70 resultados para PP1


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A book entitled Histoire de la foundation du Grand Orient de France by Claude-Antoine Thory, 1812. This is likely an editor’s copy for a new edition. It has 471 pages and is annotated throughout. There are 4 plates at the end of the book that contain various illustrations resembling lockets. The title page states that the book contains the “…revolutions that have preceded, accompanied and followed until one thousand seven hundred ninety nine, era of the meeting in this body, the Grand Lodge of France, known as the Grand Orient de Clermont, or the Arcade de la Pelleterie, with an appendix containing the supporting documents, several curious and unpublished reports with the history of the Franche- Masonry, the details of many rites and a fragment of the secret meetings of women.” (Section 1 pp1-96, Section 2 pp. 97-183, Section 3 pp.184-281, Section 4 pp. 282-346, Section 5 pp. 347-471)


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Doctorat réalisé en cotutelle avec le laboratoire de François Payre au Centre de Biologie du Développement à Toulouse, France (Université de Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier)


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INTRODUCCIÓN. El presente trabajo explora las condiciones de trabajo saludables más frecuentemente estudiadas en Colombia y Europa en el período 2002 a 2012. OBJETIVO. Este trabajo busca definir los avances en investigación de las condiciones de trabajo saludables que presentaron Colombia y Europa en el período 2002 a 2012, a través de: el análisis del concepto de salud en el trabajo desde diferentes enfoques e investigaciones; el análisis los modelos sobre condiciones saludables en el trabajo; así como la revisión, consolidación y análisis documental alrededor del estado del arte de la investigación sobre los aspectos relacionados con las condiciones psicosociales del trabajo. METODO. Investigación documental, a través de la búsqueda en base de datos y posterior consolidación, sistematización y análisis de la literatura científica que evaluaban aspectos relacionados con las condiciones de trabajo saludable, en Colombia y Europa, durante el período 2002-2012. RESULTADOS. En la revisión documental se encontró que la implementación de ambientes saludables a nivel organizacional es un esfuerzo y compromiso de los empresarios, los trabajadores y la sociedad para mejorar el bienestar de las personas en el trabajo que representa una responsabilidad social empresarial, así como una ventaja competitiva sostenible en el sector económico. De igual manera, se resalta el avance que presenta Europa y España en el desarrollo de estudios nacionales de las condiciones detrabajo saludables frente a Colombia que aún no ha tenido investigaciones de representatividad nacional.


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La exportación de servicios tiene gran participación e importancia dentro de la economía de todos los países por eso cada vez es más difícil para los empresarios colombianos tener éxito en mercados internacionales, encontrándose con barreras gubernamentales, nuevas culturas, competidores internacionales y poca información sobre estos mercados. Es una decisión muy difícil para el empresario internacionalizarse e incursionar en un país nuevo, teniendo que hacer sacrificios en producción, capital humano, investigación, financiamiento., etc. Es muy importante para los exportadores elegir el mercado y el precio adecuado para incurrir en el país seleccionado, puesto que una decisión mal tomada puede ser la causa del fracaso en ese mercado y hasta llevar a la quiebra a la empresa. Es por eso que se trabajará en la creación de una matriz de selección de mercados para empresas de servicios y costos de exportación en las diferentes modalidades, lo anterior para brindarle una ayuda y guía al exportador a la hora de incurrir en un nuevo mercado y lograr diversificarse de la manera adecuada.


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El propósito de este estudio es determinar la relación entre la exposición ocupacional y los niveles de audición en trabajadores urbanos en espacio abierto (aseo urbano en general). Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con 491 personas que incluyen hombres y mujeres, cuyo ambiente laboral es el espacio abierto de la ciudad. Los datos se obtuvieron durante los exámenes médicos periódicos realizados en el año 2014 a los empleados de una empresa cuya actividad económica es el aseo urbano, que incluye recolección de basuras, cuidado forestal y de prados de uso común, y limpieza del borde de los andenes. Se realizó estadística descriptiva para las características demográficas y razón de disparidad u Odds Ratio (OR) para buscar la relación de antecedentes y hábitos personales con el riesgo de desarrollar pérdida auditiva. De las 491 personas expuestas a niveles altos de ruido ocupacional, 62% presentó pérdida auditiva, de los cuales la mayoría se desempeña como guadañadores y cortadores de césped, y son personas que llevan trabajando entre 1-5 años en la empresa. Se encontró un aumento estadísticamente significativo entre la baja escolaridad y el riesgo de sufrir hipoacusia (p=0.0001) y un efecto protector del uso de motocicleta y audífonos. La enfermedad vascular periférica, la práctica de tejo y la diabetes mostraron una fuerte tendencia a aumentar el riesgo. La pérdida auditiva encontrada en este grupo no se puede relacionar directamente con la exposición ocupacional a ruido, a pesar de ser trabajos que se llevan a cabo en el espacio urbano. Sin embargo, la baja escolaridad favorece la lesión auditiva y puede verse acelerada por enfermedades de alta prevalencia como diabetes y practicas recreacionales locales.


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Stimulation of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3K) and protein kinase B (PKB) is implicated in the regulation of protein synthesis in various cells. One mechanism involves PI3K/PKB-dependent phosphorylation of 4E-BP1, which dissociates from eIF4E, allowing initiation of translation from the 7-methylGTP cap of mRNAs. We examined the effects of insulin and H(2)O(2) on this pathway in neonatal cardiac myocytes. Cardiac myocyte protein synthesis was increased by insulin, but was inhibited by H(2)O(2). PI3K inhibitors attenuated basal levels of protein synthesis and inhibited the insulin-induced increase in protein synthesis. Insulin or H(2)O(2) increased the phosphorylation (activation) of PKB through PI3K, but, whereas insulin induced a sustained response, the response to H(2)O(2) was transient. 4E-BP1 was phosphorylated in unstimulated cells, and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation was increased by insulin. H(2)O(2) stimulated dephosphorylation of 4E-BP1 by increasing protein phosphatase (PP1/PP2A) activity. This increased the association of 4E-BP1 with eIF4E, consistent with H(2)O(2) inhibition of protein synthesis. The effects of H(2)O(2) were sufficient to override the stimulation of protein synthesis and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation induced by insulin. These results indicate that PI3K and PKB are important regulators of protein synthesis in cardiac myocytes, but other factors, including phosphatase activity, modulate the overall response.


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Amyloid P-peptide (A beta) likely causes functional alterations in neurons well prior to their death. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B), a transcription factor that is known to play important roles in cell survival and apoptosis, has been shown to be modulated by A beta in neurons and glia, but the mechanism is unknown. Because A beta has also been shown to enhance activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, we investigated the role of NMDA receptor-mediated intracellular signaling pathways in A beta-induced NF-kappa B activation in primary cultured rat cerebellar cells. Cells were treated with different concentrations of A beta 1-40 (1 or 2 mu M) for different periods (6, 12, or 24 hr). MK-801 (NMDA antagonist), manumycin A and FTase inhibitor 1 (farnesyltransferase inhibitors), PP1 (Src-family tyrosine kinase inhibitor), PD98059 [mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor], and LY294002 [phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-k) inhibitor] were added 20 min before A beta treatment of the cells. A beta induced a time- and concentration-dependent activation of NF-kappa B (1 mu M, 12 hr); both p50/p65 and p50/p50 NF-kappa B dimers were involved. This activation was abolished by MK-801 and attenuated by manumycin A, FTase inhibitor 1, PP1, PD98059, and LY294002. AP at 1 mu M increased the expression of inhibitory protein I kappa B, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, inducible nitric oxide synthase, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-1 beta as shown by RTPCR assays. Collectively, these findings suggest that AP activates NF-kappa B by an NMDA-Src-Ras-like protein through MAPK and PI3-k pathways in cultured cerebellar cells. This pathway may mediate an adaptive, neuroprotective response to A beta. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We evaluated whether changes in protein content and activity of PP-1 and PP-2A were the mechanism underneath the basal age-related reduction in alpha(2/3)-Na,K-ATPase activity in rats cerebella and whether this occurred through the cyclic GMP-PKG pathway. PP1 activity, but not its expression, increased with age, whereas PP-2 was not changed. The activity Of ot2/3-Na,K-ATPase varied with age. and there was a negative association between the PP-1 and alpha(2/3)-Na,K-ATPase activities. In young rats, the inhibition of PP-1 and PP-2A by okadaic acid (OA) increased in a dose-dependent manner alpha(1)- and alpha(2/3)-Na,K-ATPase, but had no effect on Mg-ATPase activity. A direct stimulation of PKG with 8-Br-cyclic GMP did not surmount the effect of OA. This analogue of cyclic GMP inhibited PP-1 activity only, indicating that at least part of the increase in alpha(1)- and alpha(2/3)-Na,K-ATPase activity induced by OA was mediated by the cyclic GMP-PKG-PP-1 cascade. Taking into account that PP1 inhibition increased alpha(2/3)-Na,K-ATPase activity, we propose that an age-related increase in PP-1 activity due to a decrease in cyclic GMP-PKG modulation plays a role for the age-related reduction of alpha(2/3)-Na,K-ATPase activity in rat cerebellum. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase (1,2-CCD) is a non-heme iron protein involved in the intradiol cleavage of aromatic compounds that are recalcitrant to biodegradation. In particular, 1,2-CCD catalyzes the conversion of catechol and its halogenated derivatives to cis-cis muconic acid. In this study we describe a series of experiments concerning the interaction of chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida (Pp1,2-CCD) with cis-cis muconic acid. We used single-injection ITC to show that the reaction product inhibits enzyme kinetics. DSC and EPR measurements probed whether this was accomplished by a direct binding of the product to the enzyme active site. DSC shows that cis-cis muconic acid affects the thermal unfolding of the protein and allowed us to estimate a binding constant. Furthermore, EPR spectra of the Fe(III) center demonstrate that, upon product binding, a significant decrease in resonance intensity is observed, indicating that cis-cis muconic acid binds directly to the active site. Based on the increasing interest for understanding dioxygenases mechanism of action and, moreover, how to control such process, our data indicate that the product of the reaction does play a relevant role in the catalysis and should therefore be taken into account when one thinks about ways of regulating enzyme activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The main objective of a steel strip rolling process is to produce high quality steel at a desired thickness.  Thickness reduction is the result of the speed difference between the incoming and the outgoing steel strip and the application of the large normal forces via the backup and the work rolls.  Gauge control of a cold rolled steel strip is achieved using the gaugemeter principle that works adequately for the input gauge changes and the strip hardness changes.  However, the compensation of some factors is problematic, for example, eccentricity of the backup rolls.  This cyclic eccentricity effect causes a gauge deviation, but more importantly, a signal is passed to the gap position control so to increase the eccentricity deviation.  Consequently, the required high product tolerances are severely limited by the presence of the roll eccentricity effects.
In this paper a direct model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme with dynamically constructed neural controller was used.  The aim here is to find the simplest controller structure capable of achieving an optimal performance.  The stability of the adaptive neural control scheme (i.e. the requirement of persistency of excitation and bounded learning rates) is addressed by using as the inputs to the reference model the plant's state variables.  In such a case, excitation is due to actual plant signals (states) affected by plant disturbances and noise.  In addition, a reference model in the form of a filter with a desired transfer function using Modulus Optimum design was used to ensure variance in the desired dynamic characteristics of the system.  The gradually decreasing learning rate employed by the neural controller in this paper is aimed at eliminating controller instability resulting from over-aggressive control.  The moving target problem (i.e. the difficulty of global neural networks to perfrom several separate computational tasks in closed -loop control) is addressed by the localized architecture of the controller.  The above control scheme and learning algorithm offers a method for automatic discovery of an efficient controller.
The resulting neural controller produces an excellent disturbance rejection in both cases of eccentricity and hardness disturbances, reducing the gauge deviation due to eccentricity disturbance from 33.36% to 4.57% on average, and the gauge deviation due to hardness disturbance from 12.59% to 2.08%.


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1. List of Illustrations -- 2. Notes on Text -- 3. Introduction -- 4. ONE Letters from Rockmini -- 5. TWO Letters from Kardinah -- 6. THREE Letters from Kardinah --7. FOUR Letters from Soematri -- 8. Appendix Documents Relating to the Establishment of the Wismo Pranowo School


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David Cadman’s Property Development has long been the standard textbook on the commercial property development process in the UK, and with this fifth edition the book is brought completely up to date for a new generation of readers. Accessible to students of all disciplines within the built environment, the book is geared directly towards students of property development at undergraduate or graduate levels. It provides a clear and practical overview of the property development process, together with critical analysis of the key issues faced by property professionals today.

The fifth edition retains the established structure of previous editions, by focusing on land acquisition, development appraisal, finance, planning, construction, market research and promotion. Additionally, reflecting changes in practice, there is also new material on the environmental impacts of property development, with a chapter on Sustainable Property Development, and on the growth of international working in the property sector. Excellent case studies, which are enhanced by discussion questions, illustrate the process at work. This fully revised and updated edition of a classic text for all property development students will also be of interest to early career professionals and those pursuing a professional degree in the industry.