955 resultados para Public art installations


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Abstract This thesis applies queer theories to the examination of experiences which go beyond queerness. Queer, decolonial, antiracist and feminist new materialist concepts are implemented to the analysis of four case studies dealing with power and art in public spaces. By applying concepts as methodologies, autoethnographic reflections and f(r)ictions as research alternatives, the thesis brings up new diffractive readings from where to perform those scenarios differently. In doing so, the thesis disentangles the historical, material, philosophical, political and disruptive meanings which haunt the four case studies and triggers the artivist potential of their counter-hegemonic narratives.


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This paper presents the work of the MutantVirus. A group which belongs to a subject extension called Public Art Projects in Bauru City from FaacUnesp. It exposes its designs, structures, approaches, procedures, results and reflections, as well as it discusses the point of a Public Art group being associated to the Public University.


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L’art public se présente sous divers modes d’expression artistique dans l’espace public. Qu’il soit permanent, temporaire ou éphémère, qu’il soit singulier, interactif ou participatif, qu’il soit traditionnel ou numérique, l’œuvre intégrée ou insérée dans ce contexte tente d’interpeller le public. Cette recherche examine l’évolution des modes d’expression artistique dans l’espace public, dans l’espoir de trouver une définition de l’art public. L’étude de cas de la Ville de Montréal est la base de cette recherche pour examiner les nombreuses manifestations de l’art dans l’espace public et ses périmètres. Dans une perspective conceptuelle et transdisciplinaire, sous lesquels nous considérons les approches artistiques, paysagères et politiques dans l’analyse du sujet, nous nous intéressons aux frontières des modes d’expression artistique et les moyens de les représenter. En somme, nous souhaitons saisir ce que l’on considère comme l’art public dans l’aménagement urbain montréalais et générer des connaissances plus générales. Notre revue de littérature et les observations faites sur le terrain révèlent de nouveaux enjeux qui influencent les pratiques artistiques et la perception que peut susciter une œuvre d’art public aujourd’hui. Nous examinons les facteurs qui les influencent à ce jour. En étudiant la question, nous constatons que la tâche de définir ce qui constitue l'art public est difficile, d'autant plus que les pratiques évoluent constamment. Souvent définie comme une fonction plus cosmétique qu’artistique et dans une logique d'équipement, l'art dans l'espace public joue un rôle passif et fait l'objet de débats et de critiques. Pour le public, l'art public est difficile à discerner bien que sa présence semble être appréciée. Nos résultats mettent en lumière la complexité des processus politiques, les attentes spécifiques, les règles et modalités oppressantes pour l'artiste, la difficulté à saisir les œuvres d'art et le manque de médiatisation pour sensibiliser le public. Avec la politique d'intégration, l’art dans les espaces publics résulte souvent d'une médiation conflictuelle dans un rapport de compromis et d’attentes contrastées afin que soit réalisée une œuvre. Les résultats permettent de penser que les processus de sélection sont souvent pervers et fermés aux initiatives artistiques. En outre, il serait nécessaire dans ce contexte que les artistes définissent mieux leur statut professionnel et leur pratique. Malgré des efforts du Bureau d'art public de Montréal, l'art public semble peu perçu sur son territoire. Par ailleurs, les nombreuses discussions avec le grand public portent à l'attention l'absence de médiatisation pour les arts publics sur le territoire de Montréal.


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This article explores the deployment of sound in architectural-curatorial and community engagement contexts through the work of PLACE, a multidisciplinary not-for-profit architecture center in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The author, who worked with PLACE and contributed to the projects discussed here, contextualizes architecture centers and their relationship with sound before examining the specific case of sound and sound art in Northern Ireland and case studies of projects delivered by PLACE. Specifically, the article evaluates two sound installation artworks and three community engagement projects for young audiences. As a means of curating urbanism and architecture, sound-art-as-public-art affords useful strategies to examine, describe or critique the environment as alternatives to traditional architecture exhibition formats. Sound’s temporality and materiality allow sound art works to exist as temporary sculptural interventions in the urban sphere, with attendant implications for public art procurement and urban acoustics. Rich territories of engagement are opened when using sound in a community participatory context.


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The classification of Art painting images is a computer vision applications that isgrowing considerably. The goal of this technology, is to classify an art paintingimage automatically, in terms of artistic style, technique used, or its author. For thispurpose, the image is analyzed extracting some visual features. Many articlesrelated with these problems have been issued, but in general the proposed solutionsare focused in a very specific field. In particular, algorithms are tested using imagesat different resolutions, acquired under different illumination conditions. Thatmakes complicate the performance comparison of the different methods. In thiscontext, it will be very interesting to construct a public art image database, in orderto compare all the existing algorithms under the same conditions. This paperpresents a large art image database, with their corresponding labels according to thefollowing characteristics: title, author, style and technique. Furthermore, a tool thatmanages this database have been developed, and it can be used to extract differentvisual features for any selected image. This data can be exported to a file in CSVformat, allowing researchers to analyze the data with other tools. During the datacollection, the tool stores the elapsed time in the calculation. Thus, this tool alsoallows to compare the efficiency, in computation time, of different mathematicalprocedures for extracting image data.


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[eng] The evolution of public art throughout the twentieth century has resulted since the 60"s in a kind of practical intervention in the urban domain with a strong social and participatory intention. This paper presents several of these projects in relation to the kind of participattory levels, and detecting different trends. The paper Specially focuses on the project"Cartografies de La Mina", developed in Sant Adrià de Besòs (Barcelona) between 2002 and 2005 by the POLIS Research Centre at the University of Barcelona.


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The thesis is the first comprehensive study on Finnish public painting, public artworks generally referred to as murals or monumental paintings. It focuses on the processes of production of public paintings during the post-WWII decades in Finland and the complex relationships between the political sphere and the production of art. The research studies the networks of agents involved in the production of public paintings. Besides the human agents—artists, assistants, commissioners and viewers—also public paintings were and are agents in the processes of production and in their environments. The research questions can be grouped into three overlapping series of questions: First, the research investigates the production public paintings: What kinds of public paintings were realised in postwar Finland—how, where, by whom and for what purposes? Second, it discusses the publicness of these paintings: How were public paintings defined, and what aspects characterised them as “public”? What was their relation to public space, public authorities, and audience? And third, it explores the politics of public paintings: the relationship between Finnish public painting, nationalism, and the memory of war. To answer these questions, extensive archival work has been performed, and over 200 public paintings have been documented around Finland. The research material has been studied in a sociological framework and in the context of the political and economic history of Finland, employing critical theories on public space and public art as well as theories on the building of nationalism, commemoration, memory, and forgetting. An important aim of this research was to open up a new field of study and position public painting within Finnish art history, from which it has been conspicuous by its absence. The research indicates that public painting was a significant genre of art in postwar Finland. The process of creating a national genre of public painting participated in the defining of municipal and state art politics in the country, and paintings functioned as vehicles of carrying out the agenda of the commissioning bodies. In the formation of municipal art policies in Finland in the 1950s, public painting connected to the same tendency of democratising art as the founding of public art museums. Public painting commissions also functioned as an arena of competition and a means of support for the artists. Public paintings were judged and commissioned within the realm of political decision-making, and they suggested the values of the decision-making groups, generally conveyed as the values of the society. The participation of official agents in the production allocated a position of official art to the genre. Through the material of this research, postwar public painting is seen as an agent in a society searching for a new identity. The postwar public painting production participated in the creation of the Finnish welfare society as indications of a humane society. It continued a tradition of public art production that had been built on nationalist and art educational ideologies in the late 19th and early 20th century. Postwar public paintings promoted the new national narrative of unification by creating an image of a homogeneous society with a harmonious communal life. The paintings laid out an image of Finnishness that was modern but rooted in the agrarian past, of a society that was based on hard work and provided for its members a good life. Postwar public painting was art with a mission, and it created an image of a society with a mission.


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Des quelques 850 œuvres acquises par les écoles primaires et secondaires du Québec depuis les années 1980, en vertu de la Politique d’intégration des arts à l’architecture, il semble que peu d’entre elles s’adressent aux publics, enfant et adulte, qui les côtoient. La compréhension des enfants n’est pas toujours prise en compte dans le choix des œuvres commandées par un comité adulte. De même, lorsque les jeunes les rencontrent, leur sentiment spontané peut être refoulé par l’interprétation qu’en fait l’autorité – éducateur, surveillant ou parent – au profit d’un sens induit par la culture d’une société de droit. On remarque alors que le regard de l’enfant qui le pousse vers l’œuvre pour en parfaire la connaissance par l’expérience de ses sens – vision, toucher, audition, spatialité – est discrédité par celui de l’adulte qui a pour mission d'instruire et de socialiser l’élève en l’amenant à adopter un certain civisme. Comparant la volonté institutionnelle inscrite dans les textes législatifs et les rapports des comités d’intégration des œuvres à l’architecture, en amont, et les comportements et discours des enfants et adultes autour des œuvres, en aval, l’aperception des enfants dans le système scolaire peut être mise en adéquation avec l’aperception des œuvres intégrées aux écoles. L’enfant et l’œuvre dans l’institution sont-ils considérés pour eux-mêmes ou ne sont-ils vus par l’adulte qu’à travers une projection idéelle de ce qu’ils doivent être? Ainsi sera étudiée, théoriquement et empiriquement, la place laissée à l’enfant comme à l’œuvre dans l’espace scolaire afin de déterminer l’autonomie de chacun dans la relation avec l’adulte. Les théories de l’expérience matérielle, le pragmatisme deweyen et le socioconstructivisme vygotskien permettront de mettre en doute le constructivisme, le behaviorisme et le prétendu socioconstructivisme mis en œuvre dans l’institution. Par le biais de l’étude, il est compris que l’œuvre est synonyme de la place de l’enfant dans l’espace scolaire. L’adulte réserve à l’enfant, tout comme à l’œuvre, une place légitimant la sienne. À l’inverse, l’enfant intègre l’espace à sa représentation sans discrimination innée de genre, d’espèce ou de forme, comprenant l’œuvre comme lui-même.


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La tesis indaga sobre la capacidad del arte como elemento de transformación de la ciudad. La práctica cada vez más común de la instalación de obras de arte efímero en el espacio público de las ciudades produce alteraciones reales del paisaje urbano. En el caso de la ciudad de Madrid la proliferación de obras de arte efímero en sus calles y plazas más céntricas se ha materializado de forma intensa desde los primeros años del siglo XXI. Este trabajo de investigación estudia un intervalo de cinco años representativos para Madrid (2007-2011) por la cantidad y la trascendencia de las intervenciones de arte público temporal y de arte urbano en su espacio público. Con la recopilación, el análisis, la categorización y evaluación de casi trescientos ejemplos de manifestaciones artísticas efímeras en Madrid se establecen conclusiones sobre la repercusión del arte en la transformación de ciertos procesos urbanos. La constatación de la existencia de un movimiento de arte urbano en el siglo XXI permite tratar un tema necesario en el momento actual: la revitalización del espacio urbano a través del arte. La tesis trata de describir conceptualmente una forma novedosa de arte que puede ser un motor de procesos participativos urbanos directos y decisorios. ABSTRACT This thesis makes a research about the ability of art as an element of transformation inside the city. The increasingly common practice of ephemeral art installations in urban public spaces is provoking real changes in the cities landscape. In the case of Madrid the proliferation of ephemeral artworks in the most busy streets and squares has been brought into life as an intense activity from the first years of the 21st century. This research paper studies a span of five years which have been quite representative to Madrid (2007-2011) because of the big amount of meaningful interventions that have taken place both as temporary art and as urban art in its public spaces. Through data-gathering, analysis, classification and assessment of almost three hundred examples of ephemeral art forms in Madrid, several conclusions can be stated on the impact of art in transforming certain urban processes. This evidence of the existence of an urban art movement in the 21st century opens a necessary debate subject at this moment: the regeneration of urban space through art. This thesis aims at conceptually describe this newborn artistic expressions of art, seen as a driving force for providing more direct and participatory urban decision-making processes.


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The Power of the Placement of Public Sculpture explores the aesthetic effects public sculpture has on the environment around it. The work presented includes a discussion of case studies in select American and international communities. Relevance is brought to the topic through the documentation of the placement of a fabricated eight-foot avocado sculpture displayed on the University of Denver campus. Reflection on the experience exposes additional questions and demonstrates the importance of the placement of a public sculpture.


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In this study we intend to address a learning experience that was inspired by the intersection between public art and art education. We intend to make a reflection and analysis of pedagogical actions undertaken during this experience related to a theoretical framework to help us evaluate and improve the pedagogical and methodological strategies. The experience began with a visit to the exhibition "Street Art" at the AXA building in Porto. This visit was made with a group of children of different ages, accompanied by their parents, in May 2014. This exhibition brought new gazes for urban art. By recognizing obvious benefits such as proximity and accessibility, urban art, so rarely addressed in the classroom, may be an educational resource. Our intention in this study asks whether the contact with urban works of art can be motivating for students and facilitators of learning. We used a methodology of action research to approach urban art in visual art education lessons, exploring various art objects of the exhibition "Street Art" and the surrounding city with students. The study findings pointed out a positive response to initial questions


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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From the Divercity project, the article reflects on methodology, good practices and indicators useful for community art practices. At first term, social exclusión is defined as well as community art, and which features it presents. Subsequently, the article reviews the indicators that are being used to measure the success or achievement of community arts practice, raising criticism from equality and including indicators that measure the well-being of women.


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In this article, as part of the Erasmus+ project “Divercity”, we focus on the collection and analysis of good practices in Spain and other countries in Europe. The project revolves around the development of methods that valorize cultural diversity and in this respect, identifying and sharing best practices on diversity and inclusion through artistic mediation inside museums, culture institutions, our urban walks, forms an mandatory stage of the research process.