947 resultados para Opinion article
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
The main objective of this study focuses on investigate how the style of the Conhecimento Prático Língua Portuguesa magazine, from Escala publisher, reveals a materialization, in its wordings, of social values that surround our society regarding the teaching class. Besides, we thought about the construction of an other - teacher - by means of the I speech (the enunciator). Furthermore, we reflected on how happens the genre opinion article handling and whether there is, when aimed to the teaching class. All these questions were discussed under the perspective of Bakhtin's theory, focusing our analysis in the wording notions, dialogism, style and speech genres. Our analysis indicates a materialization of social values in syntactic issues and a hybridization of genres when the addressee is a teacher
The main objective of this study focuses on investigate how the style of the Conhecimento Prático Língua Portuguesa magazine, from Escala publisher, reveals a materialization, in its wordings, of social values that surround our society regarding the teaching class. Besides, we thought about the construction of an other - teacher - by means of the I speech (the enunciator). Furthermore, we reflected on how happens the genre opinion article handling and whether there is, when aimed to the teaching class. All these questions were discussed under the perspective of Bakhtin's theory, focusing our analysis in the wording notions, dialogism, style and speech genres. Our analysis indicates a materialization of social values in syntactic issues and a hybridization of genres when the addressee is a teacher
This study has investigated texts written by students from two high school- 3 rd grade classrooms, a public school in Natal- RN, and their teachers in order to reveal the nature and relevance of the knowledge that has oriented the teacher in the process of evaluation of argumentative text, set in the genre, opinion article, produced in the school setting. The corpus analyzed is compound with a total of sixteen texts, four of them corresponding to the production of two teachers (two productions per teacher) and twelve on the production of six students (two productions per student, with three students per class). All material on the production of these subjects was collected throughout the 2008 school year, with special attention for students’ productions, which were collected only after being subjected to teacher evaluation. Working knowledge of text linguistics, discourse analysis, the theory of enunciation and the aesthetics of reception, we proceeded to the analysis of production, which in according to the methodological proposal, it was held in two stages: at first, the student and faculty productions were analyzed, separately, in order to verify what knowledge about the object these subjects revealed to have already assimilated. Secondly, two sets were compared (each teacher's texts with the texts of their students). The intention was to unravel the existence (or not) of a connection between the underlying knowledge to the textual production of these teachers and their knowledge manifested in the evaluative act when the interventions made on the productions of the learner. It was found that there is a close correlation between the knowledge revealed in this action and those evidenced in their written productions, which constitutes a strong argument to validate the thesis that teachers also have been shown little proficient in performing their role as producers and evaluators of texts.
With this thesis, we investigate papers produced by candidates to the vestibular 2010 from UFRN related to the (non) taking on of different points of view in the textual zone of the argumentation and counter-argumentation. The candidates had to produce an opinion article about the polemic theme of the security cameras. The corpus of this research contents 100 papers produced by the candidates to the vestibular 2010 from different areas (humans I, humans II, technological I, technological II and biomedical). To this study, we are based on theoretical perspectives from authors of different theories and linguistic fields that dialog among them. In this direction, we follow Bakhtin (1995), Rabatel (2008 a, 2008 b), Guentchéva (1994, 1996, 2011) and Rodrigues, Passeggi e Silva Neto (2010), among others, that are concerned to dialogism, enunciative theories, discuss analyzes, and linguistic of the text. This group of linguistic approach is linked to the Textual Analyze of the Discuss (ADAM, 2011), that conducts analyze of the data of this research. Related to the methodology, we follow the qualitative analyze in an interpretative way. We investigate how the candidate, as a writer, takes on information inserted in his/her paper. With this in mind, this research tries to answer the following questions: (1) How the candidate organizes his/her discuss in respect to the enunciative responsibility? (2) Which linguistic marks conduct to identify the different voices in the texts? (3) How the textual plan is presented in the opinion article? (4) In which part of the textual plan is possible to identify the enunciative responsibility? In this sense, the aims of this study are identify, describe, analyze and interpret the different voices presented in the text and the way the candidate takes on (or not) the different points of view presented in the papers during argumentation and counterargumentation movement. In general, the results reveal that the presence of linguistic marks (connectors, people marks, among others) design the grade of enunciative responsibility of the writer, stimulating his/her involving and taking on enunciative responsibility.
In Marxist frameworks “distributive justice” depends on extracting value through a centralized state. Many new social movements—peer to peer economy, maker activism, community agriculture, queer ecology, etc.—take the opposite approach, keeping value in its unalienated form and allowing it to freely circulate from the bottom up. Unlike Marxism, there is no general theory for bottom-up, unalienated value circulation. This paper examines the concept of “generative justice” through an historical contrast between Marx’s writings and the indigenous cultures that he drew upon. Marx erroneously concluded that while indigenous cultures had unalienated forms of production, only centralized value extraction could allow the productivity needed for a high quality of life. To the contrary, indigenous cultures now provide a robust model for the “gift economy” that underpins open source technological production, agroecology, and restorative approaches to civil rights. Expanding Marx’s concept of unalienated labor value to include unalienated ecological (nonhuman) value, as well as the domain of freedom in speech, sexual orientation, spirituality and other forms of “expressive” value, we arrive at an historically informed perspective for generative justice.
The evidence base to guide withdrawal of antidementia medications in older people with dementia is limited; while some randomised controlled studies have considered discontinuation of cholinesterase inhibitors, no such studies examining discontinuation of the N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist memantine have been conducted to date. The purpose of this opinion article was to summarise the existing evidence on withdrawal of cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, to highlight the key considerations for clinicians when making these prescribing decisions and to offer guidance as to when and how treatment might be discontinued. Until the evidence-base is enhanced by the findings of large scale randomised controlled discontinuation trials of ChEIs and memantine which use multiple, clinically relevant cognitive, functional and behavioural outcome measures, clinicians’ prescribing decisions involve balancing the risks of discontinuation with side-effects and costs of continued treatment. Such decisions must be highly individualised and patient-centred.
The quite recent discovery that parasites release extracellular vesicles (EVs) that can transfer a range of effector molecules to host cells has made us re-think our understanding of the host-parasite interface. In this opinion article we will consider how recent proteomics and transcriptomics studies, together with ultrastructural observations, suggest that more than one mechanism of EV biogenesis can occur in helminths. We propose that distinct EV sub-types have roles in immune-modulation and repair of drug-induced damage, and put forward the case for targeting EV biogenesis pathways to achieve parasite control. In doing so we raise a number of outstanding research questions that must be addressed before this can happen.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
El presente trabajo ensaya una síntesis de las principales tesisasociadas al neoconstitucionalismo en sus diversas formas. Analizasus orígenes conceptuales y sus postulados principales, ademásde destacar en su parte final los elementos inconclusos de esteconjunto de ideas.
El documento asume que el ejercicio de la ciudadanía plena, enun contexto globalizado, debe partir de consideraciones políticas,culturales y económicas antes que de un reconocimiento legal. Seentiende que la ciudadanía global, como un vehículo planetario,puede ser ostentada por personas individuales y por gruposidentitarios, como las mujeres, de manera que se llega a concebirel movimiento social de mujeres como el Estado en Red de Castells.Sin embargo, se aprecia que este ejercicio ciudadano no puedeser pleno, sin la existencia de unos tribunales internacionales dejusticia que garanticen los derechos implícitos en el concepto deciudadanía, que en el caso concreto de la Corte Interamericana havenido moldeando el ejercicio de la ciudadanía global a partir delestablecimiento de unos estándares jurisprudenciales en materiade derechos humanos de las mujeres, aplicables en cada uno de losEstados que han reconocido la competencia de la Corte Regional.
En este artículo se aborda el tema de la minería en zonas excluibles, por medio de una revisión bibliográfica de la legislación vigente, y se ejemplifican dos casos icono que se han presentado en Colombia en relación con la minería de oro en áreas de protección: el Parque Nacional Yaigojé-Apaporis y el Páramo de Santurbán. En ambos casos se evidencia la falta de coordinación entre las autoridades mineras y ambientales, y el vacío legislativo especialmente en la fase exploratoria, que, además de causar serios impactos ambientales y vulnerar los derechos de minorías étnicas y la población en general, crea inseguridad normativa y grandes costos a las empresas mineras. En un primer momento se describe el panorama jurídico que rige la explotación minera en Colombia, seguido de un contexto técnico del ciclo minero y de las implicaciones desde el punto de vista jurídico de este tipo de explotaciones en áreas protegidas. Luego, se presenta una cronología de los estudios de caso de la minería en un área protegida del sistema de Parques Nacionales y otra de carácter regional, concluyendo que la falta de coordinación entre instituciones deja al sector en un limbo jurídico.
The minimum vital of drinking water for vulnerable people isprotected by the Colombian Constitutional Jurisprudence,locally and nationally. The Constitutional Court has created asolid jurisprudential line on the right to water in relation to thesuspension of water supply service for the customer’s failure topay for the service; this Court has also defined the conditionsnecessary for the companies to refrain from suspending serviceand the minimum amount necessary for survival. Compliance withthese sentences has been limited to the orders pronounced to thebenefit of the company that provides such service, including theexecution of payment agreements for accessing the water supply.The implementation of the free minimum vital of drinking water inColombia has been defined through targeting and requirements thatare set only to benefit market laws, such as payment agreements,except for Bogota that, from the point of view of human rights,has proposed the respect for the minimum vital of drinking waterfor all social strata.
Los grupos y sectores de la sociedad cifran sus esperanzas en la acumulación de conocimiento que permita aportar, a un mundo en conflicto, soluciones a sus problemas. La experiencia nos muestra que la generación de este conocimiento, necesario y útil, deberá surgir de las diferentes miradas y aportes de todos, es decir, se deberá propugnar por la construcción colectiva del mismo. En este orden de ideas, herramientas como la divulgación y la puesta en común posibilitan que los diferentes espacios de producción se oxigenen, esto es, el conocimiento ya existente puede ser controvertido, depurado, contrariado, reconstruido o respaldado
Los grupos y sectores de la sociedad cifran sus esperanzas en la acumulación de conocimiento que permita aportar, a un mundo en conflicto, soluciones a sus problemas. La experiencia nos muestra que la generación de este conocimiento, necesario y útil, deberá surgir de las diferentes miradas y aportes de todos, es decir, se deberá propugnar por la construcción colectiva del mismo.En este orden de ideas, herramientas como la divulgación y la puesta en común posibilitan que los diferentes espacios de producción se oxigenen, esto es, el conocimiento ya existente puede ser controvertido, depurado, contrariado, reconstruido o respaldado