41 resultados para Pastry.


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Despite of improving levels of hygiene, the incidence of registered food borne disease has been at the same level for many years: there were 40 to 90 epidemics in which 1000-9000 persons contracted food poisoning through food or drinking water in Finland. Until the year 2004 salmonella and campylobacter were the most common bacterial causes of food borne diseases, but in years 2005-2006 Bacillus cereus was the most common. Similar developement has been published i.e. in Germany already in the 1990´s. One reason for this can be Bacillus cereus and its emetic toxin, cereulide. Bacillus cereus is a common environmental bacterium that contaminates raw materials of food. Otherwise than salmonella and campylobacter, Bacillus cereus is a heat resistant bacterium, capable of surviving most cooking procedures due to the production of highly thermo resistant spores. The food involved has usually been heat treated and surviving spores are the source of the food poisoning. The heat treatment induces germination of the spore and the vegetative cells then produce toxins. This doctoral thesis research focuses on developing methods for assessing and eliminating risks to food safety by cereulide producing Bacillus cereus. The biochemistry and physiology of cereulide production was investigated and the results were targeted to offer tools for minimizing toxin risk in food during the production. I developed methods for the extraction and quantitative analysis of cereulide directly from food. A prerequisite for that is knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of the toxin. Because cereulide is practically insoluble in water, I used organic solvents; methanol, ethanol and pentane for the extraction. For extraction of bakery products I used high temperature (100C) and pressure (103.4 bars). Alternaties for effective extraction is to flood the plain food with ethanol, followed by stationary equilibration at room temperature. I used this protocol for extracting cereulide from potato puree and penne. Using this extraction method it is also possible also extract cereulide from liquid food, like milk. These extraction methods are important improvement steps for studying of Bacillus cereus emetic food poisonings. Prior my work, cereulide extraction was done using water. As the result, the yield was poor and variable. To investigate suspected food poisonings, it is important to show actual toxicity of the incriminated food. Many toxins, but not cereulide, inactivate during food processing like heating. The next step is to identify toxin by chemical methods. I developed with my colleague Maria Andesson a rapid assay for the detection of cereulide toxicity, within 5 to 15 minutes. By applying this test it is possible to rapidly detect which food was causing the food poisoning. The chemical identification of cereulide was achieved using mass spectrometry. I used cereulide specific molecular ions, m/z (+/-0.3) 1153.8 (M+H+), 1171.0 (M+NH4+), 1176.0 (M+Na+) and 1191.7 (M+K+) for reliable identification. I investigated foods to find out their amenability to accumulate cereulide. Cereulide was formed high amounts (0.3 to 5.5 microg/g wet wt) when of cereulide producing B. cereus strains were present in beans, rice, rice-pastry and meat-pastry, if stored at non refrigerated temperatures (21-23C). Rice and meat pastries are frequently consumed under conditions where no cooled storage is available e.g. picnics and outdoor events. Bacillus cereus is a ubiquitous spore former and is therefore difficult to eliminate from foods. It is therefore important to know which conditions will affect the formation of cereulide in foods. My research showed that the cereulide content was strongly (10 to 1000 fold differences in toxin content) affected by the growth environment of the bacterium. Storage of foods under nitrogen atmosphere (> 99.5 %) prevented the production of cereulide. But when also carbon dioxide was present, minimizing the oxygen contant (< 1%) did not protect the food from formation of cereulide in preliminary experiments. Also food supplements affected cereulide production at least in the laboratory. Adding free amino acids, leucine and valine, stimulated cereulide production 10 to 20 fold. In peptide bonded form these amino acids are natural constituents in all proteins. Interestingly, adding peptide bonded leucine and valine had no significant effect on cereulide production. Free amino acids leucine and valine are approved food supplements and widely used as flawour modifiers in food technology. My research showed that these food supplements may increase food poisoning risk even though they are not toxic themselves.


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O presente estudo foi realizado, através de uma abordagem qualitativa, recorrendo-se à análise de dados, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com o objetivo de conhecer as motivações e o perfil dos alunos de pastelaria e panificação de um curso EFA (Educação e Formação de Adultos), que teve lugar em Alcáçovas, entre 2010 -2012. A elaboração deste estudo permitiu conhecer e caracterizar, na freguesia de Alcáçovas, a relevância que uma iniciativa como a Mostra de Doçaria em Alcáçovas desempenhou no desenvolvimento local e na sua economia. Revelou, também, o papel que as associações de desenvolvimento local podem ter nestes casos e a sua importância na formação e qualificação dos indivíduos. Verificou-se que a Associação Terras Dentro tem tido um papel relevante na educação formal, não formal e informal da população, acompanhando a formação e crescimento de todas as empresas que surgem nesta freguesia e motivando, através de várias iniciativas, os empresários e potenciais interessados para a importância da formação, da modernização e da melhoria que pode representar ter pessoas qualificadas nas suas empresas. Foram acompanhados 12 formandos de pastelaria e panificação, durante o seu percurso formativo, com o objetivo de conhecer as suas motivações, antes e depois da formação, a importância que este curso poderá representar no seu futuro profissional e no aparecimento de mais postos de trabalho relacionados com esta área. Ficámos ainda a conhecer a importância que estes formandos dão às aprendizagens no presente e o que isso representa para si e para a sua família; ABSTRACT: This study was conducted through a qualitative approach, resorting to the analysis of data through semi-structured interviews, in order to understand the motivations and profiles of students from a pastry and baking course EFA (Education and Training Adults), which took place in Alcáçovas between 2010 -2012. The preparation of this study helped identify and characterize the parish Alcáçovas, the relevance that an initiative like the Show Confectionery in Alcáçovas played in local development and economy. The role that local development associations can have these cases and their importance in the training and qualification of individuals. It was found that the Lands Within Association has had an important role in formal, non-formal and informal population, following the formation and growth of all companies that appear in this parish and motivating through various initiatives, entrepreneurs and potential stakeholders to the importance of training, modernization and improvement that can represent have people qualified in their companies. 12 trainees were followed pastry and baking during their training in order to know their motivations, before and after training, the importance of this course may represent your professional future and the emergence of more jobs related this area. We also knew that these students give importance to learning of this and what it represents for you and your family.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Rockin' Muffin es una nueva pequeña empresa dedicada a la producción y venta de muffins de diferentes sabores que nace con el propósito de cubrir la alta demanda de productos de este tipo en la ciudad de Bogotá. Específicamente el mercado de la repostería y la pastelería en el país ha tomado un fuerte impulso a raíz del auge de la gastronomía gourmet especializada y la globalización, principalmente mediática, que este vive desde hace varios años. Continuamente surgen nuevos productos y nuevas tendencias de moda alimenticia que buscan mantener un constante crecimiento del sector adoptando estilos vanguardistas. Es ahí donde se abren cabida los muffins apareciendo en el mercado colombiano y posicionándose como uno de los acompañantes predilectos, sides, o postres para diferentes ocasiones. Este proyecto pretende, en su objetivo general, definir el segmento de mercado de Rockin’ Muffin, e implementar sólidas estrategias digitales y promocionales con el propósito de incrementar la venta de sus productos y sus resultados comerciales.


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Este artículo pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura vigente acerca del asma ocupacional secundaria a la exposición de los factores de riesgo identificados en peluquería. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed y Cochrane de artículos de revistas indexadas con las palabras claves “Asthma occupational, hairdressers, hairdresser, work related asthma”. Aplicando los criterios de selección descritos, se revisaron 26 artículos en total donde se incluían reportes de casos, estudios de prevalencia, incidencia, corte transversa y revisiones, abarcando principalmente los temas de epidemiologia, fisiopatología, diagnóstico y prevención. Se agruparon según la metodología PRISMA para su respectiva comparación. Se concluyó que a pesar de la importancia de esta patología en el sector de peluquería, existen factores asociados como la informalidad del sector, la falta de estudios de investigación originales de cohorte o el desconocimiento de un protocolo claro de diagnóstico en este tipo de trabajadores, que limitan datos concluyentes acerca de la misma. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los autores concluye la relación entre la patología y la labor de peluquería, así falte esclarecer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos relacionados con los alérgenos identificados.


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This wide-ranging and insightful collection of interviews with D. A. Pennebaker (b. 1925) spans the prolific career of this pioneer of observational cinema. From the 1950s to the present day, D. A. Pennebaker has made documentary films that have revealed the world of politics, celebrity culture, and the music industry. Following his early collaborations with Robert Drew on a number of works for television, his feature-length portrait of Bob Dylan on tour in England in 1965 (the landmark film Dont Look Back) established so-called direct cinema as a form capable of achieving broad theatrical release. With Monterey Pop, Pennebaker inaugurated the popular mode of rock concert film (or "rockumentary"), a style of filmmaking he has expanded on through a number of films, including Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and Depeche Mode: 101. Pennebaker has always regarded collaboration as an integral part of his filmmaking methods. His long-running collaboration with Richard Leacock and subsequently his work with Chris Hegedus have enriched his approach and, in the process, have instituted collaboration as a working practice integral to American direct cinema. His other collaborations, in particular, with Jean-Luc Godard and Norman Mailer, resulted in innovative combinations of observational techniques and fictional aesthetics. Such films as The War Room, which was about the 1992 Democratic primaries and was nominated for an Academy Award, and the 2009 Kings of Pastry continue to explore the capacities of observational documentary. In 2012 Pennebaker was the first documentary filmmaker to be awarded an Academy Honorary Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.


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Variance dispersion graphs have become a popular tool in aiding the choice of a response surface design. Often differences in response from some particular point, such as the expected position of the optimum or standard operating conditions, are more important than the response itself. We describe two examples from food technology. In the first, an experiment was conducted to find the levels of three factors which optimized the yield of valuable products enzymatically synthesized from sugars and to discover how the yield changed as the levels of the factors were changed from the optimum. In the second example, an experiment was conducted on a mixing process for pastry dough to discover how three factors affected a number of properties of the pastry, with a view to using these factors to control the process. We introduce the difference variance dispersion graph (DVDG) to help in the choice of a design in these circumstances. The DVDG for blocked designs is developed and the examples are used to show how the DVDG can be used in practice. In both examples a design was chosen by using the DVDG, as well as other properties, and the experiments were conducted and produced results that were useful to the experimenters. In both cases the conclusions were drawn partly by comparing responses at different points on the response surface.


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Greedy routing can be used in mobile ad-hoc networks as geographic routing protocol. This paper proposes to use greedy routing also in overlay networks by positioning overlay nodes into a multi-dimensional Euclidean space. Greedy routing can only be applied when a routing decision makes progress towards the final destination. Our proposed overlay network is built such that there will be always progress at each forwarding node. This is achieved by constructing at each node a so-called nearest neighbor convex set (NNCS). NNCSs can be used for various applications such as multicast routing, service discovery and Quality-of-Service routing. NNCS has been compared with Pastry, another topology-aware overlay network. NNCS has superior relative path stretches indicating the optimality of a path.


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BACKGROUND International travel contributes to the worldwide spread of multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Rates of travel-related faecal colonization with extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae vary for different destinations. Especially travellers returning from the Indian subcontinent show high colonization rates. So far, nothing is known about region-specific risk factors for becoming colonized. METHODS An observational prospective multicentre cohort study investigated travellers to South Asia. Before and after travelling, rectal swabs were screened for third-generation cephalosporin- and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Participants completed questionnaires to identify risk factors for becoming colonized. Covariates were assessed univariately, followed by a multivariate regression. RESULTS Hundred and seventy persons were enrolled, the largest data set on travellers to the Indian subcontinent so far. The acquired colonization rate with ESBL-producing Escherichia coli overall was 69.4% (95% CI 62.1-75.9%), being highest in travellers returning from India (86.8%; 95% CI 78.5-95.0%) and lowest in travellers returning from Sri Lanka (34.7%; 95% CI 22.9-48.7%). Associated risk factors were travel destination, length of stay, visiting friends and relatives, and eating ice cream and pastry. CONCLUSIONS High colonization rates with ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae were found in travellers returning from South Asia. Though risk factors were identified, a more common source, i.e. environmental, appears to better explain the high colonization rates.


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Imagine you are overweight and you spot your favorite pastry in the storefront of a bakery. How do you manage to resist this temptation? Or to give other examples, how do you manage to restrain yourself from overspending or succumbing to sexual temptations? The present article summarizes two recent studies stressing the fundamental importance of inhibition in the process of decision making. Based on the results of these studies, we dare to claim that the capacity to resist temptation depends on the activity level of the right prefrontal cortex (PFC).


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Grain-induced asthma is a frequent occupational allergic disease mainly caused by inhalation of cereal flour or powder. The main professions affected are bakers, confectioners, pastry factory workers, millers, farmers, and cereal handlers. This disorder is usually due to an IgE-mediated allergic response to inhalation of cereal flour proteins. The major causative allergens of grain-related asthma are proteins derived from wheat, rye and barley flour, although baking additives, such as fungal α-amylase are also important. This review deals with the current diagnosis and treatment of grain-induced asthma, emphasizing the role of cereal allergens as molecular tools to enhance diagnosis and management of this disorder. Asthma-like symptoms caused by endotoxin exposure among grain workers are beyond the scope of this review. Progress is being made in the characterization of grain and bakery allergens, particularly cereal-derived allergens, as well as in the standardization of allergy tests. Salt-soluble proteins (albumins plus globulins), particularly members of the α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor family, thioredoxins, peroxidase, lipid transfer protein and other soluble enzymes show the strongest IgE reactivities in wheat flour. In addition, prolamins (not extractable by salt solutions) have also been claimed as potential allergens. However, the large variability of IgE-binding patterns of cereal proteins among patients with grain-induced asthma, together with the great differences in the concentrations of potential allergens observed in commercial cereal extracts used for diagnosis, highlight the necessity to standardize and improve the diagnostic tools. Removal from exposure to the offending agents is the cornerstone of the management of grain-induced asthma. The availability of purified allergens should be very helpful for a more refined diagnosis, and new immunomodulatory treatments, including allergen immunotherapy and biological drugs, should aid in the management of patients with this disorder.


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Angola encontra-se em processo de restruturação e de desenvolvimento a nível económico e financeiro. A opção pelo investimento em Angola surgiu com as oportunidades de negócio que o país apresenta e também pela necessidade de descentralização do setor da restauração. Após efetuar uma pequena análise do mercado angolano, foi elaborado o projeto “Sweet Art” que está associado ao mercado da indústria alimentar e o mesmo orienta as respetivas propostas de valor para o conjunto de indivíduos e famílias que compram bens e serviços para o consumo próprio. O objetivo principal desse trabalho consiste na elaboração de um plano de negócios viável para a abertura de uma pastelaria em Angola, na província de Luanda - bairro do Talatona, com oferta de doces, salgados, gelados de frutos naturais e secos e também sumos e batidos naturais. Por sua vez, os seus objetivos específicos compreendem a: descrição da ideia; a composição de um plano estratégico, para um melhor estudo do meio envolvente; constituição de um plano operacional de marketing (marketing mix); o plano de operações; plano de pessoal; e um plano financeiro para analisar a sua viabilidade económica e financeira. Na primeira etapa do trabalho foi abordada a componente conceptual e, em seguida, foi apresentado o plano de negócios em si, que terá uma duração estimada de cinco anos, sendo que no terceiro ano se verifica o retorno do investimento. Após elaborado o plano de negócios foi possível concluir que o empreendimento Sweet Art é viável económica e financeiramente.