34 resultados para Makespan
The problem of scheduling a parallel program presented by a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) to the set of homogeneous processors for minimizing the completion time of the program has been extensively studied as academic optimization problem which occurs in optimizing the execution time of parallel algorithm with parallel computer.In this paper, we propose an application of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to a multiprocessor scheduling problem (MPSP). In the MPSP, no preemption is allowed and each operation demands a setup time on the machines. The problem seeks to compose a schedule that minimizes the total completion time.We therefore rely on heuristics to find solutions since solution methods are not feasible for most problems as such. This novel heuristic searching approach to the multiprocessor based on the ACO algorithm a collection of agents cooperate to effectively explore the search space.A computational experiment is conducted on a suit of benchmark application. By comparing our algorithm result obtained to that of previous heuristic algorithm, it is evince that the ACO algorithm exhibits competitive performance with small error ratio.
Minimizing the makespan of a flow-shop no-wait (FSNW) schedule where the processing times are randomly distributed is an important NP-Complete Combinatorial Optimization Problem. In spite of this, it can be found only in very few papers in the literature. By considering the Start Interval Concept, this problem can be formulated, in a practical way, in function of the probability of the success in preserve FSNW constraints for all tasks execution. With this formulation, for the particular case with 3 machines, this paper presents different heuristics solutions: by integrating local optimization steps with insertion procedures and by using genetic algorithms for search the solution space. Computational results and performance evaluations are commented. Copyright (C) 1998 IFAC.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
This paper addresses the m-machine no-wait flow shop problem where the set-up time of a job is separated from its processing time. The performance measure considered is the total flowtime. A new hybrid metaheuristic Genetic Algorithm-Cluster Search is proposed to solve the scheduling problem. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated and the results are compared with the best method reported in the literature. Experimental tests show superiority of the new method for the test problems set, regarding the solution quality. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In process industries, make-and-pack production is used to produce food and beverages, chemicals, and metal products, among others. This type of production process allows the fabrication of a wide range of products in relatively small amounts using the same equipment. In this article, we consider a real-world production process (cf. Honkomp et al. 2000. The curse of reality – why process scheduling optimization problems are diffcult in practice. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 24, 323–328.) comprising sequence-dependent changeover times, multipurpose storage units with limited capacities, quarantine times, batch splitting, partial equipment connectivity, and transfer times. The planning problem consists of computing a production schedule such that a given demand of packed products is fulfilled, all technological constraints are satisfied, and the production makespan is minimised. None of the models in the literature covers all of the technological constraints that occur in such make-and-pack production processes. To close this gap, we develop an efficient mixed-integer linear programming model that is based on a continuous time domain and general-precedence variables. We propose novel types of symmetry-breaking constraints and a preprocessing procedure to improve the model performance. In an experimental analysis, we show that small- and moderate-sized instances can be solved to optimality within short CPU times.
An Advanced Planning System (APS) offers support at all planning levels along the supply chain while observing limited resources. We consider an APS for process industries (e.g. chemical and pharmaceutical industries) consisting of the modules network design (for long–term decisions), supply network planning (for medium–term decisions), and detailed production scheduling (for short–term decisions). For each module, we outline the decision problem, discuss the specifi cs of process industries, and review state–of–the–art solution approaches. For the module detailed production scheduling, a new solution approach is proposed in the case of batch production, which can solve much larger practical problems than the methods known thus far. The new approach decomposes detailed production scheduling for batch production into batching and batch scheduling. The batching problem converts the primary requirements for products into individual batches, where the work load is to be minimized. We formulate the batching problem as a nonlinear mixed–integer program and transform it into a linear mixed–binary program of moderate size, which can be solved by standard software. The batch scheduling problem allocates the batches to scarce resources such as processing units, workers, and intermediate storage facilities, where some regular objective function like the makespan is to be minimized. The batch scheduling problem is modelled as a resource–constrained project scheduling problem, which can be solved by an efficient truncated branch–and–bound algorithm developed recently. The performance of the new solution procedures for batching and batch scheduling is demonstrated by solving several instances of a case study from process industries.
We present results of a benchmark test evaluating the resource allocation capabilities of the project management software packages Acos Plus.1 8.2, CA SuperProject 5.0a, CS Project Professional 3.0, MS Project 2000, and Scitor Project Scheduler 8.0.1. The tests are based on 1560 instances of precedence– and resource–constrained project scheduling problems. For different complexity scenarios, we analyze the deviation of the makespan obtained by the software packages from the best feasible makespan known. Among the tested software packages, Acos Plus.1 and Project Scheduler show the best resource allocation performance. Moreover, our numerical analysis reveals a considerable performance gap between the implemented methods and state–of–the–art project scheduling algorithms, especially for large–sized problems. Thus, there is still a significant potential for improving solutions to resource allocation problems in practice.
The paper deals with batch scheduling problems in process industries where final products arise from several successive chemical or physical transformations of raw materials using multi–purpose equipment. In batch production mode, the total requirements of intermediate and final products are partitioned into batches. The production start of a batch at a given level requires the availability of all input products. We consider the problem of scheduling the production of given batches such that the makespan is minimized. Constraints like minimum and maximum time lags between successive production levels, sequence–dependent facility setup times, finite intermediate storages, production breaks, and time–varying manpower contribute to the complexity of this problem. We propose a new solution approach using models and methods of resource–constrained project scheduling, which (approximately) solves problems of industrial size within a reasonable amount of time.
Due to the ongoing trend towards increased product variety, fast-moving consumer goods such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals are typically manufactured through so-called make-and-pack processes. These processes consist of a make stage, a pack stage, and intermediate storage facilities that decouple these two stages. In operations scheduling, complex technological constraints must be considered, e.g., non-identical parallel processing units, sequence-dependent changeovers, batch splitting, no-wait restrictions, material transfer times, minimum storage times, and finite storage capacity. The short-term scheduling problem is to compute a production schedule such that a given demand for products is fulfilled, all technological constraints are met, and the production makespan is minimised. A production schedule typically comprises 500–1500 operations. Due to the problem size and complexity of the technological constraints, the performance of known mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations and heuristic approaches is often insufficient. We present a hybrid method consisting of three phases. First, the set of operations is divided into several subsets. Second, these subsets are iteratively scheduled using a generic and flexible MILP formulation. Third, a novel critical path-based improvement procedure is applied to the resulting schedule. We develop several strategies for the integration of the MILP model into this heuristic framework. Using these strategies, high-quality feasible solutions to large-scale instances can be obtained within reasonable CPU times using standard optimisation software. We have applied the proposed hybrid method to a set of industrial problem instances and found that the method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
In this paper, we are concerned about the short-term scheduling of industrial make-and-pack production processes. The planning problem consists in minimizing the production makespan while meeting given end-product demands. Sequence-dependent changeover times, multi-purpose storage units with finite capacities, quarantine times, batch splitting, partial equipment connectivity, material transfer times, and a large number of operations contribute to the complexity of the problem. Known MILP formulations cover all technological constraints of such production processes, but only small problem instances can be solved in reasonable CPU times. In this paper, we develop a heuristic in order to tackle large instances. Under this heuristic, groups of batches are scheduled iteratively using a novel MILP formulation; the assignment of the batches to the groups and the scheduling sequence of the groups are determined using a priority rule. We demonstrate the applicability by means of a real-world production process.
Debido a las limitaciones de las técnicas de optimización convencionales, en el siguiente trabajo se presenta una metaheurística basada en un algoritmo genético (AG), para resolver problemas de programación de tipo flow shop, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de finalización de todos los trabajos, más conocido como makespan. Este problema, considerado de difícil solución, es típico de la optimización combinatoria y se presenta en talleres con tecnología de maquinado, donde existen máquinas-herramientas convencionales y se fabrican diferentes tipos de piezas que tienen en común una misma ruta tecnológica (orden del proceso). La solución propuesta se probó con problemas clásicos publicados por otros autores, obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a la calidad de las soluciones encontradas y el tiempo de cómputo empleado.
A ciência tem feito uso frequente de recursos computacionais para execução de experimentos e processos científicos, que podem ser modelados como workflows que manipulam grandes volumes de dados e executam ações como seleção, análise e visualização desses dados segundo um procedimento determinado. Workflows científicos têm sido usados por cientistas de várias áreas, como astronomia e bioinformática, e tendem a ser computacionalmente intensivos e fortemente voltados à manipulação de grandes volumes de dados, o que requer o uso de plataformas de execução de alto desempenho como grades ou nuvens de computadores. Para execução dos workflows nesse tipo de plataforma é necessário o mapeamento dos recursos computacionais disponíveis para as atividades do workflow, processo conhecido como escalonamento. Plataformas de computação em nuvem têm se mostrado um alternativa viável para a execução de workflows científicos, mas o escalonamento nesse tipo de plataforma geralmente deve considerar restrições específicas como orçamento limitado ou o tipo de recurso computacional a ser utilizado na execução. Nesse contexto, informações como a duração estimada da execução ou limites de tempo e de custo (chamadas aqui de informações de suporte ao escalonamento) são importantes para garantir que o escalonamento seja eficiente e a execução ocorra de forma a atingir os resultados esperados. Este trabalho identifica as informações de suporte que podem ser adicionadas aos modelos de workflows científicos para amparar o escalonamento e a execução eficiente em plataformas de computação em nuvem. É proposta uma classificação dessas informações, e seu uso nos principais Sistemas Gerenciadores de Workflows Científicos (SGWC) é analisado. Para avaliar o impacto do uso das informações no escalonamento foram realizados experimentos utilizando modelos de workflows científicos com diferentes informações de suporte, escalonados com algoritmos que foram adaptados para considerar as informações inseridas. Nos experimentos realizados, observou-se uma redução no custo financeiro de execução do workflow em nuvem de até 59% e redução no makespan chegando a 8,6% se comparados à execução dos mesmos workflows sendo escalonados sem nenhuma informação de suporte disponível.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the optimization for a placement machine in printed circuit board (PCB) assembly when family setup strategy is adopted. Design/methodology/approach – A complete mathematical model is developed for the integrated problem to optimize feeder arrangement and component placement sequences so as to minimize the makespan for a set of PCB batches. Owing to the complexity of the problem, a specific genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed. Findings – The established model is able to find the minimal makespan for a set of PCB batches through determining the feeder arrangement and placement sequences. However, exact solutions to the problem are not practical due to the complexity. Experimental tests show that the proposed GA can solve the problem both effectively and efficiently. Research limitations/implications – When a placement machine is set up for production of a set of PCB batches, the feeder arrangement of the machine together with the component placement sequencing for each PCB type should be solved simultaneously so as to minimize the overall makespan. Practical implications – The paper investigates the optimization for PCB assembly with family setup strategy, which is adopted by many PCB manufacturers for reducing both setup costs and human errors. Originality/value – The paper investigates the feeder arrangement and placement sequencing problems when family setup strategy is adopted, which has not been studied in the literature.
This paper presents a simulated genetic algorithm (GA) model of scheduling the flow shop problem with re-entrant jobs. The objective of this research is to minimize the weighted tardiness and makespan. The proposed model considers that the jobs with non-identical due dates are processed on the machines in the same order. Furthermore, the re-entrant jobs are stochastic as only some jobs are required to reenter to the flow shop. The tardiness weight is adjusted once the jobs reenter to the shop. The performance of the proposed GA model is verified by a number of numerical experiments where the data come from the case company. The results show the proposed method has a higher order satisfaction rate than the current industrial practices.
The re-entrant flow shop scheduling problem (RFSP) is regarded as a NP-hard problem and attracted the attention of both researchers and industry. Current approach attempts to minimize the makespan of RFSP without considering the interdependency between the resource constraints and the re-entrant probability. This paper proposed Multi-level genetic algorithm (GA) by including the co-related re-entrant possibility and production mode in multi-level chromosome encoding. Repair operator is incorporated in the Multi-level genetic algorithm so as to revise the infeasible solution by resolving the resource conflict. With the objective of minimizing the makespan, Multi-level genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed and ANOVA is used to fine tune the parameter setting of GA. The experiment shows that the proposed approach is more effective to find the near-optimal schedule than the simulated annealing algorithm for both small-size problem and large-size problem. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.