117 resultados para MTO
The mismatch in thermal response between a High Pressure Compressor (HPC) drum and casing is a limiting factor in the reduction of compressor clearance. An experimental test rig has been used to demonstrate the concept of radial inflow to reduce the thermal time constant of HPC discs. The testing uses a simulated idle - Maximum Take Off (MTO) - idle transient in order to measure the thermal response directly. The testing is fully scaled in the dimensionless sense to engine conditions. A simple closure model based on lumped capacitance is used to illustrate the scope of potential benefits. The proof-of-concept testing shows that HPC disc time constant reductions of the order 2 are feasible with a radial-inflow bleed of only 4% of bore flow at scaled MTO conditions. Using the experimental results, the simple closure modelling suggests that for a stage with a significant mismatch in thermal response, reductions in 2D axis-symmetric clearance of as much as 50% at MTO conditions may be possible along with significant scope for improvements at cruise conditions. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.
This paper gives a brief review of R&D researches for light olefin synthesis directly and indirectly from synthesis gas in the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP). The first pilot plant test was on methanol to olefin (MTO) reaction and was finished in 1993, which was based on ZSM-5-type catalyst and fixed bed reaction. In the meantime, a new indirect method designated as SDTO (syngas via dimethylether to olefin) was proposed. In this process, metal-acid bifunctional catalyst was applied for synthesis gas to dimethylether(DME) reaction, and modified SAPO-34 catalyst that was synthesized by a new low-cost method with optimal crystal size was used to convert DME to light olefin on a fluidized bed reactor. The pilot plant test on SDTO was performed and finished in 1995. Evaluation of the pilot plant data showed that 190-200 g of DME were yielded by single-pass for each standard cubic meter of synthesis gas. For the second reaction, 1.880 tons of DME or 2.615 tons of methanol produced 1 ton of light olefins, which constitutes of 0.533 ton of ethylene, 0.349 ton of propylene and 0.118 ton of butene. DICP also paid some attention on direct conversion of synthesis gas to light olefins. A semi-pilot plant test (catalyst 1.8 1) was finished in 1995 with a CO conversion > 70% and a C(2)(=)-C(4)(=) olefin selectivity 71-74% in 1000 h. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Hierarchical SSZ-13 zeolites were synthesized by combining N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantanammonium hydroxide (TMAdOH) as the structure-directing agent for chabazite formation with mono- and diquaternary ammonium-type and organosilane mesoporogens and extensively characterized for their structural, textural, and catalytic properties. Mesoporous SSZ-13 zeolites can be synthesized in one step by combining TMAdOH and the diquaternary ammonium-type surfactant C22-4-4Br2. The mesopore volume increases with the mesoporogen/SDA ratio. The hierarchical zeolites are highly crystalline and exhibit similar Brønsted acidity as SSZ-13. Hierarchical SSZ-13 zeolites display increased lifetime in packed-bed MTO experiments than conventional SSZ-13 at similar light olefins yield. The increased lifetime is due to better utilization of the micropore space. With increasing mesoporosity, the micropore space is used more efficiently, but also the rate of coke formation at the crystal periphery increases. Accordingly, the most stable zeolite is obtained at a relatively low C22-4-4Br2/SDA ratio. These zeolite catalysts can be regenerated without substantial loss of activity.
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Pintura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
À l’ère de la mondialisation institutionnelle des sociétés modernes, alors que la confluence d’une myriade d’influences à la fois micro et macro-contextuelles complexifient le panorama sociopolitique international, l’intégration de l’idéal participatif par les processus de démocratisation de la santé publique acquiert l’apparence d’une stratégie organisationnelle promouvant la cohésion des multiples initiatives qui se tissent simultanément aux échelles locale et globale. L’actualisation constante des savoirs contemporains par les divers secteurs sociétaux ainsi que la perception sociale de différents risques conduisent à la prise de conscience des limites de la compétence technique des systèmes experts associés au domaine de la santé et des services sociaux. La santé publique, une des responsables légitimes de la gestion des risques modernes à l’échelle internationale, fait la promotion de la création d’espaces participatifs permettant l’interaction mutuelle d’acteurs intersectoriels et de savoirs multiples constamment modifiables. Il s’agit là d’une stratégie de relocalisation institutionnelle de l’action collective afin de rétablir la confiance envers la fiabilité des représentants de la santé publique internationale, qui ne répondent que partiellement aux besoins actuels de la sécurité populationnelle. Dans ce contexte, les conseils locaux de santé (CLS), mis en place à l’échelle internationale dans le cadre des politiques régionales de décentralisation des soins de santé primaires (SSP), représentent ainsi des espaces participatifs intéressants qui renferment dans leur fonctionnement tout un univers de forces de tension paradoxales. Ils nous permettent d’examiner la relation de caractère réciproque existant entre, d’une part, une approche plus empirique par l’analyse en profondeur des pratiques participatives (PP) plus spécifiques et, d’autre part, une compréhension conceptuelle de la mondialisation institutionnelle qui définit les tendances expansionnistes très générales des sociétés contemporaines. À l’aide du modèle de la transition organisationnelle (MTO), nous considérons que les PP intégrées à la gouverne des CLS sont potentiellement porteuses de changement organisationnel, dans le sens où elles sont la condition et la conséquence de nombreuses traductions stratégiques et systémiques essentiellement transformatrices. Or, pour qu’une telle transformation puisse s’accomplir, il est nécessaire de développer les compétences participatives pertinentes, ce qui confère au phénomène participatif la connotation d’apprentissage organisationnel de nouvelles formes d’action et d’intervention collectives. Notre modèle conceptuel semble fournir un ensemble de considérations épistémosociales fort intéressantes et très prometteuses permettant d’examiner en profondeur les dimensions nécessaires d’un renouvellement organisationnel de la participation dans le champ complexe de la santé publique internationale. Il permet de concevoir les interventions complexes comme des réseaux épistémiques de pratiques participatives (RÉPP) rassemblant des acteurs très diversifiés qui s’organisent autour d’un processus de conceptualisation transculturelle de connaissances ainsi que d’opérationnalisation intersectorielle des actions, et ce, par un ensemble de mécanismes d’instrumentalisation organisationnelle de l’apprentissage. De cette façon, le MTO ainsi que la notion de RÉPP permettent de mieux comprendre la création de passages incessants entre l’intégration locale des PP dans la gouverne des interventions complexes de la santé et des services sociaux – tels que les CLS –, et les processus plus larges de réorganisation démocratique de la santé publique dans le contexte global de la mondialisation institutionnelle. Cela pourrait certainement nous aider à construire collectivement l’expression réflexive et manifeste des valeurs démocratiques proposées dans la Déclaration d’Alma-Ata, publiée en 1978, lors de la première Conférence internationale sur les SSP.
Certains sujets de discussion sont pérennes et ce, que la conversation soit entre profanes ou entre experts : on ne se lassera jamais de parler de météo, du Canadien de Montréal, de la Constitution canadienne. D’autres sujets, au contraire, ne sont que récurrents, leur actualité dépendant plutôt de leurs enjeux politiques, de l’intérêt circonstanciel qu’ils engendrent, ou encore d’un vide médiatique à remplir. Pourtant, que ces sujets soient éternels ou simplement récurrents, il est rare (surtout en milieu académique) que le fait de revoir un même problème en apporte une meilleure compréhension. Pis encore, si jamais un consensus quelconque émerge ou est sur le point d’émerger, ceux et celles dont la carrière est de commenter ces sujets – qu’ils soient des chercheurs, des professeurs,des prophètes ou des politiciens – trouveront toujours une excuse pour ressemer la discorde.
L’idée que je voudrais essayer d’explorer est la suivante : les éléments paratextuels ont une fonction de seuil entre le hors-texte et le texte; par ce biais, ils nous permettent aussi le passage entre le niveau extradiégétique et le niveau diégétique, et, finalement, dans le cas de la littérature, entre réalité et fiction. Si ce modèle est assez défini dans le cas de l’édition papier, l’espace numérique a tendance à le rendre de plus en plus flou. Dans le Web, tout est texte et/ou paratexte; le même élément textuel (une adresse URL, par exemple) peut servir pour déclarer un passage à la fiction ou pour nous faire acheter quelque chose sur un site de ventes en ligne, ou encore pour regarder la météo ou pour gérer notre compte en banque.
E-Business, verstanden als ganzheitliche Strategie zur Reorganisation von Geschäftsprozessen, Strukturen und Beziehungen in Unternehmen, bietet für die Arbeitsgestaltung in einer digital vernetzten Welt Chancen und Risiken in Hinblick auf die Humankriterien. Empirische Untersuchungen in 14 Unternehmen zeigen „good practice“-Ansätze im B2B-Feld (Business-to-Business). Untersucht wurden die Tätigkeiten der elektronisch vernetzten Auftragsbearbeitung, des Web-, Content-Managements, der digitalen Druckvorlagenherstellung sowie der CAD- Bauplanzeichnung. Die beobachteten Arbeitsplätze zeigen, dass Arbeitsinhalte eher ganzheitlich und komplex gestaltet sind. Planende, ausführende, kontrollierende und organisierende Anteile weisen auf eine vielfältige Aufgabengestaltung hin, die hohe Anforderungen beinhaltet. Während alle beobachteten Tätigkeiten mit Aufnahme-, Erarbeitungs-, Verarbeitungs-, Übertragungs- und Weitergabeprozessen von Informationen zu tun haben, gibt es Differenzen in Bezug auf den Arbeitsumfang, den Zeitdruck, Fristsetzungen, erwartete Arbeitsleistungen sowie die Planbarkeit der Aufgaben. Die vorgefundenen Aufgabentypen (wenig bis sehr anforderungsreich im Sinne von Denk- und Planungsanforderungen) sind gekennzeichnet durch eine unterschiedlich ausgeprägte Aufgabenkomplexität. Interessant ist, dass, je anforderungsreicher die Aufgabengestaltung, je höher die Aufgabenkomplexität, je größer die Wissensintensität und je niedriger die Planbarkeit ist, desto größer sind die Freiräume in der Aufgabenausführung. Das heißt wiederum, dass bei zunehmenden E-Business-Anteilen mehr Gestaltungsspielräume zur Verfügung stehen. Die bestehenden Chancen auf eine humane Aufgabengestaltung sind umso größer, je höher die E-Business-Anteile in der Arbeit sind. Diese Wirkung findet sich auch bei einem Vergleich der Aufgabenbestandteile wieder. Die negativen Seiten des E-Business zeigen sich in den vorgefundenen Belastungen, die auf die Beschäftigten einwirken. Diskutiert wird die Verschiebung von körperlichen hin zu psychischen und vorrangig informatorischen Belastungen. Letztere stellen ein neues Belastungsfeld dar. Ressourcen, auf welche die Mitarbeiter zurückgreifen können, sind an allen Arbeitsplätzen vorhanden, allerdings unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägt. Personale, organisationale, soziale, aufgabenbezogene und informatorische Ressourcen, die den Beschäftigten zur Verfügung stehen, werden angesprochen. In Bezug auf die Organisationsgestaltung sind positive Ansätze in den untersuchten E-Business-Unternehmen zu beobachten. Der Großteil der untersuchten Betriebe hat neue Arbeitsorganisationskonzepte realisiert, wie die vorgefundenen kooperativen Organisationselemente zeigen. Die kooperativen Organisationsformen gehen allerdings nicht mit einer belastungsärmeren Gestaltung einher. Das vorgefundene breite Spektrum, von hierarchisch organisierten Strukturen bis hin zu prozess- und mitarbeiterorientierten Organisationsstrukturen, zeigt, dass Organisationsmodelle im E-Business gestaltbar sind. Neuen Anforderungen kann insofern gestaltend begegnet und somit die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter positiv beeinflusst werden. Insgesamt betrachtet, zeigt E-Business ein ambivalentes Gesicht, das auf der Basis des MTO-Modells (Mensch-Technik-Organisation) von Uhlich (1994) diskutiert wird, indem vernetzte Arbeitsprozesse auf personeller, technischer sowie organisationaler Ebene betrachtet werden. E-business, seen as more than only the transformation of usual business processes into digital ones, furthermore as an instrument of reorganisation of processes and organisation structures within companies, offers chances for a human oriented work organisation. Empirical data of 14 case studies provide good practice approaches in the field of B2B (Business-to-Business). The observed work contents show, that tasks (e.g. order processing, web-, contentmanagement, first print manufacturing and architectural drawing) are well arranged. Executive, organising, controlling and coordinating parts constitute a diversified work content, which can be organised with high demands. Interesting is the result, that the more e-business-parts are within the work contents, on the one hand the higher are the demands of the type of work and on the other hand the larger is the influence on workmanship. The observed enterprises have realised new elements of work organisation, e.g. flexible working time, cooperative leadership or team work. The direct participation of the employees can be strengthened, in particular within the transformation process. Those companies in which the employees were early and well informed about the changes coming up with e-business work, the acceptance for new technique and new processes is higher than in companies which did not involve the person concerned. Structured in an ergonomic way, there were found bad patterns of behaviour concerning ergonomic aspects, because of missing knowledge regarding work-related ergonomic expertise by the employees. E-business indicates new aspects concerning requirements – new in the field of informational demands, as a result of poorly conceived technical balance in the researched SME. Broken systems cause interruptions, which increase the pressure of time all the more. Because of the inadequate usability of software-systems there appear in addition to the informational strains also elements of psychological stress. All in all, work contents and work conditions can be shaped and as a result the health and well-being of e-business-employees can be influenced: Tasks can be structured and organised in a healthfulness way, physiological strain and psychological stress are capable of being influenced, resources are existent and developable, a human work design within e-business structures is possible. The ambivalent face of e-business work is discussed on the basis of the MTO- (Mensch-Technik-Organisation) model (Ulich 1994). Thereby new and interesting results of researches are found out, concerning the personal/human side, the technical side and the organisational side of e-business work.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Several previous studies have attempted to assess the sublimation depth-scales of ice particles from clouds into clear air. Upon examining the sublimation depth-scales in the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM), it was found that the MetUM has evaporation depth-scales 2–3 times larger than radar observations. Similar results can be seen in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RACMO) and Météo-France models. In this study, we use radar simulation (converting model variables into radar observations) and one-dimensional explicit microphysics numerical modelling to test and diagnose the cause of the deep sublimation depth-scales in the forecast model. The MetUM data and parametrization scheme are used to predict terminal velocity, which can be compared with the observed Doppler velocity. This can then be used to test the hypothesis as to why the sublimation depth-scale is too large within the MetUM. Turbulence could lead to dry air entrainment and higher evaporation rates; particle density may be wrong, particle capacitance may be too high and lead to incorrect evaporation rates or the humidity within the sublimating layer may be incorrectly represented. We show that the most likely cause of deep sublimation zones is an incorrect representation of model humidity in the layer. This is tested further by using a one-dimensional explicit microphysics model, which tests the sensitivity of ice sublimation to key atmospheric variables and is capable of including sonde and radar measurements to simulate real cases. Results suggest that the MetUM grid resolution at ice cloud altitudes is not sufficient enough to maintain the sharp drop in humidity that is observed in the sublimation zone.
Two so-called “integrated” polarimetric rate estimation techniques, ZPHI (Testud et al., 2000) and ZZDR (Illingworth and Thompson, 2005), are evaluated using 12 episodes of the year 2005 observed by the French C-band operational Trappes radar, located near Paris. The term “integrated” means that the concentration parameter of the drop size distribution is assumed to be constant over some area and the algorithms retrieve it using the polarimetric variables in that area. The evaluation is carried out in ideal conditions (no partial beam blocking, no ground-clutter contamination, no bright band contamination, a posteriori calibration of the radar variables ZH and ZDR) using hourly rain gauges located at distances less than 60 km from the radar. Also included in the comparison, for the sake of benchmarking, is a conventional Z = 282R1.66 estimator, with and without attenuation correction and with and without adjustment by rain gauges as currently done operationally at Météo France. Under those ideal conditions, the two polarimetric algorithms, which rely solely on radar data, appear to perform as well if not better, pending on the measurements conditions (attenuation, rain rates, …), than the conventional algorithms, even when the latter take into account rain gauges through the adjustment scheme. ZZDR with attenuation correction is the best estimator for hourly rain gauge accumulations lower than 5 mm h−1 and ZPHI is the best one above that threshold. A perturbation analysis has been conducted to assess the sensitivity of the various estimators with respect to biases on ZH and ZDR, taking into account the typical accuracy and stability that can be reasonably achieved with modern operational radars these days (1 dB on ZH and 0.2 dB on ZDR). A +1 dB positive bias on ZH (radar too hot) results in a +14% overestimation of the rain rate with the conventional estimator used in this study (Z = 282R^1.66), a -19% underestimation with ZPHI and a +23% overestimation with ZZDR. Additionally, a +0.2 dB positive bias on ZDR results in a typical rain rate under- estimation of 15% by ZZDR.
Optimal estimation (OE) improves sea surface temperature (SST) estimated from satellite infrared imagery in the “split-window”, in comparison to SST retrieved using the usual multi-channel (MCSST) or non-linear (NLSST) estimators. This is demonstrated using three months of observations of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the first Meteorological Operational satellite (Metop-A), matched in time and space to drifter SSTs collected on the global telecommunications system. There are 32,175 matches. The prior for the OE is forecast atmospheric fields from the Météo-France global numerical weather prediction system (ARPEGE), the forward model is RTTOV8.7, and a reduced state vector comprising SST and total column water vapour (TCWV) is used. Operational NLSST coefficients give mean and standard deviation (SD) of the difference between satellite and drifter SSTs of 0.00 and 0.72 K. The “best possible” NLSST and MCSST coefficients, empirically regressed on the data themselves, give zero mean difference and SDs of 0.66 K and 0.73 K respectively. Significant contributions to the global SD arise from regional systematic errors (biases) of several tenths of kelvin in the NLSST. With no bias corrections to either prior fields or forward model, the SSTs retrieved by OE minus drifter SSTs have mean and SD of − 0.16 and 0.49 K respectively. The reduction in SD below the “best possible” regression results shows that OE deals with structural limitations of the NLSST and MCSST algorithms. Using simple empirical bias corrections to improve the OE, retrieved minus drifter SSTs are obtained with mean and SD of − 0.06 and 0.44 K respectively. Regional biases are greatly reduced, such that the absolute bias is less than 0.1 K in 61% of 10°-latitude by 30°-longitude cells. OE also allows a statistic of the agreement between modelled and measured brightness temperatures to be calculated. We show that this measure is more efficient than the current system of confidence levels at identifying reliable retrievals, and that the best 75% of satellite SSTs by this measure have negligible bias and retrieval error of order 0.25 K.
O presente estudo, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências de Educação – Inovação Pedagógica tem como objetivo analisar o modo como uma comunidade (principal objeto de estudo), constituida por um grupo de teatro escolar, neste caso concreto “O Moniz”, constrói aprendizagens significativas, decorrentes de práticas sócioconstrutivistas, relembrando os princípios básicos sobre a influência e importância do teatro junto das comunidades educativas. O termo comunidade de prática, referida por Jeane Lave e Ettiene Wenger, que consideram a aprendizagem como um fenómeno situado, é utilizado para análise e discussão das aprendizagens emergentes desses alunos que, através de atividades práticas e metodologias informais, de trabalho colaborativo e cooperativo, entre eles, poderão favorecer e potenciar as diferentes dimensões humanas, sobretudo numa educação socializadora, para além das dimensões dos valores e da afetividade que ficam muitas vezes fora do currículo, sendo importantes para a formação integral das pessoas e indispensáveis para uma vida feliz. Este estudo de caso tem em vista utilizar uma metodologia qualitativa, usando técnicas de cariz etnográfico, no ambiente natural dos sujeitos, com o intuito de relevar e confrontar subjetividades, atendendo às percepções de cada participante. Concluimos que este grupo de teatro reúne os principais elementos de uma Comunidade de Prática (Domínio, Comunidade e Prática), designados por Wenger (1991). Além disso, são visíveis caraterísticas que permitem relacioná-lo com as CdP, tais como: o compromisso mútuo, o empreendimento múto e o reportório partilhado.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)