163 resultados para Pertussis


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To better understand vaccine-induced protection and its potential failure in light of recent whooping cough resurgence, we evaluated quantity as well as quality of memory T cell responses in B. pertussis-vaccinated preadolescent children. Using a technique based on flow cytometry to detect proliferation, cytokine production and phenotype of antigen-specific cells, we evaluated residual T cell memory in a cohort of preadolescents who received a whole-cell pertussis (wP; n=11) or an acellular pertussis vaccine (aP; n=13) during infancy, and with a median of 4 years elapsed from the last pertussis booster vaccine, which was aP for all children. We demonstrated that B. pertussis-specific memory T cells are detectable in the majority of preadolescent children several years after vaccination. CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell proliferation in response to pertussis toxin and/or filamentous hemagglutinin was detected in 79% and 60% of the children respectively, and interferon-γ or tumor necrosis factor-α producing CD4(+) T cells were detected in 65% and 53% of the children respectively. Phenotyping of the responding cells showed that the majority of antigen-specific cells, whether defined by proliferation or cytokine production, were CD45RA(-)CCR7(-) effector memory T cells. Although the time since the last booster vaccine was significantly longer for wP-compared to aP-vaccinated children, their proliferation capacity in response to antigenic stimulation was comparable, and more children had a detectable cytokine response after wP- compared to aP-vaccination. This study supports at the immunological level recent epidemiological studies indicating that infant vaccination with wP induces longer lasting immunity than vaccination with aP-vaccines.


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Two different types of pertussis vaccines are currently available to protect children against whooping cough, the first-generation whole-cell (Pw) vaccines and the more recent acellular (Pa) vaccines. Both types provide good protection, yet induce different types of immune responses in 6-month-old infants, with a strong Th1 response induced by Pw vaccines compared to a mixed Th1/Th2 response and a delay in non-specific IFN-gamma secretions after the administration of Pa vaccines. We show here that at 13 months of age, most Pw- or Pa-vaccinated children display Bordetella pertussis-specific T-cell responses, in addition to significant antibody levels, although a higher Th2/Th1 cytokine ratio remained in Pa recipients compared to Pw recipients. In contrast, the proportion of children with tetanus toxin-specific T-cell responses was lower in Pa than in Pw vaccine recipients, although most children had protective anti-tetanus toxin IgG levels. In addition, the global Th2 bias observed in 6-month-old infants vaccinated with a Pa vaccine was normalized at 13 months.


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Whooping cough still represents a major health problem, despite the use of effective vaccines for several decades. Being classically a typical childhood disease, whooping cough in young adults is now more common than it used to be, suggesting that protection after vaccination wanes during adolescence. As an alternative to the current vaccines, we wish to develop live attenuated vaccines to be delivered by the nasal route, such as to mimic the natural route of infection and to induce long lasting immunity. Bordetella pertussis, the etiological agent of whooping cough, produces a number of virulence factors, including toxins. Its recently determined genome sequence makes it now possible to apply functional genomics, such as transcriptomics and systematic knock-out mutagenesis. The expression of most known B. pertussis virulence genes is controlled by the two-component system BvgA/S. DNA microarray analyses have led to the identification of novel genes in the BvgA/S regulon, some of which are activated by BvgA/S and others are repressed by BvgA/S. In addition, some genes appear to be differentially modulated by nicotinic acid and MgSO4, both known to modulate the expression of BvgA/S-regulated genes. Among others, the functional genomics approach has uncovered two strongly BvgA/S-activated genes, named hotA and hotB (for 'homolog of toxin'), the products of which show high sequence similarities to pertussis toxin subunits. The identification of the full array of virulence factors, as well as an integrated understanding of the bacterial physiology should allow us to design attenuated B. pertussis strains useful for intranasal vaccination. A first generation of attenuated strains has already shown full protection in mice after a single intranasal administration. Such strains may also serve as vaccine carriers for heterologous antigens, in order to vaccinate against several different pathogens simultaneously.


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In addition to antibodies, Th1-type T cell responses are also important for long-lasting protection against pertussis. However, upon immunization with the current acellular vaccines, many children fail to induce Th1-type responses, potentially due to immunomodulatory effects of some vaccine antigens, such as filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA). We therefore analysed the ability of FHA to modulate immune functions of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC). FHA was purified from pertussis toxin (PTX)-deficient or from PTX- and adenylate cyclase-deficient Bordetella pertussis strains, and residual endotoxin was neutralized with polymyxin B. FHA from both strains induced phenotypic maturation of human MDDC and cytokine secretion (IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-23 and IL-6). To identify the FHA domains responsible for MDDC immunomodulation, MDDC were stimulated with FHA containing a Gly→Ala substitution at its RGD site (FHA-RAD) or with an 80-kDa N-terminal moiety of FHA (Fha44), containing its heparin-binding site. Whereas FHA-RAD induced maturation and cytokine production comparable to those of FHA, Fha44 did not induce IL-10 production, but maturated MDDC at least partially. Nevertheless, Fha44 induced the secretion of IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-23 and IL-6 by MDDC, albeit at lower levels than FHA. Thus, FHA can modulate MDDC responses in multiple ways, and IL-10 induction can be dissociated from the induction of other cytokines.


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Infant CD4+ T-cell responses to bacterial infections or vaccines have been extensively studied, whereas studies on CD8 + T-cell responses focused mainly on viral and intracellular parasite infections. Here we investigated CD8 + T-cell responses upon Bordetella pertussis infection in infants, children, and adults and pertussis vaccination in infants. Filamentous hemagglutinin-specific IFN-γ secretion by circulating lymphocytes was blocked by anti-MHC-I or -MHC-II antibodies, suggesting that CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes are involved in IFN-γ production. Flow cytometry analyses confirmed that both cell types synthesized antigen-specific IFN-γ, although CD4 + lymphocytes were the major source of this cytokine. IFN-γ synthesis by CD8 + cells was CD4 + T cell dependent, as evidenced by selective depletion experiments. Furthermore, IFN-γ synthesis by CD4 + cells was sometimes inhibited by CD8 + lymphocytes, suggesting the presence of CD8 + regulatory T cells. The role of this dual IFN-γ secretion by CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes in pertussis remains to be investigated. © 2012 Violette Dirix et al.


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No abstract available: Commentary on:
Wang KFry NKCampbell Het al. Whooping cough in school age children presenting with persistent cough in UK. BMJ 2014;348:g3668


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The involvement of pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive and -insensitive pathways in the activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade was examined in ventricular cardiomyocytes cultured from neonatal rats. A number of agonists that activate heterotrimeric G-protein-coupled receptors stimulated MAPK activity after exposure for 5 min. These included foetal calf serum (FCS), endothelin-1 (these two being the most effective of the agonists examined), phenylephrine, endothelin-3, lysophosphatidic acid, carbachol, isoprenaline and angiotensin II. Activation of MAPK and MAPK kinase (MEK) by carbachol returned to control levels within 30-60 min, whereas activation by FCS was more sustained. FPLC on Mono Q showed that carbachol and FCS activated two peaks of MEK and two peaks of MAPK (p42MAPK and p44MAPK). Pretreatment of cells with PTX for 24 h inhibited the activation of MAPK by carbachol, FCS and lysophosphatidic acid, but not that by endothelin-1, phenylephrine or isoprenaline. Involvement of G-proteins in the activation of the cardiac MAPK cascade was demonstrated by the sustained (PTX-insensitive) activation of MAPK (and MEK) after exposure of cells to AlF4-. AlF4- activated PtdIns hydrolysis, as did endothelin-1, endothelin-3, phenylephrine and FCS. In contrast, the effect of lysophosphatidic acid on PtdIns hydrolysis was small and carbachol was without significant effect even after prolonged exposure. We conclude that PTX-sensitive (i.e. Gi/G(o)-linked) and PTX-insensitive (i.e. Gq/Gs-linked) pathways of MAPK activation exist in neonatal ventricular myocytes. FCS may stimulate the MAPK cascade through both pathways.


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Culture for Bordetella pertussis (B. pertussis) is the traditional gold standard for laboratory diagnosis of pertussis but is insensitive, especially later in the course of illness and in vaccinated persons. Interpretation of serology is limited by the lack of an appropriate reference standard. An outbreak of pertussis in a crowded boarding-school dormitory allowed evaluation of laboratory correlates of infection. Questionnaires, serum samples and throat swabs were collected from members of the exposed group. Serum samples from unexposed controls of a similar age group were used for comparison. B. pertussis PCR was performed on throat swabs, and sera were tested for IgA antibodies against whole-cell (WC) B. pertussis antigen and IgG antibodies to pertussis toxin (PT). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition for pertussis was used to define clinical cases. We evaluated the use of a previously published cut-off for PT IgG of 125 EIA units (EU)/ml. Completed questionnaires were obtained from 115 students, of whom 85 (74%) reported coughing symptoms, including 32 (28%) who met the clinical case definition for pertussis. B. pertussis was detected by PCR in 17 (15%) and WC IgA in 22 (19%) students; neither correlated with symptoms, but dormitory of residence strongly predicted PCR status. The mean PT IgG geometric mean concentration, in this situation of high pertussis exposure, correlated with severity of symptoms and was significantly higher in both symptomatic and asymptomatic children exposed during the outbreak (P<0·001) than in control children. A cut-off for PT IgG of 125 EU/ml was too high in an outbreak situation to be sensitive enough to identify pertussis cases. A case of pertussis in a crowded boarding-school dormitory resulted rapidly in an outbreak. Serology and PCR were useful in identifying the outbreak and commencing disease control measures. The use of serology has mostly been evaluated in community serosurveys, where it is not possible to determine if immunity reflects vaccination, asymptomatic disease or symptomatic disease. This outbreak gave us the opportunity to evaluate the value of serology and PCR in the presence of confirmed exposure to pertussis.


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Filamentous haemagglutinin adhesin (FHA) is an important virulence factor from Bordetella pertussis related to the adhesion and spread of the bacteria through the respiratory tract. Three distinct domains have been characterized in mature FHA, and among them, the FHA(442-863) fragment was suggested to be responsible for the heparin-binding activity. In this study, we cloned the gene encoding the HEP fragment (FHA(430-873)) in a Lactobacillus casei-inducible expression vector based on the lactose operon. The recombinant bacteria, transformed with the resulting construct (L. casei-HEP), were able to express the heterologous protein depending on the sugar added to the culture. Subcutaneous inoculation of L. casei-HEP in Balb/C mice, using the cholera toxin B subunit as adjuvant, induced systemic anti-HEP antibodies that were able to inhibit in vitro erythrocyte haemagglutination induced by FHA. This is the first example of a B. pertussis antigen produced in lactic acid bacteria and opens new perspectives for alternative vaccine strategies against whooping cough.