943 resultados para Political agenda


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This article considers young people’s socialization into mnemonic communities in 14 European countries. It argues that such socialization is an intersubjective and selective process that, to a great degree, depends on the particular social environment that conditions the discourses on pasts available to young people. Drawing on memory studies, it recognizes memory as a valid alternative to the institutionalized past (history) but envisages the two as inextricably connected. Given this, it identifies several strategies adopted by young people in order to socialize understandings of the past. While these strategies vary, some reveal receptivity to populist and far right ideologies. Our study demonstrates how internalization of political heritage via mnemonic socialization within families is conditioned by both the national political agenda and socio-economic situation experienced across Europe.


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For the first time since 1601, a number of leading common law nations have almost simultaneously chosen to revise and place on the statute books the law relating to charity. The Politics of Charity examines the reasons for this and for the varying legislative outcomes. ----- ----- ----- This book examines the legal framework and political significance of charity, as developed within England & Wales, contrasts this with the experiences of other common law nations and explores the resulting implications for government/sector relationships in those countries. It suggests that charity law lies at the heart of the relationship between government and the non profit sector, that there is an unmistakeable political agenda driving charity law reform and that the differential in legislative outcomes reflects important differences in the policies pursued by the governments concerned.----- ----- ----- Looking at fundamentally different approaches of government towards the sector in the UK, Ireland, the US, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore and Australia, O’Halloran argues the results will have implications for the present workings of parliamentary democracy.----- ----- ----- The Politics of Charity will be a valuable resource for academics, regulators and legal practitioners as well as advanced and postgraduate students in law, politics and public policy.


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This chapter describes current trends in the global media environment, with a focus on their implications for the management of public agendas and political processes. It assesses the extent to which trends such as the growth of the blogosphere, "citizen journalism," and other forms if user-generated content, have complicated and problematized news and agenda management as engaged in by both media and political elites. It argues that, in large part due to the rise of the internet and the proliferation if online producers of information and commentary, alongside 24-hour news channels such as CNN and Al Jazeera, political and social actors today face a much more complex, chaotic communication environment than ever bifore, an environment characterized as one of cultural chaos. Having outlined the roots of this trend in the emergence of an expanded, globalized public sphere, the chapter goes on to ask if elite control over the political agenda has been eroded, and if it has, what the consequences for governmmt and the exercise if power might be. Can authoritarian regimes in China, the Middle East, and elsewhere survive the onset if internet-fueled global journalism, for example? In a political environment where public opinion is driven and buffeted by news coverage if unprecedented speed and volume, can democratic governments retain sufficient control over decision- and policy-making processes to enable competent social administration al'ld political management? Can the citizens of contemporary democracies use the emerging media environment to enhance elite accountability and strengthen the democratic process? The chapter concludes that the changing global media environment has the potmtial to strengthen democratic processes, though there is no sil'lgle template for the impact of the internet and other new media on specific countries.


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This case-study examines innovative experimentation with mobile and cloud-based technologies, utilising “Guerrilla Research Tactics” (GRT), as a means of covertly retrieving data from the urban fabric. Originally triggered by participatory action research (Kindon et al., 2008) and unobtrusive research methods (Kellehear, 1993), the potential for GRT lies in its innate ability to offer researchers an alternative, creative approach to data acquisition, whilst simultaneously allowing them to engage with the public, who are active co-creators of knowledge. Key characteristics are political agenda, the unexpected and the unconventional, which allow for an interactive, unique and thought-provoking experience for both researcher and participant.


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The concept of food security is often anchored in popular understandings of the challenge to produce and supply enough food. However, decades of policies for intensive agriculture have not alleviated hunger and malnutrition, with an absence of food security featuring in both economically developing and developed nations. Despite perceptions that the economic growth in advanced, capitalist societies will ensure freedom from hunger, this is not universal across so-called ‘wealthy nations’. To explore the dynamics of food security in economically developed countries, this paper considers institutional approaches to domestic food security primarily through responses to poverty and welfare entitlements, and, secondarily, through food relief. Through the lens of social entitlements to food and their formation under various expressions of welfare capitalism, we highlight how the specific institutional settings of two economically developed nations, Australia and Norway, respond to uncertain or insufficient access to food. Whilst Norway's political agenda on agricultural support, food pricing regulation and universal social security support offers a robust, although indirect, safety net in ensuring entitlements to food, Australia's neoliberal trajectory means that approaches to food security are ad hoc and rely on a combination of self-help, charitable and market responses. Despite its extensive food production Australia appears less capable of ensuring food security for all its inhabitants compared to the highly import-dependent Norway.


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Most countries of Europe, as well as many countries in other parts of the world, are experiencing an increased impact of natural hazards. It is often speculated, but not yet proven, that climate change might influence the frequency and magnitude of certain hydro-meteorological natural hazards. What has certainly been observed is a sharp increase in financial losses caused by natural hazards worldwide. Eventhough Europe appears to be a space that is not affected by natural hazards to such catastrophic extents as other parts of the world are, the damages experienced here are certainly increasing too. Natural hazards, climate change and, in particular, risks have therefore recently been put high on the political agenda of the EU. In the search for appropriate instruments for mitigating impacts of natural hazards and climate change, as well as risks, the integration of these factors into spatial planning practices is constantly receiving higher attention. The focus of most approaches lies on single hazards and climate change mitigation strategies. The current paradigm shift of climate change mitigation to adaptation is used as a basis to draw conclusions and recommendations on what concepts could be further incorporated into spatial planning practices. Especially multi-hazard approaches are discussed as an important approach that should be developed further. One focal point is the definition and applicability of the terms natural hazard, vulnerability and risk in spatial planning practices. Especially vulnerability and risk concepts are so many-fold and complicated that their application in spatial planning has to be analysed most carefully. The PhD thesis is based on six published articles that describe the results of European research projects, which have elaborated strategies and tools for integrated communication and assessment practices on natural hazards and climate change impacts. The papers describe approaches on local, regional and European level, both from theoretical and practical perspectives. Based on these, passed, current and future potential spatial planning applications are reviewed and discussed. In conclusion it is recommended to shift from single hazard assessments to multi-hazard approaches, integrating potential climate change impacts. Vulnerability concepts should play a stronger role than present, and adaptation to natural hazards and climate change should be more emphasized in relation to mitigation. It is outlined that the integration of risk concepts in planning is rather complicated and would need very careful assessment to ensure applicability. Future spatial planning practices should also consider to be more interdisciplinary, i.e. to integrate as many stakeholders and experts as possible to ensure the sustainability of investments.


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This study explores the relationship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland to communism and political power during the period of crises in Finnish foreign relations with the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1962. During this period the USSR repeatedly interfered in Finland´s domestic affairs and limited her foreign political freedom of action. The research subjects for this dissertation are the bishops of the Church of Finland and the newspaper Kotimaa, which can be regarded as the unofficial organ of the church at the time. A typical characteristic of the Church of Finland from the beginning of the twentieth century was patriotism. During the interwar years the church was strongly anti-communist and against the Soviet Union. This tendency was also evident during the Second World War. After the war the Finnish Church feared that the rise of the extreme left would jeopardize its position. The church, however, succeeded in maintaining its status as a state church throughout the critical years immediately following the war. This study indicates that, although the manner of expression altered, the political attitude of the church did not substantially change during the postwar period. In the late 1950s and early 1960s the church was still patriotic and fear of the extreme left was also evident among the leaders of the church. The victory of the Finnish People's Democratic League in the general election of 1958 was an unwelcome surprise to the church. This generated fear in the church that, with Soviet support, the Finnish communists might return to governmental power and the nation could become a people's democracy. Accordingly, the church tried to encourage other parties to set aside their disagreements and act together against the extreme left throughout the period under study. The main characteristics of the church´s political agenda during this period of crisis were to support the Finnish foreign policy led by the president of the republic, Urho Kekkonen, and to resist Finnish communism. The attitude of Finnish bishops and the newspaper Kotimaa to the Cold War in general was generally in agreement with the majority of western Christians. They feared communism, were afraid of the USSR, but supported peaceful co-existence because they did not want an open conflict with the Soviets. Because of uncertainties in Finland's international position the Finnish Church regarded it as necessary to support the Finnish policy of friendship towards the USSR. The Finnish Church considerer it unwise to openly criticize the Soviet Union, tried resist the spread of communism in Finnish domestic policy. This period of foreign policy crises was principally seen by the church as a time when there was a need to strengthen Finland's unstable national position.


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Verifica o impacto que o sobrestamento de pauta, instituído pela Emenda Constitucional n. 32/2001, concebida para refrear o uso exacerbado de medidas provisórias, ocasionou na agenda do Legislativo. Tendo-se como premissa que a relação entre o Legislativo e o Executivo caracteriza-se pelo sistema presidencialista de coalizão e que as medidas provisórias configuram o principal instrumento utilizado pelo Executivo para controlar a agenda política do País, aborda o instituto das MP desde a sua inserção na Constituição de 1988 até as propostas atuais de modificação para se traçar um histórico do caminho percorrido pelo Parlamento brasileiro na tentativa de conter o abuso do poder legiferante do Executivo e impedir o esvaziamento das competências precípuas do Poder Legislativo. Investiga por que o Legislativo não tem conseguido frear a produção de medidas provisórias, considerando-se que essa é a vontade de seus representantes. Concentra-se no problema do sobrestamento de pauta do Poder Legislativo decorrente da não apreciação de medida provisória em até quarenta e cinco dias contados da sua publicação, como determina o § 6º do art. 62 do atual texto da Constituição Federal.


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Since the early years of the 21st century, and in particular since 2007, the U.S. has been awakening rapidly to the fact that climate change is underway and that even if stringent efforts are undertaken to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the unavoidable impacts from the existing commitment to climate change is still needed and needs to be begun now. This report provides an historical overview of the public, political, and scientific concern with adaptation in the United States. It begins by briefly distinguishing ongoing, historical adaptation to environmental circumstances from deliberate adaptation to human‐induced climate change. It then describes the shift from the early concerns with climate change and adaptation to the more recent awakening to the need for a comprehensive approach to managing the risks from climate change. Ranging from the treatment of the topic in the news media to the drafting of bills in Congress, to state and local government activities with considerable engagement of NGOs, scientists and consultants, it is apparent that adaptation has finally, and explosively, emerged on the political agenda as a legitimate and needed subject for debate. At the same time, the current policy rush is not underlain by widespread public engagement and mobilization nor does it rest on a solid research foundation. Funding for vulnerability and adaptation research, establishing adequate decision support institutions, as well as the building of the necessary capacity in science, the consulting world, and in government agencies, lags far behind the need. (PDF contains 42 pages)


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O objeto desta dissertação é explorar os discursos militantes relativos à diferenciação entre as identidades coletivas de travestis e transexuais no âmbito do movimento de travestis e transexuais brasileiro e sua repercussão nas demandas e proposições de políticas públicas de saúde, mais especificamente no que tange às transformações corporais. Realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas com ativistas reconhecidas como lideranças desse movimento, tendo como principais eixos: trajetória militante, diferenciação entre travestis e transexuais, organização do movimento, agenda política, transformações corporais e demandas relativas à saúde. Além disso, realizei etnografias em encontros gerais do movimento LGBT, assim como nos específicos de travestis e transexuais, com destaque para o XVI e XVII Encontro Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (ENTLAIDS), realizados no Rio de Janeiro em 2009 e em Aracaju em 2010; a V Conferência Regional para América Latina e Caribe da ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association), realizada em Curitiba em 2009; e a I Marcha Nacional Contra a Homofobia, realizada em 19 de maio de 2010 em Brasília. A partir dos resultados das entrevistas e das etnografias, busco construir um histórico do movimento de travestis e transexuais no Brasil, no qual é possível localizar a emergência das categorias identitárias e seus conflitos. Assim, minha investigação passa pela análise da relação com categorias estigmatizantes como a prostituição e, especialmente, das capacidades de incorporação ou de apropriação de discursos médicos e psiquiátricos na construção de identidades, o que inclui a influência de fatores de classe e de acesso a serviços de saúde especializados, notoriamente o processo transexualizador no SUS. A análise das principais demandas do movimento me levou a uma relação entre políticas de reconhecimento e processos de purificação. Por fim, busco compreender o processo de construção de uma carreira militante no movimento de travestis e transexuais.


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A pesquisa que ora se apresenta consiste em uma investigação sobre o recente trabalho de reavaliação das obras de membros do chamado Círculo de Viena, que foi o primeiro e principal grupo representativo da perspectiva filosófica conhecida como positivismo lógico. Nossa pesquisa compreende três partes: a primeira parte voltada para a reconstrução histórico-conceitual do período entre o alvorecer das idéias neopositivistas e os primeiros momentos posteriores à recepção norte-americana da imigração intelectual vienense; na segunda parte do trabalho, por sua vez, lançaremos luz propriamente à natureza de tal perspectiva contemporânea, a partir de uma descrição sobre o método e o escopo temático de tal projeto revisionista; à terceira parte, por fim, além de tecer uma avaliação geral sobre o que foi feito nas duas partes que a antecedem, coube conjecturar as possibilidades de se encontrar em tal trabalho uma agenda filosófica e política própria.


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Esta tese analisou o planejamento, a gestão e a configuração do sistema de saúde na região metropolitana do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Tem com base o referencial teórico do federalismo e apoiou-se em pesquisa qualitativa de caráter descritivo. A pesquisa versou sobre aspectos político-institucionais; normativos, organizacionais; práticos e estruturais da rede de serviços de saúde na região. A análise empreendida aponta as características do modelo tridimensional do federalismo brasileiro a Constituição Federal de 1988 transfere o poder de instituir regiões metropolitanas aos estados, mas na prática, anula a capacidade de intervenção nos municípios e reduz o papel político e administrativo dos estados. Entre os desafios apontados pela tese estão: o comportamento autárquico dos municípios; a disparidade existente entre eles; o enfraquecimento do papel de coordenação do governo estadual; a descontinuidade e pouca integração entre políticas públicas para as regiões metropolitanas; a falta de experiência em planejamento regional e intersetorial; a necessidade de institucionalizar um órgão metropolitano que, entre outras funções, estabeleça fundos financeiros, com definição de fontes de receitas e critérios de alocação de recursos regionais. Quanto à política de regionalização da saúde análise da capacidade instalada dos municípios na integração de serviços de saúde regionais , a tese destaca as fragilidades e desigualdades na distribuição da oferta de serviços; a relação concorrencial entre os municípios para incorporar maior força produtiva qualificada, a oferta de serviços especializados, o adensamento e a concentração de serviços e profissionais de saúde no núcleo metropolitano (a cidade do Rio de Janeiro). O trabalho destaca o potencial de atuação do novo pacto de gestão, representado pelo Contrato Organizativo de Ação Pública em Saúde (COAP) e dos Mapas de Saúde como instrumentos político-institucionais na regulação regional e metropolitana da saúde. Apesar disso, sinaliza que avanços na governança regional serão possíveis com a institucionalização de um órgão que tenha autonomia para tomada de decisões regionais. O estudo reforça a importância da revalorização da gestão das regiões metropolitanas e o potencial de conectividade entre as políticas públicas urbanas através da organização de redes de serviços públicos na agenda política em detrimento das práticas municipalistas.


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Esta dissertação trata do que se entende como terrorismo após os atentados de setembro de 2001, seja como lógica de ação ou como método de ação. A partir desta data, o terrorismo alcançou enorme projeção e passou a figurar como tema central tanto na imprensa cotidiana quanto em reuniões internacionais de cúpula. O fenômeno era, muitas vezes, historicamente circunscrito às nações que enfrentavam esse problema. Após o Onze de Setembro, o debate expandiu-se e as políticas, e a propaganda, antiterroristas incidiram sobre a sociedade, modificando comportamentos individuais e coletivos. A associação entre Islamismo e terrorismo foi frequente e a Guerra Contra ao Terror (GCT), promovida pela política externa norte-americana de George W. Bush, contribuiu para difundir uma percepção do terrorismo como uma lógica de ação afeita à violência em si. Isso contrasta com a percepção quanto a grupos terroristas de momentos históricos anteriores, cujo recurso ao terrorismo era compreendido como método de ação com valor instrumental para alcançar objetivos políticos diversos, como a emancipação nacional e a desestabilização de regimes políticos estabelecidos. O estudo de caso da Organização de Xangai (OCX) visa demonstrar que a identificação entre terrorismo e Islã leva ao equívoco de compreender os grupos terroristas contemporâneos islâmicos, com lógicas próprias, como uma fenômeno só o que leva à imprecisão de atribuir ao terrorismo o caráter de primeiro fenômeno macro-securitizado. Este breve histórico da ascensão do terrorismo na agenda política contemporânea, mediante a análise do processo securitizador tanto na GCT quanto na Organização de Cooperação de Xangai, serve como referência para as análises contidas no trabalho que o leitor tem em mãos, uma vez que o sentido atribuído ao terrorismo só pode ser entendido em termos dos atores políticos envolvidos na sua definição e no contexto em qual o fazem. Na OCX, o verificou-se o entendimento do terrorismo como método de ação de grupos separatistas, o que não corresponde à ideia do terrorismo como lógica de ação contida na GCT.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a movimentação de imigrantes no Porto do Rio de Janeiro e na Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores entre os anos de 1883 e 1907, procurando relacioná-la com as políticas públicas de incentivo ao fluxo migratório e as mudanças na dinâmica organizacional da referida hospedaria. A ideia é demonstrar através dos relatórios do Ministério da Agricultura, Comércio e Obras Públicas e, posteriormente da Indústria, Viação e Obras Públicas que as oscilações no número de entrada de imigrantes no território brasileiro acompanharam as políticas imigratórias favoráveis ou desfavoráveis a vinda de trabalhadores estrangeiros. Assim, pretende-se demonstrar que a Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores foi uma construção integrada à estrutura dos movimentos imigratórios e que, portanto, sua manutenção esteve sujeita a agenda política do governo imperial e republicano. Nesse sentido, em 1891, após a adoção do sistema federalista, transferiu-se para os estados a responsabilidade pelos serviços referentes à imigração e à colonização, o que reduziu gradativamente o fluxo de imigrantes na Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores, fazendo com que a instituição perdesse a importância que tinha na década anterior. Somente em 1907, diante da dificuldade dos estados em promover a imigração, o poder central retomou as políticas imigratórias e a Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores tornou a florescer.


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The thesis examines Milton's strategic use of romance in Paradise Lost, arguing that such a handling of romance is a provocative realignment of its values according to the poet’s Christian focus. The thesis argues that Milton's use of romance is not simply the importation of a tradition into the poem; it entails a backward judgement on that tradition, defining its idealising tendencies as fundamentally misplaced. The thesis also examines the Caroline uses of romance and chivalry in the 1630s to provide a vision of British unification, and Milton's reaction to this political agenda.