999 resultados para Metric studies


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Scant evidence is available on the discordance between loneliness and social isolation among older adults. We aimed to investigate this discordance and any health implications that it may have.

Using nationally representative datasets from ageing cohorts in Ireland (TILDA) and England (ELSA), we created a metric of discordance between loneliness and social isolation, to which we refer as Social Asymmetry. This metric was the categorised difference between standardised scores on a scale of loneliness and a scale of social isolation, giving categories of: Concordantly Lonely and Isolated, Discordant: Robust to Loneliness, or Discordant: Susceptible to Loneliness. We used regression and multilevel modelling to identify potential relationships between Social Asymmetry and cognitive outcomes.

Social Asymmetry predicted cognitive outcomes cross-sectionally and at a two-year follow-up, such that Discordant: Robust to Loneliness individuals were superior performers, but we failed to find evidence for Social Asymmetry as a predictor of cognitive trajectory over time.

We present a new metric and preliminary evidence of a relationship with clinical outcomes. Further research validating this metric in different populations, and evaluating its relationship with other outcomes, is warranted.


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Effective enterprise information security policy management requires review and assessment activities to ensure information security policies are aligned with business goals and objectives. As security policy management involves the elements of policy development process and the security policy as output, the context for security policy assessment requires goal-based metrics for these two elements. However, the current security management assessment methods only provide checklist types of assessment that are predefined by industry best practices and do not allow for developing specific goal-based metrics. Utilizing theories drawn from literature, this paper proposes the Enterprise Information Security Policy Assessment approach that expands on the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach. The proposed assessment approach is then applied in a case scenario example to illustrate a practical application. It is shown that the proposed framework addresses the requirement for developing assessment metrics and allows for the concurrent undertaking of process-based and product-based assessment. Recommendations for further research activities include the conduct of empirical research to validate the propositions and the practical application of the proposed assessment approach in case studies to provide opportunities to introduce further enhancements to the approach.


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This thesis studies homogeneous classes of complete metric spaces. Over the past few decades model theory has been extended to cover a variety of nonelementary frameworks. Shelah introduced the abstact elementary classes (AEC) in the 1980s as a common framework for the study of nonelementary classes. Another direction of extension has been the development of model theory for metric structures. This thesis takes a step in the direction of combining these two by introducing an AEC-like setting for studying metric structures. To find balance between generality and the possibility to develop stability theoretic tools, we work in a homogeneous context, thus extending the usual compact approach. The homogeneous context enables the application of stability theoretic tools developed in discrete homogeneous model theory. Using these we prove categoricity transfer theorems for homogeneous metric structures with respect to isometric isomorphisms. We also show how generalized isomorphisms can be added to the class, giving a model theoretic approach to, e.g., Banach space isomorphisms or operator approximations. The novelty is the built-in treatment of these generalized isomorphisms making, e.g., stability up to perturbation the natural stability notion. With respect to these generalized isomorphisms we develop a notion of independence. It behaves well already for structures which are omega-stable up to perturbation and coincides with the one from classical homogeneous model theory over saturated enough models. We also introduce a notion of isolation and prove dominance for it.


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With the stabilization of world finfish catches in general, and the depletion of a number of fish stocks that used to support industrial-scale fisheries, increasing attention is now being paid, to the so-called unconventional marine resources, which include many species of cephalopods. One of such important cephalopod resource is the tropical Indo-Pacific pelagic oceanic squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis. It is the most abundant large sized squid in the Indo- Pacific region with an estimated biomass of 8-11 metric tons. However, its distribution, biology, life cycle and nutrient value in the south west coast of India are still poorly known. So any new information of this species in the waters off the south west coast of India has important scientific significance for effective and rational utilization of this Oceanic fishery resources, especially during the time of depletion of shallow water resources. In view of that this study investigated different aspects of the Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, such as morphometry, growth, mortality, maturation, spawning, food, feeding and biochemical composition in the south west coast of India to understand its possible prospective importance for commercial fishing and management of its fishery


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This paper examines objective measures of speech production, specifically vowels. The relationship between the listener's perception of sections of the vowels with their perception of the entire vocalic utterance was examined.


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This paper discusses a study to validate the metric developed in the Geers and Moog Cochlear Implant Study at CID to measure the speech production of hearing impaired children.


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Equilibrium study on complex formation of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II), hereafter M(II), with the quadridentate (O-, N, O-, N) donor ligand, N-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-L-histidine (H(2)hb-L-his, hereafter H2L), in the absence and in the presence of typical (N, N) donor bidentate ligands, 1,10 phenanthroline(phen), 2, 2'-bipyridine(bipy), ethylenediamine(en), hereafter B, in aqueous solution at 25 +/- 1 degrees C was done at a fixed ionic strength, I = 0.1 mol dm(-3) (NaNO3) by combined pH-metric, UV-Vis and EPR measurements provide evidence for the formation of mononuclear and dinuclear binary and mixed ligand complexes of the types: M(L), M(L)(2)(2-), M-2(L)(2+), M-2(H-1L)(+), M(L)(B), (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+). The imidazole moiety of the ligand is found to act as a bridging bidentate ligand in the dinuclear M-2(L)(2+), M-2(H-1L)(+) and (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+) complexes, using its N-3 atom and N1-H deprotonated moiety. Stability constants of the complexes provide evidence of discrimination of Cu(II) from the other M(II) ions by this ligand. Solid complexes: [Ni(L)(H2O)(2)] (1), [Cu(L)(H2O)] (2), and [Ni(L)(bipy)] (.) H2O (3) have been isolated and characterized by various physicochemical studies. Single crystal X-ray diffraction of the ternary complex, 3, shows an octahedral [(O-,N,N,O-)(N,N)] geometry with extensive pi-pi stacking of the aromatic rings and H-bonding with imidazole (N1-H), secondary amino N-atom, the lattice H2O molecule, and the carboxylate and phenolate O-atoms. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Among the different approaches for a construction of a fundamental quantum theory of gravity the Asymptotic Safety scenario conjectures that quantum gravity can be defined within the framework of conventional quantum field theory, but only non-perturbatively. In this case its high energy behavior is controlled by a non-Gaussian fixed point of the renormalization group flow, such that its infinite cutoff limit can be taken in a well defined way. A theory of this kind is referred to as non-perturbatively renormalizable. In the last decade a considerable amount of evidence has been collected that in four dimensional metric gravity such a fixed point, suitable for the Asymptotic Safety construction, indeed exists. This thesis extends the Asymptotic Safety program of quantum gravity by three independent studies that differ in the fundamental field variables the investigated quantum theory is based on, but all exhibit a gauge group of equivalent semi-direct product structure. It allows for the first time for a direct comparison of three asymptotically safe theories of gravity constructed from different field variables. The first study investigates metric gravity coupled to SU(N) Yang-Mills theory. In particular the gravitational effects to the running of the gauge coupling are analyzed and its implications for QED and the Standard Model are discussed. The second analysis amounts to the first investigation on an asymptotically safe theory of gravity in a pure tetrad formulation. Its renormalization group flow is compared to the corresponding approximation of the metric theory and the influence of its enlarged gauge group on the UV behavior of the theory is analyzed. The third study explores Asymptotic Safety of gravity in the Einstein-Cartan setting. Here, besides the tetrad, the spin connection is considered a second fundamental field. The larger number of independent field components and the enlarged gauge group render any RG analysis of this system much more difficult than the analog metric analysis. In order to reduce the complexity of this task a novel functional renormalization group equation is proposed, that allows for an evaluation of the flow in a purely algebraic manner. As a first example of its suitability it is applied to a three dimensional truncation of the form of the Holst action, with the Newton constant, the cosmological constant and the Immirzi parameter as its running couplings. A detailed comparison of the resulting renormalization group flow to a previous study of the same system demonstrates the reliability of the new equation and suggests its use for future studies of extended truncations in this framework.


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Based on the empirical evidence that the ratio of email messages in public mailing lists to versioning system commits has remained relatively constant along the history of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), this paper has as goal to study what can be inferred from such a metric for projects of the ASF. We have found that the metric seems to be an intensive metric as it is independent of the size of the project, its activity, or the number of developers, and remains relatively independent of the technology or functional area of the project. Our analysis provides evidence that the metric is related to the technical effervescence and popularity of project, and as such can be a good candidate to measure its healthy evolution. Other, similar metrics -like the ratio of developer messages to commits and the ratio of issue tracker messages to commits- are studied for several projects as well, in order to see if they have similar characteristics.


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Errata slips inserted.


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Introduction.--The terminology of the railroad.--The word-element "auto-."--The word-element "aéro-."--Nomenclature of the Republican calendar.--The metric terminology.--Terminology for the idea of equality.--Terminology for the idea of liberty.--Terminology for the idea of democracy.--Conclusion.--Bibliography (p.243-250)


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This thesis comprises some studies on the Weyl, Vaidya and Weyl distorted Schwarzschild (WDS) spacetimes. The main focal areas are : a) construction of near horizon metric(NHM) for WDS spacetime and subsequently a "stretched horizon" prescribed by the membrane formalism for black holes, b) application of membrane formalism and construction of stretched horizons for Vaidya spacetime and c) using the thin shell formalism to construct an asymptotically flat spacetime with a Weyl interior where the construction does not violate energy conditions. For a), a standard formalism developed in [1] has been used wherein the metric is expanded as a Taylor series in ingoing Gaussian null coordinates with the affine parameter as the expansion parameter. This expansion is used to construct a timelike "stretched horizon" just outside the true horizon to facilitate some membrane formalism studies, the theory for which was first introduced in [2]. b) applies the membrane formalism to Vaidya spacetime and also extends a part of the work done in [1] in which event horizon candidates were located perturbatively. Here, we locate stretched horizons in close proximity to every event horizon candidate located in [1]. c) is an attempt to induce Weyl distortions with a thin shell of matter in an asymptotically flat spacetime without violating energy conditions.


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Assays that assess cellular mediated immune responses performed under Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) guidelines are required to provide specific and reproducible results. Defined validation procedures are required to establish the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), include pass and fail criteria, as well as implement positivity criteria. However, little to no guidance is provided on how to perform longitudinal assessment of the key reagents utilized in the assay. Through the External Quality Assurance Program Oversight Laboratory (EQAPOL), an Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assay proficiency testing program is administered. A limit of acceptable within site variability was estimated after six rounds of proficiency testing (PT). Previously, a PT send-out specific within site variability limit was calculated based on the dispersion (variance/mean) of the nine replicate wells of data. Now an overall 'dispersion limit' for the ELISpot PT program within site variability has been calculated as a dispersion of 3.3. The utility of this metric was assessed using a control sample to calculate the within (precision) and between (accuracy) experiment variability to determine if the dispersion limit could be applied to bridging studies (studies that assess lot-to-lot variations of key reagents) for comparing the accuracy of results with new lots to results with old lots. Finally, simulations were conducted to explore how this dispersion limit could provide guidance in the number of replicate wells needed for within and between experiment variability and the appropriate donor reactivity (number of antigen-specific cells) to be used for the evaluation of new reagents. Our bridging study simulations indicate using a minimum of six replicate wells of a control donor sample with reactivity of at least 150 spot forming cells per well is optimal. To determine significant lot-to-lot variations use the 3.3 dispersion limit for between and within experiment variability.


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Information entropy measured from acoustic emission (AE) waveforms is shown to be an indicator of fatigue damage in a high-strength aluminum alloy. Several tension-tension fatigue experiments were performed with dogbone samples of aluminum alloy, Al7075-T6, a commonly used material in aerospace structures. Unlike previous studies in which fatigue damage is simply measured based on visible crack growth, this work investigated fatigue damage prior to crack initiation through the use of instantaneous elastic modulus degradation. Three methods of measuring the AE information entropy, regarded as a direct measure of microstructural disorder, are proposed and compared with traditional damage-related AE features. Results show that one of the three entropy measurement methods appears to better assess damage than the traditional AE features, while the other two entropies have unique trends that can differentiate between small and large cracks.