29 resultados para Kona


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo compreender, no contexto geopolítico de Timor-Leste, quais as imagens, funções e estatutos das línguas que aí circulam e, simultaneamente, percecionar de que modo a Escola gere essa pluralidade linguística. Para o efeito, tivemos em conta as representações/imagens relativamente às línguas, às suas funções e estatutos, não só dos alunos e dos diferentes atores educativos (professores, diretores de escola e formadores do 1.º e 2.º ciclo), mas também aquelas que circulam em contexto social alargado, onde incluímos os intervenientes e os responsáveis pelas políticas educativas e outros elementos da população. Foi deste modo que procurámos perceber de que forma tais representações se influenciam reciprocamente e se refletem na Escola. O estudo realizado foi de cariz etnográfico. Assim, o investigadorobservador, colocado no terreno, foi produzindo um diário do observador e recolhendo informação etnográfica, através da sua convivência com a sociedade timorense (escritos do quotidiano, questionário à polícia, observação de aula, entre outros), auscultando as “vozes” quer dos alunos (por meio de biografias linguísticas e desenhos), quer dos atores educativos (através de biografias linguísticas e entrevistas), quer ainda dos intervenientes nas políticas educativas (com recurso a entrevistas) e de alguns jovens timorenses, recorrendo de novo às entrevistas. Simultaneamente, foi feita uma recolha documental, ao longo de todo o período em que o estudo decorreu, que integrou fontes escritas (documentos oficiais, como sejam os documentos reguladores das políticas linguísticas e os manuais, fontes não oficiais, incluindo documentos vários e testemunhos e fontes estatísticas, como os Censos) e fontes não escritas (imagens e sons registados, estes posteriormente transcritos). Todos estes dados foram classificados em dados primários e secundários, em função da sua relevância para o estudo. Para a sua análise socorremo-nos da análise de conteúdo para as biografias, as entrevistas e os manuais de língua portuguesa, estes no quadro de uma abordagem para a diversidade linguística e cultural, de uma análise documental para os documentos reguladores do Sistema Educativa e outros documentos oficiais relativos às línguas e, finalmente, recorremos a uma análise biográfica (Molinié, 2011) para os desenhos realizados pelos alunos. Os resultados obtidos vieram evidenciar o multilinguismo social e escolar que se vive no país, as imagens e as funções que as línguas desempenham nestes dois contextos, o escolar e o da sociedade alargada, permitindo-nos compreender que a Escola não é apenas um microcosmos dentro da sociedade, mas um espaço de encontro, por vezes de confronto, entre diversas línguas, culturas e identidades. Ela é também espaço onde as questões do plurilinguismo são mais desafiantes na medida em que as línguas não são apenas objeto de ensino aprendizagem, mas desempenham igualmente funções importantes na aquisição dos saberes escolares, na interação social e no desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos. Nestes contextos, ocorrem duas situações relevantes, uma é o facto de a Escola ser um lugar onde os repertórios linguísticos plurilingues dos alunos entram em contacto com as línguas de escolarização, o português, o tétum e o malaio indonésio e outra é que saberes escolares e saberes culturais utilizam línguas diferentes, isto é, os primeiros são veiculados em tétum e português, eventualmente em malaio indonésio, mas os saberes culturais são expressos nas línguas autóctones, ameaçadas, porém, por uma crescente expansão do tétum. Contudo, estas línguas criam também espaços privados, identitários e de coesão social dentro da grande cidade que é Díli. São línguas “secretas” e “de defesa.” Por fim, referiremos a urgência para que se tomem medidas no sentido de se criar um consenso sobre a normalização do tétum, que conduza à sua aplicação em contexto educativo e ao seu desenvolvimento funcional, isto é, que leve à planificação do seu estatuto. Visa-se, com este estudo, contribuir para que os atores, acima referidos, possam «repensar» a Escola, em Timor Leste, e, em particular, no que diz respeito à gestão das línguas que nela circulam, através de uma política linguística (educativa) que beneficie o Sistema Educativo, com eventuais repercussões no âmbito do currículo, da produção de materiais e da formação de professores. Face aos resultados obtidos, ainda que consideremos este estudo como parcelar, pelo facto de ter decorrido, sobretudo, na capital timorense, permitimo-nos sugerir a necessidade de esbater fronteiras entre o espaço escolar e as realidades dos alunos, encontrando uma gestão escolar deste plurilinguismo que crie um currículo mais integrador dos saberes linguísticos dos alunos.


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Este artigo incide sobre o modo como as vítimas respondem à situação de vitimização através da «fala» ou sobre uma política de articulação. Aborda o papel da ordem social na criação da tortura como meio de alcançar o controlo e o papel das vítimas que inadvertidamente se tornam cúmplices da vitimização num sistema «que faz com que os homens torturem e prendam pessoas inocentes». O artigo examina igualmente as nuances da palavra «fala» e as suas conotações mais profundas em termos de resistência face a uma ordem injusta. As vítimas são tão complexas quanto o fenómeno de vitimização. Por esse motivo, uma perspectiva interdisciplinar é essencial para compreender o significado do acto de falar da vítima; essa é a perspectiva aqui seguida para sustentar a minha visão sobre o modo como a vítima deixa de ser vítima durante o processo de «fala».


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Recent improvements in precursor chemistry, reactor geometry and run conditions extend the manufacturing capability of traditional flame aerosol synthesis of oxide nanoparticles to metals, alloys and inorganic complex salts. As an example of a demanding composition, we demonstrate here the one-step flame synthesis of nanoparticles of a 4-element non-oxide phosphor for upconversion applications. The phosphors are characterized in terms of emission capability, phase purity and thermal phase evolution. The preparation of flame-made beta-NaYF4 with dopants of Yb, Tm or Yb, Er furthermore illustrates the now available nanoparticle synthesis tool boxes based on modified flamespray synthesis from our laboratories at ETH Zurich. Since scaling concepts for flame synthesis, including large-scale filtration and powder handling, have become available commercially, the development of industrial applications of complex nanoparticles of metals, alloys or most other thermally stable, inorganic compounds can now be considered a feasible alternative to traditional top-down manufacturing or liquid-intense wet chemistry.


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Comunicación presentada en el VIII Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, Bilbao, mayo 1999.


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In this paper, we propose two Bayesian methods for detecting and grouping junctions. Our junction detection method evolves from the Kona approach, and it is based on a competitive greedy procedure inspired in the region competition method. Then, junction grouping is accomplished by finding connecting paths between pairs of junctions. Path searching is performed by applying a Bayesian A* algorithm that has been recently proposed. Both methods are efficient and robust, and they are tested with synthetic and real images.


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Vol.2, 13. nanovo pregladano izd.; v.3, 10. izd.


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Sound is a key sensory modality for Hawaiian spinner dolphins. Like many other marine animals, these dolphins rely on sound and their acoustic environment for many aspects of their daily lives, making it is essential to understand soundscape in areas that are critical to their survival. Hawaiian spinner dolphins rest during the day in shallow coastal areas and forage offshore at night. In my dissertation I focus on the soundscape of the bays where Hawaiian spinner dolphins rest taking a soundscape ecology approach. I primarily relied on passive acoustic monitoring using four DSG-Ocean acoustic loggers in four Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting bays on the Kona Coast of Hawai‛i Island. 30-second recordings were made every four minutes in each of the bays for 20 to 27 months between January 8, 2011 and March 30, 2013. I also utilized concomitant vessel-based visual surveys in the four bays to provide context for these recordings. In my first chapter I used the contributions of the dolphins to the soundscape to monitor presence in the bays and found the degree of presence varied greatly from less than 40% to nearly 90% of days monitored with dolphins present. Having established these bays as important to the animals, in my second chapter I explored the many components of their resting bay soundscape and evaluated the influence of natural and human events on the soundscape. I characterized the overall soundscape in each of the four bays, used the tsunami event of March 2011 to approximate a natural soundscape and identified all loud daytime outliers. Overall, sound levels were consistently louder at night and quieter during the daytime due to the sounds from snapping shrimp. In fact, peak Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting time co-occurs with the quietest part of the day. However, I also found that humans drastically alter this daytime soundscape with sound from offshore aquaculture, vessel sound and military mid-frequency active sonar. During one recorded mid-frequency active sonar event in August 2011, sound pressure levels in the 3.15 kHz 1/3rd-octave band were as high as 45.8 dB above median ambient noise levels. Human activity both inside (vessels) and outside (sonar and aquaculture) the bays significantly altered the resting bay soundscape. Inside the bays there are high levels of human activity including vessel-based tourism directly targeting the dolphins. The interactions between humans and dolphins in their resting bays are of concern; therefore, my third chapter aimed to assess the acoustic response of the dolphins to human activity. Using days where acoustic recordings overlapped with visual surveys I found the greatest response in a bay with dolphin-centric activities, not in the bay with the most vessel activity, indicating that it is not the magnitude that elicits a response but the focus of the activity. In my fourth chapter I summarize the key results from my first three chapters to illustrate the power of multiple site design to prioritize action to protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins in their resting bays, a chapter I hope will be useful for managers should they take further action to protect the dolphins.


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The publication draws up a balance sheet about the natural marine assets of New Caledonia by distinguishing the coast and the intertidal zones, the coral reefs and lagoons, the open sea or "deep blue". A set of assets relative to the living and mineral natural resources, to the characteristics of the shallow and deep marine biodiversity, to the potential marine energy resources are discussed. This publication, edited in a Consumer directed free magazine, draws up a set of perspectives relative to a blue economy to be built in a country still very centred on its ground resources, essentially the nickel mining industry.


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The present article introduces and defines what are the rogue or freak waves. After an historical reminder on the recent consideration of their existence, several events of waves having struck big or small ships or still the coastline are presented. A paragraph is dedicated to the scientific explanation of the phenomenon and the difference with other phenomenons such tsunamis or tidal bores is clarified. After a reminder of the international mobilization towards a forecast system, a conclusion focuses on events met in New Caledonian waters and analyzes more exactly testimonies related to this type of phenomenon by trying to clarify their causes.


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The object of this article is to offer a synthesis of the knowledge clarifying the originality and the diversity of the submarine geological formations of the New Caledonian EEZ. A reminder is given onto the geologic history of the region, based upon the dislocation of the Gondwana Continent, the opening of the Tasman Sea, the presence of submarine volcanism, the setting up of heavy peridotitic rocks, the building up of the Fairway and Lord Howe Ridges and of sedimentary basins, the formation of volcanic domes and sea-mounts or guyots, the subduction along the Vanuatu Trench, the uplift of the Loyalty Islands, the development of carbonated ptatforms around the islands etc.... Of this complex history ensues an exceptional submarine geo-diversity. After this presentation the article clarifies the methods and the tools used in marine geosciences to map, explore, observe, analyze, sample, that they are embarked or are autonomous, teleoperated or inhabited systems. A chapter describes the programs which were set up since about forty years and the results obtained as well as the scientific teams concerned with. In conclusion, based on the unpublished character of this geo-diversity, the article introduces the second text to come in a next issue of theTai Kona magazine, text which will focus on the scientific, economic (mineral resources), environmental (deep biodiversity) and risks (seismicity) challenges that are worn by one of the most original submarine geologic context in the world.


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This text presents and explicits the story of a marine drone: the Wave Glider, designed and developed by Liquid Robotics, an American company of the Silicon Valley. The text specifies its functioning, directly dependent on energies that are the swell and the sun and its technical characteristics authorizing a set of measures of in situ parameters (sea temperature, salinity, currents, marine acoustics, video but also meteorological data acquisitions). A set of scientific or operational applications is also introduced. A detail is supplied on the first experience led in New Caledonia: inaugural mission of the drone Wave Glider, property of the Company Assystem, for a route between Nouméa and Lifou and return. Several perspectives of use of such a tool in New Caledonia and in the Pacific are proposed.


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This text presents the general problem of nuisance and pollution created by macro-waste at sea. We clarify three main types of pollution: that of coasts, that of the sea bed and that of the open sea. The article leans on scientific data: report of the state of contamination of the coasts of France by macro waste (1982), results of works and oceanographic sea bed observation campaigns, evaluation of the contamination by micro-plastics floating on surface and concentrating in the big oceanic gyres. A paragraph is dedicated to the impacts on the ecosystems, an other one on the taken measures to fight against those macro-waste. The specific case of New Caledonia is not forgotten and in conclusion we underline the necessity of an education of the populations in terms of Eco responsibility, which appears to be a significant factor of regression of this type of nuisance that affects all the seas of the world