981 resultados para Ramos, Guerreiro, 1915-1982


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Learner and first year probationary motorcyclists are over-represented in traffic accidents, being involved about four times as often as full motorcycle licence holders in relation to their numbers. In an attempt to reduce this over-involvement, the Victorian Government amended the law in 1979 to restrict learner and first year probationary motorcyclists to motorcycles with engine capacities of less than 260 cc. This paper reports an evaluation which showed that casualty rates for learner and first year probationers began to decrease from mid 1979 and continued to do so until the end of 1980. A further analysis indicated that compared to full licence holder casualties, learner permit casualties were about 40% less than expected while first year probationary casualties were about 39% lower.


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Memoir based on diaries kept by sculptor Zeller as a boy; Nazi periods in Berlin; primary and secondary school; pogrom (November 1938); emigration to England via Holland; visit to Berlin in 1982


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Description of war years in France and Spain, including experiences in internment camps, life in hiding, etc.; emigration to USA.


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Manuscript: "Jewish Americans, A Film Treatment". Treatment for a documentary film exploring how Jewish Americans see themselves, and their enormous contributions to and achievements in the USA.


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The records provide material relating to the accreditation, fundraising, management, planning, policies, programs, and public relations of a hospital that continues to serve the Greater Boston area. The records includes correspondence of various Presidents, Board Members, and Executive Directors; Board and committee minutes; scrapbooks, photographs, videotape, and film created by the Public Relations department; records of various Auxiliary groups; correspondence, reports, surveys, and other documents relating to the Pediatric Rehabilitation Program; and artifacts such as plaques, portraits, and silverware.


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Lemkin is the individual primarily responsible for adoption of the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. The collection is arranged according to the following subject areas: personal material, material on the Genocide Convention, material on genocide.


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The bulk of the collection consists of circular letters of the Jewish orthodox organization Mekor Chajim in Frankfurt/Main and of issues of ‘Feldbrief der Agudas Jisroel Jugendorganisation’, sent to Jewish soldiers during World War I; 1915-1918


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Printed materials about the first Jewish museum in Vienna, Austria, which existed 1895 to 1938. Also included is a biography about Maurice (Moritz) Bronner, curator at the museum 1910-1914, by his son, Felix Bronner. Folder 2 holds copies of 2 photographs of Maurice Bronner, circa 1910 and 1965.


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For Independent Finland. The Military Committee 1915–1918 In the course of the First World War, several organizations were founded with the purpose of making Finland independent or, at least, restoring her autonomous status. The Military Committee was the most significant active independence organization in Finland in the First World War, in addition to the activist student movement, i.e., the Jaeger Movement. The Military Committee was an organization founded in 1915 by officers who had attended the Hamina Cadet School, with the goal of creating a national army for a liberation war against the Russian troops. It was believed that the liberation war should succeed only with the help of the German Army. With the situation in society continually tensing up in the autumn 1917, the Military Committee also had to figure on the possibility of a Civil War. The activities of the Military Committee started in the early part of 1915 when they were still small-scale, but they gained significant momentum after the Russian Revolution in March 1917. In January 1918, the Military Committee formed the general staff for the White Army, the Senate’s troops. The independence-related activities of the Hamina cadets in the years of the First World War were more extensive and multifaceted than has been believed heretofore. The work of the Military Committee was divided into preparations for a liberation war in Finland, on one hand, and in Stockholm and Berlin, on the other hand. In Finland, the Military Committee took part in intelligence gathering for Germany and in supporting the recruiting Jaegers, and later in founding the civil guard organization, in solving the law and order authorities issue, and finally in selecting the Commander-in-Chief for the Senate’s troops. The member of the Military Committee, especially Captain Hannes Ignatius of the Cavalry contributed greatly to the drafting of the independence activists’ national action plan in Stockholm in May 1917. This plan preceded the formation of the civil guard organization. The Military Committee’s role in founding the civil guards was initially minor, but in the fall of 1917, the Military Committee started to finance the activities of the civil guards, named several former officers as commanders of the civil guards and finally overtook the entire civil guard movement. In Stockholm and Berlin, the representatives of the Military Committee were in active contact with both the high command of the German Army and with the representatives of the Swedish Army. Colonel Nikolai Mexmontan, who was a representative of the Military Committee, collaborated with Swedish officers and Jaeger officers in Stockholm in coming up with comprehensive and detailed plans for starting the Liberation War. Under Mexmontan’s leadership, there were serious negotiations to enter into a confederation with Germany. Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm Thesleff, on the other hand, became the commander of the Jaeger Battalion 27. The influence and importance of the Military Committee came to the forefront in independent and conflict-torn Finland. The Military Committee became a Senate committee on the 7th of January 1918, with its chairman, for all practical purposes, as the Commander-in-Chief in an eventual war. Lieutenant General Claes Charpentier was the chairman of the Military Committee from mid-December 1917 onwards, but on the 15th of January 1918 he had to resign in favour of Lieutenant General Gustaf Mannerheim. Soon after that, Mannerheim got an order from the chairman of the Senate P. E. Svinhufvud to organize and assume the leadership of the law and order authorities. The chairman of the Military Committee became the Commander-in-Chief of the Senate troops in January 1918, and the Military Committee became the Commander-in-Chief’s general staff. The Military Committee had turned from a clandestine organization into the first general staff of the independent Finnish Army.


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The smoke and fumes of the city: Air protection in Helsinki from 1945 to 1982 This dissertation examines air pollution and air protection in post-war Helsinki. The period studied ends in 1982 when the Air Protection Act entered into force, thus institutionalising air protection in Finland as a socially governed environmental matter. The dissertation is based on the research traditions of environmental politics and urban environmental history. The development of air protection is approached from the perspectives of politicisation and institutionalisation. The dissertation also investigates how air pollution grew into a social issue and presents various discursive ways of analysing air pollution and protection. The primary research material consists of municipal documents and newspapers, while supplementary material includes journal articles and interviews. The event history of air protection is described through an analysis of the material, including source criticism. The social ways of dealing with air pollution and the emergence of air protection are analysed in the light of case-specific air quality disputes from both factual and discursive perspectives. This approach enables the contextualisation of the development of air protection as part of the local history of post-war Helsinki. The dissertation presents the major sources of air pollution in Helsinki and describes the deterioration of air quality in a society which emphasised the primacy of economic prosperity. The air issue emerged during the 1950s in neighbourhood disputes and was exacerbated into a larger problem in the late 1960s. Concurrent to the formation of the field of environmental protection in Finland, an air protection organisation was established in the 1970s in Helsinki. As a result, air protection became a regular part of municipal government. Air protection in Helsinki developed from small-scale policies focused on individual cases into a large, institutionalised air protection system managed by experts. The dissertation research material gave rise to the following major research themes: the economic dimension of the air issue, the role of science in the formation of the environmental problem, and the establishment of norms for acceptable air quality and reasonable limits to air pollution in the urban environment. The paper also discusses the inequitable distribution of the negative effects of air pollution between the residents of different districts. The dissertation concludes that air protection in Helsinki became a local success story although it was long marred by inefficiency and partial failure.


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Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 17(1) -numeron liitteenä.


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Kansanmurhan vastainen sopimus luotiin toisen maailmansodan jälkeen yhdessä muun Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien ihmisoikeusjärjestelmän kanssa vastaukseksi edellisten vuosikymmenten ihmisoikeusrikkomuksiin. Näistä pyrkimyksistä huolimatta sopimuksella ei ollut merkittävää roolia ihmisoikeusrikkomusten estämisessä aina 1990-luvulle saakka, ja useat väkivaltakampanjat ylsivät vuosikymmenten aikana kansanmurhan asteelle sopimuksen olemassaolosta huolimatta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on arvioida, mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat sopimuksen marginaaliseen asemaan 1950-80 -luvuilla. Aiemmassa tutkimuskirjallisuudessa heikkoa asemaa on pyritty selittämään esimerkiksi sopimuksen tarpeettomuuteen sekä sen juridisiin ongelmiin tukeutuvien selitysten avulla. Vaikka tutkielma osin jakaakin näiden näkökulmien paikkansapitävyyden, argumentoi se myös, että sopimuksen asema liittyy oleellisesti kansainvälisen oikeuden ja kansainvälisen politiikan vuorovaikutteiseen suhteeseen. Kansainvälinen oikeus toisaalta vaikuttaa kansainvälisen politiikan luonteeseen, mutta myös kansainvälisen yhteisön parissa vallitsevat normit vaikuttavat siihen, minkälainen asema mahdollisesti ristiriitaisilla oikeusperiaatteilla on. Tutkielma käyttää lähdeaineistonaan Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien poliittisissa elimissä kansanmurhiin liittyneitä keskusteluita, ja pyrkii aineiston avulla kuvaamaan minkälainen asema kansanmurhan vastaisella sopimuksella oli kansainvälisen yhteisön normihierarkiassa. Tutkielma käyttää teoreettisena viitekehyksenään mukaelmaa Martti Koskenniemen esittelemästä ’lain’ ja ’politiikan’ dikotomiasta argumentin todistusvoimalle kansainvälisessä toiminnassa. Koska kansainvälinen toimija häivyttää argumentin poliittisen luonteen pukemalla argumentin lain verhoon, kertovat valtioiden valinnat käyttää tiettyjä oikeusperiaatteita näiden oikeusperiaatteiden hyväksytystä roolista kansainvälisinä normeina. Tähän viitekehykseen tukeutuen kansanmurhan vastaisesta sopimuksesta käydyn keskustelun määrä, sekä toisaalta sopimuksen rooli valtioiden poliittisessa argumentaatiossa luovat kuvan sopimuksen asemasta kansainvälisen yhteisön normihierarkiassa, sekä myös itsenäisesti vaikuttavat tähän asemaan. Tutkielma pyrkii valikoituihin tapaustutkimuksiin keskittyvän analyysin avulla erottamaan tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttivat siihen, millä tavoin valtiot käyttivät sopimusta poliittisessa keskustelussa. Jo aikaisessa vaiheessa tutkimusprosessia havaittiin, että kansanmurhan vastaisen sopimuksen heikko asema heijastui työhypoteesin mukaisesti sopimukseen liittyneiden keskusteluiden pienenä määränä. Lisäksi havaittiin, että YK:n elimissä käydyt keskustelut liittyivät harvoin, ainoastaan kahdessa tapauksessa, suoranaisesti kansanmurhan vastaiseen sopimukseen. Useimmiten keskustelu kansanmurhasta oli joko ainoastaan laajemman keskustelun sivujuonne, tai puuttui tyystin keskustelusta, jossa se olisi voinut olla mukana. Tapaustutkimuksiksi valittujen keskusteluiden analyysi osoittaa, että sopimuksesta käyty keskustelu muodostui usein kylmän sodan rintamalinjojen mukaiseksi, ja molemmat leirit mobilisoivat sopimuksen ideologisen kamppailun välineeksi. Toisaalta kylmään sotaan perustunut viitekehys vaikutti sopimuksen aseman taustalla vain pinnallisesti. Kansainvälisen yhteisön rakenne oli sopimuksesta käydyissä keskusteluissa moniuloitteinen, ja ideologian lisäksi myös muut tekijät vaikuttivat keskustelujen rakentumiseen. Ideologisesti vastakkaiset blokit myös jakoivat yhteisen käsityksen siitä, mitä kansainvälisen turvallisuuden konsepti piti sisällään, ja sekä Yhdysvallat että Neuvostoliitto suhtautuivat penseästi sopimuksen käyttöön sen rajoittaessa valtioiden suvereniteettia. Keskusteluista hahmottuu myös pienten valtioiden aktiivinen rooli sopimukseen tukeutumisessa suurvaltoihin verrattuna. Pienet valtiot saattoivat olla keskustelun aloittajina ainoastaan suurvaltojen palvelijoita, mutta voidaan myös arvioida johtuiko pienten valtioiden aktiivinen rooli niiden positiivisemmasta suhteesta kansainvälisen oikeusregiimin muodostumiseen. Tutkielma erottaa myös makrotason ongelmia, jotka vaikuttivat YK-järjestelmän toimintaan tutkimusajanjakson aikana. YK-järjestelmällä oli vaikeuksia puuttua maiden sisäisiin konflikteihin, mikä oli suoraan kytköksissä jännitteeseen suvereniteetin ja kansanmurhan vastaiseen sopimukseen sisältyvän puuttumisen velvoitteen välillä kansainvälisinä normeina. Toisaalta vaikeudet liittyivät myös tutkimusajanjakson aikana vallinneeseen, valtiolähtöiseen turvallisuuskäsitykseen. Vuoden 1982 Sabran ja Shatilan tapaus toi lisäksi esiin vaikeudet, jotka sopimuksen historiallinen suhde Holokaustin perintöön toi sopimuksen soveltamiseen. Peilattaessa tutkimustuloksia 1990-luvulla tapahtuneeseen sopimuksen aseman vahvistumiseen, voidaan todeta, että juuri tutkielmassa kuvattujen rakenteiden muutos osittain mahdollisti muutoksen sopimuksen asemassa. Kylmän sodan päättyminen toisaalta poisti (ainakin hetkellisesti) monia tutkielmassa kuvattuja jännitteitä, mutta myös kansainvälinen normisto on aidosti muuttunut kahden viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Kansainvälisen suojeluvelvoitteen (responsibility to protect) normi on asettanut suvereniteetin normin kunnioittamisen ehdolliseksi ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittamiselle, ja inhimillisen turvallisuuden konsepti on noussut yhä voimakkaammin turvallisuusajattelun valtavirtaan valtiolähtöisen turvallisuuskäsityksen rinnalle.


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The subject of my doctoral thesis is the social contextuality of Finnish theater director, Jouko Turkka's (b. 1942) educational tenure in the Theater Academy of Finland 1982 1985. Jouko Turkka announced in the opening speech of his rectorship in 1982 that Finnish society had undergone a social shift into a new cultural age, and that actors needed new facilities like capacity, flexibility, and ability for renewal in their work. My sociological research reveals that Turkka adapted cultural practices and norms of new capitalism and new liberalism, and built a performance environment for actors' educational work, a real life simulation of a new capitalist workplace. Actors educational praxis became a cultural performance, a media spectacle. Turkka's tenure became the most commented upon and discussed era in Finnish postwar theater history. The sociological method of my thesis is to compare information of sociological research literature about new capitalist work, and Turkka's educational theater work. In regard to the conceptions of legitimation, time, dynamics, knowledge, and social narrative consubstantial changes occurred simultaneously in both contexts of workplace. I adapt systems and chaos theory's concepts and modules when researching how a theatrical performance self-organizes in a complex social space and the space of Information. Ilya Prigogine's chaos theoretic concept, fluctuation, is the central social and aesthetic concept of my thesis. The chaos theoretic conception of the world was reflected in actors' pedagogy and organizational renewals: the state of far from equilibrium was the prerequisite of creativity and progress. I interpret the social and theater's aesthetical fluctuations as the cultural metaphor of new capitalism. I define the wide cultural feedback created by Turkka's tenure of educational praxis, and ideas adapted from the social context into theater education, as an autopoietic communicative process between theater education and society: as a black box, theater converted the virtual conception of the world into a concrete form of an actor's psychophysical praxis. Theater educational praxis performed socially contextual meanings referring to a subject's position in the social change of 1980s Finland. My other theoretic framework lies close to the American performance theory, with its close ties to the social sciences, and to the tradition of rhetoric and communication: theater's rhetorical utility materializes quotidian cultural practices in a theatrical performance, and helps the audience to research social situations and cultural praxis by mirroring them and creating an explanatory frame.


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Contenido: Editorial – La personalidad del maestro Ángel J. Battistessa / Octavio N. Derisi – Soneto del cumpleaños, opus 80 / Ángel J. Battistesa – Plácemes, evocaciones y semblanzas – Una reelaboración estilística de Enrique Larreta / Arturo Berenguer Carisomo – Battistessa traductor de Dante / Eugenio Castelli – El problema de la lengua y otros aspectos americanistas en la obra de Andrés Bello / Graciela M. Pucciarelli de Colantonio – Góngora y la poesía pura / Celina Sabor de Cortazar – Maestros e ingratitudes / Elso Darío Di Bernardo – Cuatro clases de modificadores causales con “porque” / Ofelia Kovacci – Un Calisto o Romeo anónimo del siglo XVI / Rafael Lapesa – Lectura retórica de Facundo / Luisa López Grigera – Cautivos en la literatura argentina del siglo XX / Luis Martínez Cuitiño – Aproximaciones a Benito Lynch y su obra / María Luisa Montero – Nota a un cuento de Jorge Luis Borges / Eithel Orbit Negri – Ardientes hebras, do s’ilustra el oro / Germán Orduna – La escritura de Manuel Gálvez / Antonio Pagés Larraya – Ulises de Joyce: el laberinto y el secreto / Rosa E. M. D. Penna – La composición de las “figuras” en “El mundo por de dentro” / Melchora Romanos – Celos, aun del aire, matan (de Juan Hidalgo y Pedro Calderón de la Barca) en versión de nuestro tiempo / Beatriz Entenza de Solare – Doctrina metafísica tradicional del Romance de la Infantina Encantada / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – La Sagrada Escritura en “Morada del cielo”, de Fray Luis de León / Teresa Herraiz de Tresca – Expresiones de agasajo y de recuerdo – Homenaje universitario y académico – En la perspectiva del tiempo