914 resultados para Mobile Packet Backbone Network


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Due to the high cost of a large ATM network working up to full strength to apply our ideas about network management, i.e., dynamic virtual path (VP) management and fault restoration, we developed a distributed simulation platform for performing our experiments. This platform also had to be capable of other sorts of tests, such as connection admission control (CAC) algorithms, routing algorithms, and accounting and charging methods. The platform was posed as a very simple, event-oriented and scalable simulation. The main goal was the simulation of a working ATM backbone network with a potentially large number of nodes (hundreds). As research into control algorithms and low-level, or rather cell-level methods, was beyond the scope of this study, the simulation took place at a connection level, i.e., there was no real traffic of cells. The simulated network behaved like a real network accepting and rejecting SNMP ones, or experimental tools using the API node


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Connectivity is the basic factor for the proper operation of any wireless network. In a mobile wireless sensor network it is a challenge for applications and protocols to deal with connectivity problems, as links might get up and down frequently. In these scenarios, having knowledge of the node remaining connectivity time could both improve the performance of the protocols (e.g. handoff mechanisms) and save possible scarce nodes resources (CPU, bandwidth, and energy) by preventing unfruitful transmissions. The current paper provides a solution called Genetic Machine Learning Algorithm (GMLA) to forecast the remainder connectivity time in mobile environments. It consists in combining Classifier Systems with a Markov chain model of the RF link quality. The main advantage of using an evolutionary approach is that the Markov model parameters can be discovered on-the-fly, making it possible to cope with unknown environments and mobility patterns. Simulation results show that the proposal is a very suitable solution, as it overcomes the performance obtained by similar approaches.


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Un livello di sicurezza che prevede l’autenticazione e autorizzazione di un utente e che permette di tenere traccia di tutte le operazioni effettuate, non esclude una rete dall’essere soggetta a incidenti informatici, che possono derivare da tentativi di accesso agli host tramite innalzamento illecito di privilegi o dai classici programmi malevoli come virus, trojan e worm. Un rimedio per identificare eventuali minacce prevede l’utilizzo di un dispositivo IDS (Intrusion Detection System) con il compito di analizzare il traffico e confrontarlo con una serie d’impronte che fanno riferimento a scenari d’intrusioni conosciute. Anche con elevate capacità di elaborazione dell’hardware, le risorse potrebbero non essere sufficienti a garantire un corretto funzionamento del servizio sull’intero traffico che attraversa una rete. L'obiettivo di questa tesi consiste nella creazione di un’applicazione con lo scopo di eseguire un’analisi preventiva, in modo da alleggerire la mole di dati da sottoporre all’IDS nella fase di scansione vera e propria del traffico. Per fare questo vengono sfruttate le statistiche calcolate su dei dati forniti direttamente dagli apparati di rete, cercando di identificare del traffico che utilizza dei protocolli noti e quindi giudicabile non pericoloso con una buona probabilità.


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We introduce a continuum model describing data losses in a single node of a packet-switched network (like the Internet) which preserves the discrete nature of the data loss process. By construction, the model has critical behavior with a sharp transition from exponentially small to finite losses with increasing data arrival rate. We show that such a model exhibits strong fluctuations in the loss rate at the critical point and non-Markovian power-law correlations in time, in spite of the Markovian character of the data arrival process. The continuum model allows for rather general incoming data packet distributions and can be naturally generalized to consider the buffer server idleness statistics.


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We suggest a model for data losses in a single node (memory buffer) of a packet-switched network (like the Internet) which reduces to one-dimensional discrete random walks with unusual boundary conditions. By construction, the model has critical behavior with a sharp transition from exponentially small to finite losses with increasing data arrival rate. We show that for a finite-capacity buffer at the critical point the loss rate exhibits strong fluctuations and non-Markovian power-law correlations in time, in spite of the Markovian character of the data arrival process.


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The environment of a mobile ad hoc network may vary greatly depending on nodes' mobility, traffic load and resource conditions. In this paper we categorize the environment of an ad hoc network into three main states: an ideal state, wherein the network is relatively stable with sufficient resources; a congested state, wherein some nodes, regions or the network is experiencing congestion; and an energy critical state, wherein the energy capacity of nodes in the network is critically low. Each of these states requires unique routing schemes, but existing ad hoc routing protocols are only effective in one of these states. This implies that when the network enters into any other states, these protocols run into a sub optimal mode, degrading the performance of the network. We propose an Ad hoc Network State Aware Routing Protocol (ANSAR) which conditionally switches between earliest arrival scheme and a joint Load-Energy aware scheme depending on the current state of the network. Comparing to existing schemes, it yields higher efficiency and reliability as shown in our simulation results. © 2007 IEEE.


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This paper introduces a joint load balancing and hotspot mitigation protocol for mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) termed by us as 'load_energy balance + hotspot mitigation protocol (LEB+HM)'. We argue that although ad-hoc wireless networks have limited network resources - bandwidth and power, prone to frequent link/node failures and have high security risk; existing ad hoc routing protocols do not put emphasis on maintaining robust link/node, efficient use of network resources and on maintaining the security of the network. Typical route selection metrics used by existing ad hoc routing protocols are shortest hop, shortest delay, and loop avoidance. These routing philosophy have the tendency to cause traffic concentration on certain regions or nodes, leading to heavy contention, congestion and resource exhaustion which in turn may result in increased end-to-end delay, packet loss and faster battery power depletion, degrading the overall performance of the network. Also in most existing on-demand ad hoc routing protocols intermediate nodes are allowed to send route reply RREP to source in response to a route request RREQ. In such situation a malicious node can send a false optimal route to the source so that data packets sent will be directed to or through it, and tamper with them as wish. It is therefore desirable to adopt routing schemes which can dynamically disperse traffic load, able to detect and remove any possible bottlenecks and provide some form of security to the network. In this paper we propose a combine adaptive load_energy balancing and hotspot mitigation scheme that aims at evenly distributing network traffic load and energy, mitigate against any possible occurrence of hotspot and provide some form of security to the network. This combine approach is expected to yield high reliability, availability and robustness, that best suits any dynamic and scalable ad hoc network environment. Dynamic source routing (DSR) was use as our underlying protocol for the implementation of our algorithm. Simulation comparison of our protocol to that of original DSR shows that our protocol has reduced node/link failure, even distribution of battery energy, and better network service efficiency.


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In recent years, there has been an enormous growth of location-aware devices, such as GPS embedded cell phones, mobile sensors and radio-frequency identification tags. The age of combining sensing, processing and communication in one device, gives rise to a vast number of applications leading to endless possibilities and a realization of mobile Wireless Sensor Network (mWSN) applications. As computing, sensing and communication become more ubiquitous, trajectory privacy becomes a critical piece of information and an important factor for commercial success. While on the move, sensor nodes continuously transmit data streams of sensed values and spatiotemporal information, known as ``trajectory information". If adversaries can intercept this information, they can monitor the trajectory path and capture the location of the source node. ^ This research stems from the recognition that the wide applicability of mWSNs will remain elusive unless a trajectory privacy preservation mechanism is developed. The outcome seeks to lay a firm foundation in the field of trajectory privacy preservation in mWSNs against external and internal trajectory privacy attacks. First, to prevent external attacks, we particularly investigated a context-based trajectory privacy-aware routing protocol to prevent the eavesdropping attack. Traditional shortest-path oriented routing algorithms give adversaries the possibility to locate the target node in a certain area. We designed the novel privacy-aware routing phase and utilized the trajectory dissimilarity between mobile nodes to mislead adversaries about the location where the message started its journey. Second, to detect internal attacks, we developed a software-based attestation solution to detect compromised nodes. We created the dynamic attestation node chain among neighboring nodes to examine the memory checksum of suspicious nodes. The computation time for memory traversal had been improved compared to the previous work. Finally, we revisited the trust issue in trajectory privacy preservation mechanism designs. We used Bayesian game theory to model and analyze cooperative, selfish and malicious nodes' behaviors in trajectory privacy preservation activities.^


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In recent years, there has been an enormous growth of location-aware devices, such as GPS embedded cell phones, mobile sensors and radio-frequency identification tags. The age of combining sensing, processing and communication in one device, gives rise to a vast number of applications leading to endless possibilities and a realization of mobile Wireless Sensor Network (mWSN) applications. As computing, sensing and communication become more ubiquitous, trajectory privacy becomes a critical piece of information and an important factor for commercial success. While on the move, sensor nodes continuously transmit data streams of sensed values and spatiotemporal information, known as ``trajectory information". If adversaries can intercept this information, they can monitor the trajectory path and capture the location of the source node. This research stems from the recognition that the wide applicability of mWSNs will remain elusive unless a trajectory privacy preservation mechanism is developed. The outcome seeks to lay a firm foundation in the field of trajectory privacy preservation in mWSNs against external and internal trajectory privacy attacks. First, to prevent external attacks, we particularly investigated a context-based trajectory privacy-aware routing protocol to prevent the eavesdropping attack. Traditional shortest-path oriented routing algorithms give adversaries the possibility to locate the target node in a certain area. We designed the novel privacy-aware routing phase and utilized the trajectory dissimilarity between mobile nodes to mislead adversaries about the location where the message started its journey. Second, to detect internal attacks, we developed a software-based attestation solution to detect compromised nodes. We created the dynamic attestation node chain among neighboring nodes to examine the memory checksum of suspicious nodes. The computation time for memory traversal had been improved compared to the previous work. Finally, we revisited the trust issue in trajectory privacy preservation mechanism designs. We used Bayesian game theory to model and analyze cooperative, selfish and malicious nodes' behaviors in trajectory privacy preservation activities.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática. Área de Especialização em Tecnologias do Conhecimento e Decisão.


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A massificação da utilização das tecnologias de informação e da Internet para os mais variados fins, e nas mais diversas áreas, criou problemas de gestão das infra-estruturas de informática, ímpares até ao momento. A gestão de redes informáticas converteu-se num factor vital para uma rede a operar de forma eficiente, produtiva e lucrativa. No entanto, a maioria dos sistemas são baseados no Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), assente no modelo cliente-servidor e com um paradigma centralizado. Desta forma subsiste sempre um servidor central que colecta e analisa dados provenientes dos diferentes elementos dispersos pela rede. Sendo que os dados de gestão estão armazenados em bases de dados de gestão ou Management Information Bases (MIB’s) localizadas nos diversos elementos da rede. O actual modelo de gestão baseado no SNMP não tem conseguido dar a resposta exigida. Pelo que, existe a necessidade de se estudar e utilizar novos paradigmas de maneira a que se possa encontrar uma nova abordagem capaz de aumentar a fiabilidade e a performance da gestão de redes. Neste trabalho pretende-se discutir os problemas existentes na abordagem tradicional de gestão de redes, procurando demonstrar a utilidade e as vantagens da utilização de uma abordagem baseada em Agentes móveis. Paralelamente, propõe-se uma arquitectura baseada em Agentes móveis para um sistema de gestão a utilizar num caso real.


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L’objectiu del projecte és tractar de donar solució al problema d’interconnexió de dispositius mòbils, en concret de PDAs Nokia 810, en una situació on no es disposa d’un punt d’accès fixe. Per a fer-ho possible es forma una xarxa MANET, és a dir una xarxa Ad-hoc mòbil, on els nodes són els propis dispositius. Un cop establerta la connexió, s’obté un llistat actualitzat amb les adreces IP de tots els nodes visibles de la xarxa.


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The goal of this work is to design and implement authentication and authorization section to PeerHood system. PeerHood system is developedin Lappeenranta University of Technology. It provides functions of discovering devices compatible with PeerHood and listing services offered by those devices; based on wireless technologies: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPRS. The thesis describes implementation of the security approach intomobile Ad-Hoc environment and includes both authentication and authorization processes.


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PeerHood -verkon mobiililaitteiden akkutehon säästämiseksi siirretään mobiililaitteen verkkonaapuruston valvontatehtävät kiinteälle laitteelle. Valvontatehtävien siirto on tarkoitus tehdä silloin, kun laite pysyy paikallaan, esimerkiksi toimisto tiloissa. Laitteen pysyessä paikallaan voidaan verkkonaapurustoa seurata kiinteän laitteen resursseilla ja päivittää verkkomuutokset mobiililaitteelle tarvittaessa. Mobiililaitteen ollessa vain kuuntelutilassa laite säästää akkutehoa, koska sen ei tarvitse aktiivisesti lähettää dataa verkkolaitteillaan. Verkkolaitteet pysyvät lepotilassa ja odottavat vain tulevaa dataa. Verkkonaapuruston valvontatehtävien siirto ei kuitenkaan vaikuta käyttäjän palveluiden hyödyntämiseen, joten verkkolaitteen akkutehon säästö riippuu suuresti käyttäjän toimista, käyttäjä voi edelleen käyttää muiden PeerHood laitteiden palveluita tai tarjota omiaan.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää ITIL-implementoinnin ulottumista käytännön tasolle teleoperaattorin verkonvalvonnassa. Perusperiaatteena on selvittää verkonvalvonnassa työskentelevien mielipiteitä ITIL-implementoinnista. ITIL:n mukaisten prosessien käyttöönoton on havaittu aiemmissa tutkimuksissa yleisesti tehostavan yritysten toimintaa. Prosessien implementointivaiheessa on otettava huomioon erilaisia asioita, jotta prosessit saadaan tehokkaasti käyttöön. Tärkeitä asioita ovat muun muassa henkilöstön tiedottaminen ja kouluttaminen, yrityksen sisäisen kommunikoinnin parantaminen sekä prosessien mukaan työskenteleminen. Tutkimuksen analyysi on toteutettu määrällisten ja laadullisten menetelmien avulla. Mielipiteitä mitattiin viisiportaisen Likert-asteikon mukaan. Kysely sisälsi myös avoimia kysymyksiä, joita on analysoitu niin määrällisesti kuin laadullisen sisällönanalyysinkin avulla. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty kyselytutkimuksella, johon vastasi 30 teleoperaattorin verkonvalvonnan työntekijää. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että pääpiirteittäin ITIL-implementointi on ulottunut käytännön tasolle asti tutkittavan teleoperaattorin verkonvalvonnassa. Työntekijöiden kokema osaamistaso sekä työskentelytavat ovat jo verrattain hyvällä tasolla. Tutkimuksessa nousi esiin myös kohteita, jotka kaipaavat hiomista, kuten esimerkiksi tiedottamisen, koulutuksen ja työskentelyohjeiden parantaminen.