282 resultados para Piedade
Sign. : []1, *4, B-S4, T1
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Mode of access: Internet.
This research objective is to analyze the historical aspects of the city ―Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso‖, located in the micro region Pires do Rio, southeast of Goiás in the period of the First Republic, 1989-1930. To understand a city is to try to understand the individuals who inhabit it, as they are the ones who are responsible for the structures that forms that space. Therefore this thesis brings to the historiography a study of the city of Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso through various mechanisms as oral sources, official documents of the municipality collected in public bodies of the city made available in town halls, municipal public and archive file of the prefecture. These sources have helped us to make the knowledge of the place approached. The Republic has brought to different places of Brazil expectations and/or solutions, of innovations that modernized in order to erase the marks the old colonial system. The cities to be created would be part of the molds republicans and this way, should follow models ready coming, basically, from European countries. However, the city of the Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso is outside of this process moderniser, having been relegated by several years to difficulties of a distant region and without resources. The historiography of Goiás summarizes the period of the arrival of the railroad in the southern region of the State, such as a time of progress in all the sectors of the life of this society. Then, to understand the specificity of Campo Formoso, we approached from the documentary sources exist various elements constitutor city history: its political constitution formed by the most affluent of the city, the strength of the colonels, the role of the Church as a political power. These power relations in the region were decisive for the deviation of the railroad. In this way, also we sought to analyze how the process of urbanization has occurred and which represented for the history of the city Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Campo Formoso the passage of the Railroad Goiás not within its limits. In the meantime we situate the special policies of a city in the interior of Goiás, which is on the edge of a project set up as amodernizer moved by the First Republic.
A sustentabilidade dos recursos marinhos da costa portuguesa tem sido de forma crescente posta em causa devido a variados factores, nomeadamente pelo aumento do esforço da pesca, com consequência na redução de alguns mananciais (e.g. pescada, lagostim), conduzindo a uma grande apreensão no que concerne à sua gestão. Por outro lado, novos desafios têm surgido na última década, sobretudo no contexto da gestão espacial (Planeamento Espacial Marítimo / Marine Spatial Planning), com particular evidência na costa algarvia. Devido ao aumento das actividades no mar, aquaculturas em mar aberto, armações de atum, áreas de reserva de areia (manchas de empréstimo) e zonas de fundeio, mas também devido às disputas entre as diferentes frotas pesqueiras, a gestão espacial tem estado cada vez mais na ordem do dia. Estes factos foram em grande medida os principais motivadores e impulsionadores para a execução do presente projecto. O presente estudo encontra-se integrado no projecto “Mapeamento de bancos de pesca algarvios PescaMap) do Programa Operacional Pesca 2007-2013 (Promar), co-financiado pelo Fundo Europeu das Pescas (FEP). O projecto contou com os apoios institucionais da Cooperativa dos Armadores de Pesca do Barlavento CRL (BarlaPescas), da Docapesca, Marina de Lagos, da Associação dos Pescadores do Portinho da Arrifana e Costa Vicentina (APPACV) e da Câmara Municipal de Aljezur.
As parasitoses intestinais são de grande importância para a saúde pública, podendo gerar, inclusive, impactos sociais e econômicos. Geralmente, predominam em zonas rurais e periferias das grandes cidades, locais onde é mais comum habitar pessoas de menor poder aquisitivo. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um plano de intervenção com vistas à redução do índice da parasitose na Comunidade Piedade do município de Capelinha, Minas Gerais. Para tanto, é necessário que seja elaborada uma estratégia de intervenção individual e coletiva, de modo a alterar as condições de saúde dessa população. Deve-se fortalecer o vínculo do sistema de saúde com os portadores desta patologia, além de incentivar a adoção de medidas sanitárias adequadas e o tratamento correto da água destinada ao consumo. É de suma importância, ainda, que haja a institucionalização de um processo contínuo de conscientização, empoderando o paciente e tornando-o crítico e protagonista de seu processo saúde-doença. Inicialmente, as medidas serão focadas na área de abrangência. Entretanto, por meio de parcerias intersetoriais, como escolas, há o intuito de estender o projeto ao restante da população. Deste modo, futuramente poderão ser formados cidadãos mais críticos e sadios.
As dislipidemias são, dentro dos transtornos endócrinos metabólicos, um dos principais problemas de saúde hoje em dia e representam um fator de risco importante para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas tanto metabólicas como vasculares. O município de Piedade dos Gerais possui uma elevada incidência e prevalência desta doença, relacionada fundamentalmente com padrões de alimentação inadequados como, consumo de carne de porco e de boi gordurosas, consumo de leite sem processo de pasteurização e queijos elaborados nas próprias casas, alto índice de consumo de álcool e padrões de vida sedentários. Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor um plano de intervenção para diminuir a incidência das dislipidemias na área de abrangência da Equipe de Saúde da Família dois de Piedade dos Gerais. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura com a finalidade de buscar as evidências já existentes sobre as abordagens de ações de controle e diminuição dos fatores de risco das dislipidemias que subsidiou a elaboração do plano de ação com atividades propostas a serem aplicadas pelos diferentes atores governamentais, religiosos, líderes das comunidades e a equipe. Espera-se que esta proposta contribua para a redução da incidência das dislipidemias na área de abrangência da equipe de saúde
OBJETIVO: analisar a compreensão verbal de crianças surdas usuárias de implante coclear (IC) por meio de um estudo longitudinal. MÉTODOS: os participantes foram nove crianças surdas usuárias de IC. A idade cronológica das crianças variou entre quatro e oito anos e o tempo de uso do IC foi, em média, 1 ano e 6 meses na 1ª avaliação, 3 anos e 7 meses na 2ª avaliação e 4 anos e 9 meses na 3ª avaliação. As crianças foram avaliadas longitudinalmente por meio da Escala de Compreensão Verbal da RDLS. Os materiais usados foram brinquedos, objetos e figuras. Os dados foram analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente. RESULTADOS: os resultados mostraram que as crianças implantadas obtiveram uma evolução estatisticamente significante em relação às habilidades de linguagem receptiva. CONCLUSÃO: o estudo comprova a efetividade do IC para o desenvolvimento da compreensão verbal.
A 'Relação' de 1728 de frei Francisco de São Manços, com a narrativa da primeira exploração da bacia Trombetas-Mapuera, no noroeste do Estado do Pará, embora publicada há mais de cem anos, é aqui, pela primeira vez, objeto de análise e de interpretação geográfica e etno-histórica. A importância do documento está em nomear e em localizar com aproximação cerca de 50 'nações' indígenas, quase todas ignoradas pelas fontes históricas e etnográficas posteriores, além de mencionar muitas de suas aldeias e de seus chefes. A reconstituição do itinerário permitiu concluir que a viagem do 'descobridor do Trombetas' transcorreu, na verdade, em grande parte, pelo Mapuera, seu afluente, até o planalto das Guianas. A informação etnográfica, embora limitada, inclui referências a dois níveis de chefia política e à guerra como meio de obter escravos destinados ao escambo por mercadorias.
In this study we analyzed the topography of induced cortical oscillations in 20 healthy individuals performing simple attention tasks. We were interested in qualitatively replicating our recent findings on the localization of attention-induced beta bands during a visual task [1], and verifying whether significant topographic changes would follow the change of attention to the auditory modality. We computed corrected latency averaging of each induced frequency bands, and modeled their generators by current density reconstruction with Lp-norm minimization. We quantified topographic similarity between conditions by an analysis of correlations, whereas the inter-modality significant differences in attention correlates were illustrated in each individual case. We replicated the qualitative result of highly idiosyncratic topography of attention-related activity to individuals, manifested both in the beta bands, and previously studied slow potential distributions [2]. Visual inspection of both scalp potentials and distribution of cortical currents showed minor changes in attention-related bands with respect to modality, as compared to the theta and delta bands, known to be major contributors to the sensory-related potentials. Quantitative results agreed with visual inspection, supporting to the conclusion that attention-related activity does not change much between modalities, and whatever individual changes do occur, they are not systematic in cortical localization across subjects. We discuss our results, combined with results from other studies that present individual data, with respect to the function of cortical association areas.
Techniques that employ (15)N have proved to be an important tool in many areas of the agronomic and biomedical sciences. Nevertheless, their use is limited by methodological difficulties and by the price of compounds in the international market. Nitric compounds ((15)NO(3)(-)) have attracted the interest of researchers. However, these compounds are not currently produced in Brazil. Thus, in the present work H(15)NO(3) was obtained from the oxidation of anhydrous (15)NH(3). The method we used differs from the industrial process in that the absorption tower is replaced with a polytetrafluoroethylene-lined, stainless-steel hydration reactor. The process output was evaluated based on the following parameters: reaction temperature; ratio of reagents; pressure and flow of (15)NH(3(g)) through the catalyst (Pt/Rh). The results showed that, at the best conditions (500 degrees C; 50% excess O(2); 0.4 MPa; and 3.39 g. min(-1) of (15)NH(3)), a conversion percentage (N-(15)NH(3) to N-(15)NO(3)(-)) of 62.2%, an overall nitrogen balance (N-(15)NH(3) + N-(15)NO(3)(-)) of 86.8%, and purity higher than 99% could be obtained.
In greenhouse potato cultivation, mineral nutrition is one of the main factors contributing to high yields and better product quality. Knowledge about the amount of nutrients accumulated in the plants at each growing phase provides important information that helps the establishment of a more balanced fertilizer application. The objective of this research was to determine the time course of macronutrients uptake and accumulation in potato plants for seed-tuber production, grown in nutrient solution. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, using in vitro material from the pre-basic category of the `Atlantic` variety. The plants were collected weekly from 14 days after transplanting (DAT) until 70 DAT The experimental design was a completely randomized block with 9 treatments to sampling times and four replicates. The highest nutrient requirement in the plant shoot occurred at the periods between 28 and 56 DAT while in the tubers it was after 49 DAT The maximum accumulation sequence of macronutrients was K > N > S > Ca > P > Mg.
This article analysed scenarios for Brazilian consumption of ethanol for the period 2006 to 2012. The results show that if the country`s GDP sustains a 4.6% a year growth, domestic consumption of fuel ethanol could increase to 25.16 billion liters in this period, which is a volume relatively close to the forecasted gasoline consumption of 31 billion liters. At a lower GDP growth of 1.22% a year, gasoline consumption would be reduced and domestic ethanol consumption in Brazil would be no higher than 18.32 billion liters. Contrary to the current situation, forecasts indicated that hydrated ethanol consumption could become much higher than anhydrous consumption in Brazil. The former is being consumed in cars moved exclusively by ethanol and flex-fuel cars, successfully introduced in the country at 2003. Flex cars allow Brazilian consumers to choose between gasoline and hydrated ethanol and immediately switch to whichever fuel presents the most favourable relative price.
We report on the production and evaluation of passionflower transgenic lines for resistance to Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus (CABMV). Genetic transformation was done using Agrobacterium tumefaciens and transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot analyses, resulting in nine transgenic lines for `IAC 275` and three for `IAC 277`. Transgenic lines were clonally propagated and evaluated for resistance to CABMV After the third inoculation, under higher inoculum pressure, only propagated plants of the transgenic line T16 remained asymptomatic, indicating a high resistance to infection with CABMV. This transgenic line was self-pollinated and the RI generation was evaluated together with the RI generation of another resistant transgenic line (T2) identified previously. Plants were inoculated with CABMV by means of viruliferous Myzus nicotianae. All 524 T2R(1) plants became infected, whereas 13 of 279 T16R(1) remained asymptomatic after four successive inoculations. A TI6R(2) generation was obtained and plants were inoculated with CABMV mechanically or by aphids. After successive inoculations, 118 of 258 plants were symptomless, suggesting that the resistance to CABMV was maintained in the plant genome as the homozygous condition was achieved. Five selected resistant TI6R(2) plants which contained the capsid protein gene are being crossed for further analyses.