998 resultados para PERIOPERATIVE NURSING


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A alta do paciente da recuperação pós-anestésica (RPA) depende, dentre outros fatores, do retorno à normotermia e do escore alcançado pelo Índice de Aldrete e Kroulik. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre o Índice de Aldrete e Kroulik e a temperatura corporal dos pacientes. O local de pesquisa foi o Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. O cálculo amostral foi determinado por conveniência e foi constituído por 60 pacientes, entre 18 e 60 anos, submetidos à anestesia geral. Foram verificados a temperatura corporal na região timpânica e o Índice de Aldrete e Kroulik do paciente na recepção e alta da recuperação pós-anestésica. Os dados obtidos foram processados pelo pacote estatístico SPSS, com um nível de 5% de significância, e aplicaram-se o teste de Spearman e o teste de Wilcoxon. Conclui-se que não houve correlação significativa entre os dois parâmetros indicativos de alta.


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Este artigo tem por objetivos apresentar uma síntese da evolução do conteúdo de bloco cirúrgico na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) e uma reflexão sobre as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem (DCN). O estudo se desenvolveu a partir de um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da enfermagem em centro cirúrgico na prática profissional e sua inserção no currículo de graduação da EEUSP. As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais têm seu mérito ao assegurar às instituições de ensino superior a liberdade na composição da carga horária a ser cumprida para a integralização dos currículos e na especificação das unidades de estudo a serem ministradas, porém, as competências e habilidades propostas são inespecíficas. Entendemos que o enfermeiro generalista é aquele que tem oportunidades de aprendizado teórico prático para atuar em todos os cenários de cuidado, área e níveis de atenção em saúde.


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A ansiedade e a preocupação dos pacientes decorrentes da obscuridade das informações relacionadas ao procedimento cirúrgico ortognático despertou o desenvolvimento deste estudo, que objetivou identificar as necessidades de informação do paciente sobre o cuidado pós-operatório da cirurgia ortognática. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, que utilizou como método de coleta de dados o grupo focal com pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia ortognática de um ambulatório de cirurgia e traumatologia bucomaxilofacial. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo para identificação das falas significativas para o alcance do objetivo. Entre os assuntos mais abordados, destacaram-se o longo tempo de recuperação e as dificuldades relacionadas à alimentação, higienização e redução dos sinais e sintomas pós-operatórios. Comentários relacionados à autoimagem e à satisfação com os resultados da cirurgia apontam para a necessidade de exploração em futuros estudos.


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Objetivou-se identificar a diferença no conhecimento sobre hipotermia do auxiliar de enfermagem após a intervenção educativa. A base conceitual de educação fundamenta-se na perspectiva da aprendizagem significativa, aliada à construção de mapa conceitual e à realização de estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário validado por especialistas. A média do conhecimento após a intervenção educativa teve aumento de 3,49 pontos. Não se verificou diferença significativa do conhecimento quando foi relacionado às variáveis sociais e de formação estudadas. Conclui-se que a intervenção educativa foi satisfatória na medida em que as informações sobre hipotermia foram ancoradas e modificadas na estrutura cognitiva dos auxiliares de enfermagem.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar a ocorrência de úlcera por pressão em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias eletivas de porte II, III e IV. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa, com delineamento de pesquisa não experimental, tipo descritivo e prospectivo. A amostra foi composta por 148 pacientes adultos, de ambos os gêneros, submetidos à cirurgia eletiva, conforme os critérios de seleção determinados previamente. RESULTADOS: Da amostra avaliada, 108 pacientes receberam alta hospitalar, três faleceram e 37 desenvolveram úlceras por pressão. Esses pacientes apresentaram 44 lesões, sendo a maioria diagnosticada de estágio II (56,8%), seguida por lesões de estágio I (40,9%) e estágio III (2,3%). As áreas corporais mais acometidas foram a região sacro/glútea (68,2%), calcâneos (18,1%), região dorsal (9%) e o pavilhão auricular (4,6%). CONCLUSÃO: A ocorrência de úlcera por pressão foi de 25% indicando a necessidade de implementação de intervenções efetivas para a prevenção desse evento adverso no perioperatório.


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This study analyzed the evidence available in the literature concerning the effectiveness of different active cutaneous warming systems to prevent intraoperative hypothermia. This is a systematic review with primary studies found in the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials and Medline. The sample comprised 23 randomized controlled trials. There is evidence in the literature indicating that the circulating water garment system is the most effective in maintaining patient body temperature. These results can support nurses in the decision-making process concerning the implementation of effective measures to maintain normothermia, though the decision of health services concerning which system to choose should also take into account its cost-benefit status given the cost related to the acquisition of such systems.


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Background Women undergoing Cesarean Section (CS) are vulnerable to the adverse effects associated with perioperative core temperature drop, in part due to the tendency for CS to be performed under neuraxial anesthesia, blood and fluid loss, and vasodilation. Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia (IPH) is a common condition that affects patients undergoing surgery of all specialties and is detrimental to all age groups, including neonates. Previous systematic reviews on IPH prevention largely focus on either adult or all ages populations, and have mainly overlooked pregnant or CS patients as a distinct group. Not all recommendations made by systematic reviews targeting all adult patients may be transferable to CS patients. Alternative, effective methods for preventing or managing hypothermia in this group would be valuable. Objectives To synthesize the best available evidence in relation to preventing and/or treating hypothermia in mothers after CS surgery. Types of participants Adult patients over the age of 18 years, of any ethnic background, with or without co-morbidities, undergoing any mode of anesthesia for any type of CS (emergency or planned) at healthcare facilities who have received interventions to limit or manage perioperative core heat loss were included. Types of intervention(s) Active or passive warming methods versus usual care or placebo, that aim to limit or manage core heat loss as applied to women undergoing CS were included. Types of studies Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that met the inclusion criteria, with reduction of perioperative hypothermia a primary or secondary outcome were considered. Types of outcomes Primary outcome: maternal core temperature measured during the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative phases of care Secondary outcomes: newborn core temperature at birth, umbilical pH obtained immediately after birth, Apgar scores, length of Post Anesthetic Care Unit (PACU) stay, maternal thermal comfort. Search strategy A comprehensive search was undertaken of the following databases from their inception until May 2012: ProQuest, Web of Science, Scopus, Dissertation and Theses PQDT (via ProQuest), Current Contents, CENTRAL, Mednar, OpenGrey, Clinical Trials. There were no language restrictions. Methodological quality Retrieved papers were assessed for methodological quality by two independent reviewers prior to inclusion using JBI software. Disagreements were resolved via consultation with the third reviewer. An assessment of quality of the included papers was also made in relation to five key quality factors. Data collection Two independent reviewers extracted data from the included papers using a previously piloted customized data extraction tool. Results 12 studies with a combined total of 719 participants were included. Three broad intervention groups were identified; intravenous (IV) fluid warming, warming devices, leg wrapping. IV fluid warming, whether administered intraoperatively or preoperatively, was found to be effective at maintaining maternal (but not neonatal) temperature and preventing shivering, but does not improve thermal comfort. The effectiveness of IV fluid warming on Apgar scores and umbilical pH remains unclear. Warming devices, including forced air warming and under body carbon polymer mattresses, were effective at preventing hypothermia and reduced shivering, however were most effective if applied preoperatively. The effectiveness of warming devices to improve thermal comfort remains unclear. Preoperative forced air warming appears to aid maintenance of neonatal temperature, while intraoperative forced air warming does not. Forced air warming was not effective at improving Apgar scores and the effects for umbilical pH remain unclear. Conclusions Intravenous fluid warming, by any method, improves maternal temperature and reduces shivering for women undergoing CS. Preoperative body warming devices also improve maternal temperature, in addition to reducing shivering.


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Latex allergy is a serious, possibly life threatening health hazard in the perioperative environment. Policy and procedures should be developed to identify patients who may be sensitive to latex and to ensure the avoidance of latex products in their care. Healthcare workers should also take steps to avoid exposure and protect themselves from hypersensitivity reactions.


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Introduction Guidelines existed at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) to direct preoperative/pre-procedural fasting in day patients undergoing general anaesthetic. However audit, risk analyses and a recent research project at the RCH identified prolonged pre-procedural fasting times in children undergoing day surgical and gastroenterology procedures. Aims 1. Reduce median fasting time to <8 hrs for children admitted for a day procedure under general anaesthetic; 2. Identify children at risk of perioperative hypoglycaemia. Methods The study was conducted in 4 phases: 1) revision and implementation of evidence-based perioperative fasting guidelines with staff education relating to these guidelines; 2) cross-sectional descriptive study with day surgical patients (n = 377) requiring preoperative fasting. ‘Normal risk’ and ‘High risk’ groups were identified for fasting hypoglycaemia using an ‘at risk’ checklist. Venous blood glucose (BGL) testing was performed at a) anaesthetic induction; b) prior to first caloric food/fluid postoperatively; 3) chart audit to evaluate efficacy of guidelines and parent information; 4) development of recommendations for clinical practice. Results The median fasting time for children having morning surgery (14 hrs, IQ range 5–22 hrs) was twice as long compared to afternoon lists (7 hrs, IQ range 6–22 hrs) (p < 0.001). Median fasting times were not significantly different between ‘at risk’ and control groups (p = 0.496). However the proportion of children who experienced hypoglycaemia (BGL <3 mmol/L) was greater in the ‘at risk’ group (5, 8%) compared to the control group (18, 4.3%). Although not statistically significant (x2 = 2.254, p = 0.133), ‘at risk’ children appear more likely to experience hypoglycaemia as children in the control group, constituting a clinically significant finding. Conclusion Appropriate identification and management of ‘high risk’ children, will reduce the risk of deleterious sequelae in children undergoing surgical or investigative procedures requiring general anaesthesia.


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This article details the Nursing and Midwifery Council revalidation requirements essential for all registered nurses and midwives in the United Kingdom. Nursing revalidation is effective from April 2016 and is built on the pre-existing Post-registration education and practice. Unlike the previous process, revalidation provides a more robust system which is clearly linked to the Code and should assist towards the delivery of quality and safe effective care


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This qualitative study explored the role stressors experienced by perioperative nurse managers, and identified resources and strategies they used in order to cope with the multiple demands upon their role. Grounded Theory methodology was used to inform the inquiry through interviews with the participants and thematic analysis of the data. The perioperative nurse managers who participated in the study indicated that the major stressors they experienced were related to managing their staff. Stress was reduced through the use of hospital resources and peer support, referring to post management education and information obtained from attending conferences. In addition, they used team building strategies, balanced priorities and engaged in social activities. These findings will assist directors of nursing and other nursing leaders in formulating the direction of appropriate support and structure for the development perioperative nurse managers.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore how communication failures occur in documents and documentations across the perioperative pathway in nurses' interactions with other nurses, surgeons and anaesthetists. BACKGROUND: Documents and documentation are used to communicate vital patient and procedural information among nurses, and in nurses' interactions with surgeons and anaesthetists, across the perioperative pathway. Previous research indicates that communication failure regularly occurs in the perioperative setting. DESIGN: A qualitative study was undertaken. METHODS: The study was conducted over three hospitals in Melbourne, Australia. One hundred and twenty-five healthcare professionals from the disciplines of surgery, anaesthesia and nursing participated in the study. Data collection commenced in January 2010 and concluded in October 2010. Data were generated through 350 hours of observation, two focus groups and 20 semi-structured interviews. A detailed thematic analysis was undertaken. RESULTS: Communication failure occurred owing to a reliance on documents and documentation to transfer information at patient transition points, poor quality documents and documentation, and problematic access to information. Institutional ruling practices of professional practice, efficiency and productivity, and fiscal constraint dominated the coordination of nurses', surgeons' and anaesthetists' communication through documents and documentation. These governing practices configured communication to be incongruous with reliably meeting safety and quality objectives. CONCLUSIONS: Communication failure occurred because important information was sometimes buried in documents, insufficient, inaccurate, out-of-date or not verbally reinforced. Furthermore, busy nurses were not always able to access information they required in a timely manner. Patient safety was affected, which led to delays in treatment and at times inadequate care. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Organisational support needs to be provided to nurses, surgeons and anaesthetists so they have sufficient time to complete, locate, and read documents and documentation. Infrastructure supporting communication technologies should be implemented to enable the rapid retrieval, entry, and dispersion of information.