29 resultados para Organon


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Objetivo: Avaliar a soroprevalência para sarampo, caxumba e rubéola em escolares antes e após a administração de três diferentes vacinas tríplices virais. Método: Para o presente estudo foram coletadas 692 amostras de sangue antes da vacinação e 636 amostras 21 a 30 dias após, nas quais foi realizada a pesquisa de anticorpos IgG pelas técnicas de enzimaimunoensaio (ELISA), com utilização dos kits comerciais Enzygnost® Behring, Marburg/Germany, para sarampo e caxumba, e Rubenostika® Organon Teknica, Holland, para rubéola. As amostras com resultados negativos e limítrofes para sarampo e caxumba foram posteriormente tituladas pelo teste de neutralização em placa e, as para a rubéola, pela técnica de inibição da hemaglutinação. As vacinas utilizadas foram: vacina A - E-Zagreb, L-Zagreb e Wistar RA 27/3 (Tresivac); vacina B - Moraten, J-Lynn e Wistar RA 27/3 (MMR II); e vacina C - Schwarz, Urabe AM-9 e Wistar RA 27/3 (Trimovax). Resultados: Quanto à prevalência de anticorpos IgG antes da vacinação, 79,2% (IC95%: 76,0 - 82,2) das amostras foram positivas para o sarampo. Para a caxumba e rubéola, os resultados positivos obtidos foram 69,4% (IC95%: 65,8 - 72,8) e 55,4% (IC95%: 51,6 - 59,2), respectivamente. Vinte e um a trinta dias após a administração das vacinas A, B e C, os resultados de soropositividade foram de 100,0%, 99,5% e 100,0%, respectivamente, para sarampo, 99,5%, 94,5% e 92,5% para a caxumba e 92,6%, 91,3% e 88,2% para a rubéola. Conclusões: Os resultados de soroprevalência antes da administração das vacinas permitem considerar que: (a) na amostra de escolares vacinados para o sarampo, uma proporção de 20,8% dos sujeitos apresentaram níveis de anticorpos insuficientes (13,0% negativos e 7,8% limítrofes) para proteção de doença clínica, e (b) na amostra de escolares sem vacinação prévia para caxumba e rubéola, encontrou-se proporções de 30,7% e 44,6% de sujeitos suscetíveis, respectivamente. As três vacinas tríplices virais mostraram ser imunogênicas para sarampo, caxumba e rubéola, com níveis ótimos de soroconversão, tendo a vacina A (Tresivac - SII) evidenciado taxa de 99,5% de soroconversão para o componente da caxumba, com diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação às outras duas (P<0,01).


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CAVIGNAC, J. A. Mito e memória na construção de uma identidade local. Organon, Rio Grande do Sul, v. 21, n.42, jan./jun. 2007. Disponível em: organon/article/view/36163/23366>. Acesso em:


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Objective: To evaluate changes in mammographic density and Tc-99m-sestamibi scintimammographic uptake in postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT).Methods: Seventy-five postmenopausal women were prospectively studied and allocated into three groups: 50 women were randomized to either Group 1 (G1, n = 25), which received 2 mg of 17 beta-oestradiol continuously combined with 1 mg of norethisterone acetate (E-2/NETA, Kliogest (R), Medley) or Group 2 (G2), which received 2.5 mg/day of tibolone (Livial (R), Organon). The remaining 25 women, who were asymptomatic and had no desire to undergo HRT, constituted the control group (G3). Each patient was submitted to both mammography and scintimammography at baseline and after six months. Mammographic density was evaluated by using the BI-RADS classification system. The classification system of Barros et al. was used in the interpretation of scintimammography. For statistical analysis, the Chi-square test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation were used.Results: At six months, increased mammographic density was observed in 48% of G1, 12% of G2 and 16% of G3 patients (p < 0.001). The increase in sestamibi uptake was 56% in G1, 28% in G2 and 24% in G3 (p < 0.001). Increases in both density and uptake were significantly higher in the group on E-2/NETA than among tibolone users and the controls.Conclusion: In postmenopausal women, HRT with E-2/NETA was associated with increased mammographic density and increased Tc-99m-sestamibi scintimammographic uptakes, suggesting greater mithochondrial activity in the cells of the mammary duct. This was not observed in users of 2.5 mg of tibolone, demonstrating that the effects on the breast were reduced. The same was observed in the control group. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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This article presents the theoretical and methodological road used to construct the Historical Dictionary of Brazilian Portuguese in the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries (sponsored by CNPq). Starting with some examples and models of historical and diachronic dictionaries we set the model that structures the Dictionary; it has the purpose of assembling in a single book the Portuguese language lexicon responsible for the construction of the Portuguese language in Brazil. Our reference basis is a data bank with many sorts of sources existing along the three centuries of the Brazilian colonial history. This data bank provides the nomenclature of the historical dictionary and allows the construction of the lexicographical definition through its lexical context that is followed by consecrated examples. This article also presents the contributions of the dictionary to future studies of the Brazilian Portuguese.


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The study of Latin is essentially focused on the receptive writing skills acquisition. For this reason, the teaching of this ancient language should have the readers’ training as its main objective. ! e e" ective understanding of ancient texts depends on a learning process that is based on three competence levels: the language level, the textual level and the intertextual level. As part of this teaching methodology, which seeks to narrow the cultural gap between the ancient and the contemporary world, avoiding anachronistic interpretation of Latin texts, this paper presents strategies that allow students to learn grammar from authentic texts.


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This article provides an analysis of Leminski’s Metaformose that establishes a remarkable re-reading of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. It is a poetic narrative published posthumously in 1994. * is work, which received “Prêmio Jabuti de Poesia” in 1995, was found among the papers of the author along with many essays, short stories, poems and a novel. * rough the author’s own theoretical conceptions, one seeks to interpretating the way the myth of Arachne is approached by him, re' ecting on the reinvention and reinterpretation of both Greek and Latin mythology and Literature in contemporary writing.


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There is a consensus among scholars that the chorus in Menander’s time had become totally detached from stage-action; its performances, marked in the Greek text by the word ΧΟΡΟΥ, separated like interludes the acts from each other within the plays; the chorus had a technical function: provide a break in the action to cover certain off-stage events and indicate the passing of time. This paper, however, examines in Dyskolos, one of Menander’s early comedies, the relation between the chorus and Cnemon present in the old man’s words that makes generalizations about human relationships, and shows that in this comedy the chorus of the followers of the god Pan was exploited by the poet as a source of achieving various dramatic effects.


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Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Ardau R, Bellivier F, Berk M, Bjella TD, Bossini L, Del Zompo M, Dodd S, Fagiolini A, Frye MA, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Henry C, Kapczinski F, Kliwicki S, Konig B, Kunz M, Lafer B, Lopez-Jaramillo C, Manchia M, Marsh W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M, Melle I, Morken G, Munoz R, Nery FG, ODonovan C, Pfennig A, Quiroz D, Rasgon N, Reif A, Rybakowski J, Sagduyu K, Simhandl C, Torrent C, Vieta E, Zetin M, Whybrow PC. Impact of sunlight on the age of onset of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2012: 14: 654663. (c) 2012 The Authors. Journal compilation (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objective: Although bipolar disorder has high heritability, the onset occurs during several decades of life, suggesting that social and environmental factors may have considerable influence on disease onset. This study examined the association between the age of onset and sunlight at the location of onset. Method: Data were obtained from 2414 patients with a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, according to DSM-IV criteria. Data were collected at 24 sites in 13 countries spanning latitudes 6.3 to 63.4 degrees from the equator, including data from both hemispheres. The age of onset and location of onset were obtained retrospectively, from patient records and/or direct interviews. Solar insolation data, or the amount of electromagnetic energy striking the surface of the earth, were obtained from the NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) database for each location of onset. Results: The larger the maximum monthly increase in solar insolation at the location of onset, the younger the age of onset (coefficient= -4.724, 95% CI: -8.124 to -1.323, p = 0.006), controlling for each countrys median age. The maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in springtime. No relationships were found between the age of onset and latitude, yearly total solar insolation, and the maximum monthly decrease in solar insolation. The largest maximum monthly increases in solar insolation occurred in diverse environments, including Norway, arid areas in California, and Chile. Conclusion: The large maximum monthly increase in sunlight in springtime may have an important influence on the onset of bipolar disorder.


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These updated guidelines are based on a first edition of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry Guidelines for Biological Treatment of Schizophrenia published in 2005. For this 2012 revision, all available publications pertaining to the biological treatment of schizophrenia were reviewed systematically to allow for an evidence-based update. These guidelines provide evidence-based practice recommendations that are clinically and scientifically meaningful and these guidelines are intended to be used by all physicians diagnosing and treating people suffering from schizophrenia. Based on the first version of these guidelines, a systematic review of the MEDLINE/PUBMED database and the Cochrane Library, in addition to data extraction from national treatment guidelines, has been performed for this update. The identified literature was evaluated with respect to the strength of evidence for its efficacy and then categorised into six levels of evidence (A-F; Bandelow et al. 2008b, World J Biol Psychiatry 9: 242). This first part of the updated guidelines covers the general descriptions of antipsychotics and their side effects, the biological treatment of acute schizophrenia and the management of treatment-resistant schizophrenia.


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Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010


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A presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar o contexto histórico, político, social, econômico e ideológico em que surge a pedagogia crítica de Paulo Freire e posteriormente a Teologia da Libertação, visando encontrar influências deste peculiar contexto na gênese do pensamento freireano e nas concepções dos teólogos Rubem Alves e Gustavo Gutiérrez, que foram os primeiros publicar obras sobre Teologia da Libertação, corrente teológica considerada genuinamente latino-americana. Ainda procura observar em que medida as concepções pedagógicas de Freire podem ter sido acolhidas pelos teólogos Alves e Gutiérrez em suas obras aqui analisadas. Em ambos os pensamentos encontramos a visão de valorização do ser humano e de uma práxis que busca sua libertação de sistemas opressores. Tanto em Paulo Freire como nos fundamentos desta corrente teológica se apresentam princípios humanistas e elementos da tradição cristã. A partir da ferramenta metodológica de análise do materialismo histórico dialético marxista, procura identificar temas comuns que são abordados pelos autores em suas obras surgidas entre as décadas de 1950 a 1970, detendo-se ao estudo de alguns temas subjacentes a esse contexto histórico, a saber: práxis, história, humanismo e libertação.


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A logical reading on Aristotle’s Organon discovers some inconsistencies in the text which have to be solved by reducing them to metaphysical decisions of the author, if they are not just identified as deficiencies in the exposition that should be corrected. The present article tries to display a line of reading paying attention to those so-called inconsistencies, in an attempt to understand them as specific steps in Aristotle’s research. In order to this goal it focuses on the exposition procedure of the Aristotelian figures: the use of variables, whose introduction by Aristotle has been celebrated all over logical tradition. An analysis of the distinctive and internal features in this procedure will allow us to link Aristotle’s logos research and the “being qua being” investigation, and to determine also –though in a negative way– the connection between this reading and the logical-traditional one on Aristotle’s Organon.


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"Containing Dr. Lardner's Treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics ... and the second part of Lord Chancellor Brougham's Account of Lord Bacon's Novum organon."--Series t.p.