822 resultados para Psychological need satisfaction
Setting: Psychological stress is increasingly recognised within emergency medicine, given the environmental and clinical stressors associated with the specialism. The current study assessed whether psychological distress is experienced by emergency medical staff and if so, what is the expressed need within this population? Participants: Participants included ambulance personnel, nursing staff, doctors and ancillary support staff within two Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments and twelve ambulance bases within one Trust locality in NI (N = 107). Primary and secondary outcome measures: The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12, Goldberg, 1972, 1978), Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (STSS, Bride, 2004) and an assessment of need questionnaire were completed and explored using mixed method analysis. Results: Results showed elevated levels of psychological distress within each profession except ambulance service clinical support officers (CSOs). Elevated levels of secondary trauma symptomatology were also found; the highest were within some nursing grades and junior doctors. Decreased enjoyment in job over time was significantly associated with higher scores. Analysis of qualitative data identified sources of stress to include low morale. A total of 65% of participants thought that work related stressors had negatively affected their mental health. Participants explored what they felt could decrease psychological distress including improved resources and psychoeducation. Conclusion: There were elevated levels of distress and secondary traumatic stress within this population as well as an expressed level of need, on both systemic and support levels.
We examine the relationships that internalization, need thwarting (NT), and drive for muscularity (DFM), along with their interactions, had with weightlifting, muscle dissatisfaction (MD), and muscle-related-worry (MRW). A sample of 552 men (MAGE = 20.5 years, SD = 3.1) completed the Psychological Need Thwarting Scale, the Internalization subscale of the male version of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire, the Drive for Muscularity Scale-Attitudes subscale, the Male Body Attitudes Scale-Muscularity subscale, the Body Change Inventory-Worry subscale, and an inventory assessing weightlifting behavior. DFM significantly predicted weightlifting, MRW, and MD. Internalization significantly predicted weightlifting and MRW. NT significantly predicted weightlifting and MD, and its relationship with MRW approached significance. The interaction terms did not predict weightlifting or MRW. The NT/DFM and NT/Internalization interaction terms predicted MD. These results highlight the role of NT in predicting appearance variables in men.
Videogames are an increasingly popular entertainment choice, yet we have a limited understanding of their potential wellbeing benefits. The current research used an online survey (N = 429) to investigate how gameplay choices and the psychological experience of gameplay impact on player wellbeing. Specifically, a hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to determine if, controlling for age and gender, current gameplay choices (amount of play, game genre, mode of play) and play experience (flow, psychological need satisfaction) predicted current wellbeing. Results indicated that age, social play, relatedness during gameplay and flow were positively associated with player wellbeing. Implications for our understanding of player wellbeing, as well as directions for future research are discussed.
Tendo por base a teoria da autodeterminação, este estudo objetiva a análise do papel mediador da perceção de satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas na relação entre a perceção de suporte de autonomia dado pelo instrutor de fitness e indicadores de bem-estar psicológico, em praticantes de exercício. Participaram neste estudo 984 praticantes de fitness em ginásios, de ambos os géneros (531 femininos; 453 masculinos), com idades compreendidas entre os 16 e os 70 anos (M= 31.7; SD= 11.2). Todos os praticantes foram avaliados ao nível da sua perceção de suporte de autonomia dado pelo instrutor de fitness, perceção de satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas (competência, autonomia e relação) e bem-estar psicológico (vitalidade subjetiva, satisfação com a vida e autoestima global). Os resultados obtidos, com recurso à análise de equações estruturais, corroboram o papel mediador das necessidades psicológicas básicas na relação entre a perceção de suporte de autonomia e o bem-estar psicológico. Estes resultados clarificam o mecanismo de promoção do bem-estar psicológico em praticantes de exercício, auxiliando no processo de delineamento de intervenções futuras no contexto do fitness com este propósito.
Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan in Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. Plenum Press, New York, 1985) suggests that certain experiences, such as competence, are equally beneficial to everyone’s well-being (universal hypothesis), whereas Motive Disposition Theory (McClelland in Human motivation. Scott, Foresman, Glenview, IL, 1985) predicts that some people, such as those with a high achievement motive, should benefit particularly from such experiences (matching hypothesis). Existing research on motives as moderators of the relationship between basic need satisfaction and positive outcomes supports both these seemingly inconsistent views. Focusing on the achievement motive, we sought to resolve this inconsistency by considering the specificity of the outcome variables. When predicting domain-specific well-being and flow, the achievement motive should interact with felt competence. However, when it comes to predicting general well-being and flow, felt competence should unfold its effects without being moderated by the achievement motive. Two studies confirmed these assumptions indicating that the universal and matching hypotheses are complementary rather than mutually exclusive.
Within the framework of basic psychological needs theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) with a time-lagged design was used to test a mediation model examining the relationship between perceptions of coaches’ interpersonal styles (autonomy supportive and controlling), athletes’ basic psychological needs (satisfaction and thwarting), and indicators of well-being (subjective vitality) and ill-being (burnout), estimating separately between and within effects. The participants were 597 Spanish male soccer players aged between 11 and 14 years (M = 12.57, SD = 0.54) from 40 teams who completed a questionnaire package at two time points in a competitive season. Results revealed that at the individual level, athletes’ perceptions of autonomy support positively predicted athletes’ need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), whereas athletes’ perceptions of controlling style positively predicted athletes’ need thwarting (autonomy, competence, and relatedness). In turn, all three athletes’ need satisfaction dimensions predicted athletes’ subjective vitality and burnout (positively and negatively, respectively), whereas competence thwarting negatively predicted subjective vitality and competence and relatedness positively predicted burnout. At the team level, team perceptions of autonomy supportive style positively predicted team autonomy and relatedness satisfaction. Mediation effects only appeared at the individual level.
Video game play is a popular entertainment choice, yet we have a limited understanding of the potential wellbeing benefits associated with recreational play. An online survey (final sample, n = 297) addresses this by investigating how the player experience related to wellbeing. The impact of amount of play, game genre, mode of play (social or solitary play) and the psychological experience of play (flow and need satisfaction) on a multi-dimensional measure of wellbeing (emotional, psychological and social) was examined via hierarchical regression. Age, gender, the play of casual games compared to shooters, and in-game experiences of flow, autonomy and relatedness were associated with increases in dimensions of wellbeing.
The CATCH Kids Club (CKC) is an after-school intervention that has attempted to address the growing obesity and physical inactivity concerns publicized in current literature. Using Self-Determination Theory (SDT: Deci & Ryan, 1985) perspective, this study's main research objective was to assess, while controlling for gender and age, i f there were significant differences between the treatment (CKC program participants) and control (non- eKC) groups on their perceptions of need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and optimal challenge after four months of participation and after eight months of participation. For this study, data were collected from 79 participants with a mean age of9.3, using the Situational Affective State Questionnaire (SASQ: Mandigo et aI., 2008). In order to determine the common factors present in the data, a principal component analysis was conducted. The analysis resulted in an appropriate three-factor solution, with 14 items loading onto the three factors identified as autonomy, competence and intrinsic motivation. Initially, a multiple analysis of co-variance (MANCOY A) was conducted and found no significant differences or effects (p> 0.05). To further assess the differences between groups, six analyses of co-variance (ANeOY As) were conducted, which also found no significant differences (p >0 .025). These findings suggest that the eKC program is able to maintain the se1fdetermined motivational experiences of its participants, and does not thwart need satisfaction or self-determined motivation through its programming. However, the literature suggests that the CKe program and other P A interventions could be further improved by fostering participants' self-determined motivational experiences, which can lead to the persistence of healthy PA behaviours (Kilpatrick, Hebert & Jacobsen, 2002).
Alors que la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000, 2008) propose un bassin de connaissances pouvant être d’une réelle utilité pour aider les travailleurs et les organisations à croître et à prospérer, peu d’études ont porté, à ce jour, sur l’évaluation d’interventions visant à implanter ces connaissances sur le terrain en milieu organisationnel. En ce sens, la présente thèse a pour but de vérifier l’impact d’une formation visant le développement des habiletés de soutien aux besoins psychologiques des gestionnaires sur les comportements en emploi de ces gestionnaires ainsi que sur la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques, la motivation et la santé psychologique de leurs employés. Pour ce faire, 17 gestionnaires provenant de deux organisations canadiennes du secteur public ont participé à un programme de formation d’une durée de trois journées non consécutives. Ils ont également répondu à des questionnaires un mois avant la formation ainsi que trois à quatre mois après le début de celle-ci afin d’évaluer leurs apprentissages ainsi que leurs comportements de soutien aux besoins psychologiques en emploi. Par ailleurs, 55 de leurs employés ont répondu à des questionnaires préformation et postformation au sujet de leur perception à l’égard des comportements de soutien aux besoins psychologiques de leur supérieur immédiat ainsi que de leur propre niveau de satisfaction des besoins psychologiques, de motivation au travail et de santé psychologique. L’étude a été menée à l’aide d’un devis de recherche de type prétest et post-test à groupes non-équivalents, sans groupe contrôle. Afin de renforcer ce devis, la stratégie de référence interne a été utilisée auprès des employés (Haccoun & Hamtiaux, 1994). Les résultats suggèrent que, dans la mesure où des gains étaient possibles par le biais d’une formation plus traditionnelle (c.-à-d., que le potentiel des gestionnaires à s’améliorer davantage par rapport à leur niveau de base était suffisant et que les habiletés visées se développaient bien par le biais d’une telle formation), les gestionnaires ont développé leurs habiletés de soutien aux besoins psychologiques et, selon leur perspective, transféré leurs apprentissages au travail. Toutefois, les employés de ces gestionnaires n’ont pas perçu de changement statistiquement significatif entre les deux temps de mesure quant aux habiletés de soutien aux besoins psychologiques de leur supérieur immédiat en emploi et les retombées escomptées de la formation chez les employés n’ont pas été observées. À la lumière de ces résultats, le dernier chapitre de la thèse discute de l’importance de l’analyse des besoins, de l’implication de l’environnement organisationnel dans les initiatives de formation ainsi que de l’ajout de méthodes d’apprentissage complémentaires aux formations plus traditionnelles afin d’en assurer l’efficacité. Par ailleurs, les contributions, limites et pistes de recherches futures de la thèse y seront exposées.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es formular, mediante una profunda revisión documental, bibliográfica y empírica, una fundamentación teórica sobre si existe o no incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos sobre el bienestar laboral de los empleados, y el que grado en que esta se presenta sobre aspecto como el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. Se realizó la revisión de múltiples estudios empíricos que aportaran evidencia sobre la relación que se presenta entre las principales prácticas de recursos humanos – provisión de personal, formación y desarrollo, promoción de personal, evaluación de desempeño, compensación y pago, y balance trabajo-familia – y el bienestar laboral, representado en el engagement y satisfacción en el trabajo de los empleados. Los resultados de este trabajo indican la existencia de una relación e incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos, el bienestar laboral, el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. De igual forma se encontró que estas relaciones son principalmente de carácter positivo, lo cual indica que las organizaciones que desarrollan este tipo de prácticas en su interior, fomentan tanto el desarrollo y la presencia de bienestar laboral en sus empleados, como su perdurabilidad.
Marital split-up and spousal loss are among the most stressful critical life events. Numerous studies have documented their detrimental effects on well-being, yet the large individual differences in psychological adaptation are still not well understood. Whereas in old age bereavement is normative and can be anticipated, divorce is an “off-time” transition for this age group. In contrast to bereavement which has been amply studied, research on later life divorce is still missing despite the increasing relevance of the topic due to the significant increase of divorces in older age. Based on a modified and extended view of Amato’s divorce-stress-adjustment model (2000), the aim of this contribution is to explore the differential impact of marital split-up and widowhood in older age on psychological (life satisfaction) and social well-being (social loneliness), and the adaptation to these critical life events. Our analyses are based on data gathered in a questionnaire study, which is part of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES. In a first step we compared three groups of individuals aged 60 to 75 years: a sample of 251 persons with a marital split-up (127 women; 123 men), a sample of 270 widowed persons (170 women; 100 men), and a group of 221 continuously married people (110 women; 111 men), which served as control group. In a second step, we investigated the role of socio-demographic variables, intrapersonal and interpersonal resources and variables of the context of loss as predictors for the psychological adaptation to a marital break-up and loss in old age. First results by ANCOVA indicate significant differences with regard to life satisfaction among the three groups, with divorced persons with the lowest scores, followed by the bereaved ones, and the married controls with the highest. Regarding social loneliness, divorced individuals report higher social loneliness than the bereaved group and the married controls (no significant difference between widowed and the married). In both loss groups, financial and intrapersonal resources, as well as the emotional valence of the loss are the most important predictors for the psychological and social adaptation. However, happiness in the past relationship is an important resource regarding the indicators for adaptation for the widowers, but not for individuals with a marital dissolution.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport experiences and psychological needs satisfaction of Singapore high school athletes who were involved in inter-school competition. A total of 1250 school athletes from 22 sports participated in the study. The athletes were between 13 and 18 years old and had an average of 3 years of experience in school sport (SD=.18). Cluster analysis was employed to identify homogenous groups based on the seven developmental experiences domains of the Youth Experience Survey (YES 2.0; Hansen & Larson, 2005). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether differences existed among the clusters in terms of psychological needs satisfaction (i.e., sense of autonomy, perceived competence and relatedness). The results of the cluster analysis showed that there were different subgroups of athletes with distinct developmental experiences, and they varied in the degree to which their psychological needs were satisfied. Generally, subgroups that had high levels of positive experiences and low levels of negative experiences in sport had better fulfillment of psychological needs. It is important to ensure that policies and programmes are formulated, delivered and monitored effectively to promote positive experiences for youth who are involved in competitive sports.
Research has looked at single rather than a configuration of human resource management (HRM) practices to influence creativity so it is not yet clear how these practices synergistically facilitate creativity and organisational performance. I address this significant but unanswered question in a three-part study. In Study 1, I develop a high performance work system (HPWS) for creativity scale. I use Study 2 sample to test the validity of the new scale. In Study 3, I test a multilevel model of the intervening processes through which branch HPWS for creativity influences creativity and branch performance. Specifically, at the branch level, I draw on social context theory and hypothesise that branch HPWS for creativity relates to climate for creativity which, in turn, leads to creativity, and ultimately, to profit. Furthermore, I hypothesise environmental dynamism as a boundary condition of the creativity-profit relationship. At the individual level, I hypothesise a cross-level effect of branch HPWS for creativity on employee-perceived HPWS. I draw on self-determination theory and argue that perceived HPWS for creativity relate to need satisfaction and the psychological pathways of intrinsic motivation and creative process engagement to predict creativity. I also hypothesise climate for creativity as a cross-level moderator of the intrinsic motivation-creativity and creative process engagement-creativity relationships. Results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) indicate that ten out of the fifteen hypotheses were supported. The findings of this study respond to calls for HPWS to be designed around a strategic focus by developing and providing initial validity evidence of an HPWS for creativity scale. The results reveal the underlying mechanisms through which HPWS for creativity simultaneously influences individual and branch creativity leading to profit. Lastly, results indicate environmental dynamism to be an important boundary condition of the creativity-profit relationship and climate for creativity as a cross-level moderator of the creative process engagement-creativity.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport experiences and psychological needs satisfaction of Singapore high school athletes who were involved in inter-school competition. A total of 1250 school athletes from 22 sports participated in the study. The athletes were between 13 and 18 years old and had an average of 3 years of experience in school sport (SD=.18). Cluster analysis was employed to identify homogenous groups based on the seven developmental experiences domains of the Youth Experience Survey (YES 2.0; Hansen & Larson, 2005). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether differences existed among the clusters in terms of psychological needs satisfaction (i.e., sense of autonomy, perceived competence and relatedness). The results of the cluster analysis showed that there were different subgroups of athletes with distinct developmental experiences, and they varied in the degree to which their psychological needs were satisfied. Generally, subgroups that had high levels of positive experiences and low levels of negative experiences in sport had better fulfillment of psychological needs. It is important to ensure that policies and programmes are formulated, delivered and monitored effectively to promote positive experiences for youth who are involved in competitive sports.
The aim of this research was to develop and assess the psychometric properties of the Coach Motivation Questionnaire (CMQ). Study 1 focused on the compilation and pilot testing of potential questionnaire items. Consistent with self-determination theory, items were devised to tap into six forms of motivation: amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. The purpose of the second study (N = 556) was to empirically examine the psychometric properties of the CMQ. Items were subjected to confirmatory factor analyses to determine the fit of the a priori model. In addition, the validity of the questionnaire was assessed through links with the theoretically related concepts of intrinsic need satisfaction, well-being, and goal orientation. Together with test–retest reliability (Study 3), these results showed preliminary support for the psychometric properties of the CMQ. Finally, using an independent sample (N = 254), the fourth study confirmed the factor structure and supports the use of the CMQ in future coaching research.