199 resultados para Machester triage


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DNA is nowadays swabbed routinely to investigate serious and volume crimes, but research remains scarce when it comes to determining the criteria that may impact the success rate of DNA swabs taken on different surfaces and situations. To investigate these criteria in fully operational conditions, DNA analysis results of 4772 swabs taken by the forensic unit of a police department in Western Switzerland over a 2.5-year period (2012-2014) in volume crime cases were considered. A representative and random sample of 1236 swab analyses was extensively examined and codified, describing several criteria such as whether the swabbing was performed at the scene or in the lab, the zone of the scene where it was performed, the kind of object or surface that was swabbed, whether the target specimen was a touch surface or a biological fluid, and whether the swab targeted a single surface or combined different surfaces. The impact of each criterion and of their combination was assessed in regard to the success rate of DNA analysis, measured through the quality of the resulting profile, and whether the profile resulted in a hit in the national database or not. Results show that some situations - such as swabs taken on door and window handles for instance - have a higher success rate than average swabs. Conversely, other situations lead to a marked decrease in the success rate, which should discourage further analyses of such swabs. Results also confirm that targeting a DNA swab on a single surface is preferable to swabbing different surfaces with the intent to aggregate cells deposited by the offender. Such results assist in predicting the chance that the analysis of a swab taken in a given situation will lead to a positive result. The study could therefore inform an evidence-based approach to decision-making at the crime scene (what to swab or not) and at the triage step (what to analyse or not), contributing thus to save resource and increase the efficiency of forensic science efforts.


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Au croisement de l’anthropologie médicale, de la communication, du design industriel et des nouvelles technologies de l’information, ce mémoire se penche sur les difficultés communicatives rencontrées par le personnel médical et les patients de provenances culturelles variées dans le milieu des urgences hospitalières à Montréal. Dans l’optique d’améliorer l’échange au poste de triage, la réflexion porte principalement sur la pertinence et les caractéristiques d’un support visuel d’appoint. Elle aborde la problématique par l’étude des concepts de perception, de compréhension, d’interprétation et de représentation graphique sous les angles théoriques de la communication visuelle (Benjamin, Berger, Dibi-Huberman), de la sémiologie du discours social (Verón) et du jeu herméneutique (Gadamer). Les systèmes symboliques de cent cinquante images, illustrant sur Internet trois symptômes propres à la gastro-entérite, ont été analysés d’après une méthodologie mixte quantitative et qualitative afin d’identifier leurs sens dénotatifs et connotatifs. Les résultats appuient le recours à des images pour contourner les barrières langagières et révèlent l’existence d’une culture médicale visuelle internationale dont le code iconographique est hybride et pluriculturel. Ces nouvelles informations indiquent des critères de performance et des hypothèses concernant les changements occasionnés par l’ajout d’un support visuel dans la dynamique communicationnelle de l’ETC. La recherche ouvre aussi une piste vers l’étude herméneutique du produit en design industriel.


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La surveillance de l’influenza s’appuie sur un large spectre de données, dont les données de surveillance syndromique provenant des salles d’urgences. De plus en plus de variables sont enregistrées dans les dossiers électroniques des urgences et mises à la disposition des équipes de surveillance. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’évaluer l’utilité potentielle de l’âge, de la catégorie de triage et de l’orientation au départ de l’urgence pour améliorer la surveillance de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza. Les données d’un sous-ensemble des hôpitaux de Montréal ont été utilisées, d’avril 2006 à janvier 2011. Les hospitalisations avec diagnostic de pneumonie ou influenza ont été utilisées comme mesure de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza, et ont été modélisées par régression binomiale négative, en tenant compte des tendances séculaires et saisonnières. En comparaison avec les visites avec syndrome d’allure grippale (SAG) totales, les visites avec SAG stratifiées par âge, par catégorie de triage et par orientation de départ ont amélioré le modèle prédictif des hospitalisations avec pneumonie ou influenza. Avant d’intégrer ces variables dans le système de surveillance de Montréal, des étapes additionnelles sont suggérées, incluant l’optimisation de la définition du syndrome d’allure grippale à utiliser, la confirmation de la valeur de ces prédicteurs avec de nouvelles données et l’évaluation de leur utilité pratique.


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Contexte : Pour les patients atteints d’une polyarthrite rhumatoïde débutante (PARD), l’utilisation de médicaments antirhumatismaux à longue durée d’action améliore les résultats pour les patients de manière significative. Les patients traités par un rhumatologue ont une plus grande probabilité de recevoir des traitements et donc d’avoir de meilleurs résultats de santé. Toutefois, les délais observés entre le début des symptômes et une première visite avec un rhumatologue sont souvent supérieurs à la recommandation de trois mois énoncée par les guides de pratiques. Au Québec, le temps d’attente pour voir un rhumatologue à la suite d’une demande de consultation est généralement long et contribue aux délais totaux. Objectifs : Nous avons évalué la capacité d’un programme d’accès rapide avec un triage effectué par une infirmière à correctement identifier les patients avec PARD et à réduire leur temps d’attente, dans le but d’améliorer le processus de soin. Méthodes : Une infirmière a évalué tous les nouveaux patients référés en 2009 et 2010 dans une clinique de rhumatologie située en banlieue de Montréal. Un niveau de priorité leur a été attribué sur la base du contenu de la demande de consultation, de l’information obtenue à la suite d’une entrevue téléphonique avec le patient et, si requis, d’un examen partiel des articulations. Les patients avec PARD, avec une arthrite inflammatoire non différentiée, ou atteints d’une autre pathologie rhumatologique aiguë étaient priorisés et obtenaient un rendez-vous le plus rapidement possible. Les principales mesures de résultat étudiées étaient la validité (sensibilité et spécificité) du triage pour les patients atteints de PARD ainsi que les délais entre la demande de consultation et la première visite avec un rhumatologue. Résultats : Parmi les 701 patients nouvellement référés, 65 ont eu un diagnostic final de PARD. Le triage a correctement identifié 85,9% de ces patients et a correctement identifié 87,2% des patients avec l’une des pathologies prioritaires. Le délai médian entre la demande de consultation et la première visite était de 22 jours pour les patients atteints de PARD et de 115 pour tous les autres. Discussion et conclusion : Ce programme d’accès rapide avec triage effectué par une infirmière a correctement identifié la plupart des patients atteints de PARD, lesquels ont pu être vus rapidement en consultation par le rhumatologue. Considérant qu’il s’agit d’un programme qui requiert beaucoup d’investissement de temps et de personnel, des enjeux de faisabilités doivent être résolus avant de pouvoir implanter un tel type de programme dans un système de soins de santé ayant des ressources très limitées.


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Este documento describe la problemática actual en el área de urgencia en las instituciones de la salud, enumerando los problemas más recurrentes que afectan a los distintos grupos de interés y que han generado una búsqueda por parte de la administración de nuevas estrategias para alcanzar sus objetivos. A partir de esto se realiza un acercamiento bibliográfico del funcionamiento del Triage y de los estudios realizados usando la simulación en las estancias hospitalarias, profundizando en la metodología de Dinámica de Sistemas, como una herramienta efectiva para la toma de decisiones.


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Introducción: La escala de severidad en emergencias es una herramienta que ofrece seguridad a pacientes en servicios de urgencias. Este trabajo evalúa la aplicación de la escala ESI 4.0 en términos de oportunidad de atención y consumo de recursos en la Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, para comparar los resultados con parámetros estándar. Metodología Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. Se incluyeron 385 pacientes aleatorizados por nivel de atención. Se tomaron datos demográficos y variables como consumo de recursos y destino del paciente para su descripción y análisis. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 44.9 años IC95%42.9–46.9, el 54.5% fueron mujeres. Se encontró un tiempo promedio de espera para nivel 1 de 1.39 min, para el nivel 2 de 22.9 min 2, para el nivel 3 de 41.9 min, para el nivel 4 de 56.9 min y para el nivel 5 de 52.1 min. El tiempo promedio de estancia en urgencias fue 5.9 horas y el 78.9% consumió recursos. Al comparar los tiempos con estándares mundiales en el nivel 1, 2 y 3 son significativamente mayores (P<0,05), en el nivel 4 es similar (p0,51) y en el nivel 5 es significativamente menor (p=0,00) Discusión: La escala ESI 4.0 es una herramienta segura, con un comportamiento similar en oportunidad de atención y consumo de recursos con respecto a los estándares de cuidado en los servicios de urgencias.


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Emergency department (ED) triage is used to identify patients' level of urgency and treat them based on their triage level. The global advancement of triage scales in the past two decades has generated considerable research on the validity and reliability of these scales. This systematic review aims to investigate the scientific evidence for published ED triage scales. The following questions are addressed: 1. Does assessment of individual vital signs or chief complaints affect mortality during the hospital stay or within 30 days after arrival at the ED? 2. What is the level of agreement between clinicians' triage decisions compared to each other or to a gold standard for each scale (reliability)? 3. How valid is each triage scale in predicting hospitalization and hospital mortality? A systematic search of the international literature published from 1966 through March 31, 2009 explored the British Nursing Index, Business Source Premier, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and PubMed. Inclusion was limited to controlled studies of adult patients (≥15 years) visiting EDs for somatic reasons. Outcome variables were death in ED or hospital and need for hospitalization (validity). Methodological quality and clinical relevance of each study were rated as high, medium, or low. The results from the studies that met the inclusion criteria and quality standards were synthesized applying the internationally developed GRADE system. Each conclusion was then assessed as having strong, moderately strong, limited, or insufficient scientific evidence. If studies were not available, this was also noted. We found ED triage scales to be supported, at best, by limited and often insufficient evidence. The ability of the individual vital signs included in the different scales to predict outcome is seldom, if at all, studied in the ED setting. The scientific evidence to assess interrater agreement (reliability) was limited for one triage scale and insufficient or lacking for all other scales. Two of the scales yielded limited scientific evidence, and one scale yielded insufficient evidence, on which to assess the risk of early death or hospitalization in patients assigned to the two lowest triage levels on a 5-level scale (validity).


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Background Overcrowding in emergency departments is a worldwide problem. A systematic literature review was undertaken to scientifically explore which interventions improve patient flow in emergency departments. Methods A systematic literature search for flow processes in emergency departments was followed by assessment of relevance and methodological quality of each individual study fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Studies were excluded if they did not present data on waiting time, length of stay, patients leaving the emergency department without being seen or other flow parameters based on a nonselected material of patients. Only studies with a control group, either in a randomized controlled trial or in an observational study with historical controls, were included. For each intervention, the level of scientific evidence was rated according to the GRADE system, launched by a WHO-supported working group. Results The interventions were grouped into streaming, fast track, team triage, point-of-care testing (performing laboratory analysis in the emergency department), and nurse-requested x-ray. Thirty-three studies, including over 800,000 patients in total, were included. Scientific evidence on the effect of fast track on waiting time, length of stay, and left without being seen was moderately strong. The effect of team triage on left without being seen was relatively strong, but the evidence for all other interventions was limited or insufficient. Conclusions Introducing fast track for patients with less severe symptoms results in shorter waiting time, shorter length of stay, and fewer patients leaving without being seen. Team triage, with a physician in the team, will probably result in shorter waiting time and shorter length of stay and most likely in fewer patients leaving without being seen. There is only limited scientific evidence that streaming of patients into different tracks, performing laboratory analysis in the emergency department or having nurses to request certain x-rays results in shorter waiting time and length of stay.


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Il presente elaborato nasce con l'obiettivo di applicare metodi di ricerca operativa, ed in particolare tecniche di simulazione, ad una realtà sanitaria. L’attuale scenario dei dipartimenti sanitari suggerisce l’uso e l’applicazione di nuove tecnologie, fondamentali per analizzare i processi e valutare l’impatto economico, di questi ultimi, sul bilancio della struttura. Nella tesi si esamina il caso sanitario di un Centro di Salute Mentale della regione Emilia Romagna, attraverso il software Arena Simulation.


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Background Patients often establish initial contact with healthcare institutions by telephone. During this process they are frequently medically triaged. Purpose To investigate the safety of computer-assisted telephone triage for walk-in patients with non-life-threatening medical conditions at an emergency unit of a Swiss university hospital. Methods This prospective surveillance study compared the urgency assessments of three different types of personnel (call centre nurses, hospital physicians, primary care physicians) who were involved in the patients' care process. Based on the urgency recommendations of the hospital and primary care physicians, cases which could potentially have resulted in an avoidable hazardous situation (AHS) were identified. Subsequently, the records of patients with a potential AHS were assessed for risk to health or life by an expert panel. Results 208 patients were enrolled in the study, of whom 153 were assessed by all three types of personnel. Congruence between the three assessments was low. The weighted κ values were 0.115 (95% CI 0.038 to 0.192) (hospital physicians vs call centre), 0.159 (95% CI 0.073 to 0.242) (primary care physicians vs call centre) and 0.377 (95% CI 0.279 to 0.480) (hospital vs primary care physicians). Seven of 153 cases (4.57%; 95% CI 1.85% to 9.20%) were classified as a potentially AHS. A risk to health or life was adjudged in one case (0.65%; 95% CI 0.02% to 3.58%). Conclusion Medical telephone counselling is a demanding task requiring competent specialists with dedicated training in communication supported by suitable computer technology. Provided these conditions are in place, computer-assisted telephone triage can be considered to be a safe method of assessing the potential clinical risks of patients' medical conditions.


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Background Injuries from skiing and snowboarding became a major challenge for emergency care providers in Switzerland. In the alpine setting, early assessment of injury and health status is essential for the initiation of adequate means of care and transport. Nevertheless, validated standardized protocols for on-slope triage are missing. This article can assist in understanding the characteristics of injured winter sportsmen and exigencies for future on-slope triage protocols. Methods Six-year review of trauma cases in a tertiary trauma centre. Consecutive inclusion of all injured skiers and snowboarders aged >15 (total sample) years with predefined, severe injury to the head, spine, chest, pelvis or abdomen (study sample) presenting at or being transferred to the study hospital. Descriptive analysis of age, gender and injury pattern. Results Amongst 729 subjects (total sample) injured from skiing or snowboarding, 401 (55%, 54% of skiers and 58% of snowboarders) suffered from isolated limb injury. Amongst the remaining 328 subjects (study sample), the majority (78%) presented with monotrauma. In the study sample, injury to the head (52%) and spine (43%) was more frequent than injury to the chest (21%), pelvis (8%), and abdomen (5%). The three most frequent injury combinations were head/spine (10% of study sample), head/thorax (9%), and spine/thorax (6%). Fisher's exact test demonstrated an association for injury combinations of head/thorax (p < 0.001), head/abdomen (p = 0.019), and thorax/abdomen (p < 0.001). Conclusion The data presented and the findings from previous investigations indicate the need for development of dedicated on-slope triage protocols. Future research must address the validity and practicality of diagnostic on-slope tests for rapid decision making by both professional and lay first responders. Thus, large-scale and detailed injury surveillance is the future research priority.


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Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMSs) have become a standard element of modern prehospital emergency medicine. This study determines the percentage of injured HEMS patients whose injuries were correctly recognized by HEMS physicians.


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