998 resultados para Oral-motor


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Patients with motor deficiency have variable difficulties with mechanical plaque control, and as a consequence, the incidence of dental caries and periodontal disease can be higher in these patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiological efficacy of a toothpaste containing 1% chlorhexidine, which was used by patients with motor deficiency for 14 days. The reduction in plaque and gingival index and the impact on salivary microorganisms was evaluated. We conclude that the motivation of caregivers to carry out oral hygiene for patients with mental and motor deficiency is of great importance and is effective in reducing the formation of plaque as long as it is continuously reinforced. The use of chlorhexidine- containing toothpaste significantly reduced the plaque index and microorganism count between days 0 and 14. A reduction was also observed in the group that used a dentifrice without the chlorhexidine, but this difference was not significant. © 2010 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Myelomeningocele (MMC) is a congenital malformation of the neural tube that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. This malformation refers to the caudal non-closure of the neural tube and neural tissue exposure, which lead to neurological problems, such as hydrocephalus, motor disability, genitourinary tract and skeletal abnormalities and mental retardation. Patients with MMC have an acknowledged predisposition to latex allergy and are usually at a high caries risk and activity due to poor oral hygiene, fermentable carbon hydrate-rich diet and prolonged use of sugar-containing medications. This paper addresses the common oral findings in pediatric patients with MMC, discusses the strategies and precautions to deal with these individuals and reports the dental care to a young child diagnosed with this condition.


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Part of the results discussed in this thesis was presented in the following meetings: Cunha MI, Cunha C, Vaz AR, Brites D. Studying microglial-motoneuron cross-talk in ALS pathology. 6th iMed.UL Postgraduate Students Meeting, Lisbon, July 2, 2014. [Abstract and Poster] Vaz AR. Motoneuron degeneration and glial reactivity in ALS: insights from cellular to animal models. Neuroscience Seminars at IMM 2012, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, June 9, 2014. [Oral Communication (by invitation)]


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El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los resultados de una intervención primaria en salud oral de una población infantil entre edades de 7 a 12 años y establecer el comportamiento presentado en la población estudiada con respecto al índice internacional de salud oral COE Y COP, determinando aumento o disminución luego de la intervención. Para ello se utilizó un instrumento de recolección de datos, posterior a la observación de los registros clínicos, logrando conocer las características de las variables planteadas en el estudio en relación al Índice de Salud Oral COE y COP – D al inicio, final y comparativo de la intervención; número de eventos requeridos para la intervención, adherencia y cambios en patrón de morbilidad luego de la intervención. De acuerdo con los resultados se encontró que el comportamiento presentado en la población estudiada con respecto al índice de salud oral COE Y COP muestra una disminución que luego del análisis de resultados concluye con el cumplimiento de la meta internacional establecida por la OMS, estableciendo como objetivo para América Latina un COP-D de 1 a 2.9 para el año 2015; lo cual para esta investigación demuestra efectividad de la intervención al obtener un índice COP-D de 2,67.


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Estudiar las relaciones existentes entre el habla y el movimiento a través de las base morfo-funcionales de la fonación y el movimiento, a fin de establecer relaciones entre los centros nerviosos y los sistemas funcionales que los rigen. Se plantea la siguiente hipótesis: 'trabajando las dificultades motrices, a través de la psicomotricidad, mejorará el habla'. 10 niños/as de edades comprendidas entre los 7 y 11 años procedentes de una escuela pública de Santa Coloma de Gramanet y que padecen trastornos del habla y de tipo motor. Se parte de un estudio teórico que analiza los sistemas morfo-funcionales que rigen el habla y la actividad motriz; se adjunta una clarificación de términos. A continuación, en la parte experimental, se elaboran dos protocolos de observación de la: articulación y psicomotricidad. Se pasan dos veces, al inicio y al final del curso; se correlacionan las dificultades observadas entre los trastornos de habla y trastornos psicomotores. Protocolos de observación. Cuadros de frecuencias. Representaciones gráficas. Esquemas. Grabaciones en cinta cassette. Fichas de seguimiento. Sesiones de reeducación. Análisis descriptivo basado en la comparación de frecuencias de unas pruebas con otras. Trabajando aspectos psicomotores se obtienen resultados satisfactorios del habla; parece existir una transferencia entre ambos aspectos. Hay que tener en cuenta el concepto de sistema postural: conjunto de estructuras anatómico-funcionales que interrelacionadas y, automatizando la postura y el equilibrio, regulan y facilitan la organización de las posiciones, los movimientos coordinados y la actividad definida.


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Analizar la influencia de los cambios cognitivos e interactivos en los comienzos de la comunicación, en la adquisición del lenguaje oral y signado y en el desarrollo de procesos y conductas simbólicas en niños oyentes y sordos profundos educados en diferentes ambientes lingüísticos. Cuatro grupos de sujetos: 2 niños sordos con padres sordos, 6 niños sordos con comunicación bimodal, 5 niños sordos con comunicación oral y 3 niños oyentes; todos son niños sordos profundos y sin ninguna otra deficiencia asociada. Las pruebas realizadas se encauzan en dos direcciones: desarrollo cognitivo y aspectos de interacción, comunicación y lenguaje. Dentro del desarrollo cognitivo se encuentran: Uzgiris-Hunt, Juego simbólico, Dibujo, Terman-Merrill, Clasificación y Seriación, Varios; dentro de la interacción, comunicación y lenguaje: Gestos y comunicación no verbal, Signos, Oral. El desarrollo sensoriomotor de los niños sordos no presenta variaciones significativas en relación con los niños oyentes, demostrando el escaso papel que la estimulación auditiva y lingüística ocupa en el desarrollo de la inteligencia sensoriomotora. Se encuentra un mayor progreso en los niños sordos educados en un ambiente lingüístico de signos que en los niños sordos expuestos solamente al lenguaje oral. Los niños sordos de padres sordos que viven en un ambiente lingüístico de signos adquieren este lenguaje con absoluta normalidad.


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Objective To investigate if a home environment test battery can be used to measure effects of Parkinson’s disease (PD) treatment intervention and disease progression. Background Seventy-seven patients diagnosed with advanced PD were recruited in an open longitudinal 36-month study at 10 clinics in Sweden and Norway; 40 of them were treated with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG) and 37 patients were candidates for switching from oral PD treatment to LCIG. They utilized a mobile device test battery, consisting of self-assessments of symptoms and objective measures of motor function through a set of fine motor tests (tapping and spiral drawings), in their homes. Both the LCIG-naïve and LCIG-non-naïve patients used the test battery four times per day during week-long test periods. Methods Assessments The LCIG-naïve patients used the test battery at baseline (before LCIG), month 0 (first visit; at least 3 months after intraduodenal LCIG), and thereafter quarterly for the first year and biannually for the second and third years. The LCIG-non-naïve patients used the test battery from the first visit, i.e. month 0. Out of the 77 patients, only 65 utilized the test battery; 35 were LCIG-non-naïve and 30 LCIG-naïve. In 20 of the LCIG-naïve patients, assessments with the test battery were available during oral treatment and at least one test period after having started infusion treatment. Three LCIG-naïve patients did not use the test battery at baseline but had at least one test period of assessments thereafter. Hence, n=23 in the LCIG-naïve group. In total, symptom assessments in the full sample (including both patient groups) were collected during 379 test periods and 10079 test occasions. For 369 of these test periods, clinical assessments including UPDRS and PDQ-39 were performed in afternoons at the start of the test periods. The repeated measurements of the test battery were processed and summarized into scores representing patients’ symptom severities over a test period, using statistical methods. Six conceptual dimensions were defined; four subjectively-reported: ‘walking’, ‘satisfied’, ‘dyskinesia’, and ‘off’ and two objectively-measured: ‘tapping’ and ‘spiral’. In addition, an ‘overall test score’ (OTS) was defined to represent the global health condition of the patient during a test period. Statistical methods Change in the test battery scores over time, that is at baseline and follow-up test periods, was assessed with linear mixed-effects models with patient ID as a random effect and test period as a fixed effect of interest. The within-patient variability of OTS was assessed using intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), for the two patient groups. Correlations between clinical rating scores and test battery scores were assessed using Spearman’s rank correlations (rho). Results In LCIG-naïve patients, mean OTS compared to baseline was significantly improved from the first test period on LCIG treatment until month 24. However, there were no significant changes in mean OTS scores of LCIG-non-naïve patients, except for worse mean OTS at month 36 (p<0.01, n=16). The mean scores of all subjectively-reported dimensions improved significantly throughout the course of the study, except ‘walking’ at month 36 (p=0.41, n=4). However, there were no significant differences in mean scores of objectively-measured dimensions between baseline and other test periods, except improved ‘tapping’ at month 6 and month 36, and ‘spiral’ at month 3 (p<0.05). The LCIG-naïve patients had a higher within-subject variability in their OTS scores (ICC=0.67) compared to LCIG-non-naïve patients (ICC=0.71). The OTS correlated adequately with total UPDRS (rho=0.59) and total PDQ-39 (rho=0.59). Conclusions In this 3-year follow-up study of advanced PD patients treated with LCIG we found that it is possible to monitor PD progression over time using a home environment test battery. The significant improvements in the mean OTS scores indicate that the test battery is able to measure functional improvement with LCIG sustained over at least 24 months.


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O presente estudo visa a levantar alguns aspectos relevantes relacionados com o estudo de carência da criança institucionalizada. Pretende-se ensaiar uma avaliação do atraso verbal e motor que tal situação acarreta, bem como da recuperação correspondente que a adoção permite. A escassez de tentativas congêneres em nosso meio, visando a trazer à luz dados de realidade sobre este campo, foi o suporte que originou e motivou o presente trabalho. Para esse fim, procedeu-se preliminarmente a uma revisão à literatura, objetivando fundamentar no plano teórico o trabalho não só à luz da psicologia do desenvo1vimento, bem como a luz da legislação relativa à adoção. Realizou-se um estudo exploratório formulando-se o testando-se hipóteses operacionais extraídas da hipótese geral, de haver diferença significativa, em termos do atraso motor e verbal no desenvolvimento e na recuperação motora e verbal em relação a idade inicial e final, bem como a duração da permanência, da criança institucionalizada e posteriormente adotada. As hipóteses foram testadas em termos estatísticos, através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson adotando um nível de significância de 0,05 para rejeição da hipótese nula.


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BackgroundParacoccidioidomycosis is not the most common fungal disease in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), except for endemic regions in Latin America countriesCaseA 33-year-old man with HIV presented with mulberry-like lesions on the palate The diagnosis was made by exfoliative cytology and Papanicolaou staining Microscopic analysis revealed fungal structures with birefringent walls and exosporulation conferring an airplane radial motor appearance, or even bowel-like or goblet-like forms compatible with Paracoccidioides brasiliensisConclusionThis process spares the immunosuppressed patient from under going invasive biopsy procedures (Acta Cytol 2010,54 1127-1129)