924 resultados para Linked In(Rede social on-line)


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A tese Comunicação & Astronomia, uma união virtual aborda o universo da comunicação virtual, das organizações virtuais, da ciência virtual. Um universo novo e emocionante onde a relação assíncrona espaço-temporal é o fator comum a todos os atores sociais envolvidos. O universo do virtual, das ferramentas de comunicação relacionadas às novas tecnologias, do ciberespaço, da existência concreta de uma organização imaterial. Estes elementos abrem novos horizontes para o conhecimento e compreensão dos processos de comunicação humana e organizacional na era da revolução informacional, proporcionando a oportunidade de estabelecer uma teoria de comunicação organizacional on line. A pesquisa bibliográfica apoiou-se em três bases teóricas de referência: a comunicação mediada por computador, comunicação virtual e comunicação organizacional, estas bases tiveram ainda o suporte de um estudo de caso que constituiu o corpus da pesquisa. Pudemos então compreender como ocorre a comunicação em uma organização virtual, seus processos, ferramentas e pontos cruciais que podem ser resumidos no fator motivacional necessário ao estímulo à interação virtual cooperativa, necessidade de construção e manutenção de imagem institucional forte que delimite a organização no ciberespaço e definição clara dos códigos de conduta da organização virtual.(AU)


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This thesis analyzes the global and Brazilian manifestations occurred since 2011, taking as a unifying and organizational element the social networks Facebook. The study was conducted through a literature survey about the protests in the streets and the Internet, in books, magazines, articles and academic papers, as well as comments on Facebook during the protests in Brazil.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação da Mestre Inês Veiga Pereira “Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri”


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Informação


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This research aims to examine the phenomenon of sexual relations by observing the Social Network Badoo. As a means to achieve this objective, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted online. The main question is to understand how the amorous expectations in the liquid modernity are configured. Added to that, there is as analysis categories the insight about relationships and the love experiences provided by the use of the Social Network Badoo. There are three initial hypotheses: 1) a time of transition is experienced, in which the liquid love in the proposed terms by Bauman (2004) was gaining ground and, as consequence, the relationships would be presenting themselves shorter, more open and with another interactive proposals for the relations. 2) The consuming practices of the liquid modernity can interpellate the relational practices molding them according to your logic. 3) It is assumed that the reasoning, inherent to the market, of the use followed by the disposal settles itself in the social behavior and this practice is accentuated by technology, through the use of the internet for the establishment of romantic relationships.the empirical analysis shows that both the vision on relationships as the amorous expectations in liquid modernity have as references the model of solid loving relationship, inherent to the traditional modernity. However it also demonstrates that the romantic experiences and practices refer to the liquid relationship model. Therefore, from these statements it is argued that there is in liquid modernity the cohabitation of the liquid and solid models of romantic relationships. In summary, this research aims to understand the contemporary love relationships across the spectrum of relationships that develop on the Internet Social Network: Badoo


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Ideally the social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance their well-being (IFSW 2004). The social work practice, however, often proves to be different. Social workers are always in the danger to make decisions for their clients or define problems according to their own interpretation and world view. In quite a number of cases, the consequence of such a social work practice is that the clients feel disempowered rather than empowered. This dilemma is multiplying when western social workers get involved in developing countries. The potential that intervention, with the intention to empower and liberate the people, turns into disempowerment is tremendously higher because of the differences in tradition, culture and society, on the one side and the power imbalance between the ‘West’ and the ‘Rest’ on the other side. Especially in developing countries, where the vast majority of people live in poverty, many Western social workers come with a lot of sympathy and the idea to help the poor and to change the world. An example is Romania. After the collapse of communism in 1989, Romania was an economically, politically and socially devastated country. The pictures of the orphanages shocked the western world. As a result many Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), churches and individuals were bringing humanitarian goods to Romania in order to alleviate the misery of the Romanian people and especially the children. Since then, important changes in all areas of life have occurred, mostly with foreign financial aid and support. At the political level, democratic institutions were established, a liberal market economy was launched and laws were adapted to western standards regarding the accession into the European Union and the NATO. The western world has left its marks also at the grassroots level in form of NGOs or social service agencies established through western grants and individuals. Above and beyond, the presence of western goods and investment in Romania is omnipresent. This reflects a newly-gained freedom and prosperity - Romania profits certainly from these changes. But this is only one side of the medal, as the effect of westernisation contradicts with the Romanian reality and overruns many deep-rooted traditions, thus the majority of people. Moreover, only a small percentage of the population has access to this western world. Western concepts, procedures or interpretations are often highly differing from the Romanian tradition, history and culture. Nevertheless, western ideas seem to dominate the transition in many areas of daily life in Romania. A closer look reveals that many changes take place due to pressure of western governments and are conditioned to financial support. The dialectic relationship between the need for foreign aid and the implementation becomes very obvious in Romania and often leads, despite the substantial benefits, to unpredictable and rather negative side-effects, at a political, social, cultural, ecological and/or economic level. This reality is a huge dilemma for all those involved, as there is a fine line between empowering and disempowering action. It is beyond the scope of this journal to discuss the dilemma posed by Western involvement at all levels; therefore this article focuses on the impact of Western social workers in Romania. The first part consists of a short introduction to social work in Romania, followed by the discussion about the dilemma posed by the structure of project of international social work and the organisation of private social service agencies. Thirdly the experiences of Romanian staff with Western social workers are presented and then discussed with regard to turning disempowering tendencies of Western social workers into empowerment.


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The banking industry is observing how new competitors threaten its millennial business model by targeting unbanked people, offering new financial services to their customer base, and even enabling new channels for existing services and customers. The knowledge on users, their behaviour, and expectations become a key asset in this new context. Well aware of this situation, the Center for Open Middleware, a joint technology center created by Santander Bank and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, has launched a set of initiatives to allow the experimental analysis and management of socio-economic information. PosdataP2P service is one of them, which seeks to model the economic ties between the holders of university smart cards, leveraging on the social networks the holders are subscribed to. In this paper we describe the design principles guiding the development of the system, its architecture and some implementation details.


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O consumidor contemporâneo, inserido em um novo ambiente de comunicação, potencializa suas expressões, capaz de avaliar uma marca ou produto e transmitir sua opinião pelas redes sociais, ou seja, o consumidor expressa suas opiniões e desejos dialogando com seus pares de forma espontânea nas redes sociais on-line. É neste ambiente de participação e interação (ciberespaço) que está nosso objeto de estudo, o boca a boca on-line – a voz do consumidor contemporâneo, também conhecido como uma manifestação informativa pessoal ou uma conversa, a opinion sharing. Proporcionado pelos consumidores nas redes sociais on-line, o boca a boca se fortalece em função das possibilidades de interação, característica da sociedade em rede. Nesse cenário, oobjetivo desta pesquisa é caracterizar o boca a boca on-line como um novo fluxo comunicacional entre consumidores, hoje potencializado pelas novas tecnologias da comunicação, capazes de alterar a percepção da marca e demonstrar o uso, pelas marcas, das redes sociais on-line ainda como um ambiente de comunicação unidirecional. Mediante três casos selecionados por conveniência (dois casos nacionais e um internacional), o corpus de análise de nossa pesquisa se limitou aos 5.084 comentários disponibilizados após publicação de matérias jornalísticas no Portal G1 e nas fanpages (Facebook), ambos relativos aos casos selecionados. Com a Análise de Conteúdo dos posts, identificamos e categorizamos a fala do consumidor contemporâneo, sendo assim possível comprovar que as organizações/marcas se valem da cultura do massivo, não dialogando com seus consumidores, pois utilizam as redes sociais on-line ainda de forma unidirecional, além de não darem a devida atenção ao atual fluxo onde se evidencia a opinião compartilhada dos consumidores da sociedade em rede.


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A vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalásával (CSR) kapcsolatos alapelvek, kezdeményezések és tevékenységek kommunikációja a vállalati kommunikáció egyik sarkalatos pontjává vált szinte az egész világon. A cégek CSR-kezdeményezéseik bemutatásához egyre többször az internetet is igénybe veszik. Az on-line média használatával párhuzamosan az elmúlt évtizedben egyre többen kutatják a CSR-kommunikáció elektronikus formáit, jóllehet ezek a kutatások többnyire leíró jellegűek, és a CSR-kommunikáció, valamint egyes vállalati jellemzők (méret, iparág és más magyarázó változók) között keresnek kapcsolatot. A szerzők e cikkben a társadalmi felelősségvállalással foglalkozó vállalati weboldalakat kritikai szemüvegen keresztül vizsgálják. Céljuk, hogy feltárják az on-line kommunikációt jellemző belső ellentmondásokat és a vallott és követett értékek közötti különbségeket. _______ Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, initiatives, and activities has become a common practice of companies all around the world. It is quite apparent that firms use internet more and more often to communicate their CSR initiatives to their stakeholders. Parallel with the extensive use of the online media, more and more research has been elaborated on the field of online CSR communication in the last decade as well. However, these studies usually have a strong descriptive focus trying to reveal connections between the intensity of online communication of CSR values and activities, and company size, industrial background, and other explanatory variables. In contrast, the authors analysed corporate web pages dedicated to CSR through critical lenses. Their research was designed to explore any dissonances and contradictions within online communication and between communication and real activities of firms from construction, retail, and telecommunication industries in Hungary.