814 resultados para Música. Mulher. Produção de sentido. Forró eletrônico. Folkcomunicação.


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Fil: Melamed, Analía Sandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Melamed, Analía Sandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Tabla de contenidos: La experiencia musical : La primera audición de Swann de la sonata de Vinteuil. Experiencia musical y experiencia amorosa : La sonata de Vinteuil en el salón Verdurin y los amores de Swann y Odette. Experiencia musical y experiencia metafísica : La sonata de Vinteuil en la sesión Sainte-Euverte. Recepción, interpretación y recreación desde la temporalidad de la música : La recepción del héroe de la sonata de Vinteuil. La realidad del arte desde su autocontemplación : La recepción del héreoe de la sonata de Vinteuil y la música de Richard Wagner. De los intérpretes y otros mediadores en el circuito musical : Entre Morel, las señoritas Vinteuil y la Berma. El septeto de Vinteuil y la develación musical del modo de ser del arte : Las hipótesis metafísicas y la función estructurante de la música. La pianola de Albertina y una vuelta a Swann : La música y las otras artes: impresiones y reminiscencias. La música en El tiempo recobrado : Teoría estética y teoría literaria. Conclusiones sobre la música y la literatura : En torno a la versión 1910-1911.


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Esta dissertação consiste em uma análise semântico-estilística de dez letras de música da variedade de forró conhecida como forró de duplo sentido ou forró safado. Investiga-se o que é o forró safado, como se desenvolveu no contexto do forró, desde sua origem até os dias atuais, caracterizando-se pelo emprego de recursos linguísticos, com a finalidade de promover a obscenidade e o humor por meio da ambiguidade. Observa-se os processos pelos quais os ouvintes participam da construção do sentido desses textos, preenchendo as lacunas deixadas pelo(s) autor(es) com a compreensão do conteúdo sexual implícito. O sentido obsceno, nessas canções, decorre da exploração das semelhanças e coincidências possíveis na constituição fônica de palavras ou expressões, assim como do emprego de signos verbais cujas latências de sentido permitem a atualização da conotação maliciosa. Destacam-se, no forró de duplo sentido, articulando-se em uma recriação da linguagem que visa à produção da ambiguidade, os seguintes fenômenos: polissemia, homofonia, sinonímia e metáfora, dos quais decorrem engenhosos e irreverentes efeitos de sentido


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Musicais – ramo Etnomusicologia


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The main objective of this study is to investigate the meanings of body and costume as essential components of television journalists aesthetic discourse, as exemplified by the presenters of Jornal Nacional, from Rede Globo. The study is inspired on the paths proposed by semiotics, and combines this approach with other techniques of scientific investigation to identify the meanings of this non-verbal communication form. For that, this work uses the concept of communication proposed by the Palo Alto School s authors, more specifically the concept of Watzlawick et al. (2005), which understands communication like relation and inherent of human beings. The precepts of complex thought and the hologramatic principle of Morin (1990), which value the union and the need to connect the knowledge of elements or parts to that of the systems these parts constitute, is also present in the thinking that guides the work. Throughout the chapters, we elucidate our understanding of body and television as media, and fashion and television journalism as languages. This work approaches a televisual history of Jornal Nacional in order to better understand the aesthetic proposed by television news over time, its presenters and costumes. The elements that are part of the televisual language s expression and content are addressed so that we can better understand the importance of body and presenters costume in this context. Finally, we conduct an analysis of the meanings of television journalism presenters body and costume through their stereotypes, their integration into the fashion cycle and also into the televisual analysis of the most important costume elements of Jornal Nacional s presenter couple: colors, models and accessories. We thus seek to strengthen the understanding of the wardrobe inseparable from the body as communication and detail some of their production understanding processes. The women historical role in brazilian television journalism, as well as masculinization of TV journalism environment are important elements to contextualize televisual language thinking in contemporary society. The investigation covers the origins, concepts, proposals, stereotypes, prejudices, reproductions, naturalizations and reinterpretation of the body and the costume of the presenters through time and the relationship between body, fashion and communication


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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En el barrio de Guarapes, al oeste de Natal, RN, un grupo de jóvenes se organizó para buscar de paz en su vecindario. Encontraron en la cultura hip hop una forma de contar sus historias y trabajar en el fortalecimiento de su propio lugar. Formaron la Posse de Hip Hop Lelo Melodia (PH2LM) y hace cerca de dos años, instalaron la "Bodega Digital", una especie de telecentro que ofrecía acceso a computadoras e Internet, donde pudieron producir una gran cantidad de música, además del primer video del grupo musical, que está en el aire a través de la Internet. En un suburbio, los procesos de mediatización de la sociedad pueden adquirir su propia dinámica y seguir movimientos que van más allá de las barreras impuestas por el proceso contradictorio de la globalización. En esta investigación, se buscó establecer relaciones entre la acción político-cultural de los jóvenes de la Posse y su participación en los medios de comunicación, especialmente en la Internet. Al observar al grupo y en entrevistas episódicas con sus miembros, trazamos un mapa e interpretamos los movimientos de los jóvenes hacia el ciberespacio y en sentido inverso, cómo traen a la calle lo que conquistan allí. Hemos encontrado que, a pesar de todos los obstáculos, estos jóvenes encuentran vacíos y los aprovechan para asegurar su acceso a los medios de comunicación y su participación en el ciberespacio.


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The infographics historically experience the process of evolution of journalism, from the incipient models handmade in the eighteenth century to the inclusion of computers and sophisticated software today. In order to face the advent of TV against of the partiality readers of the printed newspaper, or to represent the Gulf War, where not allowed photography, infographics reaches modern levels of production and publication. The technical devices which enabled the infographics to evolve the environment of the internet, with conditions for the manipulation of the reader, incorporating video, audio and animations, so styling of interactive infographics. These digital models of information visualization recently arrived daily in the northeast and on their respective web sites with features regionalized. This paper therefore proposes to explore and describe the processes of producing the interactive infographics, taking the example of the Diário do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Ceará, whose department was created one year ago. Therefore, based on aspects that guide the theory of journalism, as newsmaking, filters that focus on productive routine (gatekeeping) and the construction stages of the news. This research also draws on the theoretical framework on the subject, in concepts essential characteristics of computer graphics, as well as the methodological procedures and systematic empirical observations in production routines of the newsroom who can testify limitations and / or advances


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The testimonial is a way of statement that demonstrates or admit the existence of a reality with which the enunciator has contacted. This is, thus, pushed to say what he saw, heard or touched. In this paper, we verified the effects of senses produced in the blog of Bishop Macedo, founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG), from a corpus which consists of nine testimonies of presumed believersselected among 64 statements distributed during the year, 2012. Instead of instantaneous testimonials, on a live presentation, these media narratives are underpinned by attributes such as hyperlinks, visuals, language translators, besides mechanisms of interaction and sharing in other spheres from mediatic slant. The problem of this analysis was born from the observation of regular points in the discursive architecture of these testimonials, when was identified the existing relation force between the sacred and the profane, everyday practices. During six months, analysis of the empirical material, we found some effects of the senses on the testimonials, as the dialectic structure and the need for denuding a precarious past, an engagement to shield the figure of Macedo and the UCKG towards society; a update of a crusade against other religions; and the presence of certain sensuality in self-deprecation of the deponents, and an unequal relation of forces (sacred and profane) in the construction of truth. In order of succeeding in this investigation, we used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Analysis of French Discourse (AD), denouncing the qualitative nature of the research. As a methodological principle, we still use transdisciplinarity, which validated some of our dialogues, especially with philosophy. The conception of discourse modeled by a media support and transpassed by the subject(s) and story (ies) characterized the perspective of the research


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)