798 resultados para Job-creation
This article is motivated by a very simple question – ‘what types of firms create the most jobs in the UK economy?’ One popular answer to this question has been High-Growth Firms (HGFs). These firms represent only a small minority – the ‘Vital 6%’ – of the UK business population yet, but have a disproportionate impact on job creation and innovation. We re-visit the discussion launched by the 2009 National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) reports, which identified the 6% figure and, using more recent data, confirm the headline conclusion for job creation: a small number of job-creating firms (mostly small firms) are responsible for a significant amount of net job creation in the United Kingdom. Adopting our alternative preferred analytical approach, which involves tracking the growth performance of cohorts of start-ups confirms this conclusion; however, we find an even smaller number of job-creating firms are responsible for a very significant proportion of job creation. We conclude by considering the question – ‘what are the implications for policy choices?’.
This paper examines the role of human capital, individual entrepreneurial traits and the business environment on firms' life cycle and on job creation in Spain. For this purpose, we have constructed a pseudo-panel, by using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor survey over the period 2001-2008. We have found that the creation, maturity and survival of firms were aided by the availability of bank credit and the large immigration inflows that Spain received over this period. However, of these two factors, only bank credit had a positive effect on the creation of jobs and on improving expectations of job expansion. The relatively high levels of youth unemployment experienced even before the crises of 2008 hurt the firm's chances of maturity and survival. The results also suggested that the gender gap in entrepreneurial activities had narrowed. In relative terms, women with higher levels of education were more likely to create mature firms than men. Based on the empirical findings and those of related literature, the paper offers policy recommendations to foster a sustainable entrepreneurial sector capable of contributing to the recovery of the Spanish economy.
We develop and quantitatively implement a dynamic general equilibrium model with labor market matching and endogenous deterllÚnation of the job destruction rate. The mo deI produces a elose match with data on job creation and destruction. Cyelical fluctuations in the job destruction rate serve to magnify the effects of productivity shocks on output; as well as making the effects much more persistent. Interactions between the labor and capital markets, mediated by the rental rate of capital, play the central role in propagating shocks.
Includes bibliographical references.
The contribution of different-sized businesses to job creation continues to attract policymakers’ attention; however, it has recently been recognised that conclusions about size were confounded with the effect of age. We probe the role of size, controlling for age, by comparing the cohorts of firms born in 1998 over their first decade of life, using variation across half a dozen northern European countries Austria, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK to pin down size effects. We find that a very small proportion of the smallest firms play a crucial role in accounting for cross-country differences in job growth. A closer analysis reveals that the initial size distribution and survival rates do not seem to explain job growth differences between countries, rather it is a small number of rapidly growing firms that are driving this result.
This dissertation consists of three separate essays on job search and labor market dynamics. In the first essay, “The Impact of Labor Market Conditions on Job Creation: Evidence from Firm Level Data”, I study how much changes in labor market conditions reduce employment fluctuations over the business cycle. Changes in labor market conditions make hiring more expensive during expansions and cheaper during recessions, creating counter-cyclical incentives for job creation. I estimate firm level elasticities of labor demand with respect to changes in labor market conditions, considering two margins: changes in labor market tightness and changes in wages. Using employer-employee matched data from Brazil, I find that all firms are more sensitive to changes in wages rather than labor market tightness, and there is substantial heterogeneity in labor demand elasticity across regions. Based on these results, I demonstrate that changes in labor market conditions reduce the variance of employment growth over the business cycle by 20% in a median region, and this effect is equally driven by changes along each margin. Moreover, I show that the magnitude of the effect of labor market conditions on employment growth can be significantly affected by economic policy. In particular, I document that the rapid growth of the national minimum wages in Brazil in 1997-2010 amplified the impact of the change in labor market conditions during local expansions and diminished this impact during local recessions.
In the second essay, “A Framework for Estimating Persistence of Local Labor
Demand Shocks”, I propose a decomposition which allows me to study the persistence of local labor demand shocks. Persistence of labor demand shocks varies across industries, and the incidence of shocks in a region depends on the regional industrial composition. As a result, less diverse regions are more likely to experience deeper shocks, but not necessarily more long lasting shocks. Building on this idea, I propose a decomposition of local labor demand shocks into idiosyncratic location shocks and nationwide industry shocks and estimate the variance and the persistence of these shocks using the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) in 1990-2013.
In the third essay, “Conditional Choice Probability Estimation of Continuous- Time Job Search Models”, co-authored with Peter Arcidiacono and Arnaud Maurel, we propose a novel, computationally feasible method of estimating non-stationary job search models. Non-stationary job search models arise in many applications, where policy change can be anticipated by the workers. The most prominent example of such policy is the expiration of unemployment benefits. However, estimating these models still poses a considerable computational challenge, because of the need to solve a differential equation numerically at each step of the optimization routine. We overcome this challenge by adopting conditional choice probability methods, widely used in dynamic discrete choice literature, to job search models and show how the hazard rate out of unemployment and the distribution of the accepted wages, which can be estimated in many datasets, can be used to infer the value of unemployment. We demonstrate how to apply our method by analyzing the effect of the unemployment benefit expiration on duration of unemployment using the data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) in 1996-2007.
Doutoramento em Gestão
O artigo se prop??e a apresentar os principais aspectos e resultados de uma nova metodologia de avalia????o de programas de financiamento a micro e pequenas empresas aplicada ao Programa de Gera????o de Emprego e Renda na ??rea urbana ??? Proger urbano, tanto no que se refere aos seus custos efetivos, at?? ent??o desconhecidos, quanto no que se refere ao seu impacto sobre a gera????o de empregos, estimado utilizando dados prim??rios oriundos do cruzamento de dois bancos de dados do Minist??rio do Trabalho e Emprego, quais sejam, o do Sistema de Acompanhamento da Execu????o do Proger (Saep), e o do Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados. S??o apresentados, preliminarmente, alguns dos resultados de duas avalia????es anteriores do programa, uma realizada pelo Ibase, atrav??s de question??rios aos benefici??rios do programa, e outra, uma primeira experi??ncia de cruzamento dos dois referidos bancos de dados, que serviu de base para a avalia????o que se apresenta.
Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender a forma com que os mecanismos de governança corporativa interferem na gestão de uma pequena empresa familiar. Para isso, adotaram-se a perspectiva de Hart (1995), que discorre sobre governança corporativa, e de Leone (2005) para empresas familiares. Para alcançar este objetivo, adotou-se, em relação à condução da pesquisa, uma abordagem qualitativa, por meio do método do estudo de caso. A triangulação de dados foi utilizada como instrumento de coleta de dados por meio de pesquisa documental, observação assistemática e entrevista semiestruturada, e a análise de dados foi realizada através da análise de conteúdo. Como contribuição teórica, este estudo amplia o Modelo de Quatro Círculos com Contexto e Sistema de Valores com a introdução de proprietários formais e informais, gerando o Modelo de Cinco Círculos. A presença da governança corporativa foi identificada através dos fatores de diferenciação e da implantação de onze mecanismos de governança que gerou mudanças no controle da empresa, no processo sucessório, na profissionalização e na captação de recursos. Os mecanismos encontrados foram denominados como: “empresa controladora”; “respeito fraternal”; “projetos pessoais”; “pró-labore dos gestores familiares”; “ausência de remuneração dos familiares não gestores”; “aconselhamento profissional”; “prestação de contas”; “proteção do empreendimento familiar”; “alinhamento de interesses na gestão”; “atribuições e responsabilidades”; e “atenção aos interesses dos stakeholders”. Tais mecanismos não possuem ordem cronológica, pois o respeito fraternal e projetos pessoas já existiam antes da criação da empresa familiar. Quanto ao controle, destaca-se o mecanismo prestação de contas, que possibilitou uma ligação entre a família e a empresa; permitiu clareza, transparência, igualdade entre todos os irmãos, diminuindo a assimetria informacional; facilitou uma comunicação aberta e honesta entre todos os proprietários, transmitindo uma sensação de segurança e previsibilidade; e contribuiu para eliminar e/ou minimizar conflitos entre os proprietários (formais e informais). Quanto à sucessão, os mecanismos proteção do empreendimento familiar, aconselhamento profissional, respeito fraternal estão possibilitando planejar o processo sucessório da empresa; facilitaram a comunicação entre os familiares, e assim, diminuiu a assimetria informacional; e realizaram a manutenção e administração dos bens mobiliários da família empresária. Quanto à profissionalização, os mecanismos proteção do empreendimento familiar e respeito fraternal viabilizaram a participação de todos para decidir sobre a profissionalização da empresa. Com relação à captação de recursos, os mecanismos atribuições e responsabilidades e atenção aos interesses dos stakeholders possibilitaram a empresa, durante todo seu ciclo de vida, a buscar recursos financeiros sem dificuldade, gerando um maior investimento, crescimento e geração de empregos
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada por Dr.ª Alcina Portugal Dias
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação de Doutor José Campos Amorim
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo
Mestrado em Gestão