992 resultados para Paulo Prado


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The Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Tecnologia da Informacao nos Processos de Trabalho em Enfermagem (Study and Research Group for Information Technology in the Nursing Working Processes, GEPETE) has the purpose of producing and socializing knowledge in information technology and health and nursing communication, making associations with research groups in this field and promoting student participation. This study was performed by the group tutors with the objective to report on the development of the virtual learning environment (VLE) and the tutors' experience as mediators of a research group using the Moodle platform. To do this, a VLE was developed and pedagogical mediation was performed following the theme of mentoring. An initial diagnosis was made of the difficulties in using this technology in interaction and communication, which permitted the proposal of continuing to use the platform as a resource to support research activities, offer lead researchers the mechanisms to socialize projects and offer the possibility of giving advice at a distance.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of 830 and 670 nm diode laser on the viability of random skin flaps in rats. Background data: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been reported to be successful in stimulating the formation of new blood vessels and reducing the inflammatory process after injury. However, the efficiency of such treatment remains uncertain, and there is also some controversy regarding the efficacy of different wavelengths currently on the market. Materials and methods: Thirty Wistar rats were used and divided into three groups, with 10 rats in each. A random skin flap was raised on the dorsum of each animal. Group 1 was the control group, group 2 received 830 nm laser radiations, and group 3 was submitted to 670 nm laser radiation (power density = 0.5 mW/cm(2)). The animals underwent laser therapy with 36 J/cm(2) energy density (total energy = 2.52 J and 72 sec per session) immediately after surgery and on the 4 subsequent days. The application site of laser radiation was one point at 2.5 cm from the flap's cranial base. The percentage of skin flap necrosis area was calculated on the 7th postoperative day using the paper template method. A skin sample was collected immediately after to determine the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and the epidermal cell proliferation index (KiD67). Results: Statistically significant differences were found among the percentages of necrosis, with higher values observed in group 1 compared with groups 2 and 3. No statistically significant differences were found among these groups using the paper template method. Group 3 presented the highest mean number of blood vessels expressing VEGF and of cells in the proliferative phase when compared with groups 1 and 2. Conclusions: LLLT was effective in increasing random skin flap viability in rats. The 670 nm laser presented more satisfactory results than the 830 nm laser.


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Background. Further clarification is needed with regard to the degree of atrophy in individual muscle groups and its possible relationship to joint torque deficit poststroke. Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate quadriceps and hamstring muscle volume and strength deficits of the knee extensors and flexors in people with chronic hemiparesis compared with a control group. Design. This was a cross-sectional study. Methods. Thirteen individuals with hemiparesis due to chronic stroke (hemiparetic group) and 13 individuals who were healthy (control group) participated in this study. Motor function, quadriceps and hamstring muscle volume, and maximal concentric and eccentric contractions of the knee extensors and flexors were assessed. Results. Only the quadriceps muscle of the paretic limb showed reduced muscle volume (24%) compared with the contralateral (nonparetic) limb. There were no differences in muscle volume between the hemiparetic and control groups. The peak torque of the paretic-limb knee extensors and flexors was reduced in both contraction modes and velocities compared with the nonparetic limb (36%-67%) and with the control group (49%-75%). The nonparetic limb also showed decreased extensor and flexor peak torque compared with the control group (17%-23%). Power showed similar deficits in strength (12%-78%). There were significant correlations between motor function and strength deficits (.54-.67). Limitations. Magnetic resonance imaging coil length did not allow measurement of the proximal region of the thigh. Conclusions. There were different responses between quadriceps and hamstring muscle volumes in the paretic limb that had quadriceps muscle atrophy only. However, both paretic and nonparetic limbs showed knee extensor and flexor torque and power reduction.


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Non-mechanised sugarcane harvesting preceded by burning exposes workers and the people of neighbouring towns to high concentrations of pollutants. This study was aimed to evaluate the respiratory symptoms, lung function and oxidative stress markers in sugarcane workers and the residents of Mendonca, an agricultural town in Brazil, during the non-harvesting and harvesting periods and to assess the population and individual exposures to fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Sugarcane workers and healthy volunteers were evaluated with two respiratory symptom questionnaires, spirometry, urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels, and the measurement of antioxidant enzymes and plasma malonaldehyde during the non-harvesting and harvesting periods. The environmental assessment was determined from PM2.5 concentration. PM2.5 level increased from 8 mu g/m(3) during the non-harvesting period to 23.5 mu g/m(3) in the town and 61 mu g/m(3) on the plantations during the harvesting period. Wheezing, coughing, sneezing, and breathlessness increased significantly in both groups during the harvesting period, but more markedly in workers. A decrease in lung function and antioxidant enzyme activity was observed in both populations during harvesting; this decrease was greater among the sugarcane workers. The urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels only increased in the sugarcane workers during the harvesting period. The malonaldehyde levels were elevated in both groups, with a higher increase observed in the workers. This research demonstrates the exposure of sugarcane workers and the inhabitants of a neighbouring town to high PM2.5 concentrations during the sugarcane harvest period. This exposure was higher among the sugarcane workers, as illustrated by both higher PM2.5 concentrations in the sugarcane fields and higher urinary 1-hydroxypyrene levels in the volunteers in this group. The higher incidence of respiratory symptoms, greater decrease in lung function and more marked elevation of oxidative stress markers among the sugarcane workers during the harvest confirms the greater effect magnitude in this population and a dose-dependent relationship between pollution and the observed effects. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The topic of tobacco smoking, in its several aspects, has been receiving increasing attention among researchers over the past few years, which has been reflected in more data and more solid scientific literature on the subject in national journals. This article aims to review the studies that focused on smoking published between January 2010 and June 2012, in Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Brazilian Archives of Cardiology), Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Clinics (Sao Paulo), Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia (Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology), Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (Journal of the Brazilian Medical Association) and Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery). During the aforementioned period 58 articles were published, 52 of which were original ones, addressing several aspects of smoking, such as effects on health, epidemiology, cessation and experimental studies.


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Abstract Introduction Exercise training has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy to counteract physical dysfunction in adult systemic lupus erythematosus. However, no longitudinal studies have evaluated the effects of an exercise training program in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (C-SLE) patients. The objective was to evaluate the safety and the efficacy of a supervised aerobic training program in improving the cardiorespiratory capacity in C-SLE patients. Methods Nineteen physically inactive C-SLE patients were randomly assigned into two groups: trained (TR, n = 10, supervised moderate-intensity aerobic exercise program) and non-trained (NT, n = 9). Gender-, body mass index (BMI)- and age-matched healthy children were recruited as controls (C, n = 10) for baseline (PRE) measurements only. C-SLE patients were assessed at PRE and after 12 weeks of training (POST). Main measurements included exercise tolerance and cardiorespiratory measurements in response to a maximal exercise (that is, peak VO2, chronotropic reserve (CR), and the heart rate recovery (ΔHRR) (that is, the difference between HR at peak exercise and at both the first (ΔHRR1) and second (ΔHRR2) minutes of recovery after exercise). Results The C-SLE NT patients did not present changes in any of the cardiorespiratory parameters at POST (P > 0.05). In contrast, the exercise training program was effective in promoting significant increases in time-to-exhaustion (P = 0.01; ES = 1.07), peak speed (P = 0.01; ES = 1.08), peak VO2 (P = 0.04; ES = 0.86), CR (P = 0.06; ES = 0.83), and in ΔHRR1 and ΔHRR2 (P = 0.003; ES = 1.29 and P = 0.0008; ES = 1.36, respectively) in the C-SLE TR when compared with the NT group. Moreover, cardiorespiratory parameters were comparable between C-SLE TR patients and C subjects after the exercise training intervention, as evidenced by the ANOVA analysis (P > 0.05, TR vs. C). SLEDAI-2K scores remained stable throughout the study. Conclusion A 3-month aerobic exercise training was safe and capable of ameliorating the cardiorespiratory capacity and the autonomic function in C-SLE patients. Trial registration NCT01515163.


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Novas Tecnologias da Informação/Comunicação oferecem a opção do uso do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA), o qual possibilita maior interatividade no cotidiano do ensino de enfermagem instigando os educadores a repensarem suas práticas pedagógicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar a experiência do emprego do ambiente virtual no ensino de enfermagem na perspectiva dos estudantes. A disciplina "Educação em Enfermagem: Tendências e Desafios" foi ministrada a 78 estudantes do 4º semestre do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, dos quais 48 responderam um questionário com questões fechadas e, dentre estes, 33 responderam uma questão aberta sobre o uso do AVA. Os alunos consideraram o AVA uma ferramenta facilitadora da aprendizagem, do processo de construção do conhecimento e interação entre alunos, professores e tutores enriquecendo, assim, o compartilhamento de idéias e permitindo uma aprendizagem significativa e colaborativa. O estudo revelou a necessidade de potencialização do uso de AVA no ensino de graduação em enfermagem.


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O tema tabagismo, em seus vários aspectos, vem recebendo crescente atenção entre os pesquisadores ao longo dos últimos anos, o que tem se refletido em maior e mais sólida produção científica sobre o assunto em periódicos nacionais. Este artigo tem como objetivo comentar os estudos que abordaram o tema tabagismo publicados entre janeiro de 2010 e junho de 2012, nas revistas Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Clinics (São Paulo), Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira e Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular. No período foram publicados 58 artigos, 52 originais, abordando variados aspectos, como efeitos na saúde, epidemiologia, cessação e estudos experimentais.


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O Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Tecnologia da Informação nos Processos de Trabalho em Enfermagem (GEPETE) visa produzir e socializar o conhecimento na área de tecnologia da informação e comunicação na saúde e enfermagem, articular a integração com grupos de pesquisas desta área e propiciar a participação de alunos. O estudo realizado pelos tutores teve como objetivo relatar a construção do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) e a experiência dos tutores como mediadores de um grupo de pesquisa na plataforma Moodle. Para tanto, foi construído um AVA, realizada a mediação pedagógica sob a temática tutoria e o diagnóstico inicial em relação às dificuldades na utilização da tecnologia na interatividade e na comunicação, o que permitiu a proposição da continuidade da utilização da plataforma como um recurso para apoiar as atividades de pesquisa, oferecer aos líderes pesquisadores mecanismos para socialização dos projetos e possibilidades de orientação à distância.


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Este Ensaio Clínico Randomizado simples-cego verificou níveis de ansiedade dos estudantes de Enfermagem de nível médio da Escola de Enfermagem São Joaquim, do Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa, e a eficácia da auriculoterapia na redução desses níveis. Foi aplicado o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado no início, após 8 e 12 sessões e no follow-up (quinze dias). A amostra foi composta por 71 indivíduos divididos em três grupos: Controle sem intervenção (25), Auriculoterapia (24), e Placebo (22). Resultados: Na análise de variância (ANOVA) houve diferença estatisticamente significativa pelo Post Hoc entre os grupos controle/auriculoterapia na segunda (p=0.000), terceira (p=0.012) e quarta avaliações (p=0.005); e entre grupos placebo/controle, somente na 2ª avaliação (p=0.003). A auriculoterapia com os pontos Shenmen e Tronco Cerebral foi mais eficaz para a diminuição dos níveis de ansiedade em estudantes de Enfermagem (20,97%), em comparação com os pontos sham (13,74%), porém, estudos com amostragem mais representativa se fazem necessários.


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Tendo como alegoria de análise das temporalidades da infância uma edição atual da clássica história Os três porquinhos, articulada com os dados coletados em minha pesquisa de doutorado sobre as relações etárias entre crianças pequenas em uma instituição de educação infantil pública, proponho a reflexão sobre a construção social das idades da infância no capitalismo em contraponto com as capacidades de sociabilidade e de produção das culturas infantis pelas meninas e meninos, menores e maiores no coletivo educativo.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da crioimersão corporal (CIC) imediata ao esforço físico agudo no estresse oxidativo (EOx) no plasma sanguíneo. Participaram do presente estudo 12 homens, com idade média de 22±1 anos, submetidos ao teste de esforço físico intenso em esteira, seguido de CIC em um tanque com água a 10ºC durante 10 minutos contínuos. Do repouso ao final da CIC, os indivíduos foram monitorados através de alguns parâmetros como: o índice de percepção subjetiva do esforço (IPE) expresso conforme escala de Borg, frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial (PA) e temperatura corporal (TC) através da temperatura timpânica. A análise morfológica do EOx plasmático foi realizada de acordo com o método denominado Morfologia Óptica do Estresse Oxidativo no Plasma (MEOP), utilizando-se gotas de sangue capilar. Observou-se uma significativa elevação (p<0,01) no grau do estresse oxidativo plasmático após a realização do esforço físico, em relação ao respectivo grau em repouso. Porém, esta elevação no grau do EOx foi significativamente reduzida (p<0,001) em função da CIC. Embora sejam necessários mais estudos científicos com o MEOP, concluiu-se que, para o presente estudo, este teste mostrou-se viável. Os dados encontrados no presente estudo sugerem que a CIC em água a 10ºC por 10 minutos imediatos ao esforço físico agudo com intensidade alta, apresenta-se como uma importante conduta fisioterapêutica para a normalização do EOx pós-esforço.


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Indigenous Reserves have played an indispensable role in maintaining forest areas in the Neotropics. In the Amazon there is a clear correlation between these reserves and the presence of forest cover; however, the simple presence of uninterrupted vegetation is no guarantee for the conservation of biodiversity, especially where hunting is practiced. This study describes hunting practices among the Awá-Guajá people from 1993 through 1994, also identifying sociocultural, technological, and demographic changes that have influenced their resource acquisition strategies over the last two decades. The data was obtained through ethnographic fieldwork, recording 78 days of foraging returns, with follow-up visits through 2010. This work provides useful information for an effective diachronic analysis of hunting in this community, by revealing foraging patterns of the early to mid-1990s, and describing community transformations over the last two decades in this locale.


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Several Lamb wave modes can be coupled to a particular structure, depending on its geometry and transducer used to generate the guided waves. Each Lamb mode interacts in a particular form with different types of defects, like notches, delamination, surface defects, resulting in different information which can be used to improve damage detection and characterization. An image compounding technique that uses the information obtained from different propagation modes of Lamb waves for non-destructive testing of plate-like structures is proposed. A linear array consisting of 16 piezoelectric elements is attached to a 1 mm thickness aluminum plate, coupling the fundamental A0 and SO modes at the frequencies of 100 kHz and 360 kHz, respectively. For each mode two images are obtained from amplitude and phase information: one image using the Total Focusing Method (TFM) and one phase image obtained from the Sign Coherence Factor (SCF). Each TFM image is multiplied by the SCF image of the respective mode to improve contrast and reduce side and grating lobes effects. The high dispersive characteristic of the A0 mode is compensated for adequate defect detection. The information in the SCF images is used to select one of the TFM mode images, at each pixel, to obtain the compounded image. As a result, dead zone is reduced, resolution and contrast are improved, enhancing damage detection when compared to the use of only one mode. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (AU)