993 resultados para Reader Response


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No romance A defesa Lujin, de Vladimir Nabokov, publicado em russo em 1930, o texto procura levar o leitor a adotar processos mentais similares ao de um jogador de xadrez e de um esquizofrênico, características do personagem-título do romance. Delineiam-se as expectativas e circunstâncias de um ser de papel que se vê jogando um xadrez em que também é peça e traçam-se paralelos com as expectativas e circunstâncias do leitor perante esse texto literário. O prefácio de Nabokov à edição em inglês de 1964 é tomado como indício de um leitor e um autor implícitos que ele procura moldar. Para análise dos elementos textuais e níveis de abstração mental envolvidos, recorre-se à estética da recepção de Wolfgang Iser e a diversas ideias do psiquiatra e etnólogo Gregory Bateson, entre elas o conceito de duplo vínculo, com atenção às distinções entre mapa/território e play/game. Um duplo duplo vínculo é perpetrado na interação leitor-texto: 1) o leitor é convidado a sentir empatia pela situação do personagem Lujin e a considerá-lo lúcido e louco ao mesmo tempo; e 2) o leitor é colocado como uma instância pseudo-transcendental incapaz de comunicação com a instância inferior (Lujin), gerando uma angústia diretamente relacionável ao seu envolvimento com a ficção, replicando de certa forma a loucura de Lujin. A sinestesia do personagem Lujin é identificada como um dos elementos do texto capaz de recriar a experiência de jogar xadrez até para quem não aprecia o jogo. Analisa-se a conexão entre a esquizofrenia ficcional do personagem Lujin e a visão batesoniana do alcoolismo


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C.G. Jung and Literary Theory remedies a significant omission in literary studies by doing for Jung and poststructuralist literary theories what has been done extensively for Freud, Lacan and post-Freudian psychoanalysis. This work represents a complete departure from traditional Jungian literary criticism. Instead, radically new Jungian literary theories are developed of deconstruction, feminist theory, gender and psyche, the body and sexuality, spirituality, postcolonialism, historicism and reader-response. As well as linking Jung to the work of Derrida, Kristeva and Irigaray, the book traces contentious occult, cultural and political narratives in Jung's career. It contains a chapter on Jung and fascism in a literary context. [From the Publisher]


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Depuis qu’en 1977, en quatrième de couverture de Fils, Serge Doubrovsky employa le mot « autofiction » pour décrire son roman, les études doubrovskiennes ont eu tendance à se focaliser sur les questions génériques que sous-tendait ce néologisme. Ainsi on a écarté un autre aspect, tout aussi important, de l’œuvre de l’auteur : celui du lien avec le lecteur qui, en plus d’être mis en scène dans chacune des autofictions doubrovskiennes, est associé dès Fils au rapport complexe, inextricable et conflictuel entre les sexes. « J’écris mâle, me lis femelle », dit le narrateur-écrivain ‘Serge Doubrovsky’ – lui qui vivra sous nos yeux une série d’histoires passionnelles avec des compagnes qui sont également ses lectrices. Repris d’épisode en épisode, le rapport entre le héros doubrovskien et sa compagne du moment rappelle les hypothèses de Doubrovsky dans Corneille ou la dialectique du héros (1963), inspirées de la dialectique hégélienne du Maître et de l’Esclave. Cette thèse s’attache donc à analyser la relation dialectique auteur-lectrice telle que mise en scène et approfondie dans l’ensemble de l’édifice autofictionnel. Après présentation et étude des mécanismes dont se sert l’auteur pour construire son Lecteur Modèle (Première partie), les trois autres sections principales de la thèse sont consacrées à l’analyse de Fils et Un amour de soi (1977 et 1982 ; Deuxième partie) ; du Livre brisé et de l’Après-vivre (1989 et 1994 ; Troisième partie) ; et enfin de Laissé pour conte (1999 ; Quatrième partie). Il s’agira enfin de montrer la portée non seulement littéraire, mais également sociale (la réflexion s’élargit à chaque épisode pour aborder les questions de la réception contemporaine de l’œuvre littéraire) et historique (le motif Maître-Esclave s’inscrit dans l’Histoire de l’Europe du XXe siècle, plus précisément la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la Shoah) du thème dialectique doubrovskien.


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La nature iconoclaste de l'ère postmoderne se manifeste dans une révolution contre les normes littéraires préétablies. Cet iconoclasme est plus flagrant dans la fantaisie urbaine. Dans un environnement désordonné, fragmenté et très stéréotypé, la fantaisie urbaine est considérée comme un événement qui défie tout jugement, et toute stratification sociale. Bien qu'elle ait été bien accueillie par les lecteurs et qu'elle a obtenue de fortes ventes, c'est seulement depuis deux décennies que ces genres ont commencé à attirer l'attention académique. Ce travail peut être considéré comme une tentative pour comprendre la fantaisie urbaine à travers la série d'une de ses écrivains les plus éminents, Laurell K. Hamilton. En conséquence, j’ai choisi trois romans de sa série Anita Blake: Guilty Pleasures (1993), Circus of the Damned (1995) et Blue Moon (1998). Les paramètres stylistiques et thématiques dans ses romans créent une philosophie postmoderne de subversion, qui valide et invalide les discussions sur la structure du signe, la violence, et la réaction du lecteur. Le premier chapitre étudie la construction du sens à travers la structure de la langue de la fantaisie urbaine. Il traite la signification que le résultat de l'interaction entre les différents signes linguistiques. Il suit également l'évolution de ce que Derrida appelle «inflated signs», qui sont au coeur de la régénération du sens à travers les romans. La saturation dans ces signes implique une «absence» qui s'affiche à travers la désintégration du système de la langue et les ruptures récurrentes de sa structure globale. Le deuxième chapitre se concentre sur les tendances de la violence dans les romans de la fantaisie urbaine qui rendent les jeux de pouvoir des personnages truculents et leurs réactions apparaissent inadmissibles. Il examine la violence par rapport à ses causes et sa ii logique. Grâce aux concepts de Derrida de l’‘arché-violence’, de ‘décision’ et de ‘sacrifice,’ je démontre que la violence est inévitable dans le monde créé de Hamilton et dans le monde qu'elle simule. Le troisième chapitre examine la réaction du lecteur sur les événements exotiques et la caractérisation paranormale des romans de Hamilton. Il révèle comment la fantaisie urbaine conteste la conception de Wolfgang Iser de réaction du lecteur et le concept d'‘apparence’ de Jean Baudrillard. J’insiste sur le fait que les lecteurs de la fantaisie urbaine ne sont plus des interprètes ou des réceptifs passifs d'images paranormaux. En effet, l'interaction entre l’auteur et le lecteur, que ces romans entrainent, défie ces conceptions réductrices de la réaction du lecteur.


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’œuvre chantée de Michel Latraverse, dit Plume. Nous y définissons le projet esthétique de cet auteur-compositeur-interprète en nous questionnant sur l’auditeur anticipé dans ses chansons. D’une part, nous constatons que Latraverse mise sur une forme d’hybridité quand il se définit en tant qu’artiste. L’hétérogénéité de ses influences lui permet d’explorer un grand nombre de styles musicaux et d’aborder une multitude de sujets. Dans ses textes, il cherche le beau à travers la simplicité et la bassesse du quotidien. Cependant, il tend malgré tout à exposer la laideur du monde en développant un réflexe d’exclusion qui n’épargne personne, brisant par le fait même toutes les solidarités. D’autre part, à l’aide des théories de la lecture, nous montrons que Latraverse, en puisant à la fois aux cultures savante et populaire, et malgré ses réflexes d’exclusion, rend possible un rapprochement entre des lecteurs aux compétences parfois très inégales. À la fin, nous concluons que Plume Latraverse opère un rabaissement systématique de l’humain afin d’en ramener l’existence à sa plus simple expression, physique et corporelle. C’est ainsi qu’il crée une communauté du bas où chacun a sa place et au sein de laquelle l’exclusion n’est plus possible.


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A literary text is a milieu in which different intermedial relations can occur. Borrowing on Bolter and Grusin’s notion of remediation and displacing the latter from digital technologies to literature, this article defines three strategies by which a novel can convoke modes that are conventionally related to other forms of mediation. The breaking points and the blanks that result from these intermedial strategies are then discussed from a reader-response perspective, to substantiate the hypothesis that a strong intermedial dynamic in a novel enhances the reader’s activity. Océan mer serves as a ground for an analysis that demonstrates the dynamism of the interactions that characterize such an intermedial object.


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The paper considers students’ views of why reading aloud takes place and what are its effects.The results of two small focus-group discussions are presented, in which high school students were given the opportunity to express their responses to the practice of reading aloud in the classroom. Their responses are considered in the context of theoretical perspectives: pedagogical, reader-response and social/vocational. Analysis of responses reveals acknowledgement that reading aloud is not only a useful skill but also that it is a site of anxiety and even conflict.


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The aim of this research is to exhibit how literary playtexts can evoke multisensory trends prevalent in 21st century theatre. In order to do so, it explores a range of practical forms and theoretical contexts for creating participatory, site-specific and immersive theatre. With reference to literary theory, specifically to semiotics, reader-response theory, postmodernism and deconstruction, it attempts to revise dramatic theory established by Aristotle’s Poetics. Considering Gertrude Stein’s essay, Plays (1935), and relevant trends in theatre and performance, shaped by space, technology and the everchanging role of the audience member, a postdramatic poetics emerges from which to analyze the plays of Mac Wellman and Suzan-Lori Parks. Distinguishing the two textual lives of a play as the performance playtext and the literary playtext, it examines the conventions of the printed literary playtext, with reference to models of practice that radicalize the play form, including works by Mabou Mines, The Living Theatre and Fiona Templeton. The arguments of this practice-led Ph.D. developed out of direct engagement with the practice project, which explores the multisensory potential of written language when combined with hypermedia. The written thesis traces the development process of a new play, Rumi High, which is presented digitally as a ‘hyper(play)text,’ accessible through the Internet at www.RumiHigh.org. Here, ‘playwrighting’ practice is expanded spatially, collaboratively and textually. Plays are built, designed and crafted with many layers of meaning that explore both linguistic and graphic modes of poetic expression. The hyper(play)text of Rumi High establishes playwrighting practice as curatorial, where performance and literary playtexts are in a reciprocal relationship. This thesis argues that digital writing and reading spaces enable new approaches to expressing the many languages of performance, while expanding the collaborative network that produces the work. It questions how participatory forms of immersive and site-specific theatre can be presented as interactive literary playtexts, which enable the reader to have a multisensory experience. Through a reflection on process and an evaluation of the practice project, this thesis problematizes notions of authorship and text.


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Reader-Response Criticism and the Internet: A Methodological Discussion This article explores connections between Internet-based research and reader-response criticism, aiming to critically discuss the methodologies used in this particular field of research. First, the history of reader-response studies is briefly presented, with reference to theorists such as Richards, Rosenblatt, Robbe-Grillet, Iser and Jauss. It is noted that, for the past 15 years, people have utilised the Internet as a basis for the discussion of literary and reading-related topics. Researchers in this field may access reviews and commentaries on open web-based venues such as personal homepages, blogs and online forums (i.e. message boards and discussion sites). The material available on these sites is interesting because of its "spontaneous" nature; that is, such material has been formulated and uploaded without the interference of the researcher. The article presents one concrete example of an Internet-based reader-response study, discussing a number of pros and cons of the chosen methodology– including some important ethical considerations that arise when the researcher’s corpus is composed of material taken from the Internet. One of the conclusions of the paper is that many aspects of the general public’s web-based responses to literature are yet to be explored by the research community.


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This thesis is a literature review on literature reading in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and the English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom, of mainly upper secondary schools. The underlying objective for this work is that meaningful reading experiences can have a positive impact on a developing young individual on his or her way into adulthood. The aim of this thesis is to explore what theories and methods are used when trying to create prerequisites for meaningful reading experiences, and how these experiences actually are realized. Qualitative methods are mainly used, except for a small section of the methodology of finding the sources, which is quantitative in nature. Since very little previous research has been done in the field, the six sources used in this review are internationally spread over five continents. They are mainly analyzed from a theoretical background of reader response and critical literacy perspectives. The main findings show that a number of theoretical approaches and methodologies can be useful in creating meaningful reading experiences. What may have proven most effective was addressing actual problems in the students’ everyday lives through applied critical literacy.


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For almost a decade now Nicholas Sparks has been writing love stories. Not only has he been publishing his stories, but they have received high acclaim in each of their installments. Several of his novels have been made into major motion pictures and increased his popularity quite significantly. His status as a successful romantic fiction writer is undeniable, but the question is, why? What is it about Nicholas Sparks that makes his novels so engaging, and personally, what do I need to do as an aspiring novelist to try and acquire the same literary status? Sparks’s novels reach readers at a number of different levels, thus giving them appeal no matter the intellectual intent of the reader. Theoretically, Sparks engages reader response techniques as well as formalist processes such as “habitualization” and “defamiliarization,” while also developing engaging plot lines that represent many of the experiences from his own life. His writing is not only academically redeemable, but it is also creatively stimulating; between the two, Sparks represents the thunder and lightning combination all writers strive for while trying to achieve literary success. This project also offers a creative element in which I attempt to exemplify many of the traits discussed in the analytical sections of this document, by recreating them in a creative, fictitious fashion. Themes such as: motion versus stasis, life versus death, and the ordinary versus the extraordinary all exist within the narrative structure of my short story “Trip to Fall.” Besides these thematic elements, the creative section strives to represent the balance Sparks achieves between the experiences of his own life and the fictitious world he creates. Overall, this project delves into the life of Nicholas Sparks to better understand the inspiration for his writing at the level of form as well as content, while also paying tribute to Sparks’s style through a representation of his work in my own words.


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For almost a decade now Nicholas Sparks has been writing love stories. Not only has he been publishing his stories, but they have received high acclaim in each of their installments. Several of his novels have been made into major motion pictures and increased his popularity quite significantly. His status as a successful romantic fiction writer is undeniable, but the question is, why? What is it about Nicholas Sparks that makes his novels so engaging, and personally, what do I need to do as an aspiring novelist to try and acquire the same literary status? Sparks’s novels reach readers at a number of different levels, thus giving them appeal no matter the intellectual intent of the reader. Theoretically, Sparks engages reader response techniques as well as formalist processes such as “habitualization” and “defamiliarization,” while also developing engaging plot lines that represent many of the experiences from his own life. His writing is not only academically redeemable, but it is also creatively stimulating; between the two, Sparks represents the thunder and lightning combination all writers strive for while trying to achieve literary success. This project also offers a creative element in which I attempt to exemplify many of the traits discussed in the analytical sections of this document, by recreating them in a creative, fictitious fashion. Themes such as: motion versus stasis, life versus death, and the ordinary versus the extraordinary all exist within the narrative structure of my short story “Trip to Fall.” Besides these thematic elements, the creative section strives to represent the balance Sparks achieves between the experiences of his own life and the fictitious world he creates. Overall, this project delves into the life of Nicholas Sparks to better understand the inspiration for his writing at the level of form as well as content, while also paying tribute to Sparks’s style through a representation of his work in my own words.


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This paper considers how children perceive and represent their placed-related identities through reading and writing. It reports on the findings of an 18-month interdisciplinary project, based at Cambridge University Faculty of Education, which aimed to consider children’s place-related identities through their engage- ment with, and creation of, texts. This paper will discuss the project, its interdisciplinary theoretical framework, and the empirical research we conducted with two classes in primary schools in Eastern England. A key text used in our research was My Place by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins. Drawing on our interdisciplinary theoretical framework, particularly Doreen Massey’s notion of place as a bundle of trajectories, and Louise Rosenblatt’s notion of the transaction between the reader and the text, this paper will examine pages from My Place, children talking about how this text connects with them, children talking about their sense of place, and maps and writing the children produced based on their place.


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This project uses the works of contemporary author Tim O’Brien, whose fiction often performs the trauma of the Vietnam War, to explore new ways of encountering the traumatized text. Informed by Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the face, and Sigmund Freud’s and Dominick LaCapra’s work on the narratology of the melancholic and the mourner, I consider the different ways we respond to the suffering Other and explore the paradox that through reading a traumatized narrative empathically we may come face-toface, as it were, with the suffering Other. If this is indeed the case, I reason, then the obligations that are due to the Other are also due to the text itself.