29 resultados para ROK
Nucleotide sequence analyses of the Pvs48/45 and Pvs47 genes were conducted in 46 malaria patients from the Republic of Korea (ROK) (n = 40) and returning travellers from India (n = 3) and Indonesia (n = 3). The domain structures, which were based on cysteine residue position and secondary protein structure, were similar between Plasmodium vivax (Pvs48/45 and Pvs47) and Plasmodium falciparum (Pfs48/45 and Pfs47). In comparison to the Sal-1 reference strain (Pvs48/45, PVX_083235 and Pvs47, PVX_083240), Korean isolates revealed seven polymorphisms (E35K, H211N, K250N, D335Y, A376T, I380T and K418R) in Pvs48/45. These isolates could be divided into five haplotypes with the two major types having frequencies of 47.5% and 20%, respectivelfy. In Pvs47, 10 polymorphisms (F22L, F24L, K27E, D31N, V230I, M233I, E240D, I262T, I273M and A373V) were found and they could be divided into four haplotypes with one major type having a frequency of 75%. The Pvs48/45 isolates from India showed a unique amino acid substitution site (K26R). Compared to the Sal-1 and ROK isolates, the Pvs47 isolates from travellers returning from India and Indonesia had amino acid substitutions (S57T and I262K). The current data may contribute to the development of the malaria transmission-blocking vaccine in future clinical trials.
La península coreana ha sido desde la Guerra Fría y a la actualidad una zona convulsionada por intereses políticos, económicos e ideológicos. Ese panorama obliga un análisis sobre la configuración y los cambios que se han dado entre las potencias actuales, China y Estados Unidos, desde la existencia de un programa nuclear norcoreano que afecta a Corea del Sur y la definición de los intereses de Beijin y Washington.
El propósito principal de esta monografía es ofrecer una perspectiva crítica sobre el conflicto latente en la Península Coreana, haciendo un acercamiento al mismo desde un marco teórico asentado en el realismo estructural de Kenneth Waltz. De este modo, se busca responder a cuestiones sobre los intereses estatales como fundamento básico de las estrategias de mantenimiento de la Estructura en regiones geopolíticamente sensibles. Al final, se llega a la conclusión afirmando que la Estructura ejerce una serie de funciones para garantizar su preservación mediante una acción de convergencia en la conducta de los Estados. Esta realidad ha mantenido a la Península Coreana sin un conflicto bélico en los últimos 50 años, muy a pesar de estar al borde del mismo en varias ocasiones, ya que de llegarse a presentar se rompería la estabilidad de la región, y por ende el Equilibrio de Poderes estaría en grave riesgo.
In business literature, the conflicts among workers, shareholders and the management have been studied mostly in the frame of stakeholder theory. The stakeholder theory recognizes this issue as an agency problem, and tries to solve the problem by establishing a contractual relationship between the agent and principals. However, as Marcoux pointed out, the appropriateness of the contract as a medium to reduce the agency problem should be questioned. As an alternative, the cooperative model minimizes the agency costs by integrating the concept of workers, owners and management. Mondragon Corporation is a successful example of the cooperative model which grew into the sixth largest corporation in Spain. However, the cooperative model has long been ignored in discussions of corporate governance, mainly because the success of the cooperative model is extremely difficult to duplicate in reality. This thesis hopes to revitalize the scholarly examination of cooperatives by developing a new model that overcomes the fundamental problem in the cooperative model: the limited access to capital markets. By dividing the ownership interest into financial and control interest, the dual ownership structure allows cooperatives to issue stock in the capital market by making a financial product out of financial interest.
This paper examines three types of industrialization that have occurred in East Asia: the Japanese, Chinese and generic Asian models. Industrial policies in Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) initially protected local companies from foreign investors by imposing high tariffs on foreign investors. But Japan began introducing liberalization policies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in the 1960s, and the ROK began to welcome foreign technology in the 1970s. Meanwhile, the governments of the ASEAN countries and Taiwan established export-processing zones (EPZ) to invite FDI by offering preferential treatment, such as tax deductions and exemptions. China adopted similar industrial policies and also established EPZs, attracting the capital and know-how of multinationals and thereby strengthening the international competitiveness of local enterprises. This paper reaches the following three conclusions. First, it would have been difficult for East Asian countries to grow without FDI. Second, central governments were a crucial factor in these countries' growth strategies. Third, EPZs offering preferential treatment can effectively enhance aggregate growth in developing countries, and the Asian experience shows that this strategy can be applied to other countries that satisfy certain preconditions.
Neuronal cells undergo rapid growth cone collapse, neurite retraction, and cell rounding in response to certain G protein–coupled receptor agonists such as lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). These shape changes are driven by Rho-mediated contraction of the actomyosin-based cytoskeleton. To date, however, detection of Rho activation has been hampered by the lack of a suitable assay. Furthermore, the nature of the G protein(s) mediating LPA-induced neurite retraction remains unknown. We have developed a Rho activation assay that is based on the specific binding of active RhoA to its downstream effector Rho-kinase (ROK). A fusion protein of GST and the Rho-binding domain of ROK pulls down activated but not inactive RhoA from cell lysates. Using GST-ROK, we show that in N1E-115 neuronal cells LPA activates endogenous RhoA within 30 s, concomitant with growth cone collapse. Maximal activation occurs after 3 min when neurite retraction is complete and the actin cytoskeleton is fully contracted. LPA-induced RhoA activation is completely inhibited by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (tyrphostin 47 and genistein). Activated Gα12 and Gα13 subunits mimic LPA both in activating RhoA and in inducing RhoA-mediated cytoskeletal contraction, thereby preventing neurite outgrowth. We conclude that in neuronal cells, LPA activates RhoA to induce growth cone collapse and neurite retraction through a G12/13-initiated pathway that involves protein-tyrosine kinase activity.
Ca2+ sensitization of smooth muscle contraction involves inhibition of myosin light chain phosphatase (SMPP-1M) and enhanced myosin light chain phosphorylation. Inhibition of SMPP-1M is modulated through phosphorylation of the myosin targeting subunit (MYPT1) by either Rho-associated kinase (ROK) or an unknown SMPP-1M-associated kinase. Activated ROK is predominantly membrane-associated and its putative substrate, SMPP-1M, is mainly myofibrillar-associated. This raises a conundrum about the mechanism of interaction between these enzymes. We present ZIP-like kinase, identified by “mixed-peptide” Edman sequencing after affinity purification, as the previously unidentified SMPP-1M-associated kinase. ZIP-like kinase was shown to associate with MYPT1 and phosphorylate the inhibitory site in intact smooth muscle. Phosphorylation of ZIP-like kinase was associated with an increase in kinase activity during carbachol stimulation, suggesting that the enzyme may be a terminal member of a Ca2+ sensitizing kinase cascade.
Summary. Mainstream thinking about the role of the European Union in East Asia usually rests on non-traditional security threats such as human and environmental security. In contrast, and within the context of the continuing instability on the Korean peninsula, this Policy Brief looks at the potential for EU-Republic of Korea cooperation on hard security matters. This Policy Brief surmises that there is much room for cooperation that chimes with the objectives of the European Security Strategy and its Implementation Report. The Policy Brief concludes that the EU and Member States will need to balance desirability and ambition if coherent and effective EU-ROK cooperation is to emerge.
Latest issue consulted: R. 49, 4 = 503 (1997).
Mode of access: Internet.
Az elektronikai iparban nélkülözhetetlen a termékek minőségellenőrzése. Az általam bemutatott berendezés, illetve a hozzá kapcsolódó vizsgálati módszer nagyban hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy egy eszköz vizsgálatát minél szélesebb területen és minél pontosabban meg lehessen valósítani. Az akusztikus mikroszkóp segítségével roncsolás nélkül betekintést nyerhetünk az alkatrészek belsejébe, képet készíthetünk az alkatrészt alkotó különböző anyagok találkozási határfelületéről, vagy megvizsgálhatjuk a minta egy belső tartományát. Két réteg közti delamináció, vagy a tokozó anyagban lévő légzárványok roncsolás mentesen az akusztikus mikroszkóp alkalmazása nélkül kimutathatatlanok lennének. Dolgozatomban bemutatok néhány fontosabb SAM (Scanning Acoustic Microscope – pásztázó akusztikus mikroszkóp) típust, és képalkotási módot. Néhány gyakori akusztikus lencsetípust is ismertetek, írok ezek előnyeiről, hátrányairól, összehasonlítom azokat egymással. Mivel az elektronikai technológiában való felhasználását részletezem, fontosnak tartom megemlíteni a leggyakoribb hibákat, és ezek detektálására szolgáló módszereket. Ezen kívül részletesen bemutatom, hogy hogyan lehet észrevenni a delaminációkat, hogyan kell az elkészült képet értelmezni. Részletes leírását adom az akusztikus mikroszkóppal történő vizsgálat teljes folyamatának, a minta helyes behelyezésétől, a fókusz állítás folyamatán és vizsgáló ablakok megfelelő megválasztásán keresztül egészen a laikusok által is értelmezhető kép elkészüléséig. A BME-ETT-n található SONIX HS-1000 típusú pásztázó akusztikus mikroszkóppal végeztem saját méréseimet. Bemutatom az általam is észlelt hibákat, az alkatrészhez kapcsolódó szerkezeti sajátosságokat. Egy rövid matematikai összefoglalón keresztül megpróbálom feltárni az analógiát az elektromágneses hullám ideális távvezetéken történő terjedése, és a hanghullám terjedése között. Kitérek arra, hogy ezen analógia milyen későbbi fejlesztéseket helyez kilátásba.
Bifidobacteria constitute a specific group of commensal bacteria, typically found in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of humans and other mammals. Bifidobacterium breve strains are numerically prevalent among the gut microbiota of many healthy breast-fed infants. In the current study, we investigated glycosulfatase activity in a bacterial nursling stool isolate, B. breve UCC2003. Two putative sulfatases were identified on the genome of B. breve UCC2003. The sulfated monosaccharide N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate (GlcNAc-6-S) was shown to support growth of B. breve UCC2003, while, N-acetylglucosamine-3-sulfate, N-acetylgalactosamine-3-sulfate and N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate, did not support appreciable growth. Using a combination of transcriptomic and functional genomic approaches, a gene cluster, designated ats2, was shown to be specifically required for GlcNAc-6-S metabolism. Transcription of the ats2 cluster is regulated by a ROK-family transcriptional repressor. This study represents the first description of glycosulfatase activity within the Bifidobacterium genus. Bifidobacteria are saccharolytic organisms naturally found in the digestive tract of mammals and insects. Bifidobacterium breve strains utilize a variety of plant and host-derived carbohydrates which allow them to be present as prominent members of the infant gut microbiota as well as being present in the gastrointestinal tract of adults. In this study, we introduce a previously unexplored area of carbohydrate metabolism in bifidobacteria, namely the metabolism of sulfated carbohydrates. B. breve UCC2003 was shown to metabolize N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate (GlcNAc-6-S) through one of two sulfatase-encoding gene clusters identified on its genome. GlcNAc-6-S can be found in terminal or branched positions of mucin oligosaccharides, the glycoprotein component of the mucous layer that covers the digestive tract. The results of this study provide further evidence of this species' ability to utilize mucin-derived sugars, a trait which may provide a competitive advantage in both the infant and adult gut.
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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa