oligonuklearer Metalloproteine auf Basis von Salen-Liganden. Dazu wurden zwei Ligandensysteme mit unterschiedlich raumerfüllenden Alkyl-Substituenten modifiziert und auf ihre koordinativen Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Für das Ligandensystem auf Basis des Bis-(salicylidenamino)-propan-2-ols konnten fünf Derivate (H3L1, H3L2A,H3L2B, H3L3, H3L4), für das zweite verwendete Ligandensystem auf Basis des 1H-3,5-Bis-(salicylidenaminomethyl)-pyrazols konnten zwei weitere Derivate (H3L5A, H3L5B) dargestellt und zu Koordinationsverbindungen umgesetzt werden.rnFür den hier verwendeten Bis-(salicylidenamino)-propan-2-ol Liganden H3L1, welcher die geringsten sterischen Anforderungen stellt, konnten mono-, tri- und tetranukleare Koordinationsverbindungen synthetisiert werden. Dabei gelingt es dem Liganden, sich sowohl in planarer als auch in unterschiedlich stark gewinkelter Konformation um ein oder mehrere Metallzentren anzuordnen, wobei der Ligand ein N2O2- seines N2O3-Donorsets zur Koordination nutzt. Die Verbindung {[Ni7(HL1)2(L1)2(OBz)4(OMe)(H2O)]}n zeigt, dass eine Verkettung der so gestalteten dreikernigen Einheiten über das freie Propanol-Sauerstoffatomdes Ligandenrückgrats möglich ist. Mit zunehmendem sterischen Anspruch der angefügten Alkylsubstituenten nimmt die geometrische Flexibilität und somit das Potential des Liganden zur Ausbildung höhernuklearer Strukturen ab. So ist für Liganden mit mittlerem sterischen Anspruch neben mononuklearen Komplexen noch die Gestaltung dinuklearer Systeme möglich. Erhöht man den sterischen Anspruch des Liganden weiter, findet nur noch eine Reaktion zu mononuklearen Verbindungen statt.rnMit den Pyrazol-basierten Ligandensystemen H3L5A und H3L5B konnten dinukleare Kupfer- und Nickelverbindungen synthetisiert werden.rnDer zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Gestaltung von Spin-Crossover Systemen (SCO). Dazu soll ein Spinübergang innerhalb des gestalteten schaltbaren Systems an die Anwesenheit eines Signalstoffs gekoppelt werden, so dass diese SCO-Verbindung als Sensor für den Signalstoff eingesetzt werden kann. Dazu wurden zwei unterschiedliche Ansätze entwickelt und untersucht.rnDie erste Methode beruht auf der Kombination eines zum Spin-Crossover befähigten Metallzentrums, eines Capping-Liganden, eines zur Signalstofferkennung funktionalisierten Co-Liganden sowie eines entsprechenden Signalstoffs. Als Capping-Liganden wurden tetra- und pentadentateLigandensysteme eingesetzt und mit unterschiedlich Picolyl-substituierten Monoaza-[12]-krone-4-Derivaten umgesetzt, wobei die Monoazakrone zur Komplexierung des Signalstoffs,hier in Form eines Alkalimetallions, zur Verfügung steht. Nach dieser ersten Methode konnten im Zeitraum dieser Arbeit noch keine zufriedenstellenden Ergebnisse erzielt werden.rnEine vielversprechende zweite Möglichkeit beruht auf der Verwendung eines mehrzähnigen, etablierten Spin-Crossover Liganden,welcher in seiner Peripherie mit einer Bindungstasche zur Aufnahme des Signalstoffmodifiziert wird.Mit Hilfe des so gestalteten Liganden 4'-(4'''-Benzo-[15]-krone-5)-methyloxy-2,2':6',2''-terpyridin ([b15c5]-tpy) gelang die Umsetzung zu entsprechenden Eisen(II)- und Kobalt(II)komplexen der Zusammensetzung [M([b15c5]-tpy)2]2+. Alle synthetisierten Eisen(II)-Komplexe liegen aufgrund der hohen Ligandenfeldstärke des Terpyridins über einen Temperaturbereich von 300 – 400 K in ihrer diamagnetischen Low Spin Form vor. Die entsprechenden Kobalt(II)-Komplexe zeigen über einen Temperaturbereich von 2 – 350 K ein kontinuierliches, aber unvollständiges Spin-Crossover Verhalten.rnDer Einfluss von Signalstoffen auf das Spin-Crossover Verhalten der Kobalt(II)-Systeme wurde in einem ersten Versuch unter der Verwendung von Natriumionen als Signalstoff untersucht. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Natriumionen für dieses System zwar nicht als Auslöser eines SCO verwendet werden können, sie aber dennoch eine starke Auswirkung auf den Verlauf des Spin-Crossovers haben.
Jiménez Catalán,
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Two modified Jacobsen-type catalysts were anchored onto an amine functionalised hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) using two distinct anchoring procedures: (i) one was anchored directly through the carboxylic acid functionalised diimine bridge fragment of the complex (CAT1) and (ii) the other through the hydroxyl group on the aldehyde fragment of the complex (CAT2), mediated by cyanuric chloride. The new heterogeneous catalyst, as well as the precedent materials, were characterised by elemental analyses, DRIFT, UV-vis, porosimetry and XPS which showed that the complexes were successfully anchored onto the hexagonal mesoporous silica. These materials acted as active heterogeneous catalysts in the epoxidation of styrene, using m-CPBA as oxidant, and α-methylstyrene, using NaOCl as oxidant. Under the latter conditions they acted also as enantioselective heterogeneous catalysts. Furthermore, when compared to the reaction run in homogeneous phase under similar experimental conditions, an increase in asymmetric induction was observed for the heterogenised CAT1, while the opposite effect was observed for the heterogenised CAT2, despite of CAT2 being more enantioselective than CAT1 in homogeneous phase. These results indicate that the covalent attachment of the Jacobsen catalyst through the diimine bridge leads to improved enantiomeric excess (%ee), whereas covalent attachment through one of the aldehyde fragments results in a negative effect in the %ee. Using α-methylstyrene and NaOCl as oxidant, heterogeneous catalyst reuse led to no significant loss of catalytic activity and enantioselectivity. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A Jacobsen-type catalyst was anchored onto an amine functionalised hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) through the diimine bridge fragment of the complex. The new heterogeneous catalyst, as well as the precedent materials, were characterised by elemental analyses, FTIR-DRIFT, UV-vis, porosimetry and XPS which showed that the complex was successfully anchored. This material was active in the epoxidation of styrene and α-methylstyrene in dichloromethane at 0°C using, respectively, m-CPBA/NMO and NaOCl. With the former substrate no asymmetric induction was found in the epoxide, whereas with the latter substrate higher %ee was found than in homogeneous phase. Using the latter experimental conditions, catalyst reuse led to no significant loss of catalytic activity and enantioselectivity. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical behavior of a carbon paste electrode modified (CPEM) with N,N′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)oxovanadium(IV) complex ([(VO)-O-IV(Salen)]) was investigated as a new sensor for cysteine. Cyclic voltammetry at the modified electrode in 0.1 mol L-1 KCl Solution (pH 5.0) showed a single-electron reduction/oxidation of the Couple VO3+/VO2+. The CPEM with [VO(Salen)] presented good electrochemical stability in a wide pH range (4.0-10.0) and an ability to electrooxidate cysteine at 0.65 V versus SCE. These results demonstrate the viability of the use of this modified electrode as an amperometric sensor for cysteine determination. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work describes the preparation and characterization of biogenic modified silica from rice hull ash and its use as a sorbent of cadmium ions. Thus, an agro-industrial residue has been used to produce a new adsorbent product which is able to remove toxic elements. Mesoporous biogenic silica was obtained by alkaline extraction of sodium silicate by hydrolysis with the sol-gel process, and it was modified with salen using 1,2-dichloroethane as a spacer. The surface area of the silica was measured by nitrogen adsorption/desorption analysis. Surface modification was measured by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The degree of functionalization was obtained by elemental analysis. This work showed that biogenic modified silica can be produced in aqueous media from rice hull ash using a simple method, providing an alternative method for adsorbent preparation. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the salen-modified silica is stable up to 209 C. The modified silica displays appropriate structural characteristics for an adsorbent. The cylindrical pores, open at both ends, allow free diffusion of cadmium ions to the adsorption sites on the silica surface. The surface modification increases cadmium adsorption on the silica surface 100-fold. The salen-modified silica showed specific adsorption for Cd2+ of 44.52 mg/g SiO2 at cadmium concentration of 100 mg/l.
Primidone (PRM) oxidation by various oxidants such as iodosylbenzene (PhIO), tert-butyl hydroperoxide 70wt.% (t-BOOH), 3-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (m-CPBA) and hydrogen peroxide 30wt.%, mediated by either a salen complex or metalloporphyrins, was investigated. The catalytic systems led to phenylethyl-malondiamide (PEMA) and phenobarbital (FEND), the same metabolites obtained in vivo with P450 enzymes, although three other products were also detected. Product formation was highly dependent on the oxidant, co-catalyst (imidazole), pH and dioxygen. These biomimetic chemical models have potential application in the synthesis of drug metabolites. which should provide samples for pharmacological tests. They can also be employed in studies that pursue the elucidation of in vivo drug metabolism. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Jacobsen catalyst, Mn(salen), was immobilized in chitosan membrane. The obtained Mn(salen)-Chit was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TC), differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), degree of N-acetylation by (1)H NMR, and UV-vis spectroscopy. The UV-vis absorption spectrum of the encapsulated catalyst displayed the typical bands of the Jacobsen catalyst, and the FT-IR presented an absorption band characteristic of the imines present in the Jacobsen catalyst. The chitosan membranes were available, in a biphasic system, as a catalytic barrier between two different phases: an organic substrate phase (cyclooctene or styrene) and an aqueous solution of either m-CPBA, t-BuOOH or H(2)O(2), and dismissing the need for phase transfer agents and leading to better product yields compared with the catalyst in homogeneous medium. This new catalyst did not leach from the support and was reused many times, leading to high turnover frequencies. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A palladium(II)-catalyzed hydroxycyclization-carbonylation-lactonization sequence with appropriate pent-4-ene-1,3-diols provides efficient access to the bicyclic gamma -lactones, 5-n-butyl- and 5-n-hexyltetrahydrofuro-[3,2-b]furan-2(3H)-ones (3) and (4), respectively, in both racemic and enantiomeric forms. Some of the substrate pent-4-ene-1,3-diols of high enantiomeric excess (ee) have been derived from racemic terminal epoxides by hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR) using cobalt (III)-salen complexes. (9Z,12R)-(+)-Ricinoleic acid also serves as a chiral pool source of other pent-4-ene-1,3-diols. These syntheses and enantioselective gas chromatography confirm the structures and absolute stereochemistry of the lactones in some species of parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The highly abundant 5-n-hexyltetrahydrofuro-[3,2-b]furan-2(3H)-one (4) in Diachasmimorpha kraussii and D. longicaudata is of high ee (> 99%) with (3aR,5R,6aR) stereochemistry.