970 resultados para Personal exposure


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An accurate evaluation of the airborne particle dose-response relationship requires detailed measurements of the actual particle concentration levels that people are exposed to, in every microenvironment in which they reside. The aim of this work was to perform an exposure assessment of children in relation to two different aerosol species: ultrafine particles (UFPs) and black carbon (BC). To this purpose, personal exposure measurements, in terms of UFP and BC concentrations, were performed on 103 children aged 8-11 years (10.1 ± 1.1 years) using hand-held particle counters and aethalometers. Simultaneously, a time-activity diary and a portable GPS were used to determine the children’s daily time-activity pattern and estimate their inhaled dose of UFPs and BC. The median concentration to which the study population was exposed was found to be comparable to the high levels typically detected in urban traffic microenvironments, in terms of both particle number (2.2×104 part. cm-3) and BC (3.8 μg m-3) concentrations. Daily inhaled doses were also found to be relatively high and were equal to 3.35×1011 part. day-1 and 3.92×101 μg day-1 for UFPs and BC, respectively. Cooking and using transportation were recognized as the main activities contributing to overall daily exposure, when normalized according to their corresponding time contribution for UFPs and BC, respectively. Therefore, UFPs and BC could represent tracers of children exposure to particulate pollution from indoor cooking activities and transportation microenvironments, respectively.


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Airborne particles have been shown to be associated with a wide range of adverse health effects, which has led to a recent increase in medical research to gain better insight into their health effects. However, accurate evaluation of the exposure-dose-response relationship is highly dependent on the ability to track actual exposure levels of people to airborne particles. This is quite a complex task, particularly in relation to submicrometer and ultrafine particles, which can vary quite significantly in terms of particle surface area and number concentrations. Therefore, suitable monitors that can be worn for measuring personal exposure to these particles are needed. This paper presents an evaluation of the metrological performance of six diffusion charger sensors, NanoTracer (Philips Aerasense) monitors, when measuring particle number and surface area concentrations, as well as particle number distribution mean when compared to reference instruments. Tests in the laboratory (by generating monodisperse and polydisperse aerosols) and in the field (using natural ambient particles) were designed to evaluate the response of these devices under both steady-state and dynamics conditions. Results showed that the NanoTracers performed well when measuring steady state aerosols, however they strongly underestimated actual concentrations during dynamic response testing. The field experiments also showed that, when the majority of the particles were smaller than 20 nm, which occurs during particle formation events in the atmosphere, the NanoTracer underestimated number concentration quite significantly. Even though the NanoTracer can be used for personal monitoring of exposure to ultrafine particles, it also has limitations which need to be considered in order to provide meaningful results.


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Atualmente, a poluição atmosférica constitui uma das principais causas ambientais de mortalidade. Cerca de 30% da população europeia residente em áreas urbanas encontra-se exposta a níveis de poluição atmosférica superiores aos valores- limite de qualidade do ar legislados para proteção da saúde humana, representando o tráfego rodoviário uma das principais fontes de poluição urbana. Além dos poluentes tradicionais avaliados em áreas urbanas, os poluentes classificados como perigosos para a saúde (Hazard Air Pollutants - HAPs) têm particular relevância devido aos seus conhecidos efeitos tóxicos e cancerígenos. Neste sentido, a avaliação da exposição tornase primordial para a determinação da relação entre a poluição atmosférica urbana e efeitos na saúde. O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento e implementação de uma metodologia para avaliação da exposição individual à poluição atmosférica urbana relacionada com o tráfego rodoviário. De modo a atingir este objetivo, foram identificados os parâmetros relevantes para a quantificação de exposição e analisados os atuais e futuros potenciais impactos na saúde associados com a exposição à poluição urbana. Neste âmbito, o modelo ExPOSITION (EXPOSure model to traffIc-relaTed aIr pOllutioN) foi desenvolvido baseado numa abordagem inovadora que envolve a análise da trajetória dos indivíduos recolhidas por telemóveis com tecnologia GPS e processadas através da abordagem de data mining e análise geoespacial. O modelo ExPOSITION considera também uma abordagem probabilística para caracterizar a variabilidade dos parâmetros microambientais e a sua contribuição para exposição individual. Adicionalmente, de forma a atingir os objetivos do estudo foi desenvolvido um novo módulo de cálculo de emissões de HAPs provenientes do transporte rodoviário. Neste estudo, um sistema de modelação, incluindo os modelos de transporteemissões- dispersão-exposição, foi aplicado na área urbana de Leiria para quantificação de exposição individual a PM2.5 e benzeno. Os resultados de modelação foram validados com base em medições obtidas por monitorização pessoal e monitorização biológica verificando-se uma boa concordância entre os resultados do modelo e dados de medições. A metodologia desenvolvida e implementada no âmbito deste trabalho permite analisar e estimar a magnitude, frequência e inter e intra-variabilidade dos níveis de exposição individual, bem como a contribuição de diferentes microambientes, considerando claramente a sequência de eventos de exposição e relação fonte-recetor, que é fundamental para avaliação dos efeitos na saúde e estudos epidemiológicos. O presente trabalho contribui para uma melhor compreensão da exposição individual em áreas urbanas, proporcionando novas perspetivas sobre a exposição individual, essenciais na seleção de estratégias de redução da exposição à poluição atmosférica urbana, e consequentes efeitos na saúde.


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This work investigated the personal exposure to indoor particulate matters using the intake fraction metric and provided a possible way to trace the particle inhaled from an indoor particle source. A turbulence model validated by the particle measurements in a room with underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system was used to predict the indoor particle concentrations. Inhalation intake fraction of indoor particles was defined and evaluated in two rooms equipped with the UFAD, i.e., the experimental room and a small office. According to the exposure characteristics and a typical respiratory rate, the intake fraction was determined in two rooms with a continuous and episodic (human cough) source of particles, respectively. The findings showed that the well-mixing assumption of indoor air failed to give an accurate estimation of inhalation exposure and the average concentration at return outlet or within the overall room could not relate well the intake fraction to the amount of particle emitted from an indoor source.


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A retrospective assessment of exposure to benzene was carried out for a nested case control study of lympho-haematopoietic cancers, including leukaemia, in the Australian petroleum industry. Each job or task in the industry was assigned a Base Estimate (BE) of exposure derived from task-based personal exposure assessments carried out by the company occupational hygienists. The BEs corresponded to the estimated arithmetic mean exposure to benzene for each job or task and were used in a deterministic algorithm to estimate the exposure of subjects in the study. Nearly all of the data sets underlying the BEs were found to contain some values below the limit of detection (LOD) of the sampling and analytical methods and some were very heavily censored; up to 95% of the data were below the LOD in some data sets. It was necessary, therefore, to use a method of calculating the arithmetic mean exposures that took into account the censored data. Three different methods were employed in an attempt to select the most appropriate method for the particular data in the study. A common method is to replace the missing (censored) values with half the detection limit. This method has been recommended for data sets where much of the data are below the limit of detection or where the data are highly skewed; with a geometric standard deviation of 3 or more. Another method, involving replacing the censored data with the limit of detection divided by the square root of 2, has been recommended when relatively few data are below the detection limit or where data are not highly skewed. A third method that was examined is Cohen's method. This involves mathematical extrapolation of the left-hand tail of the distribution, based on the distribution of the uncensored data, and calculation of the maximum likelihood estimate of the arithmetic mean. When these three methods were applied to the data in this study it was found that the first two simple methods give similar results in most cases. Cohen's method on the other hand, gave results that were generally, but not always, higher than simpler methods and in some cases gave extremely high and even implausible estimates of the mean. It appears that if the data deviate substantially from a simple log-normal distribution, particularly if high outliers are present, then Cohen's method produces erratic and unreliable estimates. After examining these results, and both the distributions and proportions of censored data, it was decided that the half limit of detection method was most suitable in this particular study.


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This study characterized exposure-monitoring activities and findings under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) 1984 ethylene oxide (EtO) standard. In-depth mail and telephone surveys were followed by on-site interviews at all EtO-using hospitals in Massachusetts (n = 92, 96% participation rate). By 1993, most hospitals had performed personal exposure monitoring for OSHA's 8-hour action level (95%) and the excursion limit (87%), although most did not meet the 1985 implementation deadline. In 1993, 66% of hospitals reported the installation of EtO alarms to fulfill the standard's "alert" requirement. Alarm installation also lagged behind the 1985 deadline and peaked following a series of EtO citations by OSHA. From 1990 through 1992, 23% of hospitals reported having exceeded the action level once or more; 24% reported having exceeded the excursion limit; and 33% reported that workers were accidentally exposed to EtO in the absence of personal monitoring. Almost a decade after passage of the EtO standard, exposure-monitoring requirements were widely, but not completely, implemented. Work-shift exposures had markedly decreased since the mid-1980s, but overexposures continued to occur widely. OSHA enforcement appears to have stimulated implementation.


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Quantification of ocular exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) has become an important public health issue, with reports that the ozone layer is being depleted worldwide. Ocular exposure to UV-B is determined by ambient UV-B levels, the duration of outdoor exposure, the proportion of ambient UV-B that reaches the eye, and the use of ocular protection. We have developed a simplified model for quantifying lifetime ocular UV-B exposure that can be used in large epidemiological surveys. Exposure to UV-B is assessed and quantified using a model based on personal exposure over the six summer months. Data available for a population-based sample of 1150 people in the age range 40-98 years revealed a distribution in average annual lifetime ocular UV-B exposure similar to that reported in a previous study on which this model is based, and also demonstrate that people can recall lifetime personal behaviour related to ocular protection. It takes 12 minutes on average to collect these data. This model can be employed by researchers worldwide for uniform assessment of ocular UV-B exposure.


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Exposimeters are increasingly applied in bioelectromagnetic research to determine personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure. The main advantages of exposimeter measurements are their convenient handling for study participants and the large amount of personal exposure data, which can be obtained for several RF-EMF sources. However, the large proportion of measurements below the detection limit is a challenge for data analysis. With the robust ROS (regression on order statistics) method, summary statistics can be calculated by fitting an assumed distribution to the observed data. We used a preliminary sample of 109 weekly exposimeter measurements from the QUALIFEX study to compare summary statistics computed by robust ROS with a naïve approach, where values below the detection limit were replaced by the value of the detection limit. For the total RF-EMF exposure, differences between the naïve approach and the robust ROS were moderate for the 90th percentile and the arithmetic mean. However, exposure contributions from minor RF-EMF sources were considerably overestimated with the naïve approach. This results in an underestimation of the exposure range in the population, which may bias the evaluation of potential exposure-response associations. We conclude from our analyses that summary statistics of exposimeter data calculated by robust ROS are more reliable and more informative than estimates based on a naïve approach. Nevertheless, estimates of source-specific medians or even lower percentiles depend on the assumed data distribution and should be considered with caution.


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Personal exposure and possible cancer risk to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were appraised in 8 work places at a university in Brazil. Levels of formaldehyde measured ranged from 22.5 to 161.5 g·m 3 and from 18.3 to 91.2 g·m 3 for acetaldehyde. The personal exposure, expressed as the potential dose in indoor air, was calculated to range from 129.8 to 930.4 g·day 1 (low exposure) and 183.9 to 1318.1 g·day 1 (medium exposure) for formaldehyde and 105.5 to 525.3 g·day 1 (low exposure) and 149.5 to 744.2 g·day 1 (medium exposure) for acetaldehyde. The indoor/outdoor ratio showed the existence of indoor sources of the compounds which were mainly in practical classes and research laboratories. The highest formaldehyde and acetaldehyde levels were found where chemical reagents were manipulated. Relating the levels found to the permissible limit given by the US OSHA showed there was no particular risk although some formaldehyde levels did exceed the lower exposure limit of the US agency NIOSH. Any cancer risk would be highest for female technicians and teaching researchers.


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This work characterizes levels of eighteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the breathing air zone of firefighters during their regular work shift at eight Portuguese fire stations, and the firefighters' total internal dose by six urinary monohydroxyl metabolites (OH-PAHs). Total PAHs (ΣPAHs) concentrations varied widely (46.4-428ng/m(3)), mainly due to site specificity (urban/rural) and characteristics (age and layout) of buildings. Airborne PAHs with 2-3 rings were the most abundant (63.9-95.7% ΣPAHs). Similarly, urinary 1-hydroxynaphthalene and 1-hydroxyacenaphthene were the predominant metabolites (66-96% ΣOH-PAHs). Naphthalene contributed the most to carcinogenic ΣPAHs (39.4-78.1%) in majority of firehouses; benzo[a]pyrene, the marker of carcinogenic PAHs, accounted with 1.5-10%. Statistically positive significant correlations (r≥0.733, p≤0.025) were observed between ΣPAHs and urinary ΣOH-PAHs for firefighters of four fire stations suggesting that, at these sites, indoor air was their major exposure source of PAHs. Firefighter's personal exposure to PAHs at Portuguese fire stations were well below the existent occupational exposure limits. Also, the quantified concentrations of post-shift urinary 1-hydroxypyrene in all firefighters were clearly lower than the benchmark level (0.5μmol/mol) recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.


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Background, Aim and Scope The impact of air pollution on school children’s health is currently one of the key foci of international and national agencies. Of particular concern are ultrafine particles which are emitted in large quantities, contain large concentrations of toxins and are deposited deeply in the respiratory tract. Materials and methods In this study, an intensive sampling campaign of indoor and outdoor airborne particulate matter was carried out in a primary school in February 2006 to investigate indoor and outdoor particle number (PN) and mass concentrations (PM2.5), and particle size distribution, and to evaluate the influence of outdoor air pollution on the indoor air. Results For outdoor PN and PM2.5, early morning and late afternoon peaks were observed on weekdays, which are consistent with traffic rush hours, indicating the predominant effect of vehicular emissions. However, the temporal variations of outdoor PM2.5 and PN concentrations occasionally showed extremely high peaks, mainly due to human activities such as cigarette smoking and the operation of mower near the sampling site. The indoor PM2.5 level was mainly affected by the outdoor PM2.5 (r = 0.68, p<0.01), whereas the indoor PN concentration had some association with outdoor PN values (r = 0.66, p<0.01) even though the indoor PN concentration was occasionally influenced by indoor sources, such as cooking, cleaning and floor polishing activities. Correlation analysis indicated that the outdoor PM2.5 was inversely correlated with the indoor to outdoor PM2.5 ratio (I/O ratio) (r = -0.49, p<0.01), while the indoor PN had a weak correlation with the I/O ratio for PN (r = 0.34, p<0.01). Discussion and Conclusions The results showed that occupancy did not cause any major changes to the modal structure of particle number and size distribution, even though the I/O ratio was different for different size classes. The I/O curves had a maximum value for particles with diameters of 100 – 400 nm under both occupied and unoccupied scenarios, whereas no significant difference in I/O ratio for PM2.5 was observed between occupied and unoccupied conditions. Inspection of the size-resolved I/O ratios in the preschool centre and the classroom suggested that the I/O ratio in the preschool centre was the highest for accumulation mode particles at 600 nm after school hours, whereas the average I/O ratios of both nucleation mode and accumulation mode particles in the classroom were much lower than those of Aitken mode particles. Recommendations and Perspectives The findings obtained in this study are useful for epidemiological studies to estimate the total personal exposure of children, and to develop appropriate control strategies for minimizing the adverse health effects on school children.


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Polysulphone (PS) dosimetry has been a widely used technique for more than 30 years to quantify the erythemally effective UV dose received by anatomic sites (personal exposure). The calibration of PS dosimeters is an important issue as their spectral response is different from the erythemal action spectrum. It is performed exposing a set of PS dosimeters on a horizontal plane and measuring the UV doses received by dosimeters using calibrated spectroradiometers or radiometers. In this study, data collected during PS field campaigns (from 2004 to 2006), using horizontal and differently inclined dosimeters, were analyzed to provide some considerations on the transfer of the horizontal calibration to differently inclined dosimeters, as anatomic sites usually are. The role of sky conditions, of the angle of incidence between the sun and the normal to the slope, and of the type of surrounding surface on the calibration were investigated. It was concluded that PS horizontal calibrations apply to differently inclined dosimeters for incidence angles up to approximately 70 degrees and for surfaces excluding ones with high albedo. Caution should be used in the application of horizontal calibrations for cases of high-incidence angle and/or high albedo surfaces.


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This project was conducted at Lithgow Correctional Centre (LCC), NSW, Australia. Air quality field measurements were conducted on two occasions (23-27 May 2012, and 3-8 December 2012), just before and six months after the introduction of smoke free buildings policies (28 May 2012) at the LCC, respectively. The main aims of this project were to: (1) investigate the indoor air quality; (2) quantify the level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS); (3) identify the main indoor particle sources; (4) distinguish between PM2.5 / particle number from ETS, as opposed to other sources; and (5) provide recommendations for improving indoor air quality and/or minimising exposure at the LCC. The measurements were conducted in Unit 5.2A, Unit 5.2B, Unit 1.1 and Unit 3.1, together with personal exposure measurements, based on the following parameters: -Indoor and outdoor particle number (PN) concentration in the size range 0.005-3 µm -Indoor and outdoor PM2.5 particle mass concentration -Indoor and outdoor VOC concentrations -Personal particle number exposure levels (in the size range 0.01-0.3 µm) -Indoor and outdoor CO and CO2 concentrations, temperature and relative humidity In order to enhance the outcomes of this project, the indoor and outdoor particle number (PN) concentrations were measured by two additional instruments (CPC 3787) which were not listed in the original proposal.


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There is considerable scientific interest in personal exposure to ultrafine particles. Owing to their small size, these particles are able to penetrate deep into the lungs, where they may cause adverse respiratory, pulmonary and cardiovascular health effects. This article presents Bayesian hierarchical models for estimating and comparing inhaled particle surface area in the lung.


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Recent 'Global Burden of Disease' studies have provided quantitative evidence of the significant role air pollution plays as a human health risk factor (Lim et al., The Lancet, 380: 2224–2260, 2012). Tobacco smoke, including second hand smoke, household air pollution from solid fuels and ambient particulate matter are among the top risks, leading to lower life expectancy around the world. Indoor air constitutes an environment particularly rich in different types of pollutants, originating from indoor sources, as well as penetrating from outdoors, mixing, interacting or growing (when considering microbes) under the protective enclosure of the building envelope. Therefore, it is not a simple task to follow the dynamics of the processes occurring there, or to quantify the outcomes of the processes in terms of pollutant concentrations and other characteristics. This is further complicated by limitations such as building access for the purpose of air quality monitoring, or the instrumentation which can be used indoors, because of their possible interference with the occupants comfort (due to their large size, noise generated or amount of air drawn). European studies apportioned contributions of indoor versus outdoor sources of indoor air contaminants in 26 European countries and quantified IAQ associated DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Years) in those countries (Jantunen et al., Promoting actions for healthy indoor air (IAIAQ), European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers, Luxembourg, 2011). At the same time, there has been an increase in research efforts around the world to better understand the sources, composition, dynamics and impacts of indoor air pollution. Particular focus has been directed towards the contemporary sources, novel pollutants and new detection methods. The importance of exposure assessment and personal exposure, the majority of which occurs in various indoor micro¬environments, has also been realized. Overall, this emerging knowledge has been providing input for global assessments of indoor environments, the impact of indoor pollutants and their science based management and control. It was a major outcome of recent international conferences that interdisciplinarity and especially a better colla¬boration between exposure and indoor sciences would be of high benefit for the health related evaluation of environmental stress factors and pollutants. A very good example is the combination of biomonitoring and indoor air, particle and dust analysis to study the exposure routes of semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). We have adopted the idea of combining the forces of exposure and indoor sciences for this Special Issue, identified new and challenging topics and have attracted colleagues who are top researchers in their field to provide their inputs. The Special Issue includes papers, which collectively present advances in current research topics and in our view, build the bridge between indoor and exposure sciences.