987 resultados para Live High-Train High
- PV and HCPV compete in the utility market - PV cost reduction has been dramatic through volume - A complete off-the-shelf optics solution by Evonik and LPI - Based on the best-in-class design: The FK concentrator
La influencia de la aerodinámica en el diseño de los trenes de alta velocidad, unida a la necesidad de resolver nuevos problemas surgidos con el aumento de la velocidad de circulación y la reducción de peso del vehículo, hace evidente el interés de plantear un estudio de optimización que aborde tales puntos. En este contexto, se presenta en esta tesis la optimización aerodinámica del testero de un tren de alta velocidad, llevada a cabo mediante el uso de métodos de optimización avanzados. Entre estos métodos, se ha elegido aquí a los algoritmos genéticos y al método adjunto como las herramientas para llevar a cabo dicha optimización. La base conceptual, las características y la implementación de los mismos se detalla a lo largo de la tesis, permitiendo entender los motivos de su elección, y las consecuencias, en términos de ventajas y desventajas que cada uno de ellos implican. El uso de los algorimos genéticos implica a su vez la necesidad de una parametrización geométrica de los candidatos a óptimo y la generación de un modelo aproximado que complementa al método de optimización. Estos puntos se describen de modo particular en el primer bloque de la tesis, enfocada a la metodología seguida en este estudio. El segundo bloque se centra en la aplicación de los métodos a fin de optimizar el comportamiento aerodinámico del tren en distintos escenarios. Estos escenarios engloban los casos más comunes y también algunos de los más exigentes a los que hace frente un tren de alta velocidad: circulación en campo abierto con viento frontal o viento lateral, y entrada en túnel. Considerando el caso de viento frontal en campo abierto, los dos métodos han sido aplicados, permitiendo una comparación de las diferentes metodologías, así como el coste computacional asociado a cada uno, y la minimización de la resistencia aerodinámica conseguida en esa optimización. La posibilidad de evitar parametrizar la geometría y, por tanto, reducir el coste computacional del proceso de optimización es la característica más significativa de los métodos adjuntos, mientras que en el caso de los algoritmos genéticos se destaca la simplicidad y capacidad de encontrar un óptimo global en un espacio de diseño multi-modal o de resolver problemas multi-objetivo. El caso de viento lateral en campo abierto considera nuevamente los dos métoxi dos de optimización anteriores. La parametrización se ha simplificado en este estudio, lo que notablemente reduce el coste numérico de todo el estudio de optimización, a la vez que aún recoge las características geométricas más relevantes en un tren de alta velocidad. Este análisis ha permitido identificar y cuantificar la influencia de cada uno de los parámetros geométricos incluídos en la parametrización, y se ha observado que el diseño de la arista superior a barlovento es fundamental, siendo su influencia mayor que la longitud del testero o que la sección frontal del mismo. Finalmente, se ha considerado un escenario más a fin de validar estos métodos y su capacidad de encontrar un óptimo global. La entrada de un tren de alta velocidad en un túnel es uno de los casos más exigentes para un tren por el pico de sobrepresión generado, el cual afecta a la confortabilidad del pasajero, así como a la estabilidad del vehículo y al entorno próximo a la salida del túnel. Además de este problema, otro objetivo a minimizar es la resistencia aerodinámica, notablemente superior al caso de campo abierto. Este problema se resuelve usando algoritmos genéticos. Dicho método permite obtener un frente de Pareto donde se incluyen el conjunto de óptimos que minimizan ambos objetivos. ABSTRACT Aerodynamic design of trains influences several aspects of high-speed trains performance in a very significant level. In this situation, considering also that new aerodynamic problems have arisen due to the increase of the cruise speed and lightness of the vehicle, it is evident the necessity of proposing an optimization study concerning the train aerodynamics. Thus, the aerodynamic optimization of the nose shape of a high-speed train is presented in this thesis. This optimization is based on advanced optimization methods. Among these methods, genetic algorithms and the adjoint method have been selected. A theoretical description of their bases, the characteristics and the implementation of each method is detailed in this thesis. This introduction permits understanding the causes of their selection, and the advantages and drawbacks of their application. The genetic algorithms requirethe geometrical parameterization of any optimal candidate and the generation of a metamodel or surrogate model that complete the optimization process. These points are addressed with a special attention in the first block of the thesis, focused on the methodology considered in this study. The second block is referred to the use of these methods with the purpose of optimizing the aerodynamic performance of a high-speed train in several scenarios. These scenarios englobe the most representative operating conditions of high-speed trains, and also some of the most exigent train aerodynamic problems: front wind and cross-wind situations in open air, and the entrance of a high-speed train in a tunnel. The genetic algorithms and the adjoint method have been applied in the minimization of the aerodynamic drag on the train with front wind in open air. The comparison of these methods allows to evaluate the methdology and computational cost of each one, as well as the resulting minimization of the aerodynamic drag. Simplicity and robustness, the straightforward realization of a multi-objective optimization, and the capability of searching a global optimum are the main attributes of genetic algorithm. However, the requirement of geometrically parameterize any optimal candidate is a significant drawback that is avoided with the use of the adjoint method. This independence of the number of design variables leads to a relevant reduction of the pre-processing and computational cost. Considering the cross-wind stability, both methods are used again for the minimization of the side force. In this case, a simplification of the geometric parameterization of the train nose is adopted, what dramatically reduces the computational cost of the optimization process. Nevertheless, some of the most important geometrical characteristics are still described with this simplified parameterization. This analysis identifies and quantifies the influence of each design variable on the side force on the train. It is observed that the A-pillar roundness is the most demanding design parameter, with a more important effect than the nose length or the train cross-section area. Finally, a third scenario is considered for the validation of these methods in the aerodynamic optimization of a high-speed train. The entrance of a train in a tunnel is one of the most exigent train aerodynamic problems. The aerodynamic consequences of high-speed trains running in a tunnel are basically resumed in two correlated phenomena, the generation of pressure waves and an increase in aerodynamic drag. This multi-objective optimization problem is solved with genetic algorithms. The result is a Pareto front where a set of optimal solutions that minimize both objectives.
Los pasos inferiores son muy numerosos en las líneas de ferrocarril. Su comportamiento dinámico ha recibido mucha menos atención que el de otras estructuras como los puentes, pero su elevado número hace que su estudio sea económicamente relevante con vista a optimizar su forma, manteniendo la seguridad. El proyecto de puentes según el Eurocódigo incluye comprobaciones de estados límite de tensiones bajo carga dinámica. En el caso de pasos inferiores, las comprobaciones pueden resultar tan costosas como aquellas de puentes, pese a que su coste es mucho menor. Por tanto, se impone la búsqueda de unas reglas de cálculo simplificado que pongan en consonancia el coste de la estructura con el esfuerzo necesario para su proyecto. Este artículo propone un conjunto de reglas basadas en un estudio paramétrico = Underpasses are common in modern railway lines. Wildlife corridors and drainage conduits often fall into this category of partially buried structures. Their dynamic behavior has received far less attention than that of other structures such as bridges, but their large number makes their study an interesting challenge from the viewpoint of safety and cost savings. The bridge design rules in accordance with the Eurocode involve checks on stresses according to dynamic loading. In the case of underpasses, those checks may be as much as those for bridges. Therefore, simplified design rules may align the design effort with their cost. Such a set of rules may provide estimations of response parameters based on the key parameters influencing the result. This paper contains a proposal based on a parametric study.
At present, engineering problems required quite a sophisticated calculation means. However, analytical models still can prove to be a useful tool for engineers and scientists when dealing with complex physical phenomena. The mathematical models developed to analyze three different engineering problems: photovoltaic devices analysis; cup anemometer performance; and high-speed train pressure wave effects in tunnels are described. In all cases, the results are quite accurate when compared to testing measurements.
The optimization of the nose shape of a high-speed train entering a tunnel has been performed using genetic algorithms(GA).This optimization method requires the parameterization of each optimal candidate as a design vector.The geometrical parameterization of the nose has been defined using three design variables that include the most characteristic geometrical factors affecting the compression wave generated at the entry of the train and the aerodynamic drag of the train.
When dealing with the design of a high-speed train, a multiobjective shape optimization problem is formulated, as these vehicles are object of many aerodynamic problems which are known to be in conflict. More mobility involves an increase in both the cruise speed and lightness, and these requirements directly influence the stability and the ride comfort of the passengers when the train is subjected to a side wind. Thus, crosswind stability plays a more relevant role among the aerodynamic objectives to be optimized. An extensive research activity is observed on aerodynamic response in crosswind conditions.
Genetic algorithms (GA) have been used for the minimization of the aerodynamic drag of a train subject to front wind. The significant importance of the external aerodynamic drag on the total resistance a train experiments as the cruise speed is increased highlights the interest of this study. A complete description of the methodology required for this optimization method is introduced here, where the parameterization of the geometry to be optimized and the metamodel used to speed up the optimization process are detailed. A reduction of about a 25% of the initial aerodynamic drag is obtained in this study, what confirms GA as a proper method for this optimization problem. The evolution of the nose shape is consistent with the literature. The advantage of using metamodels is stressed thanks to the information of the whole design space extracted from it. The influence of each design variable on the objective function is analyzed by means of an ANOVA test.
Triathlon is considered an endurance sport composed by the individual disciplines of swimming, cycling and running which are generally completed in this sequential order. It has been suggested that triathlon performance can be predicted by maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). However, it has also been suggested that some variables such age, gender, fitness, training and ventilator muscles may affect VO2max. It is the aim of this research to measure and analyze the VO2max of 6 national elite triathletes and one national juvenile triathlete, with long experience, training in a high altitude city (1650m). We compare VO2max for female and male groups. We found differences at the VO2max values for these groups. Additionally, we also found high values of VO2max for these young elite triathletes despite their relative short age, but long sport age.
"July 1991."
The railway planning problem is usually studied from two different points of view: macroscopic and microscopic. We propose a macroscopic approach for the high-speed rail scheduling problem where competitive effects are introduced. We study train frequency planning, timetable planning and rolling stock assignment problems and model the problem as a multi-commodity network flow problem considering competitive transport markets. The aim of the presented model is to maximize the total operator profit. We solve the optimization model using realistic probleminstances obtained from the network of the Spanish railwa operator RENFE, including other transport modes in Spain
The Train Timetabling Problem (TTP) has been widely studied for freight and passenger rail systems. A lesser effort has been devoted to the study of high-speed rail systems. A modeling issue that has to be addressed is to model departure time choice of passengers on railway services. Passengers who use these systems attempt to travel at predetermined hours due to their daily life necessities (e.g., commuter trips). We incorporate all these features into TTP focusing on high-speed railway systems. We propose a Rail Scheduling and Rolling Stock (RSch-RS) model for timetable planning of high-speed railway systems. This model is composed of two essential elements: i) an infrastructure model for representing the railway network: it includes capacity constraints of the rail network and the Rolling-Stock constraints; and ii) a demand model that defines how the passengers choose the departure time. The resulting model is a mixed-integer programming model which objective function attempts to maximize the profit for the rail operator
High Speed Rail (HSR) is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide as a safe and efficient transport option for long-distance travel. Designed to win market shares from air transport, HSR systems optimise their productivity between increasing speeds and station spacing to offer high quality service and gain ridership. Recent studies have investigated the effects that the deployment of HSR infrastructure has on spatial distribution and the economic development of cities and regions. Findings appear mostly positive at higher geographical scales, where HSR links connect major urban centres several hundred kilometres apart and already well positioned within a national or international context. Also, at the urban level, studies have shown regeneration and concentration effects around HSR station areas with positive returns on city’s image and economy. However, doubts persist on the effects of HSR at an intermediate scale, where the accessibility trade off on station spacing limits access to many small and medium agglomerations. Thereby, their ability to participate in the development opportunities facilitated by HSR infrastructure is significantly reduced. The locational advantages deriving from transport improvements appear contrasting especially in regions that tend to have a polycentric structure, where cities may present greater accessibility disparities between those served by HSR and those left behind. This thesis fits in this context where intermediate and regional cities do not directly enjoy the presence of an HSR station while having an existing or planned proximate HSR corridor. With the aim of understanding whether there might be a solution to this apparent incongruity, the research investigates strategies to integrate HSR accessibility at the regional level. While current literature recommends to commit with ancillary investments to the uplift of station areas and the renewal of feeder systems, I hypothesised the interoperability between the HSR and the conventional networks to explore the possibilities offered by mixed traffic and infrastructure sharing. Thus, I developed a methodology to quantify the exchange of benefits deriving from this synergistic interaction. In this way, it was possible to understand which level of service quality offered by alternative transit strategies best facilitates the distribution of accessibility benefits for areas far from actual HSR stations. Therefore, strategies were selected for their type of service capable of regional extensions and urban penetrations, while incorporating a combination of specific advantages (e.g. speed, sub-urbanity, capacity, frequency and automation) in order to emulate HSR quality with increasingly efficient services. The North-eastern Italian macro region was selected as case study to ground the research offering concurrently a peripheral polycentric metropolitan form, the presence of a planned HSR corridor with some portions of HSR infrastructure implementation, and the project to develop a suburban rail service extended regionally. Results show significant distributive potential, in terms of network effects produced in relation with HSR, in increasing proportions for all the strategies considered: a regional metro rail strategy (abbreviated RMR), a regional high speed rail strategy (abbreviated RHSR), a regional light rail transit (abbreviated LRT) strategy, and a non-stopping continuous railway system (abbreviated CRS) strategy. The provision of additional tools to value HSR infrastructure against its accessibility benefits and their regional distribution through alternative strategies beyond the actual HSR stations, would have great implications, both politically and technically, in moving towards new dimensions of HSR evaluation and development.
Over the last few decades, electric and electromagnetic fields have achieved important role as stimulator and therapeutic facility in biology and medicine. In particular, low magnitude, low frequency, pulsed electromagnetic field has shown significant positive effect on bone fracture healing and some bone diseases treatment. Nevertheless, to date, little attention has been paid to investigate the possible effect of high frequency, high magnitude pulsed electromagnetic field (pulse power) on functional behaviour and biomechanical properties of bone tissue. Bone is a dynamic, complex organ, which is made of bone materials (consisting of organic components, inorganic mineral and water) known as extracellular matrix, and bone cells (live part). The cells give the bone the capability of self-repairing by adapting itself to its mechanical environment. The specific bone material composite comprising of collagen matrix reinforced with mineral apatite provides the bone with particular biomechanical properties in an anisotropic, inhomogeneous structure. This project hypothesized to investigate the possible effect of pulse power signals on cortical bone characteristics through evaluating the fundamental mechanical properties of bone material. A positive buck-boost converter was applied to generate adjustable high voltage, high frequency pulses up to 500 V and 10 kHz. Bone shows distinctive characteristics in different loading mode. Thus, functional behaviour of bone in response to pulse power excitation were elucidated by using three different conventional mechanical tests applying three-point bending load in elastic region, tensile and compressive loading until failure. Flexural stiffness, tensile and compressive strength, hysteresis and total fracture energy were determined as measure of main bone characteristics. To assess bone structure variation due to pulse power excitation in deeper aspect, a supplementary fractographic study was also conducted using scanning electron micrograph from tensile fracture surfaces. Furthermore, a non-destructive ultrasonic technique was applied for determination and comparison of bone elasticity before and after pulse power stimulation. This method provided the ability to evaluate the stiffness of millimetre-sized bone samples in three orthogonal directions. According to the results of non-destructive bending test, the flexural elasticity of cortical bone samples appeared to remain unchanged due to pulse power excitation. Similar results were observed in the bone stiffness for all three orthogonal directions obtained from ultrasonic technique and in the bone stiffness from the compression test. From tensile tests, no significant changes were found in tensile strength and total strain energy absorption of the bone samples exposed to pulse power compared with those of the control samples. Also, the apparent microstructure of the fracture surfaces of PP-exposed samples (including porosity and microcracks diffusion) showed no significant variation due to pulse power stimulation. Nevertheless, the compressive strength and toughness of millimetre-sized samples appeared to increase when the samples were exposed to 66 hours high power pulsed electromagnetic field through screws with small contact cross-section (increasing the pulsed electric field intensity) compare to the control samples. This can show the different load-bearing characteristics of cortical bone tissue in response to pulse power excitation and effectiveness of this type of stimulation on smaller-sized samples. These overall results may address that although, the pulse power stimulation can influence the arrangement or the quality of the collagen network causing the bone strength and toughness augmentation, it apparently did not affect the mineral phase of the cortical bone material. The results also confirmed that the indirect application of high power pulsed electromagnetic field at 500 V and 10 kHz through capacitive coupling method, was athermal and did not damage the bone tissue construction.
Cycloidal drives are widely used in today’s industries for drives where large reduction ratios are required. Drive-train dynamics plays an important role in their design. This paper presents a new methodology for assessing damping characteristics of Cycloidal drives and compares the natural frequencies obtained from experiments and theoretical/numerical calculations using Fast-Fourier-Transforms.