979 resultados para Ode of Remembrance


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Each v. has also special t.-p.


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Pt. 1. A journal of the life and travels of John Woolman, in the service of the gospel -- Pt. 2. Some considerations on the keeping of Negroes. Considerations on pure wisdom, and human policy; on labor; on schools; and on the right use of the Lord's outward gifts. Considerations on the true harmony of mankind. Remarks on sundry subjects. An epistle to the quarterly and monthly meeting of Friends. A word of remembrance and caution to the rich.


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Partly reprinted from various periodicals.


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There has been increasing attention in sociology and internet studies to the topic of ‘digital remains’: the artefacts users of social network services (SNS) and other online services leave behind when they die. But these artefacts also pose philosophical questions regarding what impact, if any, these artefacts have on the ontological and ethical status of the dead. One increasingly pertinent question concerns whether these artefacts should be preserved, and whether deletion counts as a harm to the deceased user and therefore provides pro tanto reasons against deletion. In this paper, I build on previous work invoking a distinction between persons and selves to argue that SNS offer a particularly significant material instantiation of persons. The experiential transparency of the SNS medium allows for genuine co-presence of SNS users, and also assists in allowing persons (but not selves) to persist as ethical patients in our lifeworld after biological death. Using Blustein’s “rescue from insignificance” argument for duties of remembrance, I argue that this persistence function supplies a nontrivial (if defeasible) obligation not to delete these artefacts. Drawing on Luciano Floridi’s account of “constitutive” information, I further argue that the “digital remains” metaphor is surprisingly apt: these artefacts in fact enjoy a claim to moral regard akin to that of corpses.


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Este estudo busca a abordagem de Tempo, Vida, Poesia, obra pouco estudada de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, publicada em 1986, produto final de uma série de oito entrevistas radiofônicas concedidas à amiga e jornalista Lya Cavalcanti, veiculadas, todos os domingos, pela PRA-2, Rádio Ministério da Educação e Cultura, na década de 1950. Objetiva-se no contexto de Tempo, Vida, Poesia, apreciar o trabalho literário da narrativa enquanto media fundamental da recordação que se projeta sobre a memória dos vestígios autobiográficos do autor. Neste sentido, a performance singular do prosador em foco permite identificar o percurso de uma vida literária, principalmente na empatia que estabelece com o receptor e a matéria da recordação e memória constituídas em imagens, que figuram sua própria complexidade subjetiva enquanto personagem. A riqueza poética do artifício de escrita encena a oralidade de uma experiência singular do narrador, possibilitando uma compreensão ampliada do fazer literário em foco


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This thesis is a study of military memorials and commemoration with a focus on Anglo-American practice. The main question is: How has history defined military memorials and commemoration and how have they changed since the 19th century. In an effort to resolve this, the work examines both historic and contemporary forms of memorials and commemoration and establishes that remembrance in sites of collective memory has been influenced by politics, conflicts and religion. Much has been written since the Great War about remembrance and memorialization; however, there is no common lexicon throughout the literature. In order to better explain and understand this complex subject, the work includes an up-to-date literature review and for the first time, terminologies are properly explained and defined. Particular attention is placed on recognizing important military legacies, being familiar with spiritual influences and identifying classic and new signs of remembrance. The thesis contends that commemoration is composed of three key principles – recognition, respect and reflection – that are intractably linked to the fabric of memorials. It also argues that it is time for the study of memorials to come of age and proposes Memorialogy as an interdisciplinary field of study of memorials and associated commemorative practices. Moreover, a more modern, adaptive, General Classification System is presented as a means of identifying and re-defining memorials according to certain groups, types and forms. Lastly, this thesis examines how peacekeeping and peace support operations are being memorialized and how the American tragic events of 11 September 2001 and the war in Afghanistan have forever changed the nature of memorials and commemoration within Canada and elsewhere. This work goes beyond what has been studied and written about over the last century and provides a deeper level of analysis and a fresh approach to understanding the field of Memorialogy.


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This commentary reflects on the first official visit made by a British monarch to Ireland since its independence. Focusing on three key moments of Queen Elizabeth's itinerary – the Garden of Remembrance, the Irish National War Memorial, Islandbridge, and the state banquet, Dublin Castle – I suggest that efforts to simultaneously honour rebels/soldiers in acts of public remembrance sought to re-position the past between these two islands in ways which recognised conflict but also aspired towards reconciled understandings of how that past could be more peacefully calibrated.


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Les situations d'après-guerre demandent plus qu'une déclaration officielle pour retrouver la stabilité et l'entente sociales. Les réflexions philosophiques portant sur les moyens d'atteindre une réconciliation sont nombreuses, mais il y a encore peu de recherches portant sur l'impact de l'art pour ressouder les liens sociaux et guérir les membres constituant la société. Après avoir démontré la légitimité d'une réflexion portant sur le rôle que pourrait tenir le théâtre pour la réconciliation et l'établissement de normes, nous justifions pourquoi les notions de récit, de performance publique, de travail de création et de transmission d'émotion deviennent des critères de validation du théâtre pour la réconciliation. Par l'usage du théâtre, les intervenants pourront ainsi mieux accompagner les victimes dans leur deuil et les aider à créer de nouveaux liens profitant au développement d'un contrat social sain pour la refonte de l’État.


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Cette thèse, au croisement de l’histoire et de l’anthropologie, prend pour objet les représentations d’un massacre colonial, la répression sanglante de tirailleurs sénégalais survenue au camp de Thiaroye, à proximité de Dakar, le 1er décembre 1944. Il s’agit d’abord de mieux documenter l’événement historique lui-même qui, soixante-dix ans après les faits, reste un sujet de controverse historiographique. D’autre part, inscrire les réappropriations passées et actuelles de ce drame dans diverses temporalités donne à lire la trajectoire de la nation sénégalaise postcoloniale à travers le prisme de la mobilisation de référents historiques. Ce travail sur la mémoire de cet événement s’appuie sur plus de soixante entretiens, l’analyse des œuvres d’art traitant de cet événement, un travail d’archives – des sources coloniales mais aussi différents journaux depuis 1945 jusqu’à aujourd’hui –, enfin une dimension ethnographique de recherche action, notamment auprès de lycéens sénégalais. Aujourd’hui, au Sénégal, les représentations attachées à l’événement du 1er décembre 1944 apparaissent comme un des paradigmes de la mémoire coloniale. Tenter de décrire ces usages du passé sur plus de soixante-dix ans permet alors d’envisager l’articulation entre des mémoires dominantes – officielles ou non –, des formes particulières de rappel du passé et le rôle de ce passé dans certaines dynamiques identitaires.


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AFTER BALI, OCTOBER 12, 2002, A RANGE OF PUBLIC rituals took place in Australia to remember those who had been killed in the bombing. In Melbourne, the most visible, and collective ritual was the laying of flowers by members of the public on the steps of the State Parliament building, at the highly visible apex of Bourke St. This was a much-publicized event that took place over a period of two weeks. It was a riveting and moving sight/site for many people, who left notes expressing grief and regret, promises of remembrance, and of revenge. The choice of the site, and what would happen there, was prompted by talk-back listeners to Radio 3AW's Nell Mitchell, who called in with many different suggestions as to where and why the laying of flowers should take place. This essay seeks to understand the processes and purposes of the popular, public rituals after Bali, asking who made them, what was made, and how popular--that is, open to formation by those not primarily and directly connected with the mass media and party politics--were the constructions? Further, in calling such an event a "postmodern ritual," the essay will inaugurate an analysis, through cultural studies methodologies, of the attributes of public rituals in contemporary Western cultures.


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This paper will describe a current research project at Deakin University’s Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific which aims to develop our current understanding of heritage beyond the national frame usually given to it. The project focuses on a number of heritage sites associated with Australia’s war time heritage. However, all of these sites are located on foreign soil, in land which is not owned by the Australian government. Moreover, because of their location, these sites may or may not have significance for the countries where they are located or to other participants in the same war. Their location in another country and in other people’s narratives poses a complex problem for those who want to conserve, manage and interpret these sites in a manner which preserves their significance to Australia. Is it possible to do this while also recognising other people’s investment or lack of, in these sites? What do we need to think about when recognising the existence of dissonant heritage not only within a nation but across nations? And can this dissonance be used to encourage crosscultural dialogue? Using current understandings of heritage as potentially dissonant, and accepting the need to work within a pluralist frame which supports and argues for cultural diversity, this project explores what happens when this dissonance and diversity occurs not simply within a nation but across national borders. The paper will explore these issues by looking at the interpretation of the Thai-Burma railway, one of a handful of sites which Australians use to mark Anzac Day, the national day of remembrance for those who died fighting for their country.


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Stories from the River was a visual investigation into the forgotten history of the Yarra River presented by students studying Performance for Alternative Spaces at Deakin University’s School of Communication and Creative Arts. They dredged from the river, forgotten objects…and every object had a story to tell. On the main lawns of Arts Centre Melbourne, the objects were placed as symbols of remembrance to the mysterious and intriguing history of the River.


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Anthology is a site sympathetic theatrical journey through Westlake, now known as Stirling Park – Ngunawal land, a traditional pathway and the site of one of the camps created to house the workers building the new city of Canberra. These families lived at Westlake for 50 years until the 1960’s when the families were relocated, the houses sold and removed. Westlake is now parkland (and prime real estate), nestled between the lake and the Embassies of Yarralumla. Central to the interconnected web of my PhD research, the opportunity to collaborate with Pip Buining to devise and install Anthology provides a rich, investigative environment to examine post-traumatic representation in contemporary Australian culture. The project, even in its early stages, promises to allude to the power of immersive, site-sympathetic performance as a regenerative force in the 21st century.

This paper draws upon Mary Zimmerman’s notion of An Archeology of Performance. What lies in wait for artists in sites, in places…to be uncovered…with its final form revealed through careful excavation? The Anthology Project aims to centralise memory, rituals of remembrance and the importance of place as vital to the restoration and regeneration of community through processing and transcending both personal and cultural trauma.

Ex-resident Ann Gugler, moved to Westlake with her family when she was 4 and has worked tirelessly to collect the stories of the Westlake children and document the existence of the ‘vanished suburb’. In Ann Gugler’s own words, “When one is forgotten, one ceases to exist” and the act of restorative remembering through contemporary performance strives to return some balance to the lives of the past residents as well as a new perspective for the current community and their relationship to the imprint of history embedded in the site.


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This research is a practice led investigation of large-scale site specific performance installation works that respond to local and historical trauma, place making, and belonging for communities and audiences. The research is part of an ongoing PhD which is primarily questioning how layers of history and lived experience manifest or ‘imprint’ upon natural landscapes and urban sites using the driving concepts of landscape, archaeology, and community immersion to inform the practice. The site of the primary research investigation was Anthology www.anthology.net.au- a major site-specific theatrical journey through Westlake, now known as Stirling Park – Ngunawal land, a traditional pathway and the site of one of the camps created to house the workers building the new city of Canberra. Tents and a hall were erected followed by 61 cottages built in 1923, for married tradesmen building the infrastructure for the new Federal Capital of Australia. These families lived at Westlake for 50 years until the 1960’s when the families were relocated, the houses sold and removed. A community demolished. Westlake is now parkland (and prime real estate), nestled between the lake and the Embassies of Yarralumla. The event took place between 26th November and the 6th December 2014. The performance installation was created and produced over a 3-year period with $45,000.00 in funding provided by ArtsACT and the Centenary of Canberra. Anthology alluded to the power of immersive, site-sympathetic performance as a regenerative force for communities right now. What lies in wait for artists in sites, in places…to be uncovered…with its final form revealed through careful excavation? Anthology centralised rituals of remembrance and the importance of place as vital to the restoration and regeneration of community through processing and transcending what has been lost, hidden, suppressed or in the case of Westlake or Stirling Park ‘vanished’.