43 resultados para LinkedIn
Nos dias de hoje, podemos constatar o crescimento das formas de linguagem mediadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação. É em torno dessa constatação e nesse contexto que esta dissertação se insere. Seu tema é a caracterização do par post/comentário à luz da noção de gêneros textuais. Nosso objetivo é refletir sobre o referido, a fim de responder os seguintes questionamentos: (a) se post e comentário são dois gêneros textuais ou partes de um mesmo fenômeno de comunicação/gênero; (b) se são gêneros, como caracterizá-los e diferenciá-los; (c) não sendo o post um novo gênero textual, que especificidades podem caracterizá-lo como ferramenta e quais os aspectos que o vinculam ao gênero comentário. A fim de respondê-los, nossa opção metodológica foi por um estudo documental de cunho qualitativo. Este consistiu na coleta de publicações feitas no perfil da pesquisadora na rede social Facebook por diferentes sujeitos, no período pré e pós eleições brasileiras de 2014, especificamente no mês de outubro. Os posts e comentários selecionados referem-se exclusivamente à temática das eleições presidenciais. Entendemos que as redes sociais têm sido grandes incentivadoras à produção escrita e, consequentemente, promotoras de atividades de compreensão leitora. E, no que concerne em particular ao tema escolhido, acolheram e fomentaram intensos debates. As reflexões sobre leitura, portanto, perpassam este trabalho porque, ao pensarmos no nascimento e uso de um gênero, pensamos, também, em sua recepção, logo, nos processos leitores envolvidos. Para analisar os dados, utilizamos a proposta de Donato (2014), discutindo os quatro pilares constituintes do gênero função comunicativa, forma, conteúdo e suporte, e também pensando em três níveis: o da produção, recepção e contextualização. Como base teórico-metodológica seguimos a perspectiva da sociocognição, calcada especialmente nos estudos de Marcuschi (2005, 2008, 2010), Koch (1996, 2003) e Koch e Elias (2008, 2013), assim como fundamentos de Bakhtin (1997) sobre o caráter sócio-histórico dos gêneros. A título de conclusão, segundo nossas análises, salientamos a interdependência dos elementos do par estudado. No entanto, defendemos a delimitação do post enquanto gênero textual eminentemente digital e não apenas uma ferramenta ou parte do gênero comentário
This deliverable comprises the general description of the RAGE project public website – referred also as the RAGE website, accessible at http://www.rageproject.eu. The RAGE website main objectives are to raise awareness about the project activities as well as to incentivise engagement from targeted stakeholder communities. It integrates social media networks such as Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn and has been developed using Wordpress as Content Management System (CMS). The RAGE website is constantly monitored for content management and technical support purposes.
2015 se recordará como el gran año del cambio en los medios de comunicación, especialmente para la prensa. A lo largo del mismo se ha llevado a cabo una enconada lucha entre los editores y Google News, a la que se han sumado Yahoo News, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., para determinar quién debe pagar por los contenidos, quién los creará, quién los distribuirá y quién y cómo los leerá. Nuevos pactos para nuevos lectores. Nuevos acuerdos para reflotar económicamente la prensa. Y todo ello bajo el paraguas de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual en España y otras similares que se irán publicando o adaptando en Europa. Se ofrece un estudio y análisis de la situación previa al establecimiento de dicha ley y las consecuencias de su aplicación.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012
As redes sociais virtuais são um meio potencialmente rápido e económico de promoção de negócios onde se geram clientes potenciais, exposição para o negocio, informações de mercado e tráfego do Website; se promove o marketing, a recomendação, o marketing directo, a gestão da marca e a prospecção de dados/ pesquisa e se potencia a subcontratação de tarefas de desing/ desenvolvimento, pesquisa, criação de conteúdo e gestão de comunidade. O estudo teve por base um questionário colocado nas redes sociais virtuais e no grupo de divulgação da Association for Information Systems, de 12 de Abril a 14 de Junho de 2012, tendo-se obtido 450 respostas, das quais 330 foram validas.Obtiveram-se respostas de todo o Mundo, predominantemente de Portugal(61,33%) e Brasil(10,89%), tendo-se concluído que o Facebook(78,51%) e o Linkedin(71,99%) são percebidos como as redes sociais virtuais mais úteis na promoção de negócios. Para melhor compreender a percepção que os utilizadores das redes sociais virtuais têm sobre as vantagens e oportunidades destas redes na promoção de negócios, foi utilizada a analise de clusters tendo a solução k-means se mostrando a mais estável e a de mais fácil interpretação lógica, permitindo a segmentação dos utilizadores em três clusters: Cluster 1("mais pessimista"), Cluster 2("intermédio") e Cluster 3("mais optimista"). Esta segmentação permite identificar correlações entre as variáveis grupo, morada, sexo, área de estudo, situação profissional e o numero de empregados do negocio, com os diferentes segmentos. Adicionalmente, verificam-se correlações entre as variáveis grupo, morada, sexo, área de estudo e situação profissional e a variável horas/ semana a usar as redes sociais virtuais na promoção de negócios. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua para a identificação e desenvolvimento dos métodos e estratégias que potenciem a promoção de negócios nas redes sociais virtuais.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
L’avénement des réseaux sociaux, tel que Facebook, MySpace et LinkedIn, a fourni une plateforme permettant aux individus de rester facilement connectés avec leurs amis, leurs familles ou encore leurs collègues tout en les encourageant activement à partager leurs données personnelles à travers le réseau. Avec la richesse des activités disponibles sur un réseau social, la quantité et la variété des informations personnelles partagées sont considérables. De plus, de part leur nature numérique, ces informations peuvent être facilement copiées, modifiées ou divulguées sans le consentement explicite de leur propriétaire. Ainsi, l’information personnelle révélée par les réseaux sociaux peut affecter de manière concrète la vie de leurs utilisateurs avec des risques pour leur vie privée allant d’un simple embarras à la ruine complète de leur réputation, en passant par l’usurpation d’identité. Malheureusement, la plupart des utilisateurs ne sont pas conscients de ces risques et les outils mis en place par les réseaux sociaux actuels ne sont pas suffisants pour protéger efficacement la vie privée de leurs utilisateurs. En outre, même si un utilisateur peut contrôler l’accès à son propre profil, il ne peut pas contrôler ce que les autres révèlent à son sujet. En effet, les “amis” d’un utilisateur sur un réseau social peuvent parfois révéler plus d’information à son propos que celui-ci ne le souhaiterait. Le respect de la vie privée est un droit fondamental pour chaque individu. Nous pré- sentons dans cette thèse une approche qui vise à accroître la prise de conscience des utilisateurs des risques par rapport à leur vie privée et à maintenir la souveraineté sur leurs données lorsqu’ils utilisent un réseau social. La première contribution de cette thèse réside dans la classification des risques multiples ainsi que les atteintes à la vie privée des utilisateurs d’un réseau social. Nous introduisons ensuite un cadre formel pour le respect de la vie privée dans les réseaux sociaux ainsi que le concept de politique de vie privée (UPP). Celle-ci définie par l’utilisateur offre une manière simple et flexible de spécifier et communiquer leur attentes en terme de respect de la vie privée à d’autres utilisateurs, tiers parties ainsi qu’au fournisseur du réseau social. Par ailleurs, nous dé- finissons une taxonomie (possiblement non-exhaustive) des critères qu’un réseau social peut intégrer dans sa conception pour améliorer le respect de la vie privée. En introduisant le concept de réseau social respectueux de la vie privée (PSNS), nous proposons Privacy Watch, un réseau social respectueux de la vie privée qui combine les concepts de provenance et d’imputabilité afin d’aider les utilisateurs à maintenir la souveraineté sur leurs données personnelles. Finalement, nous décrivons et comparons les différentes propositions de réseaux sociaux respectueux de la vie privée qui ont émergé récemment. Nous classifions aussi ces différentes approches au regard des critères de respect de la vie privée introduits dans cette thèse.
Demonstration videos can be found on fr.linkedin.com/in/doriangomez/
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Social network has gained remarkable attention in the last decade. Accessing social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn and Google+ through the internet and the web 2.0 technologies has become more affordable. People are becoming more interested in and relying on social network for information, news and opinion of other users on diverse subject matters. The heavy reliance on social network sites causes them to generate massive data characterised by three computational issues namely; size, noise and dynamism. These issues often make social network data very complex to analyse manually, resulting in the pertinent use of computational means of analysing them. Data mining provides a wide range of techniques for detecting useful knowledge from massive datasets like trends, patterns and rules [44]. Data mining techniques are used for information retrieval, statistical modelling and machine learning. These techniques employ data pre-processing, data analysis, and data interpretation processes in the course of data analysis. This survey discusses different data mining techniques used in mining diverse aspects of the social network over decades going from the historical techniques to the up-to-date models, including our novel technique named TRCM. All the techniques covered in this survey are listed in the Table.1 including the tools employed as well as names of their authors.
INTRODUCTION With the advent of Web 2.0, social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn have become hugely popular. According to (Nilsen, 2009), social networking websites have global1 figures of almost 250 millions unique users among the top five2, with the time people spend on those networks increasing 63% between 2007 and 2008. Facebook alone saw a massive growth of 566% in number of minutes in the same period of time. Furthermore their appeal is clear, they enable users to easily form persistent networks of friends with whom they can interact and share content. Users then use those networks to keep in touch with their current friends and to reconnect with old friends. However, online social network services have rapidly evolved into highly complex systems which contain a large amount of personally salient information derived from large networks of friends. Since that information varies from simple links to music, photos and videos, users not only have to deal with the huge amount of data generated by them and their friends but also with the fact that it‟s composed of many different media forms. Users are presented with increasing challenges, especially as the number of friends on Facebook rises. An example of a problem is when a user performs a simple task like finding a specific friend in a group of 100 or more friends. In that case he would most likely have to go through several pages and make several clicks till he finds the one he is looking for. Another example is a user with more than 100 friends in which his friends make a status update or another action per day, resulting in 10 updates per hour to keep up. That is plausible, especially since the change in direction of Facebook to rival with Twitter, by encouraging users to update their status as they do on Twitter. As a result, to better present the web of information connected to a user the use of better visualizations is essential. The visualizations used nowadays on social networking sites haven‟t gone through major changes during their lifetimes. They have added more functionality and gave more tools to their users, but still the core of their visualization hasn‟t changed. The information is still presented in a flat way in lists/groups of text and images which can‟t show the extra connections pieces of information. Those extra connections can give new meaning and insights to the user, allowing him to more easily see if that content is important to him and the information related to it. However showing extra connections of information but still allowing the user to easily navigate through it and get the needed information with a quick glance is difficult. The use of color coding, clusters and shapes becomes then essential to attain that objective. But taking into consideration the advances in computer hardware in the last decade and the software platforms available today, there is the opportunity to take advantage of 3D. That opportunity comes in because we are at a phase were the hardware and the software available is ready for the use of 3D in the web. With the use of the extra dimension brought by 3D, visualizations can be constructed to show the content and its related information to the user at the same screen and in a clear way. Also it would allow a great deal of interactivity. Another opportunity to create better information‟s visualization presents itself in the form of the open APIs, specifically the ones made available by the social networking sites. Those APIs allow any developers to create their own applications or sites taking advantage of the huge amount of information there is on those networks. Specifically to this case, they open the door for the creation of new social network visualizations. Nevertheless, the third dimension is by itself not enough to create a better interface for a social networking website, there are some challenges to overcome. One of those challenges is to make the user understand what the system is doing during the interaction with the user. Even though that is important in 2D visualizations, it becomes essential in 3D due to the extra dimension. To overcome that challenge it‟s necessary the use of the principles of animations defined by the artists at Walt Disney Studios (Johnston, et al., 1995). By applying those principles in the development of the interface, the actions of the system in response to the user inputs became clear and understandable. Furthermore, a user study needs to be performed so the users‟ main goals and motivations, while navigating the social network, are revealed. Their goals and motivations are important in the construction of an interface that reflects the user expectations for the interface, but also helps in the development of appropriate metaphors. Those metaphors have an important role in the interface, because if correctly chosen they help the user understand the elements of the interface instead of making him memorize it. The last challenge is the use of 3D visualization on the web, since there have been several attempts to bring 3D into it, mainly with the various versions of VRML which were destined to failure due to the hardware limitations at the time. However, in the last couple of years there has been a movement to make the necessary tools to finally allow developers to use 3D in a useful way, using X3D or OpenGL but especially flash. This thesis argues that there is a need for a better social network visualization that shows all the dimensions of the information connected to the user and that allows him to move through it. But there are several characteristics the new visualization has to possess in order for it to present a real gain in usability to Facebook‟s users. The first quality is to have the friends at the core of its design, and the second to make use of the metaphor of circles of friends to separate users in groups taking into consideration the order of friendship. To achieve that several methods have to be used, from the use of 3D to get an extra dimension for presenting relevant information, to the use of direct manipulation to make the interface comprehensible, predictable and controllable. Moreover animation has to be use to make all the action on the screen perceptible to the user. Additionally, with the opportunity given by the 3D enabled hardware, the flash platform, through the use of the flash engine Papervision3D and the Facebook platform, all is in place to make the visualization possible. But even though it‟s all in place, there are challenges to overcome like making the system actions in 3D understandable to the user and creating correct metaphors that would allow the user to understand the information and options available to him. This thesis document is divided in six chapters, with Chapter 2 reviewing the literature relevant to the work described in this thesis. In Chapter 3 the design stage that resulted in the application presented in this thesis is described. In Chapter 4, the development stage, describing the architecture and the components that compose the application. In Chapter 5 the usability test process is explained and the results obtained through it are presented and analyzed. To finish, Chapter 6 presents the conclusions that were arrived in this thesis.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Charla-taller realizada en la Sala de Informática del Edificio de Ciencias Básicas
En esta presentación compartiremos la experiencia de creación, desarrollo e implementación de nuestra comunidad virtual de práctica Docentes en línea (http://docentesenlinea.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/), nacida como proyecto de extensión de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FaHCE) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) en diciembre de 2012. Comenzaremos mencionando brevemente los fundamentos teóricos sobre los que se basa nuestro trabajo, ;presentando las nociones de ecosistema digital, comunidad de práctica (CoP), ;conectivismo, aprendizaje colaborativo, distancia transaccional, educación no formal y tecnologías del empoderamiento y la participación (TEP). Si bien estos conceptos provienen de diferentes teorías, autores y épocas, a nuestro entender, pueden comprenderse como un todo coherente e interrelacionado. Luego procederemos a describir los múltiples espacios virtuales en los que desarrollamos nuestra propuesta, que es enteramente en línea. Como se verá, estos espacios son muy diversos y abarcan, para solo mencionar algunos de ellos, diferentes redes sociales, como Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn, entre otras, así como un sitio en el entorno Moodle, un blog, un sitio institucional desarrollado en software de acceso abierto, y un repositorio de herramientas albergado en un sitio que permite generar murales digitales interactivos. Mencionaremos, además, la función planteada inicialmente para cada uno de estos espacios y los cambios que hemos ido introduciendo al confrontar nuestras ideas iniciales con la realidad de aplicación que fue adquiriendo cada uno de ellos con el paso del tiempo. Por ejemplo, haremos referencia al cambio de rumbo que tuvo el espacio en el entorno Moodle, al migrar la interacción por medio de debates para el que estaba originalmente concebido a las redes sociales. Nos referiremos, además, a la acción que han tenido los miembros de la CoP, al haber ido moldeándola con sus elecciones y preferencias de participación. Por último, esbozaremos algunas reflexiones finales sobre lo realizado hasta la fecha. En ellas mencionaremos la importancia de la CoP Docentes en línea como ámbito para la reflexión de los docentes, como espacio que puede aprovecharse, y ese es nuestro anhelo, para la formación profesional permanente, logrando sus miembros autonomía, pero, a la vez, aprendiendo en comunidad, al compartir saberes, inquietudes y problemáticas de variada índole con otros colegas de bagajes culturales diversos y provenientes de distintos lugares del mundo. También mencionaremos el que quizás constituya el principal desafío que debemos afrontar al llevar adelante esta tarea cotidianamente: lograr que cada vez más miembros se animen a participar activamente en nuestra comunidad, dejando de lado los posibles temores y prejuicios o el desconocimiento de lo que significa el trabajo colaborativo en una CoP virtual, que pueden atentar contra el intercambio y la contribución de saberes que se da al enseñar y aprender en este tipo de comunidad