958 resultados para SOCIAL CONTRACT


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El presente texto comienza con la definición y explicación de algunos de los conceptos básicos de mayor importancia para la familiarización con el presente trabajo. A continuación construimos tres pilares fundamentales que soportan la idea de una actuación moralmente responsable. Empezamos con el reconocimiento de aportes éticos y filosóficos desde el siglo XVI hasta nuestros días. Seguidamente, examinamos el componente económico y el aspecto ético, en donde encontramos evidencia de la falta de compromiso moral de los actores económicos y hallamos evidencia que soporta al nuevo orden económico mundial. Por último, evaluamos el comportamiento que se debería seguir en el ámbito empresarial. Analizamos la conducta que debería guiar el camino empresarial; se debe buscar un punto medio en donde se es socialmente responsable y se logra incrementar los beneficios financieros. Tras apoyarnos sobre estos tres pilares llegamos al diseño de un modelo de responsabilidad social en el que las empresas deben ser vistas como una familia económica. Con esto intentamos hacer énfasis en la redefinición del contrato social, en el que las empresas vean a los stakeholders y al medio ambiente de la misma forma en que un padre responsable ve a sus hijos y a su familia. Quisimos hacer ver, inicialmente, un panorama extenso acerca del punto crítico en el que nos encontramos hoy buscando una concienciación general para el entendimiento que el bienestar social y ambiental favorece a todos, pues mejora la calidad de vida a nivel mundial y aumente el desempeño empresarial a lo largo del planeta.


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En esta intervención se pretende reflexionar acerca de una propuesta que ha ido ganando aceptación en los últimos tiempos: nos referimos al contrato social mujeres y hombres. Así, evocando el contrato social formulado por Rousseau como fundamento para la construcción del Estado, se pretende una nueva reedición del mismo. Un contrato que, se dice, se ha de celebrar entre los dos géneros, y mediante el cual deben fijarse las condiciones para una nueva convivencia social en la que participen por igual los ciudadanos y las ciudadanas.


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This article assesses the extent to which it is ‘fair’ for the government to require owner-occupiers to draw on the equity accumulated in their home to fund their social care costs. The question is stimulated by the report of the Commission on Funding of Care and Support, Fairer Care Funding (the Dilnot Commission) and the subsequent Care Act 2014. The enquiry is located within the framework of social citizenship and the new social contract. It argues that the individualistic, contractarian approach, exemplified by the Dilnot Commission and reflected in the Act, raises questions when considered from the perspective of intergenerational fairness. We argue that our concerns with the Act could be addressed by inculcating an expectation of drawing on housing wealth to fund older age: a policy of asset-based welfare.


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Over the past decade, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been contesting the neo-liberal economic order in international politics by campaigning for normative conditions to bring about what Richard Falk calls 'humane governance'. However, the degree to which NGOs have contributed to the formation of global social contracts remains controversial. While NGO activists and various scholars advocate the establishment of such contracts, empirical testing of this normative argument is underdeveloped. Drawing upon this lack of empirical support, critics dismiss the global social contract concept and question the roles played by NGOs in international politics. This article addresses the controversy through a review, refinement and application of global social contract theory and an empirical study of two prominent international NGO campaigns directed at the World Trade Organization (WTO), an institution that represents a 'hard test case'. It explores the ways in which NGOs and their networks are challenging the neo-liberal basis of WTO agreements and contributing to the emergence of global social contracts. The article concludes that in some circumstances, NGOs have the capacity to inject social justice into international economic contracts and there is some basis for optimism regarding the formation of global social contracts involving NGOs, nation-states and international organizations.


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A sociedade de hoje, não se contenta mais em cobrar das Organizações apenas o triângulo consagrado que trata especificamente da qualidade, custo e prazo. Consciente de seu papel no mundo globalizado, ela exige o envolvimento e o comprometimento dessas Organizações com as questões sociais e ambientais. Neste contexto, faz-se necessário investir na preservação da natureza, na sua relação com a sociedade e no estreito relacionamento com os envolvidos direta e indiretamente nesta difícil empreitada. Em respostas a essas demandas, a ciência contábil, frente às exigências deste mercado globalizado e em lugar do modelo gestão corporativa utilizado até recentemente, que tratava apenas dos resultados econômicos, criou o Balanço Social. Como instrumento estratégico de desenvolvimento corporativo, o Balanço Social permite que a sociedade visualize os resultados de seu comprometimento com o futuro da humanidade. Quem não procura se adaptar às novas exigências da sociedade global, tende ao fracasso. Esta pesquisa tem como agente principal apresentar se as empresas no Brasil aplicam o conceito de Responsabilidade Social em suas atividades, propondo a cidadania de forma séria e responsável. Foram observados os dados divulgados pela Petrobras, - Petróleo Brasileiro SA, Vale e Gerdau S.A,, descrevendo informações entre seus demonstrativos e relatórios com a aplicação a partir dos propostos pelo Instituto ETHOS. Foi investigado o quanto estas empresas atendem aos quesitos propostos e, com base nos resultados obtidos, indicar, o nível de seriedade que estas companhias praticam a questão. A preferência pelas empresas supracitadas como objeto de pesquisa se dá pela posição de destaque no cenário econômico nacional e mundial; por sua atuação em setores considerados de alto nível de degradação e consumo de recursos naturais; e pelo alto impacto social gerado pela organização no local onde está introduzida. Os resultados mostram que as empresas começam a visualizar as questões socioambientais, verifica-se esta informação devido aos montantes absolutos investidos, todavia esta preocupação não atingiu a idéia principal deste conceito de responsabilidade social, ao atender interesses estratégicos superficiais de promoção e auto-imagem.


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This dissertation deals with the social function of the contract, based on constitutional principles, especially those relating to fundamental rights. The social function of the contract (general clause) is described in the Civil Code so intentionally generic, no precise criteria to define it. Because of the fluidity of this principle, it is justified its closer study, seeking to assess its various meanings and looking away from the legal uncertainty that an unlimited conceptual vagueness can cause. The social function of the contract arises from a transformation experienced in private law from the inflows received from the Constitutional Law, the result of an evolutionary process by which it became the state structure, leaving the foundations of the classical liberal state and moving toward a vision guided by existential human values that give the keynote of the Welfare State. Arose, then the concern about the effectiveness of fundamental rights in relations between individuals, which is studied from the inapplicability of fundamental rights in private relations (U.S. doctrine of State action), passing to the analysis of the Theory of indirect horizontal effect of fundamental rights (of German creation and majority acceptance), reaching the right horizontal efficacy Theory of fundamental rights, prevailing Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence. It has also been investigated the foundations of the social contract, pointing out that, apart from the provisions of the constitutional legislation, that base the principle on screen, there have also been noticed foundations in the Federal Constitution, in devices like the art. 1, III, the dignity of the human person is the north of the relationship between contractors. Also art. 3rd, I CF/88 bases the vision of social covenants, equipping it for the implementation of social solidarity, as one of the fundamental objectives of the Republic. Still on art. 170 of the Constitution it is seen as a locus of reasoning in the social function of the contract, the maintenance of the economic order. It is also studied the internal and external aspects of the social function of the contract, being the first part the one that considers the requirement of respect for contractual loyalty, through the objective good faith, as a result of the dignity of the hirer may not be offended by the other through the contract. On the other hand, the external facet of the social function of the contract, in line with the constitutional mandate of solidarity, indicates the need for contractors to respect the rights of society, namely the diffuse, collective and individual third party. In this external appearance, it is also pointed the notion of external credit protection, addressing the duty of society to respect the contract. There has been shown some notions of the social contract in comparative law. Then, there has been investigated the content of principle study, through their interrelationships with other provisions of private and constitutional law, namely equality, objective good faith, private autonomy and dignity of the human person. We study the application of the social contract in contractual networks as well as the guidance of conservation of contracts, especially those denominated long-term captive contracts, considering the theory of substantive due performance, concluding with an analysis of the social contract in code of Consumer Protection


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As obras de Sade procuram retratar as práticas corruptas e libertinas presentes no regime despótico de Luís XV, apontando invariavelmente a alcova como lugar privilegiado de transformação do corpo e da mente e, ao mesmo tempo, de produção filosófica. A atualidade do pensamento de Sade revela-se no fato de colocar como tendencia da modernidade, a constituição narcísica da subjetividade que, em sua variante político-social, aparece sob a forma do conformismo político. Este artigo pretende apresentar o pensamento de Sade como urna crítica aos liames sociais, o que conduz à ruptura da idéia de pacto social formulada por Rousseau. A doutrina sem compaixão de Sade torna-se filosofia negativa na medida em que fornece os fundamentos da crítica à razão instrumental. Sendo pessimista quanto aos rumos do existente, a teoria sadiana aponta a animalidade humana como possibilidade de transcendencia da artificialidade dos laços sociais.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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En un mundo colonial que se acercaba a su fin, a medio camino entre el Ancien Régime y lo que vendría después, Mariano Moreno escribió su obra a la vez que era protagonista de los eventos políticos que sacudieron Buenos Aires en 1810. Tomando a este personaje como puerta de entrada al Río de la Plata decimonónico, aquí se intenta reconstruir las ideas y el lenguaje de la época. Un punto de especial interés para el trabajo es la cultura impresa, con la cual Moreno tuvo una relación activa, fundando y dirigiendo el primer boletín oficial y editando una versión del Contrato Social de Rousseau. La pregunta que recorre el texto es la siguiente ¿Qué tan "moderno" fue Moreno y qué tanto lo era el mundo en que vivía?


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En un mundo colonial que se acercaba a su fin, a medio camino entre el Ancien Régime y lo que vendría después, Mariano Moreno escribió su obra a la vez que era protagonista de los eventos políticos que sacudieron Buenos Aires en 1810. Tomando a este personaje como puerta de entrada al Río de la Plata decimonónico, aquí se intenta reconstruir las ideas y el lenguaje de la época. Un punto de especial interés para el trabajo es la cultura impresa, con la cual Moreno tuvo una relación activa, fundando y dirigiendo el primer boletín oficial y editando una versión del Contrato Social de Rousseau. La pregunta que recorre el texto es la siguiente ¿Qué tan "moderno" fue Moreno y qué tanto lo era el mundo en que vivía?


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En un mundo colonial que se acercaba a su fin, a medio camino entre el Ancien Régime y lo que vendría después, Mariano Moreno escribió su obra a la vez que era protagonista de los eventos políticos que sacudieron Buenos Aires en 1810. Tomando a este personaje como puerta de entrada al Río de la Plata decimonónico, aquí se intenta reconstruir las ideas y el lenguaje de la época. Un punto de especial interés para el trabajo es la cultura impresa, con la cual Moreno tuvo una relación activa, fundando y dirigiendo el primer boletín oficial y editando una versión del Contrato Social de Rousseau. La pregunta que recorre el texto es la siguiente ¿Qué tan "moderno" fue Moreno y qué tanto lo era el mundo en que vivía?


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Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 14068.1.


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There is little evidence, historical or otherwise, to suggest that the needs of people and societies change greatly over time. Whilst acknowledging the benefits of the many recent technological innovations that are part of the contemporary milieu, I am reluctant to see such advances as sufficient rationale for the dismantling of the social contract between a government and its citizenry. The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) highlights the move amongst developed countries to replace a national policy focus with a multilateral approach to global policy formulation that transcends the sovereignty of nation states. The purpose of this paper is to refute the assumptions underpinning multilateralist assertions that government has a diminishing role to play in the global society, and that national sovereignty, due to the increasingly important role of multilateral agreements and the global economy, is ‘a thing of the past’ (Arthur Asher, background briefing interview, Radio National, February 1, 1998). The basic premises that underpin the globalist argument1 for the diminishing role of government are that: • Economic growth increases jobs, prosperity, and freedom. • Free trade is an imperative for successful globalisation because financial sector performance - which depends on deregulation - is integral to global economic growth. • Information technology is revolutionising global trade and making globalisation inevitable. • Globalisation through deregulation, makes national boundaries meaningless, and therefore, national regulatory policies anachronistic. This paper compares the aforementioned axiomatic premises of globalisation to actual outcomes, events, and trends in the real world.


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The resource allocation and utilization discourse is dominated by debates about rights particularly individual property rights and ownership. This is due largely to the philosophic foundations provided by Hobbes and Locke and adopted by Bentham. In our community, though, resources come not merely with rights embedded but also obligations. The relevant laws and equitable principles which give shape to our shared rights and obligations with respect to resources take cognizance not merely of the title to the resource (the proprietary right) but the particular context in which the right is exercised. Moral philosophy regarding resource utilisation has from ancient times taken cognizance of obligations but with ascendance of modernity, the agenda of moral philosophy regarding resources, has been dominated, at least since John Locke, by a preoccupation with property rights; the ethical obligations associated with resource management have been largely ignored. The particular social context has also been ignored. Exploring this applied ethical terrain regarding resource utilisation, this thesis: (1) Revisits the justifications for modem property rights (and in that the exclusion of obligations); (2) Identifies major deficiencies in these justifications and reasons for this; (3) Traces the concept of stewardship as understood in classical Greek writing and in the New Testament, and considers its application in the Patristic period and by Medieval and reformist writers, before turning to investigate its influence on legal and equitable concepts through to the current day; 4) Discusses the nature of the stewardship obligation,maps it and offers a schematic for applying the Stewardship Paradigm to problems arising in daily life; and, (5) Discusses the way in which the Stewardship Paradigm may be applied by, and assists in resolving issues arising from within four dominant philosophic world views: (a) Rawls' social contract theory; (b) Utilitarianism as discussed by Peter Singer; (c) Christianity with particular focus on the theology of Douglas Hall; (d) Feminism particularly as expressed in the ethics of care of Carol Gilligan; and, offers some more general comments about stewardship in the context of an ethically plural community.