946 resultados para Labor costs
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica – Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Optimização Energética na Industria Química
Double Degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics and a Master Degree in Business Engineering from Louvain School of Management
Using a rich and highly accurate dataset for Portugal spanning from 1986 to 2013, this paper analyzes the determinants of downward nominal wage rigidity, mainly focusing on macroeconomic factors. The data supports the hypothesis that recessionary periods alongside with low in ation contribute to a higher degree of wage rigidity, as measured by the incidence of nominal wage freezes. It is further highlighted how this lack of wage adjustments con- tributed to an increase in labor costs which culminated in a wage markup of 6-7%. This paper, thus seems to corroborate the argument that low in ation did exacerbated the downward in exibility of (real) wages after the Great Recession.
This case study deals with the reasons why the Portuguese Footwear Cluster evolved from a small industry focused on the Portuguese internal market into a high-tech industry capable of designing and producing some of the best and most expensive shoes in the world. It went from using the low labor costs of an under-developed economy to produce long series of shoes for pre-designated brands in Northern Europe to having the ability to produce some of the highest quality shoes in the world, in small orders, designed and delivered in record timing, while offering a service of excellence. In 1960, when Portugal became a founding member of EFTA, the footwear industry in Portugal was globally irrelevant, producing low quality shoes directed to the puny internal market and its African colonies. The new free trade zone with economies much more developed that itself, led to the transfer of the labor-intensive, low skilled manufacture from the UK and Scandinavian countries to Portugal. Mostly through joint ventures, the industry was able to mechanize itself so it could produce shoes in long series at low prices. It grew based on that model up until the 1990s, when the emergence of the Asian countries meant either a different strategy or extinction. Taking advantage of a clarified leadership of its trade association, it used the European funds made available to it during the 1990s, to modernize its factory floors, so it could become more nimble and flexible, expand its design capabilities and dramatically change its image abroad. The role of the trade association, APICCAPS, was instrumental throughout the process going well beyond what came to be expected of trade associations. It used its privileged position to provide understanding regarding the current situation and competitive landscape, alerting for changes ahead and at the same time providing a strategic vision on how to deal with the challenges. Moreover, it helped companies get the resources they needed by creating a research center in collaboration with a University, by creating a process that allowed companies to learn from each other via the show casing of projects sponsored by the association or by helping industrials traveling to locations where new customers could be found. The case study provides insight on how the trade association leadership, which has no formal authority over its members, was able to guide and motivate an industry through a consistent positive approach. That approach focused on the solutions, on the opportunities and on the success stories of companies in the cluster rather than on what was wrong or needed to be addressed. Based on this case, one could use the leadership role of the trade association to discuss and change leaders’ roles and styles in other sectors or even companies.
The evolution of the construction caused a need to use more effective equipments, capable of meeting the increasingly demanding deadlines for the completion of works. In this context, the safety and efficiency of equipment have become key aspects in order to optimize the execution time of the works, as well as reducing labor costs and loss of materials. With the evolution of construction and construction processes, cranes have come to represent a signal of the construction of buildings, revealing to be, in most of the cases, the main equipment of construction sites. Currently, some engineers revels some apprehension regarding the use and handling of cranes which is natural and acceptable, since an equipment failure can lead to serious or fatal accidents. The factors affecting safety management of the cranes in construction sites were investigated, identified, classified and evaluated according to their degree of importance, through interviews with representatives of the general contractors of a set of selected construction sites.
We study the effect of organizational choice and institutions on the performance ofSpanish car dealerships. Using outlet-level data from 1994, we find that verticallyintegrateddealerships showed substantially lower labor productivity, higher labor costs andlower profitability than franchised ones. Despite these gaps in performance, no verticallyintegratedoutlet was separated until 1994, yet the few outlets that were eventuallyseparated systematically improved their performance. We argue that the conversion ofintegrated outlets into franchised ones involved significant transaction costs, due to aninstitutional environment favoring permanent, highly-unionized employment relations. Inline with this argument, we find that the observed separations occurred in distributionnetworks that underwent marked reductions in worker unionization rates, following thelegalization of temporary labor contracts.
Improving safety at nighttime work zones is important because of the extra visibility concerns. The deployment of sequential lights is an innovative method for improving driver recognition of lane closures and work zone tapers. Sequential lights are wireless warning lights that flash in a sequence to clearly delineate the taper at work zones. The effectiveness of sequential lights was investigated using controlled field studies. Traffic parameters were collected at the same field site with and without the deployment of sequential lights. Three surrogate performance measures were used to determine the impact of sequential lights on safety. These measures were the speeds of approaching vehicles, the number of late taper merges and the locations where vehicles merged into open lane from the closed lane. In addition, an economic analysis was conducted to monetize the benefits and costs of deploying sequential lights at nighttime work zones. The results of this study indicates that sequential warning lights had a net positive effect in reducing the speeds of approaching vehicles, enhancing driver compliance, and preventing passenger cars, trucks and vehicles at rural work zones from late taper merges. Statistically significant decreases of 2.21 mph mean speed and 1 mph 85% speed resulted with sequential lights. The shift in the cumulative speed distributions to the left (i.e. speed decrease) was also found to be statistically significant using the Mann-Whitney and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. But a statistically significant increase of 0.91 mph in the speed standard deviation also resulted with sequential lights. With sequential lights, the percentage of vehicles that merged earlier increased from 53.49% to 65.36%. A benefit-cost ratio of around 5 or 10 resulted from this analysis of Missouri nighttime work zones and historical crash data. The two different benefitcost ratios reflect two different ways of computing labor costs.
Currently, many drivers experience some difficulty in viewing the road ahead of them during times of reduced visibility, such as rain, snow, fog, or the darkness of night- Recent studies done by the National Safety Council provide a detailed contrast between fatal accidents occurring during the day and night. Revealed was that the motor vehicle night death rate (4.41 deaths per 100 million miles driven) was sharply higher than the corresponding death rate during daylight hours (1.21). By providing a delineating system powered by the natural resource of solar power, a constant source of visibility may be maintained throughout the evening. Along with providing enough light to trace the outline of the road, other major goals defined in producing this delineator system are as follows: 1. A strong and durable design that would protect the internal components and survive extreme weather conditions. 2. A low maintenance system where components need few repairs or replacements. 3. A design which makes all components accessible in the event that maintenance is needed, but also prevents vandalism. 4. A design that provides greater visibility to drivers and will not harm a vehicle or its passengers in the event of a collision. This solar powered highway delineator consists of an adjustable solar array, a light fixture, and a standard delineator pole. The solar array houses and protects the solar panels, and can be easily adjusted to obtain a maximum amount of sunlight. The light fixture primarily houses the battery, the circuit and the light assembly. Both components allow for easy accessibility and reduce vandalism using internal connections for bolts and wires. The delineator mounting pole is designed to extensively deform in the event of a collision, therefore reducing any harm caused to the vehicle and/or the passengers. The cost of a single prototype to be produced is approximately $70.00 excluding labor costs. However, these material and labor costs will be greatly reduced if a large number of delineators are produced. It is recommended that the Iowa Department of Transportation take full advantage of the research and development put into this delineator design. The principles used in creating this delineator can be used to provide an outline for drivers to follow, or on a larger scale, provide actual roadway lighting in areas where it was never before possible or economically feasible. In either event, the number of fatal accidents will be decreased due to the improved driver visibility in the evening.
Työn päätavoitteena on kartoittaa Venäjän elintarviketeollisuutta ulkomaisen investoijan näkökulmasta. Tutkimus arvioi liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja kilpailutilannetta Venäjän elintarviketeollisuudessa ja auttaa ulkomaisia yrityksiä toteuttamaan liiketoimintastrategioitaan Venäjällä. Venäjän ja muiden siirtymätalousmaiden markkinatilannevertailujen lisäksi Venäjän alueita verrataan keskenään. Myös mahdollisen WTO jäsenyyden vaikutuksia arvioidaan. Kommunismin perintö vaikuttaa edelleen Venäjän elintarviketeollisuuteen ja maatalouteen. Maatalouden tuottavuus on kaukana länsimaisesta tasosta ja maatiloilta puuttuu rahoitusta. Etenkin maidon- ja lihanjalostajat kärsivät raaka-ainepulasta. Venäjän kriisi vuonna 1998 vahvisti paikallista teollisuustuotantoa mutta aiheutti ongelmia ulkomaisille investoijille ja yrityksille, jotka vievät tuotteitaan Venäjälle. Edut, joita mahdollinen maailmankauppajärjestö WTO:n jäsenyys tuo, ovat merkittävämpiä Venäjälle kuin sen kauppakumppaneille. Venäjän alueet eivät ole yhtäläisesti kehittyneitä ja kuluttajien ostovoima vaihtelee paljon. Itsestään selvin ja houkuttelevin vaihtoehto menestyvien elintarvikeyritysten laajentumiselle löytyy alueilta, joilla ostovoima on suurin. Tähän asti kansainväliset elintarvikeyritykset ovat olleet enemmän kiinnostuneita Itä- ja Keski-Euroopan maista. Käytettävissä olevat tulot ovat Itä- ja Keski-Euroopan maissa suurempia kuin Venäjällä, joten tuottajat pystyvät myymään myös kalliimpia tuotteita. Työvoimakustannukset Venäjällä tulevat olemaan suotuisia vielä muutaman vuosikymmenen ja markkinoiden koko on merkittävä. Siksi kansainvälisillä elintarvikeyrityksillä riittää kiinnostusta tulevaisuudessa investoida myös Venäjälle.
Uusiutuvan energian tuottamisen lisääminen on edellytys saavuttaaksemme EU:n asettamat tavoitteet. Tämän takia on syytä tutkia kaikki mahdollisuudet uusiutuvan energian tuottamisen lisäämiseksi jopa aivan pienimmistä laitoksista lähtien. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia pienvesivoiman taloudellisuutta ja kannattavuutta energiantuotannossa. Työssä suoritetaan myös kustannuslaskenta, jossa pohditaan käytöstä poistetun laitoksen palauttamista takaisin sähkön tuotantoon. Samalla käydään läpi teknisiä, taloudellisia ja lakisääteisiä kysymyksiä, joita pienvoiman verkkoonliittäminen aiheuttaa. Tämä työ on eräänlainen käsikirja pienvesivoimasta. Pienvesivoiman liittäminen jakeluverkkoon on sinällään suojausteknisesti yksinkertaista, mutta kaikkien eri taloudellisten ja lakiteknisten tekijöiden huomioonottaminen on puolestaan haastavaa. Laitosten käyttö ja kunnossapito eivät sinällään vaadi sähköteknistä osaamista, kunhan turvallisuusseikat otetaan visusti huomioon. Työssä havaittiin, että pienvesivoima ei pienissä laitoksissa riitä kattamaan suuria työvoimakustannuksia, joita syntyy, kun yritysten henkilökunta ottaa osaa laitoksen toimintaan. Toisaalta pienvesivoima on erinomainen tapa tuottaa sähköä yksityiselle ihmiselle, mikäli hän on itse valmis operoimaan laitosta eikä laske omalle työlleen suuria kustannuksia. Edellytyksenä on, että omalta maa‐alueelta löytyy pienikin puro suhteellisen läheltä jakeluverkkoa.
Työn tavoitteena on selvittää erilaisten työaikamallien ja henkilöstön määrän vaikutuksia Finnsteven henkilöstökustannuksiin ja ylitöiden määrään. Selvitystyö toteutetaan simuloimalla vaihtoehtoisia työaikamalleja ja henkilöstömääriä tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Työn toisena tavoitteena on ehdottaa yritykselle toimintatapaa suorittaa lopullinen henkilöstöresurssien optimointi. Työn teoriaosuudessa esitellään aluksi yritystä ja sen toimintaympäristöä. Tämän jälkeen tarkastellaan nykyisen TE-sopimuksen mahdollistamia työaikamalleja. Seuraavaksi perustellaan käytettävät tilastolliset menetelmät ja tiedonkeruumenetelmät. Edetessään työ syventyy tarkastelemaan yrityksen tekemän työn kohdentumista aikatyöhön ja ylityöhön sekä viikonpäiville että työvuoroille. Lopuksi kuvataan työn optimoinnissa käytetty logiikka, analysoidaan saatuja tuloksia ja esitellään optimointityökalun toteutussuunnitelma. Diplomityössä tehdyn selvityksen mukaan satamatyössä tehdään nykyisellään erittäin paljon ylitöitä. Siten työaikamallien optimointi on perusteltua. Optimoinnilla saavutettavat potentiaaliset kustannussäästöt ovat erittäin huomattavia. Lopullinen optimointi on haastava tehtävä, jota henkilöstöhallinto ei pysty ratkaisemaan pelkkään kokemukseensa luottaen. Tuotannonsuunnittelun avuksi tarvitaan täten työkalu, joka palvelee paitsi mallien luontia, toimii suunnittelun apuna jatkossakin.
During recent years, mobile phone markets have changed significantly. Asian markets have become vital for the manufacturers with their millions of end users and multiple major mobile network operators. This has resulted in software development as global companies have research and development sites running in multiple locations, including Asia. The reasons behind this are not only in reducing labor costs but also in capitalizing on the local knowledge and knowhow. A ramp-up site has multiple effects in the software development and software release activities. This thesis focuses on representing the importance of software testing as part of software development process and highlighting issues that need to be considered during ramp-up activities. In addition this work tries to emphasize the importance of communication between parties and information gathering prior to setting up the ramp-up site. The output of this thesis was successful software testing site ramp-up within the set time limits. The quality of software testing work was assured and the ramp-up -project requirements were achieved.
Solid processes are used for obtaining the valuable minerals. Due to their worth, it is obligatory to perform different experiments to determine the different values of these minerals. With the passage of time, it is becoming more difficult to carry out these experiments for each mineral for different characteristics due to high labor costs and consumption of time. Therefore, scientists and engineers have tried to overcome this issue. They made different software to handle this problem. Aspen is one of those software for the calculation of different parameters. Therefore, the aim of this report was to do simulation for solid processes to observe different effect for minerals. Different solid processes like crushing, screening; filtration and crystallization were simulated by Aspen Plus. The simulation results are obtained by using this simulation software and they are described in this thesis. It was noticed that the results were acceptable for all solid processes. Therefore, this software can be used for the designing of crushers by calculating the power consumption of crushers, can design the filter and for the calculation of material balance for all processes.
Maritime safety is an issue that has gained a lot of attention in the Baltic Sea area due to the dense maritime traffic and transportation of oil in the area. Lots of effort has been paid to enhance maritime safety in the area. The risk exists that excessive legislation and other requirements mean more costs for limited benefit. In order to utilize both public and private resources efficiently, awareness is required of what kind of costs maritime safety policy instruments cause and whether the costs are in relation to benefits. The aim of this report is to present an overview of the cost-effectiveness of maritime safety policy instruments focusing on the cost aspect: what kind of costs maritime safety policy causes, to whom, what affects the cost-effectiveness and how cost-effectiveness is studied. The study is based on a literature review and on the interviews of Finnish maritime experts. The results of this study imply that cost-effectiveness is a complicated issue to evaluate. There are no uniform practices for which costs and benefits should be included in the evaluation and how they should be valued. One of the challenges is how to measure costs and benefits during the course of a longer time period. Often a lack of data erodes the reliability of evaluation. In the prevention of maritime accidents, costs typically include investments in ship structures or equipment, as well as maintenance and labor costs. Also large investments may be justifiable if they respectively provide significant improvements to maritime safety. Measures are cost-effective only if they are implemented properly. Costeffectiveness is decreased if a measure causes overlapping or repetitious work. Costeffectiveness is also decreased if the technology isn’t user-friendly or if it is soon replaced with a new technology or another new appliance. In future studies on the cost-effectiveness of maritime safety policy, it is important to acknowledge the dependency between different policy instruments and the uncertainty of the factors affecting cost-effectiveness. The costs of a single measure are rarely relatively significant and the effect of each measure on safety tends to be positive. The challenge is to rank the measures and to find the most effective combination of different policy instruments. The greatest potential offered for the analysis of cost-effectiveness of individual measures is their implementation in clearly defined risk situations, in which different measures are truly alternative to each other. Overall, maritime safety measures do not seem to be considered burdening for the shipping industry in Finland at the moment. Generally actors in the Finnish shipping industry seem to find maintaining a high safety level important and act accordingly.