986 resultados para Road construction contracts.
"Report no. 1610 GOI 18/71."
Cover title.
Mode of access: Internet.
"March 1999."
Cover title.
Mode of access: Internet.
Several roads in Iceland with bio-oil modified surface dressings exhibited severe distresses such as bleeding, binder drain down, and eventually as surface dressing sticking to tires. Samples from six road sections were evaluated in the laboratory to determine the causes of the failure. Binders with and without bio-oil, rapeseed oil and fish oil, were evaluated through a comprehensive rheological and chemical characterization. Both oils, exhibited solubility issues with the bitumen; consequently, the oils covered the aggregates, preventing bonding between binder and stones. It appears that fish oil worked a little better than rapeseed oil for binder modification.
History has shown that projects move in and out of poor status through the life of the project. Predicting the success or failure of a project to complete on time because of its recent history on the contract status report could provide our project managers another tool for monitoring contract progress. In many instances, poor contract progress results in the loss of contract time and late completion of projects. This research evaluates the combinations of work type, point in time physical work begins, recent poor status, and contract bid amount as indicators of late project completion.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Official publication and invitation issued by the Dept. of Transportation, for bids on Federal-aid and State road and bridge work.
El presente trabajo de grado, tuvo como propósito identificar los riesgos presentes en la construcción de un proyecto de infraestructura vial y analizar cuál sería su impacto en la Tasa Interna de Retorno TIR, en caso de que estos se materialicen -- Para dar cumplimiento a estos objetivos se realizó el estudio de varios proyectos de infraestructura vial apoyado en visitas aprovechando las nuevas concesiones viales que surgen en el País como es el caso de las 4G o cuarta generación de concesiones viales, al igual que se utilizaron modelos de simulación, para representar los escenarios en los cuales los riesgos se puede presentar y afectar la inversión realizada, afectando los ingresos esperados a futuro
Contracts are put to a wide variety of uses. Those who draft construction contracts in the UK rarely consider all of the potential uses and therefore may produce documents that are less than ideal. The various uses are considered in their theoretical background before turning to the practical difficulties often encountered in trying to fulfil such diverse aims. The question of standardisation is examined within this context. Existing standard forms of contract in the UK are found to do little to overcome these difficulties, and this encourages either a significant level of amendment to the standards or experienced clients to draft their own forms. The solution is an approach to contract drafting which is designed to offer a compromise; better standard forms, based on the lessons learned from the drafting of non-standard forms and a pooling of experience, including that of lawyers, in the drafting process. Although this paper is based upon the experience of the UK, these conclusions are relevant for contract-drafting practice in general.
The aim of this chapter is to examine what the construction sector brings to our understanding of the procurement of complex performance. The chapter is divided into the following parts: fi rst, an overview of the various matters that contribute to the complexity of construction procurement is provided. Second, the most important contractual incentive schemes found in construction contracts are discussed, and this is followed by, third, an examination of the changes associated with the shift towards procuring complex performance (PCP) (service provision). Fourth, the main findings of the authors’ recent research on PCP contracts are summarised, followed by the conclusion. It should be noted that the procurement of services is referred to as ‘PCP’ in this chapter.