859 resultados para Natriuretic peptide receptor 1
Traditionnellement associée à la reproduction féminine, l'ocytocine (OT), une hormone peptidique synthétisée par les noyaux paraventriculaire et supraoptique de l'hypothalamus et sécrétée par l'hypophyse postérieure (neurohypophyse), a été récemment revue et a été démontrée avoir plusieurs nouveaux rôles dans le système cardio-vasculaire. En effet, notre laboratoire a montré que l’OT peut induire la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires (CSE) en cardiomyocytes (CM) fonctionnels. À l’aide du modèle cellulaire embryonnaire carcinomateux de souris P19, il a été démontré que ce processus survenait suite à la libération de la guanosine monophosphate cyclique (GMPc) dépendante du monoxyde d’azote. De même, il est connu que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP), un peptide produit, stocké et sécrété par les myocytes cardiaques, peut aussi induire la production du GMPc. De nombreuses études ont démontré que le cœur ayant subi un infarctus pouvait être régénéré à partir d’une population isolée de cellules souches et progénitrices transplantées. Une de ces populations de cellules, fréquemment isolées à partir d'organes provenant d'animaux aux stades de développement embryonnaire et adulte, appelée « Side Population » (SP), sont identifiées par cytométrie en flux (FACS) comme une population de cellules non marquées par le colorant fluorescent Hoechst 33342 (Ho). Les cellules SP expriment des protéines de transport spécifiques, de la famille ATP-binding cassette, qui ont pour rôle de transporter activement le colorant fluorescent Ho de leur cytoplasme. La sous-population de cellules SP isolée du cœur affiche un potentiel de différenciation cardiaque amélioré en réponse à un traitement avec l’OT. Récemment, l'hétérogénéité phénotypique et fonctionnelle des CSE a été mise en évidence, et cela a été corrélé avec la présence de sous-populations cellulaires ressemblant beaucoup aux cellules SP issues du cœur. Puisque l’ANP peut induire la production du GMPc et qu’il a été démontré que la différenciation cardiaque était médiée par la production du GMPc, alors nous émettons l'hypothèse selon laquelle l’ANP pourrait induire la différenciation cardiaque. Étant donné que les CSE sont composés d’un mélange de différents types cellulaires alors nous émettons aussi l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’utilisation d’une sous-population de CSE plus homogène renforcerait le potentiel de différenciation de l'ANP. Méthodes : Les SP ont été isolées des cellules P19 par FACS en utilisant la méthode d’exclusion du colorant fluorescent Ho. Puis, leur phénotype a été caractérisé par immunofluorescence (IF) pour les marqueurs de l’état indifférencié, d’auto-renouvellement et de pluripotence octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4) et stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA1). Ensuite, la dose pharmacologique optimale d’ANP a été déterminée via des tests de cytotoxicité sur des cellules P19 (MTT assay). Pour induire la différenciation en cardiomyocytes, des cellules à l’état de sphéroïdes ont été formées à l’aide de la technique du « Hanging-Drop » sous la stimulation de l’ANP pendant 5 jours. Puis, des cryosections ont été faites dans les sphéroïdes afin de mettre en évidence la présence de marqueurs de cellules cardiaques progénitrices tels que GATA4, Nkx2.5 et un marqueur mitochondrial spécifique Tom22. Ensuite, les cellules SP P19 ont été stimulées dans les sphéroïdes cellulaires par le traitement avec de l'ANP (10-7 M) ou de l’OT (10-7 M), de l’antagoniste spécifique du guanylate cyclase particulé (GCp) A71915 (10-6 M), ainsi que la combinaison des inducteurs OT+ANP, OT+A71915, ANP+A71915. Après la mise en culture, la différenciation en cardiomyocytes a été identifié par l’apparition de colonies de cellules battantes caractéristiques des cellules cardiaques, par la détermination du phénotype cellulaire par IF, et enfin par l’extraction d'ARN et de protéines qui ont été utilisés pour le dosage du GMPc par RIA, l’expression des ARNm par RT-PCR et l’expression des protéines par immunobuvardage de type western. Résultats : Les sphéroïdes obtenus à l’aide de la technique du « Hanging-Drop » ont montré une hausse modeste de l’expression des ARNm suivants : OTR, ANP et GATA4 comparativement aux cellules cultivées en monocouches. Les sphéroïdes induits par l’ANP ont présenté une augmentation significative des facteurs de transcription cardiaque GATA4 et Nkx2.5 ainsi qu’un plus grand nombre de mitochondries caractérisé par une plus grande présence de Tom22. De plus, L’ANP a induit l’apparition de colonies de cellules battantes du jour 7 (stade précoce) au jour 14 (stade mature) de façon presque similaire à l’OT. Cependant, la combinaison de l’ANP avec l’OT n’a pas induit de colonies de cellules battantes suggérant un effet opposé à celui de l’OT. Par IF, nous avons quantifié (nombre de cellules positives) et caractérisé, du jour 6 au jour 14 de différenciation, le phénotype cardiaque de nos cellules en utilisant les marqueurs suivants : Troponine T Cardiaque, ANP, Connexines 40 et 43, l’isoforme ventriculaire de la chaîne légère de myosine (MLC-2v), OTR. Les SP différenciées sous la stimulation de l’ANP ont montré une augmentation significative du GMPc intracellulaire comparé aux cellules non différenciées. À notre grande surprise, l’antagoniste A71915 a induit une plus grande apparition de colonies de cellules battantes comparativement à l’OT et l’ANP à un jour précoce de différenciation cardiaque et l’ajout de l’OT ou de l’ANP a potentialisé ses effets, augmentant encore plus la proportion de colonies de cellules battantes. De plus, la taille des colonies de cellules battantes était encore plus importante que sous la simple stimulation de l’OT ou de l’ANP. Les analyses radioimmunologiques dans les cellules SP P19 stimulés avec l’ANP, A71915 et la combinaison des deux pendant 15min, 30min et 60min a montré que l’ANP stimule significativement la production du GMPc, cependant A71915 n’abolit pas les effets de l’ANP et celui-ci au contraire stimule la production du GMPc via des effets agonistes partiels. Conclusion : Nos résultats démontrent d’une part que l’ANP induit la différenciation des cellules SP P19 en CM fonctionnels. D’autre part, il semblerait que la voie de signalisation NPRA-B/GCp/GMPc soit impliquée dans le mécanisme de différenciation cardiaque puisque l’abolition du GMPc médiée par le GCp potentialise la différenciation cardiaque et il semblerait que cette voie de signalisation soit additive de la voie de signalisation induite par l’OT, NO/GCs/GMPc, puisque l’ajout de l’OT à l’antagoniste A71915 stimule plus fortement la différenciation cardiaque que l’OT ou l’A71915 seuls. Cela suggère que l’effet thérapeutique des peptides natriurétiques observé dans la défaillance cardiaque ainsi que les propriétés vasodilatatrices de certains antagonistes des récepteurs peptidiques natriurétiques inclus la stimulation de la différenciation des cellules souches en cardiomyocytes. Cela laisse donc à penser que les peptides natriurétiques ou les antagonistes des récepteurs peptidiques natriurétiques pourraient être une alternative très intéressante dans la thérapie cellulaire visant à induire la régénération cardiovasculaire.
Arterial hyperpolarization to acetylcholine (ACh) reflects coactivation of KCa3.1 (IKCa) channels and KCa2.3 (SKCa) channels in the endothelium that transfers through myoendothelial gap junctions and diffusible factor(s) to affect smooth muscle relaxation (endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor [EDHF] response). However, ACh can differentially activate KCa3.1 and KCa2.3 channels, and we investigated the mechanisms responsible in rat mesenteric arteries. KCa3.1 channel input to EDHF hyperpolarization was enhanced by reducing external [Ca2+]o but blocked either with forskolin to activate protein kinase A or by limiting smooth muscle [Ca2+]i increases stimulated by phenylephrine depolarization. Imaging [Ca2+]i within the endothelial cell projections forming myoendothelial gap junctions revealed increases in cytoplasmic [Ca2+]i during endothelial stimulation with ACh that were unaffected by simultaneous increases in muscle [Ca2+]i evoked by phenylephrine. If gap junctions were uncoupled, KCa3.1 channels became the predominant input to EDHF hyperpolarization, and relaxation was inhibited with ouabain, implicating a crucial link through Na+/K+-ATPase. There was no evidence for an equivalent link through KCa2.3 channels nor between these channels and the putative EDHF pathway involving natriuretic peptide receptor-C. Reconstruction of confocal z-stack images from pressurized arteries revealed KCa2.3 immunostain at endothelial cell borders, including endothelial cell projections, whereas KCa3.1 channels and Na+/K+-ATPase {alpha}2/{alpha}3 subunits were highly concentrated in endothelial cell projections and adjacent to myoendothelial gap junctions. Thus, extracellular [Ca2+]o appears to modify KCa3.1 channel activity through a protein kinase A-dependent mechanism independent of changes in endothelial [Ca2+]i. The resulting hyperpolarization links to arterial relaxation largely through Na+/K+-ATPase, possibly reflecting K+ acting as an EDHF. In contrast, KCa2.3 hyperpolarization appears mainly to affect relaxation through myoendothelial gap junctions. Overall, these data suggest that K+ and myoendothelial coupling evoke EDHF-mediated relaxation through distinct, definable pathways.
Somatostatin-receptor 1 (sst1) is an autoreceptor in the central nervous system that regulates the release of somatostatin. Sst1 is present intracellularly and at the cell surface. To investigate sst1 trafficking, rat sst1 tagged with epitope was expressed in rat insulinoma cells 1046-38 (RIN-1046-38) and tracked by antibody labeling. Confocal microscopic analysis revealed colocalization of intracellularly localized rat sst1-human simplex virus (HSV) with Rab5a-green fluorescent protein and Rab11a-green fluorescent protein, indicating the distribution of the receptor in endocytotic and recycling organelles. Somatostatin-14 induced internalization of cell surface receptors and reduction of binding sites on the cell surface. It also stimulated recruitment of intracellular sst1-HSV to the plasma membrane. Confocal analysis of sst1-HSV revealed that the receptor was initially transported within superficial vesicles. Prolonged stimulation of the cells with the peptide agonist induced intracellular accumulation of somatostatin-14. Because the number of cell surface binding sites did not change during prolonged stimulation, somatostatin-14 was internalized through a dynamic process of continuous endocytosis, recycling, and recruitment of intracellularly present sst1-HSV. Accumulated somatostatin-14 bypassed degradation via the endosomal-lysosomal route and was instead rapidly released as intact and biologically active somatostatin-14. Our results show for the first time that sst1 mediates a dynamic process of endocytosis, recycling, and re-endocytosis of its cognate ligand.
Inflammatory proteases (mast cell tryptase and trypsins) cleave protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) on spinal afferent neurons and cause persistent inflammation and hyperalgesia by unknown mechanisms. We determined whether transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1), a cation channel activated by capsaicin, protons, and noxious heat, mediates PAR2-induced hyperalgesia. PAR2 was coexpressed with TRPV1 in small- to medium-diameter neurons of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG), as determined by immunofluorescence. PAR2 agonists increased intracellular [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]i) in these neurons in culture, and PAR2-responsive neurons also responded to the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin, confirming coexpression of PAR2 and TRPV1. PAR2 agonists potentiated capsaicin-induced increases in [Ca2+]i in TRPV1-transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells and DRG neurons and potentiated capsaicin-induced currents in DRG neurons. Inhibitors of phospholipase C and protein kinase C (PKC) suppressed PAR2-induced sensitization of TRPV1-mediated changes in [Ca2+]i and TRPV1 currents. Activation of PAR2 or PKC induced phosphorylation of TRPV1 in HEK cells, suggesting a direct regulation of the channel. Intraplantar injection of a PAR2 agonist caused persistent thermal hyperalgesia that was prevented by antagonism or deletion of TRPV1. Coinjection of nonhyperalgesic doses of PAR2 agonist and capsaicin induced hyperalgesia that was inhibited by deletion of TRPV1 or antagonism of PKC. PAR2 activation also potentiated capsaicin-induced release of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide from superfused segments of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where they mediate hyperalgesia. We have identified a novel mechanism by which proteases that activate PAR2 sensitize TRPV1 through PKC. Antagonism of PAR2, TRPV1, or PKC may abrogate protease-induced thermal hyperalgesia.
Angiotensin II (Ang II) and its transmembrane AT(1) receptor were selected in order to test an innovative strategy that might allow the assessment of the agonist binding site in the receptor molecule. With the use of the 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid (TOAC) paramagnetic probe, a biologically active agonist (TOAC(1)-Ang II), as well as an inactive control (TOAC(4)-Ang II) analogs were mixed in solution with various synthesized AT(1) fragments. Comparative intermolecular interactions, as estimated by analyzing the EPR spectra of solutions, suggested the existence of an agonist binding site containing a sequence composed of portions of the N-terminal (13-17) and the third extracellular loop (266-278) fragments of the AT(1) molecule. Therefore, this combined EPR-TOAC approach shows promise as an alternative for use also in other applications related to specific intermolecular association processes.
We investigated the effects of estrogen on sodium intake and excretion induced by angiotensin II (ANG II), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) or ANG II plus ANP injected into the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO). Female Holtzman rats weighing 250-300 g were used. Sodium ingestion and excretion 120 min after the injection of 0.5 mu l of 0.15 M NaCl into the MnPO were 0.3 +/- 0.1 ml (N = 12) and 29 +/- 7 mu Eq in intact rats, 0.5 +/- 0.2 ml (N = 10) and 27 +/- 6 mu Eq in ovariectomized rats, and 0.2 +/- 0.08 (N = 11) and 38 +/- 8 mu Eq in estrogen-treated ovariectomized (50 mu g/day for 21 days) rats, respectively. ANG II (21 mu M) injection in intact, ovariectomized, and estrogen-treated ovariectomized rats increased sodium intake (3.8 +/- 0.4, 1.8 +/- 0.3 and 1.2 +/- 0.2 ml/120 min, respectively) (N = 11) and increased sodium excretion (166 +/- 18, 82 +/- 22 and 86 +/- 12 mu Eq/120 min, respectively) (N = 11). ANP (65 mu M) injection in intact (N = 11), ovariectomized(N = 10)and estrogen-treated ovariectomized (N = 10) rats increased sodium intake (1.4 +/- 0.2, 1.8 +/- 0.3, and 1.7 +/- 0.3 ml/120 min, respectively) and sodium excretion (178 +/- 19, 187 +/- 9, and 232 +/- 29 mu Eq/120 min, respectively). Concomitant injection of ANG II and ANP into the MnPO of intact (N = 12), ovariectomized (N = 10) and estrogentreated ovariectomized (N = 10) rats caused smaller effects than those produced by each peptide given alone: 1.3 +/- 0.2, 0.9 +/- 0.2 and 0.3 +/- 0.1 ml/120 min for sodium intake, respectively, and 86 +/- 9, 58 +/- 7, and 22 +/- 4 mu Eq/120 min for sodium excretion, respectively. Taken together, these results demonstrate that there is an antagonistic interaction of ANP and ANG II on sodium intake and excretion, and that reproductive hormones affect this interaction.
In sepsis, toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 modulates the migration of neutrophils to infectious foci, favoring bacteremia and mortality. In experimental sepsis, organ dysfunction and cytokines released by activated macrophages can be reduced by gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor (GRPR) antagonist RC-3095. Here we report a link between GRPR and TLR-4 in experimental models and in sepsis patients. RAW 264.7 culture cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and RC-3095 (10 ng/mL), Male Wistar rats were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), and RC-3095 was administered (3 mg/kg, subcutaneously); after 6 h, we removed the blood, bronchoalveolar lavage, peritoneal lavage and lung. Human patients with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis received a continuous infusion with RC-3095 (3 mg/kg, intravenous) over a period of 12 h, and plasma was collected before and after RC-3095 administration and, in a different set of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or sepsis. GRP plasma levels were determined. RC-3095 inhibited TLR-4, extracellular-signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and Akt and decreased activation of activator protein 1 (AP-1), nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and interleukin (IL)-6 in macrophages stimulated by LPS. It also decreased IL-6 release from macrophages stimulated by TNF-alpha. RC-3095 treatment in CLP rats decreased lung TLR-4, reduced the migration of cells to the lung and reduced systemic cytokines and bacterial dissemination. Patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome have elevated plasma levels of GRP which associates with clinical outcome in the sepsis patients. These findings highlight the role of GRPR signaling in sepsis outcome and the beneficial action of GRPR antagonists in controlling the inflammatory response in sepsis through a mechanism involving at least inhibition of TLR-4 signaling. Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/molmed.2012.00083
Neutrophil migration to inflamed sites is crucial for both the initiation of inflammation and resolution of infection, yet these cells are involved in perpetuation of different chronic inflammatory diseases. Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) is a neuropeptide that acts through G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) involved in signal transmission in both central and peripheral nervous systems. Its receptor, gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR), is expressed by various cell types, and it is overexpressed in cancer cells. RC-3095 is a selective GRPR antagonist, recently found to have antiinflammatory properties in arthritis and sepsis models. Here we demonstrate that i.p. injection of GRP attracts neutrophils in 4 h, and attraction is blocked by RC-3095. Macrophage depletion or neutralization of TNF abrogates GRP-induced neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneum. In vitro, GRP-induced neutrophil migration was dependent on PLC-beta 2, PI3K, ERK, p38 and independent of G alpha i protein, and neutrophil migration toward synovial fluid of arthritis patients was inhibited by treatment with RC-3095. We propose that GRPR is an alternative chemotactic receptor that may play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disorders.
Background: Clinical multistage risk assessment associated with electrocardiogram (ECG) and NT-proBNP may be a feasible strategy to screen hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). We investigated the effectiveness of a screening based on ECG and NT-proBNP in first-degree relatives of patients with HCM. Methods and Results: A total of 106 first-degree relatives were included. All individuals were evaluated by echocardiography, ECG, NT-proBNP, and molecular screening (available for 65 individuals). From the 106 individuals, 36 (34%) had diagnosis confirmed by echocardiography. Using echocardiography as the gold standard, ECG criteria had a sensitivity of 0.71, 0.42, and 0.52 for the Romhilt-Estes, Sokolow-Lyon, and Cornell criteria, respectively. Mean values of NT-ProBNP were higher in affected as compared with nonaffected relatives (26.1 vs. 1290.5, P < .001). The AUC of NT-proBNP was 0.98. Using a cutoff value of 70 pg/mL, we observed a sensitivity of 0.92 and specificity of 0.96. Using molecular genetics as the gold standard, ECG criteria had a sensitivity of 0.67, 0.37, and 0.42 for the Romhilt-Estes, Sokolow-Lyon, and Cornell criteria, respectively. Using a cutoff value of 70 pg/mL, we observed a sensitivity of 0.83 and specificity of 0.98. Conclusion: Values of NT-proBNP above 70 pg/mL can be used to effectively select high-risk first-degree relatives for HCM screening. (J Cardiac Fail 2012;18:564-568)
In this minireview we describe the involvement of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cardiovascular pathophysiology and exercise. The ANP has a broad homeostatic role and exerts complex effects on the cardio-circulatory hemodynamics, it is produced by the left atrium and has a key role in regulating sodium and water balance in mammals and humans. The dominant stimulus for its release is atrial wall tension, commonly caused by exercise. The ANP is involved in the process of lipolysis through a cGMP signaling pathway and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure by decreasing the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to the action of vasoconstrictors and regulate fluid balance. The increase of this hormone is associated with better survival in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). This minireview provides new evidence based on recent studies related to the beneficial effects of exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease, focusing on the ANP.
Long-term endurance sports are associated with atrial remodeling and an increased risk for atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter. Pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (pro-ANP) is a marker of atrial wall tension and elevated in patients with AF. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that atrial remodeling would be perpetuated by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching during strenuous competitions, reflected by elevated levels of pro-ANP. A cross-sectional study was performed on nonelite runners scheduled to participate in the 2010 Grand Prix of Bern, a 10-mile race. Four hundred ninety-two marathon and nonmarathon runners applied for participation, 70 were randomly selected, and 56 entered the final analysis. Subjects were stratified according to former marathon participations: a control group (nonmarathon runners, n = 22), group 1 (1 to 4 marathons, n = 16), and group 2 (≥5 marathons, n = 18). Results were adjusted for age, training years, and average weekly endurance training hours. The mean age was 42 ± 7 years. Compared to the control group, marathon runners in groups 1 and 2 had larger left atria (25 ± 6 vs 30 ± 6 vs 34 ± 7 ml/m(2), p = 0.002) and larger right atria (27 ± 7 vs 31 ± 8 vs 35 ± 5 ml/m(2), p = 0.024). Pro-ANP levels at baseline were higher in marathon runners (1.04 ± 0.38 vs 1.42 ± 0.74 vs 1.67 ± 0.69 nmol/L, p = 0.006). Pro-ANP increased significantly in all groups after the race. In multiple linear regression analysis, marathon participation was an independent predictor of left atrial (β = 0.427, p <0.001) and right atrial (β = 0.395, p = 0.006) remodeling. In conclusion, marathon running was associated with progressive left and right atrial remodeling, possibly induced by repetitive episodes of atrial stretching. The altered left and right atrial substrate may facilitate atrial arrhythmias.
The synthesis and preclinical evaluation of [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C in GRPR-expressing models are reported. Demomedin C resulted by coupling a Boc-protected N(4)-chelator to neuromedin C (human GRP(18-27)), which, after (99m)Tc-labeling, afforded [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C. Demomedin C showed high affinity and selectivity for the GRPR during receptor autoradiography on human cancer samples (IC(50) in nM: GRPR, 1.4 ± 0.2; NMBR, 106 ± 18; and BB(3)R, >1000). It triggered GRPR internalization in HEK-GRPR cells and Ca(2+) release in PC-3 cells (EC(50) = 1.3 nM). [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C rapidly and specifically internalized at 37 °C in PC-3 cells and was stable in mouse plasma. [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C efficiently and specifically localized in human PC-3 implants in mice (9.84 ± 0.81%ID/g at 1 h pi; 6.36 ± 0.85%ID/g at 4 h pi, and 0.41 ± 0.07%ID/g at 4 h pi block). Thus, human GRP-based radioligands, such as [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C, can successfully target GRPR-expressing human tumors in vivo while displaying attractive biological features--e.g. higher GRPR-selectivity--vs their frog-homologues.
Targeting neuroendocrine tumors expressing somatostatin receptor subtypes (sst) with radiolabeled somatostatin agonists is an established diagnostic and therapeutic approach in oncology. While agonists readily internalize into tumor cells, permitting accumulation of radioactivity, radiolabeled antagonists do not, and they have not been considered for tumor targeting. The macrocyclic chelator 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) was coupled to two potent somatostatin receptor-selective peptide antagonists [NH(2)-CO-c(DCys-Phe-Tyr-DAgl(8)(Me,2-naphthoyl)-Lys-Thr-Phe-Cys)-OH (sst(3)-ODN-8) and a sst(2)-selective antagonist (sst(2)-ANT)], for labeling with (111/nat)In. (111/nat)In-DOTA-sst(3)-ODN-8 and (111/nat)In-DOTA-[4-NO(2)-Phe-c(DCys-Tyr-DTrp-Lys-Thr-Cys)-DTyr-NH(2)] ((111/nat)In-DOTA-sst(2)-ANT) showed high sst(3)- and sst(2)-binding affinity, respectively. They did not trigger sst(3) or sst(2) internalization but prevented agonist-stimulated internalization. (111)In-DOTA-sst(3)-ODN-8 and (111)In-DOTA-sst(2)-ANT were injected intravenously into mice bearing sst(3)- and sst(2)-expressing tumors, and their biodistribution was monitored. In the sst(3)-expressing tumors, strong accumulation of (111)In-DOTA-sst(3)-ODN-8 was observed, peaking at 1 h with 60% injected radioactivity per gram of tissue and remaining at a high level for >72 h. Excess of sst(3)-ODN-8 blocked uptake. As a control, the potent agonist (111)In-DOTA-[1-Nal(3)]-octreotide, with strong sst(3)-binding and internalization properties showed a much lower and shorter-lasting uptake in sst(3)-expressing tumors. Similarly, (111)In-DOTA-sst(2)-ANT was injected into mice bearing sst(2)-expressing tumors. Tumor uptake was considerably higher than with the highly potent sst(2)-selective agonist (111)In-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-[Tyr(3),Thr(8)]-octreotide ((111)In-DTPA-TATE). Scatchard plots showed that antagonists labeled many more sites than agonists. Somatostatin antagonist radiotracers therefore are preferable over agonists for the in vivo targeting of sst(3)- or sst(2)-expressing tumors. Antagonist radioligands for other peptide receptors need to be evaluated in nuclear oncology as a result of this paradigm shift.
Numerous peptide receptors have recently been reported to be expressed or overexpressed in various human cancers. For instance, somatostatin receptors are particularly frequently expressed in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NET), including both primaries and metastases. The density is often high, and the distribution is usually homogenous. While various somatostatin receptor subtypes can be expressed in these tumors, the sst(2) is clearly predominant. These receptors represent the molecular basis for a number of clinical applications, including symptomatic therapy with octreotide in hormone-secreting GEP-NET, in vivo diagnostic with radiolabeled diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid octreotide (Octreoscan) to evaluate the extend of the disease, and (90)Y- or (177)Lu-[(90)Y-DOTA]-D: -Phe(1)-Tyr(3) octreotide radiotherapy. GEP-NET can, however, express peptide receptors other than somatostatin receptor: Insulinomas have more glucagon-like peptide 1 receptors than somatostatin receptors; gastrinomas express very high levels of secretin receptors. GEP-NET may also express cholecystokinin 2, bombesin, neuropeptide Y, or vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors. Often, several of these peptide receptors are expressed simultaneously in GEP-NET, providing a molecular basis for in vivo multireceptor targeting of those tumors.
Postoperative infections and cardiac events are the major morbidity factors after thoracic surgery and dominating causes of death. Therefore, a sensitive blood marker is needed for an early diagnosis of complications. Twenty-two patients admitted with lung cancer were enrolled in this study. Procalcitonin, brain natriuretic peptide, C-reactive peptide and interleukin-6 levels were recorded preoperatively and postoperatively on days 1-5. Laboratory values of patients with cardiac or infectious complications were compared to patients without complications. During postoperative course procalcitonin and brain natriuretic peptide levels elevated in all patients, but both had higher peak levels in patients with infectious or cardiac complication than without these complications. Interleukin-6 levels were increased on day one and showed a slower decrease in case of complications than without complications. In general, brain natriuretic peptide and procalcitonin levels are increased in the postoperative course after major pulmonary resection, but cardiac and infectious complications are associated with higher levels and a slower decrease than without complications. Interleukin-6 levels showed a slower decrease in patients with complications in the postoperative course than without complications. So the combination of procalcitonin, brain natriuretic peptide, and interleukin-6 seems to be useful for an optimized postoperative monitoring.