843 resultados para Machine Translation (MT)
Machine translation has been a particularly difficult problem in the area of Natural Language Processing for over two decades. Early approaches to translation failed since interaction effects of complex phenomena in part made translation appear to be unmanageable. Later approaches to the problem have succeeded (although only bilingually), but are based on many language-specific rules of a context-free nature. This report presents an alternative approach to natural language translation that relies on principle-based descriptions of grammar rather than rule-oriented descriptions. The model that has been constructed is based on abstract principles as developed by Chomsky (1981) and several other researchers working within the "Government and Binding" (GB) framework. Thus, the grammar is viewed as a modular system of principles rather than a large set of ad hoc language-specific rules.
[EU]Lan honetan semantika distribuzionalaren eta ikasketa automatikoaren erabilera aztertzen dugu itzulpen automatiko estatistikoa hobetzeko. Bide horretan, erregresio logistikoan oinarritutako ikasketa automatikoko eredu bat proposatzen dugu hitz-segiden itzulpen- probabilitatea modu dinamikoan modelatzeko. Proposatutako eredua itzulpen automatiko estatistikoko ohiko itzulpen-probabilitateen orokortze bat dela frogatzen dugu, eta testuinguruko nahiz semantika distribuzionaleko informazioa barneratzeko baliatu ezaugarri lexiko, hitz-cluster eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialen bidez. Horretaz gain, semantika distribuzionaleko ezagutza itzulpen automatiko estatistikoan txertatzeko beste hurbilpen bat lantzen dugu: hitzen errepresentazio bektorial elebidunak erabiltzea hitz-segiden itzulpenen antzekotasuna modelatzeko. Gure esperimentuek proposatutako ereduen baliagarritasuna erakusten dute, emaitza itxaropentsuak eskuratuz oinarrizko sistema sendo baten gainean. Era berean, gure lanak ekarpen garrantzitsuak egiten ditu errepresentazio bektorialen mapaketa elebidunei eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialetan oinarritutako hitz-segiden antzekotasun neurriei dagokienean, itzulpen automatikoaz haratago balio propio bat dutenak semantika distribuzionalaren arloan.
Complex networks have been increasingly used in text analysis, including in connection with natural language processing tools, as important text features appear to be captured by the topology and dynamics of the networks. Following previous works that apply complex networks concepts to text quality measurement, summary evaluation, and author characterization, we now focus on machine translation (MT). In this paper we assess the possible representation of texts as complex networks to evaluate cross-linguistic issues inherent in manual and machine translation. We show that different quality translations generated by NIT tools can be distinguished from their manual counterparts by means of metrics such as in-(ID) and out-degrees (OD), clustering coefficient (CC), and shortest paths (SP). For instance, we demonstrate that the average OD in networks of automatic translations consistently exceeds the values obtained for manual ones, and that the CC values of source texts are not preserved for manual translations, but are for good automatic translations. This probably reflects the text rearrangements humans perform during manual translation. We envisage that such findings could lead to better NIT tools and automatic evaluation metrics.
This study examines the question of how language teachers in a highly technologyfriendly university environment view machine translation and the implications that this has for the personal learning environments of students. It brings an activity-theory perspective to the question, examining the ways that the introduction of new tools can disrupt the relationship between different elements in an activity system. This perspective opens up for an investigation of the ways that new tools have the potential to fundamentally alter traditional learning activities. In questionnaires and group discussions, respondents showed general agreement that although use of machine translation by students could be considered cheating, students are bound to use it anyway, and suggested that teachers focus on the kinds of skills students would need when using machine translation and design assignments and exams to practice and assess these skills. The results of the empirical study are used to reflect upon questions of what the roles of teachers and students are in a context where many of the skills that a person needs to be able to interact in a foreign language increasingly can be outsourced to laptops and smartphones.
This study examines the question of how language teachers in a highly technology-friendly university environment view machine translation and the implications that this has for the personal learning environments of students. It brings an activity-theory perspective to the question, examining the ways that the introduction of new tools can disrupt the relationship between different elements in an activity system. This perspective opens up for an investigation of the ways that new tools have the potential to fundamentally alter traditional learning activities. In questionnaires and group discussions, respondents showed general agreement that although use of machine translation by students could be considered cheating, students are bound to use it anyway, and suggested that teachers focus on the kinds of skills students would need when using machine translation and design assignments and exams to practice and assess these skills. The results of the empirical study are used to reflect upon questions of what the roles of teachers and students are in a context where many of the skills that a person needs to be able to interact in a foreign language increasingly can be outsourced to laptops and smartphones.
Con il presente studio si è inteso analizzare l’impatto dell’utilizzo di una memoria di traduzione (TM) e del post-editing (PE) di un output grezzo sul livello di difficoltà percepita e sul tempo necessario per ottenere un testo finale di alta qualità. L’esperimento ha coinvolto sei studenti, di madrelingua italiana, del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione Specializzata dell’Università di Bologna (Vicepresidenza di Forlì). I partecipanti sono stati divisi in tre coppie, a ognuna delle quali è stato assegnato un estratto di comunicato stampa in inglese. Per ogni coppia, ad un partecipante è stato chiesto di tradurre il testo in italiano usando la TM all’interno di SDL Trados Studio 2011. All’altro partecipante è stato chiesto di fare il PE completo in italiano dell’output grezzo ottenuto da Google Translate. Nei casi in cui la TM o l’output non contenevano traduzioni (corrette), i partecipanti avrebbero potuto consultare Internet. Ricorrendo ai Think-aloud Protocols (TAPs), è stato chiesto loro di riflettere a voce alta durante lo svolgimento dei compiti. È stato quindi possibile individuare i problemi traduttivi incontrati e i casi in cui la TM e l’output grezzo hanno fornito soluzioni corrette; inoltre, è stato possibile osservare le strategie traduttive impiegate, per poi chiedere ai partecipanti di indicarne la difficoltà attraverso interviste a posteriori. È stato anche misurato il tempo impiegato da ogni partecipante. I dati sulla difficoltà percepita e quelli sul tempo impiegato sono stati messi in relazione con il numero di soluzioni corrette rispettivamente fornito da TM e output grezzo. È stato osservato che usare la TM ha comportato un maggior risparmio di tempo e che, al contrario del PE, ha portato a una riduzione della difficoltà percepita. Il presente studio si propone di aiutare i futuri traduttori professionisti a scegliere strumenti tecnologici che gli permettano di risparmiare tempo e risorse.
This paper describes methods and results for the annotation of two discourse-level phenomena, connectives and pronouns, over a multilingual parallel corpus. Excerpts from Europarl in English and French have been annotated with disambiguation information for connectives and pronouns, for about 3600 tokens. This data is then used in several ways: for cross-linguistic studies, for training automatic disambiguation software, and ultimately for training and testing discourse-aware statistical machine translation systems. The paper presents the annotation procedures and their results in detail, and overviews the first systems trained on the annotated resources and their use for machine translation.
This paper describes a preprocessing module for improving the performance of a Spanish into Spanish Sign Language (Lengua de Signos Espanola: LSE) translation system when dealing with sparse training data. This preprocessing module replaces Spanish words with associated tags. The list with Spanish words (vocabulary) and associated tags used by this module is computed automatically considering those signs that show the highest probability of being the translation of every Spanish word. This automatic tag extraction has been compared to a manual strategy achieving almost the same improvement. In this analysis, several alternatives for dealing with non-relevant words have been studied. Non-relevant words are Spanish words not assigned to any sign. The preprocessing module has been incorporated into two well-known statistical translation architectures: a phrase-based system and a Statistical Finite State Transducer (SFST). This system has been developed for a specific application domain: the renewal of Identity Documents and Driver's License. In order to evaluate the system a parallel corpus made up of 4080 Spanish sentences and their LSE translation has been used. The evaluation results revealed a significant performance improvement when including this preprocessing module. In the phrase-based system, the proposed module has given rise to an increase in BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) from 73.8% to 81.0% and an increase in the human evaluation score from 0.64 to 0.83. In the case of SFST, BLEU increased from 70.6% to 78.4% and the human evaluation score from 0.65 to 0.82.
Este artículo describe una estrategia de selección de frases para hacer el ajuste de un sistema de traducción estadístico basado en el decodificador Moses que traduce del español al inglés. En este trabajo proponemos dos posibilidades para realizar esta selección de las frases del corpus de validación que más se parecen a las frases que queremos traducir (frases de test en lengua origen). Con esta selección podemos obtener unos mejores pesos de los modelos para emplearlos después en el proceso de traducción y, por tanto, mejorar los resultados. Concretamente, con el método de selección basado en la medida de similitud propuesta en este artículo, mejoramos la medida BLEU del 27,17% con el corpus de validación completo al 27,27% seleccionando las frases para el ajuste. Estos resultados se acercan a los del experimento ORACLE: se utilizan las mismas frases de test para hacer el ajuste de los pesos. En este caso, el BLEU obtenido es de 27,51%.
This paper proposes an architecture, based on statistical machine translation, for developing the text normalization module of a text to speech conversion system. The main target is to generate a language independent text normalization module, based on data and flexible enough to deal with all situa-tions presented in this task. The proposed architecture is composed by three main modules: a tokenizer module for splitting the text input into a token graph (tokenization), a phrase-based translation module (token translation) and a post-processing module for removing some tokens. This paper presents initial exper-iments for numbers and abbreviations. The very good results obtained validate the proposed architecture.